The Old Gods chessgame only functions vs the Great Other. It is not a move-countermove game with the Seven, mainly because if the Seven actually managed to pin the Old Gods down, especially early in the quest, they'd have torn them to pieces.

They've been nothing but reactive. We've seen no great plans laid out and completed, no real forward movement, and no support from their divine sponsors beyond 'here, power!' that could only grow slowly. Ritual magic dedicated to the Seven could have given them allies that could do far more than another human could. More than that, gods like the Seven have got to have Divine Heralds. I'm honestly just waiting for one of them to show up at the Conclave and spank us in social combat if we try to intervene. At least that would show that the Seven give a damn about their words.
I would rather not have the Conclave into a shaggy dog story where all our efforts are made pointless or we desperately try to restore the status quo.
I would rather not have the Conclave into a shaggy dog story where all our efforts are made pointless or we desperately try to restore the status quo.

I know, I know. And you're essentially right that this is all done and there's nothing to be done about it. I still don't like that. The Chosen were hyped up as this big counterweight to us and now it's just...not appearing.
Either way, it's a bit late now to change things. Westeros is nearly wrapped up and good riddance I say. It's been beyond frustrating to interact with.

I would rather put full focus on building up for the Long Night while fighting on the Plane of Fire.
Agreed. Based on how the Seven have been played for the past 12,000 pages, it'd be pretty damn incongruous for a divine herald to suddenly show up in the middle of the Conclave. If it could happen all along, why didn't it happen far earlier?

More than that, it feels like making the entire quest harder for the hell of it to me.
I would rather not have the Conclave into a shaggy dog story where all our efforts are made pointless or we desperately try to restore the status quo.
The Old Gods chessgame only functions vs the Great Other. It is not a move-countermove game with the Seven, mainly because if the Seven actually managed to pin the Old Gods down, especially early in the quest, they'd have torn them to pieces.

I was not really referencing the "dualities" things that seem to exist in setting, but given how much the Seven have painted their survival at the expense of the Old Gods I wouldn't be surprised if Team Weirdwood had two tables to sit in as it were
Either way, it's a bit late now to change things. Westeros is nearly wrapped up and good riddance I say. It's been beyond frustrating to interact with.

I would rather put full focus on building up for the Long Night while fighting on the Plane of Fire.
Full agreement here, to be honest.
I don't care to see Seven suddenly pull their shit together and make Westeros even more frustrating for those few steps we have left there.

We have a lot more interesting stuff on the way to deal with.
Long Night, searching for Coatls, Plane of Fire and war with Efreeti, dealing with Tiamat and illithids, dealing with Court of Stars, dealing with Yi-ti, dealing with Asshai...

Anything feels more interesting than dealing with Seven suddenly acting out.

EDIT: Ninja'd.
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[X] "Do they not deserve one who will speak for them and be heard in southern courts? Do they not deserve one to counsel them against senseless bloodshed and revenge?"
-[X] "True, I have spilled much blood at the roots of their trees, yet it is the blood of winterborn and monsters, fiends and those that sold their souls to them. How many have you slain in Lucans service?"

I feel like you are missing the opportunity to basically say "The Andals murdering the First Men is actually what drove them to be the savages they are now. And you didn't finish the job before. That caused the desperation that led to bloodshed in these past centuries. If you critizice me for allying with them and reigning them in, would you rather have me finish the genocide for you? Or would you offer your blood willingly to sate them?"

The unspoken "I could instead be trying to genocide you instead" would really resonate with our true intentions. We don't want bloodshed.
Ultimately we have simply to much bullshit on our plate. It's no surprise that some of the half a dozen threats we face is looking lacklustre.
Don't worry guys I won't be pulling any sudden sharp turns out of nowhere. One bad writing moment does not deserve another.

That said I do have plans for what Lucan is going to do and will be sticking to them. Hopefully that will provide some interesting challenges.

Anyway thanks for all the feedback.:)
It is interesting to think about the hypotheticals. If the Old Gods were badly hampered by the Seven early on then that gives the Others more moves to work with as the Old Gods would be investing more into slowing the Seven down. And with the Other's powers coming from cruelty and all things nasty I imagine that by the time the Long Night swings around it would be much worse as the Old Gods either are heavily weakened by the Seven and thus could not be as effective in countering the Others or spent so much power countering the Seven that the Others were essentially capable of moving with no opposition.

Now all this is assuming that Bloodraven didn't call us for help when he needed it. If he did call us then I imagine we would be interfering far more in Westeros and the Chosen death count would be higher than 9.
Don't worry guys I won't be pulling any sudden sharp turns out of nowhere. One bad writing moment does not deserve another.

That said I do have plans for what Lucan is going to do and will be sticking to them. Hopefully that will provide some interesting challenges.

Anyway thanks for all the feedback.:)

Like, to be clear on this, this is nothing against you or your writing. You're handling a whole bunch of different threats all at once, and that's not easy to do at the best of times, and you're still doing it well. Dropping a ball a few times when you're juggling more than a dozen is understandable.
That we basically only see 33% of what the 7 actually do does not help them appear competent.

Like we still have no idea why the warrior chose Brienne, especially when we were right there.

Is he dropping out of the war? Is he defying the father to do so?

It's pretty obvious he's not expecting her to go out and win any wars any time soon.

And then there's the maiden, and the Smith, and the mother.

God's who probably approve of the changes we're making to the world.

Hell free universal healthcare that works would always most good gods act rabid to defend it.
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Sadly I don't have the sheets them anymore. I delete old sheets to reduce complexity-bloat in my notes (and to avoid the temptation of getting attacked and bringing them back/getting attached to a certain arc like that mess with Aberi)
I wasn't asking for the sheets, I was more asking for vague details on how he trapped them.

With the Chosen of the Crone for example, or at least one of them, Danar Crowl killed her alongside Edmure Tully and a bunch of knights. He lured her into a trap after stealing a relic of the Crone from a sept somewhere in the Riverlands.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by egoo on May 1, 2019 at 11:37 AM, finished with 90 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] "Do they not deserve one who will speak for them and be heard in southern courts? Do they not deserve one to counsel them against senseless bloodshed and revenge?"
    -[X] "True, I have spilled much blood at the roots of their trees, yet it is the blood of winterborn and monsters, fiends and those that sold their souls to them. How many have you slain in Lucans service?"
    -[X] "What would he do then, if he came to hold sway in the Vale and have the power to act in the North? I have little love for Rhllor the Red, yet I have not closed a single of his temples, instead raising one in the Deep greater then all others for the sake of those who follow him. Neither can I claim much love for the Seven, yet a great sept is being wrought in my name as we speak. Will Lucan do the same? Or will he do as in the old days and make kindling of the trees and built septs on the bones of those who do not kneel before his gods?"
I wasn't asking for the sheets, I was more asking for vague details on how he trapped them.

With the Chosen of the Crone for example, or at least one of them, Danar Crowl killed her alongside Edmure Tully and a bunch of knights. He lured her into a trap after stealing a relic of the Crone from a sept somewhere in the Riverlands.
  1. I remember one Chosen of the Warrior who got his brain eaten by Ilithids after watching all his companions drown in an old ruin around the time you guys first went to Crackclaw Point. Bloodraven led him into it
  2. Then there was a Chosen of the Smith who was killed by redcaps after they were warned to expect company
  3. Another Chosen of the Warrior just died to garden variety poison put in his drink by local hedge witch who had just revived a dream that he would be a great threat to him.
That's all I can reember right now besides that Chosen of the Crone you mentioned.
  1. I remember one Chosen of the Warrior who got his brain eaten by Ilithids after watching all his companions drown in an old ruin around the time you guys first went to Crackclaw Point. Bloodraven led him into it
  2. Then there was a Chosen of the Smith who was killed by redcaps after they were warned to expect company
  3. Another Chosen of the Warrior just died to garden variety poison put in his drink by local hedge witch who had just revived a dream that he would be a great threat to him.
That's all I can reember right now besides that Chosen of the Crone you mentioned.

Hmmm. Five more. I wonder which ones they were.
  1. I remember one Chosen of the Warrior who got his brain eaten by Ilithids after watching all his companions drown in an old ruin around the time you guys first went to Crackclaw Point. Bloodraven led him into it
  2. Then there was a Chosen of the Smith who was killed by redcaps after they were warned to expect company
  3. Another Chosen of the Warrior just died to garden variety poison put in his drink by local hedge witch who had just revived a dream that he would be a great threat to him.
That's all I can reember right now besides that Chosen of the Crone you mentioned.
*slow clap*

Bravo, Bloodraven. You live up to your legend. :D

@DragonParadox, out of curiosity, what sorts of things is he up to now that he had the gargantuan power boost from the Tree of the Dawn Age?
*slow clap*

Bravo, Bloodraven. You live up to your legend. :D

@DragonParadox, out of curiosity, what sorts of things is he up to now that he had the gargantuan power boost from the Tree of the Dawn Age?

I would rather tell you guys that IC. Speaking of IC advancement, vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by egoo on May 1, 2019 at 11:37 AM, finished with 90 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] "Do they not deserve one who will speak for them and be heard in southern courts? Do they not deserve one to counsel them against senseless bloodshed and revenge?"
    -[X] "True, I have spilled much blood at the roots of their trees, yet it is the blood of winterborn and monsters, fiends and those that sold their souls to them. How many have you slain in Lucans service?"
    -[X] "What would he do then, if he came to hold sway in the Vale and have the power to act in the North? I have little love for Rhllor the Red, yet I have not closed a single of his temples, instead raising one in the Deep greater then all others for the sake of those who follow him. Neither can I claim much love for the Seven, yet a great sept is being wrought in my name as we speak. Will Lucan do the same? Or will he do as in the old days and make kindling of the trees and built septs on the bones of those who do not kneel before his gods?"
  1. I remember one Chosen of the Warrior who got his brain eaten by Ilithids after watching all his companions drown in an old ruin around the time you guys first went to Crackclaw Point. Bloodraven led him into it
  2. Then there was a Chosen of the Smith who was killed by redcaps after they were warned to expect company
  3. Another Chosen of the Warrior just died to garden variety poison put in his drink by local hedge witch who had just revived a dream that he would be a great threat to him.
That's all I can reember right now besides that Chosen of the Crone you mentioned.

I imagined manipulations but this is quite impressive. Also Garden Variety poison seems like a bad way to go. If it was a hedge witch I imagine it was probably belladonna or some other not so rare plant being used.
How do I say...

We gave Brienne a PFE amulet.

We did.


Who are her gods enemy.

Because she was basically chum without one, and we knew that, and felt bad about it.

The warrior maybe should have provided a little more help to her.

(On a personal note, I'm waiting for us to try and get the Smith's chosen into the Scholararium.)