Was I missing something with the Carthage quote in the Mods post btw "Ceterum censeo Mecca esse delendam.", the other quote was obvious in what they were getting at but a Rome v Carthage meme in a Rome quest seemed really inoffensive.
To be fair they were referencing what we would rightly consider a massive war crime in a manner that is far from tasteful. Anyway this is probably not the best place to discuss this.
On the note of getting things back on track vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 30, 2019 at 2:55 AM, finished with 168 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Plan Sneaky Heretic
-[X] First and foremost, scry Ser Garth and see where he is as well as who he's meeting with.
--[X] Continue having him monitored so you can immediately rescue him if necessary.
-[X] Do some cursory work and check on the septon's sympathies, see if you can find out who he's in communication with.
--[X] After finding out what you can, go meet with Lord Hightower and bring up these suspicions. If necessary, deflect blame from Lynesse by pointing out you have been investigating Lucan quite heavily.
-[X] In the meantime, contact Yrael, and ask that he and a few Archons go to Whitehead Keep and publicly (and safely, no unnecessary risks) free Septon Dondar. That man is one whose preaching will lead to a land of more tolerance and peace, he must survive. His chances will be greater if he is seen to have divine blessings.
--[X] They don't need to talk if the questions asked are awkward. Their only goal is to be seen while freeing Septon Dondar. --[X] Send Dany with them to serve as the mouthpiece if needed as well as to fight with them should any surprises pop up. She will bring whatever reinforcements she seems necessary.
--[X] They are to be backed by Yss divinations to make sure that no nasty surprises are waiting for them. --[X] After rescuing Septon Dondar, Dany is to arrange his transport to Oldtown to the Conclave (preferably without hinting at our identities) so that he is able to meet with the Begging Brother Dywen.
Was I missing something with the Carthage quote in the Mods post btw "Ceterum censeo Mecca esse delendam.", the other quote was obvious in what they were getting at but a Rome v Carthage meme in a Rome quest seemed really inoffensive.
[] Plan Sneaky Heretic
-[] First and foremost, scry Ser Garth and see where he is as well as who he's meeting with.
--[] Continue having him monitored so you can immediately rescue him if necessary.
-[] Do some cursory work and check on the septon's sympathies, see if you can find out who he's in communication with.
--[] After finding out what you can, go meet with Lord Hightower and bring up these suspicions. If necessary, deflect blame from Lynesse by pointing out you have been investigating Lucan quite heavily.
-[] In the meantime, contact Yrael, and ask that he and a few Archons go to Whitehead Keep and publicly (and safely, no unnecessary risks) free Septon Dondar. That man is one whose preaching will lead to a land of more tolerance and peace, he must survive. His chances will be greater if he is seen to have divine blessings.
--[] They don't need to talk if the questions asked are awkward. Their only goal is to be seen while freeing Septon Dondar.
--[] Send Dany with them to serve as the mouthpiece if needed as well as to fight with them should any surprises pop up. She will bring whatever reinforcements she seems necessary.
--[] They are to be backed by Yss divinations to make sure that no nasty surprises are waiting for them.
--[] After rescuing Septon Dondar, Dany is to arrange his transport to Oldtown to the Conclave (preferably without hinting at our identities) so that he is able to meet with the Begging Brother Dywen.
After calming Lynesse and thanking her for all she had done to reveal the plot and bring it before you as quickly as possible, the six of you settle down to what you suspect will be a long night of planning, a touch awkwardly on the Hound's part but otherwise determined to untangle the septon's plot. The first bit of news you are able to draw from the ether is silence that speaks louder than a thousand words. Whoever Septon Alyn is in contact with is warded against foresight which makes for a very short list of suspects with an obvious first choice...
"Lucan," Dany shakes her head. "Well at least if we have to fight him and his oathsworn mages outside the city our pledge to Lord Hightower will be intact, not that I imagine he will be of a mind to quibble over the matter given that 'the lunatic', as Lady Lynesse so eloquently put it, has likely shown himself an enemy of House Hightower also."
"You think it's a trap, Your Highness?" Ser Richard asks.
"What else could it be with Garth himself unwarded?" she counters. The first question you had asked had shown that Garth is indeed where he aught to be, riding along inspecting the vineyards.
"I do not think Ser Garth is plotting willing treason either," you muse. "The lady's fears aside, I do not think her kin would lightly turn on each other, though if someone would have persuaded him that his brother had been enthralled then I could easily see him playing the part."
"The Hightowers did not lack for ambition in the past, but in this case I am inclined to agree," your mother adds in like tone. "If it is a trap meant to catch the scryer's eye then let us look and see what they hope to bait us with."
And so the silvered mirror is placed upon the table, reaching out to the glass with Lynesse's description of her second eldest brother in mind, a poor focus as such things go, but still your magic catches hold, the mirror ripples and in its depths an image forms. Ser Garth is not alone, but in the company of three other knights, the blazons of House Beesbury, Cuy, and Cupps upon their shields. The mood between the four is tense, you can read it in the quick jerking motions of the reigns as their horses trot through the moonlit path, but there is no outright hostility to be seen. Whatever else Garth is not a prisoner.
You try to twist the scrying eye about to see as much as possible around the riders, but the spell's tethering to Ser Garth as well as the trees and thickets conspire to hide a great deal. You are not certain you could even see through ordinary hiding places, much less arcane veils. Yet you do need to keep an eye on Garth while you speak to his brother... and not just seeing what your foes might expect you do.
Thus you wake Varys and cast upon her the most flawless glamour you can weave alongside the power to speak with you no matter the distance before she draws on a fraction of your power to will herself onto the forest path the mirror shows.
For a long moment there is silence as she orients herself and rises above the trees. Then the answer you had been long expecting comes: "There's angel up here, 'watching over' the knights." One can almost taste the sarcasm in her words, though that may be because you agree with her. "Only the one and it is a warrior, not the law-giver. A Greater Raven should be able to keep out of its way and keep an eye on both."
How do you continue to keep watch on Ser Garth and his company?
[] Have Varys remain in place, drawing on your magic to stay unseen
-[] Write in what quality of invisibility to use
[] Send a Greater Raven
[] Write in
"Since we know where Lucan's attention is bent I think it may be time to use our own heavenly hosts," Dany says thoughtfully. "I could accompany Yrael and some of his subordinates to Whitehead Keep to free Septon Donar 'as proof of the Seven's favor' for the particularists in the Stormlands."
"Why do you have to go?" your mother asks, ill-at-ease at letting your sister go alone to fight.
"Because Yrael cannot lie, nor should he try to offer deceptive truths," Dany replies, better that task fall to a false angel.
"Archons playing along to mortals as to their gods' true will. What is the world coming to?" Leto's lips twist into a smile at once bitter and mocking.
"As far as we can tell their gods' true will seems to be a tangled mess that will leave the continent drowning in blood," you point out, voice carefully neutral. "Even now a man sits chained because he dared to ask that each of the faithful have the freedom of their own conscience. That seems a worthy goal for all of us to strive towards."
She looks startled for a moment, then nods, conceding the point, without rancor you are glad to see.
While Dany makes her way first to Sorcerer's Deep to meet with Yrael and the others, and from there to Weeping Town, you and your mother hasten to Battle Island, leaving Ser Richard and Clegane to guard Lynesse should any have thought to follow her.
Though Ser Baelor is long since abed he has thankfully given orders that he is to be called forth at any hour of the day or night if you present a token proving your identity for the guards, thus it is a mere half-an-hour later that you are ushered once more into the company of the Lord of Oldtown.
The news that his brother is being used in some plot of Lucan's is enough to vastly overshadow any anger he may be feeling towards Lynesse. Instinctively his hand goes to the hilt of Vigilance. Not a trace of his usual good humor can be seen as he speaks, words hard as the bedrock beneath the Hightower: "He is trying to foment dissent among my banners, my kin. I will have the bastard's head for this."
Not that you disagree with the lord's newfound resolve, but there is still a great deal of planning to be hand before Brother Lucan's head can adorn any spikes. For one you need him for the Conclave to ensure that its failure is also his.
What do you suggest?
[] Write in
OOC: Turns out Lynesse was worried about the wrong thing—she thought Baelor's brushing her off was just because he did not value her opinions, but in fact a good part of it was trust that no one in his household would so easily consider treachery. With the hints that that might not be the case, Baelor is furious.
Hmm, so what about surprise Teleportation right behind the Movanic Deva, along with a side of Bottling, rather than playing the surveillance game?
As far as anyone would ever know, it would simply have disappeared. Lucas could read between the lines, of course, but its not like he would be any more our enemy than he already is.
On the other hand there aren't a lot of people who could make a Deva vanish and who are immune to divination. Lucan can play the guessing game just as well as you.
[X] Capture and bottlw the Monavic Deva using all available stealth at our disposal, with Richard and Sandor along with a small flight of Erinyes should there be hidden reinforcements we are not aware of. The Erinyes will disguise themselves as Angels and remain out of immediate sight unless needed. -[X] We will see what the Angel has to say for itself and it's earthly master, even if we need to use the Snare and assistance from Yrael to do so. --[X] Caution Baelor to be patient. We don't yet know enough of Lucan's plan. ---[X] Invite him to the Snare where we will interrogate the Deva, prying the secrets from it's mind if necessary.
[X] Capture and bottlw the Monavic Deva using all available stealth at our disposal, with Richard and Sandor along with a small flight of Erinyes should there be hidden reinforcements we are not aware of. -[X] We will see what the Angel has to say for itself and it's earthly master, even if we need to use the Snare and assistance from Yrael to do so. --[X] Caution Baelor to be patient. We don't yet know enough of Lucan's plan. ---[X] Invite him to the Snare where we will interrogate the Deva, prying the secrets from it's mind if necessary.
At this point it's just a contest between us and Brynden to see how many councils and bodies of power we can infiltrate via literally replacing people before the second conquest starts.
Devas have constant detect evil, assuming they aren't using their ribbons to hide their alignment they would ave gone from "strong" evil to "faint" evil.
@Azel we probably shouldn't ask Yrael to help us torture this angel.
I like how Baelor out of many of the Lords we've interacted with, loyal ones for the most part (not willing to put their necks on the line for a song and a prayer, sure), doesn't even stop to question or act shocked about the crazy schemes we're spinning. It really shows that not only is he more accustomed to magic, but he has the same benefit as say Doran in being accustomed to intrigue, but also being able to seamlessly reevaluate a plan or judgement call based on new information given from a miraculous, and let's admit it, convenient as the plot demands source.
Though in this case "convenience as the plot demands" is a Eighth Circle Dragon Sorcerer Master Tactician and Tzeentchian Plotter with access to high level divination.
Devas have constant detect evil, assuming they aren't using their ribbons to hide their alignment they would ave gone from "strong" evil to "faint" evil.
@Azel we probably shouldn't ask Yrael to help us torture this angel.
Why would we torture it? We have multiple spells at our disposal that would allow us to read it's mind or dig out thoughts and memories at our leisure.
It never needs to regain consciousness, if we really are in a hurry.
I like how Baelor out of many of the Lords we've interacted with, loyal ones for the most part (not willing to put their necks on the line for a song and a prayer, sure), doesn't even stop to question or act shocked about the crazy schemes we're spinning. It really shows that not only is he more accustomed to magic, but he has the same benefit as say Doran in being accustomed to intrigue, but also being able to seamlessly reevaluate a plan or judgement call based on new information given from a miraculous, and let's admit it, convenient as the plot demands source.
Though in this case "convenience as the plot demands" is a Eighth Circle Dragon Sorcerer Master Tactician and Tzeentchian Plotter with access to high level divination.
I'm glad the difference in experience came though. Baelor is far better prepared than most to actually understand new realities. He has made use of various forms of divination in the past for instance.