OOC: Just to be clear he is not brushing you off. Viserys words did land, though you did not get enough successes to flip him.

If we could flip an Angel of the Seven with one conversation alone we'd be able to talk Tiamat into charity.

No what we accomplished here was good enough. We stripped all the flappery and fluff from his argument and turned it into a pure logic/numbers situation.

He'll have to see the stark truth of the matter for better or worse.

Besides, we can always just kill him and chuck his soul empty corpse into the fungus forge if he tries to take us out. I always wondered what an Old God angel would look like.
Will he return to watch over Garth?

Ultimatly he is still an obstacle we need to solve now in that case, since we can't delay that operation until he has had time to chew on what he heard here.

Yes, to do otherwise would be to break his oath, though he might well refuse any future orders to kill unaffiliated mages and/or try to convince his fellows of the point.
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This is the most in line with what I expected to happen. Not quite the range of conversation that was Mel but for now it is good enough. Hopefully he doesn't tell Lucan and screw us. Hopefully.
Something, something, don't dream for some far off golden future when the people in the present require active sheperds to protect them from the wolves.

Edit: It's not the sheperds task to slaughter the wayward sheep but to guide them back to the flock.
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[X] Suggest that he look instead to the Maiden for did he not call this a New Age
-[X] you have heard of how the Chosen of the Maiden is a boon companion of both inhuman spirits and non-sworn sorcerers. Perhaps she can help him with his contemplations on a new age.

[X] Suggest that he look instead to the Maiden for did he not call this a New Age
-[X] you have heard of how the Chosen of the Maiden is a boon companion of both inhuman spirits and non-sworn sorcerers. Perhaps she can help him with his contemplations on a new age.

That's nice, but we still need to get him out of the way for the current plot.

Can't let that intrigue with Garth happen.
I'd like to press harder. One of his biggest issues is that he goes to others so they can do his thinking for him. He needs to realize that gods can be wrong, and they can be warped by their followers.
"I must meditate on this and ask for the Crone's Wisdom..." Roland finally says, obviously meaning to leave.
[X] "It is odd that you claim allegiance to the Father, not the Seven, and invoke the Crone when asking for wisdom. Would he do the same, or trust that his judgement is always above such reproach?"
-[X] "One thing though I would ask you to ponder in your meditation. How many have you slain not by the blade, but by denying them the help of others? How many of those vile witches and warlocks that wished not to raise their blades for your gods could have become healers and scholars? If you think there is a price for magic to be paid in the future, then there must also be a price paid for it's absence. And maybe it would be a much lower price to watch those practitioners for wrongdoing instead of judging them not by their deeds, but by your fears."
I'm kinda expecting this to devolve into:

Deva: "I fear nothing."
Viserys: "That is a lie and we both know it. You fear me and all I stand for."