Polyglot of Chimera
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If mindspider so much as nudges a thought out of place they are going to know.
Think about how danys dreamwalking works. Powerful magic like that leaves traces, even when deliberate steps are taken to hide it.
I would instead recommend using divination spells to pluck what important info we want from their minds.
To quote the text of the spell.
This spell allows you to eavesdrop as a standard action on the thoughts of up to eight other creatures at once, hearing as desired:
- Individual trains of thought in whatever order you desire.
- Information from all minds about one particular topic, thing, or being, one nugget of information per caster level.
- A study of the thoughts and memories of one creature of the group in detail.
I would see use of the suggestion effect on the spell nudging things for sure. But this is basically just Detect Thoughts Plus. It's purely observation.