With soul lore, is there any way to clone the Deva (~Arcanum-style)? To get some more manpower?
There's one design constraint. You cant make the engine cheaper. You can save mercury by trimming out weight, but there's no way to lower the enchantment cost of the engine.
A significant portion of that cost is ritual magic, IIRC. That's divorced from the crafting, and more importantly, the crafting time, which is the real constraint.

Can you PM me the cost breakdown of the Wyverns when you get a chance?
Well, looks like I was right in my assumption that the Long Night really would be the Endgame. Except here it's not just about Planet is, but the whole of fucking reality. I think we need to buff the Wall more. Like a LOT more.
...There's a whole bunch of Gods from AsoiaF on the wiki that we never seen IC.
Shit as they may be for that, looking in them may just be needed.

Side note, we should be very fucking careful with Faceless Men... but they might just be some of our greatest friends here now...
Yeah. We've been taking things carefully - for good reasons - but the situation is officially FUBAR and we need every asset we can possibly enlist. I imagine we're going to have to swallow our bile and make some concessions - this dumb slap-fight with the Seven, for instance. There's no reason for them to be locked out of the loop, and if getting them tentatively on board means letting the Faith Militant reform ...
Westeros is important because the Prime material plane is important. This is where the mortals are and it is their worship that sustains the gods, as well as some other aspects that have not been revealed yet.

Kid gloves off then.

We need to call a meeting. We need to get everyone not in the know in the goddamn know right fucking now.

Lucan, Bloodraven, anyone and everyone on this plane that was not present during the collapse needs to be brought up to speed.

We are facing an existential level threat on a scale that renders all of our other fights insultingly petty by comparison.

This is Unicron level scale we're operating at now. And I'm not talking "bootleg Galactus" like most people seem to think he is. I'm talking the "This thing has eaten 22.56% of the goddamn multiverse" level scale he actually fucking is.

We need the Seven on board. They are quite literally one of the few remaining bastions of the afterlife. The very souls of humanity itself rest in the hands of the few gods that still operate on the P.O.B. and we need to get every single one of them that's not an asshole up to speed if they aren't already.

I want the Seven metaphysically up in fucking arms, I want the Old Gods on multiple outsider I.V. drips, I want to shove Yss and the Merlin King full of so many sacrifices they have power coming out of their goddamn ears.

I'll even throw a log on the red bastard's fire. I am that serious about this.

Playtime was over before our dynasty was even born, and we've just caught on to how deep in the hole we actually are.
Kid gloves off then.

We need to call a meeting. We need to get everyone not in the know in the goddamn know right fucking now.

Lucan, Bloodraven, anyone and everyone on this plane that was not present during the collapse needs to be brought up to speed.

We are facing an existential level threat on a scale that renders all of our other fights insultingly petty by comparison.

This is Unicron level scale we're operating at now. And I'm not talking "bootleg Galactus" like most people seem to think he is. I'm talking the "This thing has eaten 22.56% of the goddamn multiverse" level scale he actually fucking is.

We need the Seven on board. They are quite literally one of the few remaining bastions of the afterlife. The very souls of humanity itself rest in the hands of the few gods that still operate on the P.O.B. and we need to get every single one of them that's not an asshole up to speed if they aren't already.

I want the Seven metaphysically up in fucking arms, I want the Old Gods on multiple outsider I.V. drips, I want to shove Yss and the Merlin King full of so many sacrifices they have power coming out of their goddamn ears.

I'll even throw a log on the red bastard's fire. I am that serious about this.

Playtime was over before our dynasty was even born, and we've just caught on to how deep in the hole we actually are.
Yeah, I agree. Now that I know what's going on, I really don't want to fight the Seven anymore. Assholes or not, we literally cannot afford to be divided.
So is the plan basically slowly conquering what is left of Upper Planes and rebuilding from what is left?

Maybe fix whatever problem is with planes of Order so they help fix this shit?
...am I stupid, or is this easily fixed by Cerulean sign in the outer planes and elsewhere, slowly excluding the deep ones bit by bit? They seem to be the most prevalent foe.
[X] Duesal

@thread does anyone have any objection to growing a heart tree in Earth for the Xorn? I can't remember what was needed for that, in terms of extra HD/Caster Level or preparations.

Because I would like to grow some trees in what remains of the upper planes, if it is viable, but for that, I would like to get the OG acclimatised to somewhere outside the PoB first before sticking them into those planar ruins. Imagine going through what Viswrys went through and never being able to leave.

-1 Check with Bloodraven if that the OG need anything special to be done to grow a tree in PoB
-Ask the Xorn if they are cool with it if their local landwarden agrees to it, and what spells they would most like
-Diplomance the landwarden into agreeing to join the OG hivemind

-Do the thing, give the OG a bit of time to acclimatise to different planes.
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...am I stupid, or is this easily fixed by Cerulean sign in the outer planes and elsewhere, slowly excluding the deep ones bit by bit? They seem to be the most prevalent foe.
People have been trying that, but a low-level spell can only do so much. And in some places, the taint has seeped in deep enough that such spells simply stopped working.
[X] Duesal

@thread does anyone have any objection to growing a heart tree in Earth for the Xorn? I can't remember what was needed for that, in terms of extra HD/Caster Level or preparations.

Because I would like to grow some trees in what remains of the upper planes, if it is viable, but for that, I would like to get the OG acclimatised to somewhere outside the PoB first before sticking them into those planar ruins. Imagine going through what Viswrys went through and never being able to leave.

-1 Check with Bloodraven if that the OG need anything special to be done to grow a tree in PoB
-Ask the Xorn if they are cool with it if their local landwarden agrees to it, and what spells they would most like
-Diplomance the landwarden into agreeing to join the OG hivemind

-Do the thing, give the OG a about of time to acclimatise
Nobody really objected, it was just that we need to buy an artificial sun and secure a source of water. We can make the purchase at the Opaline Vault. We can also grow a tree in the Opaline Vault itself in the halls of the gods.
...I daresay, Old Gods may just shove their vengeance against Seven up their ass now, when we reveal to them just how bad everything is, and that it's not going to get better.

And in some places, the taint has seeped in deep enough that such spells simply stopped working.
*eye twitches*
@Goldfish, I am in favor of ripping reality to shreads in those places.
I don't care how bad would that be for reality, this shit is just unacceptable.

Thread's gone weirddddd.

I thought this was a known thing?

Anyway, despite people becoming aware of the stakes, I still would prefer if we didn't just scream like headless chickens and panic and allow our enemies and opponents and their unaware pawns to just get what they want because "there is a bigger threat".

[Edit: or just panic and start mass killings. That's basically a diobablic take on: every mortal soul is a demon waiting to happen]

@DragonParadox @Azel does Viserys think Lucian has seen the upper planes, based on his demeanor and the things he said during the talks? I'm fuzzy on the details, but I think something gave me the impression that man saw something terrible.
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