Absent the time and, to be entirely honest, the patience to explain the workings of the world to the proud young knight, you suggest that he pass by the Scholarum to learn, mentioning the opportunity to study any common lore besides. Your power to heal wounds and illness certainly appeals to Ser Dayne. "Dying of a wound gone sour would be a poor end to any tale," he explains.
I don't think you've asked this before, but I'm really getting tired of having to explain it over and over. Not your fault, though.
We can only use Permanency to render truly Permanent a number of spell levels equal to a character's HD. There are better options than a Permanent Telepathic Bond, and in Viserys' case we wasted quite a few levels getting his flight capabilities enhanced.
We can use diamond dust instead of XP to make spells Permanent, too, but those are subject to being Dispelled. It still might be worth using for some stuff, though, since we can make it pretty difficult to Dispel magic if we work at it a bit.
[X] Plan Keeping Our Cool
-[X] Stall Ser Erren while you have Varys go and find someone capable of scrying discover what the Devil's reaction will be to us dispelling the clasp and if we'll need to move immediately to save Garth the Gross.
---[X] If there is reason for urgency, tell Varys to look for Dany and Lya. They need to assemble a strike-tream for Brightwater Keep while you and Richard will make a short trip to Highgarden.
---[X] Explain Varys disappearance as the little dragon having his own moods and leave it at that.
---[X] Talk with Erren while scanning his surface thoughts. Have small-talk about the Reach politics and his family. Perfectly innocuous topics under these circumstances, but we should be able to figure out his position in the family and in regards to devils from the thoughts.
---[X] If he is not complicit: Dispel the item and explain things to him, including that you had information that his family was likely involved with this and planned to take care of them soon, but his presence is moving up the schedule.
---[X] If he is complicit: Wrap up the talk and send him on his merry way. Tell Garin and Malarys to engineer a cause to take him into custody under other charges, then dispose of him.
--[X] If there isn't, dispell the clasp and ask the Florent pointed questions about what he was doing with such a potent magical device on his self. If the knight is complicit in his family's crimes, have him quietly disposed off. If the man is innocent, or at the very least wasn't aware they were dealing with fiends, explain to him what's going on and have him stay in SD until we move on the Reach devils and diabolists.
I don't think you've asked this before, but I'm really getting tired of having to explain it over and over. Not your fault, though.
We can only use Permanency to render truly Permanent a number of spell levels equal to a character's HD. There are better options than a Permanent Telepathic Bond, and in Viserys' case we wasted quite a few levels getting his flight capabilities enhanced.
We can use diamond dust instead of XP to make spells Permanent, too, but those are subject to being Dispelled. It still might be worth using for some stuff, though, since we can make it pretty difficult to Dispel magic if we work at it a bit.
... permanencied (standard): the not XP using, dispellable version. Clearer? Ties in directly to your last paragraph, and I was asking 'why is this not worth it?'.
Could you add my plan under the second bullet point?
--[] Tell Varys to look for Dany and Lya. They need to assemble a strike-tream for Brightwater Keep while you and Richard will make a short trip to Highgarden.
--[] Explain Varys disappearance as the little dragon having his own moods and leave it at that.
--[] Talk with Erren while scanning his surface thoughts. Have small-talk about the Reach politics and his family. Perfectly innocuous topics under these circumstances, but we should be able to figure out his position in the family and in regards to devils from the thoughts.
--[] If he is not complicit: Dispel the item and explain things to him, including that you had information that his family was likely involved with this and planned to take care of them soon, but his presence is moving up the schedule.
--[] If he is complicit: Wrap up the talk and send him on his merry way. Tell Garin and Malarys to engineer a cause to take him into custody under other charges, then dispose of him.
So as I was going though the potential mage competitors I realized I would have to pad a great deal to get us to 16 duels and as @egoo pointed out we have been on the festival for quite a while yet, so instead I decided to go with 16 people and 8 on screen duels.
OOC: The clasp focus was designed to fool even True Seeing, requiring a DC 50 Spellcraft check to see. Fortunately for you guys Viserys bonus on that skill is +39 and he made the roll.
Enough that I'm wondering about @Goldfish adding Insight and Luck bonuses to our Spellcraft, and also wondering if we could capture it and figure out how it works.
Enough that I'm wondering about @Goldfish adding Insight and Luck bonuses to our Spellcraft, and also wondering if we could capture it and figure out how it works.
We can already push our skill bonuses ridiculously high with Divine Insight, Grand Destiny, Surge of Fortune, etc. I really don't like stacking multiple different kinds of constant bonuses on our gear. It reminds me of the necessity to pile them onto gear in order to use Epic magic.
We can do it if necessary, but I would really rather avoid it if possible to limit the cheese. At a resting bonus of +39, that's already beyond superhuman.
Supernatural Abilities: Fiery Burst(Su): As long as you have a Fire spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can spend a Standard Action to create a 5-foot-radius burst of fire at a range of 30 feet. This burst deals 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the highest level fire spell you have available to cast. A successful Reflex save halves the damage.
Class Features: Searing Spell: When you apply the Searing Spell Metamagic to a Fire spell, you do not increase its casting time. Arcane Thesis (Pyromancy): +2 Competence bonus on saves against Fire abilities, +1 to the DC of [Fire] spells. These bonuses double at 6th level. Cooperative Study (Ex): A Scholarium Sorcerer has learned that the sharing of knowledge and research with his fellow Sorcerers is crucial to the mastery of wild magic. The ability increases the bonus provided by any Aid Another actions made to help with the Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, or Use Magic Device skills. The total bonus is equal to his number of Scholarium Sorcerer substitution levels +2. Up to three additional Sorcerers with this ability may aid a single character, each making their own Aid Another check, but the total bonus gained by the recipient may not exceed +10. If all spellcasters involved have this ability, choose one to be the recipient of the Cooperative Study.
Amulet of Tears (3 Charges/day): 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Anklets of Translocation (2/day): Ability: Instantly teleport as per a short dimensional hop (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. One cannot use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can one teleport into a solid object; if such an attempt is made, the anklet's activation is wasted. The Wearer can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can't bring another creature with you.
Boneward Belt (3 Charges/Day): +1 Constitution, 1 Charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 Charges (Heal 3d8 points of damage), or 3 Charges(Heal 4d8 points of damage)
Bracers of Arcane Freedom: 2/day apply the Still Spell Metamagic feat to a spell as a Swift Action.
Convert any spell of 1st level and above to Magic Missile.
Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Launcher: Somewhat resembling a crossbow where the bow mechanism has been replaced by a two foot long and two inch diameter hollow steel tube, this device allows its wielder to shoot items no larger than Tiny-size or weighing more than 10 pounds using the Launch Item spell up to 440 feet. Where applicable, the wielder must make a Ranged Attack roll to strike a target.
Equipped Enchanted Items: Amulet of Tears, Anklets of Translocation, Boneward Belt, Bracers of Arcane Freedom, Earrings of Arcane Acuity, Gloves of theStarrySky, Grimoire, Handy Haversack, Launcher, Ring of Continual Flame, Ring of Protection from Evil (+2 CHA), Ring of Sustenance
Class Features: Potent Enchantment: The Potent Enchantment ability increase the maximum HD of creatures affected by the Scholarium Sorcerer's Enchantment spells by +3. Arcane Thesis (Enchantment): +2 Competence bonus on saves against Enchantment spells, abilities, and effects, and a +1 bonus to the saving throw DCs of their Compulsion spells. Enchantment Domain: At the expense of losing the ability to cast spells from the Necromancy and Transmutation schools of magic, the Scholarium Sorcerer gains access to the Enchantment Domain. They automatically learn each spell upon reaching the necessary level to cast it. Cooperative Study (Ex): A Scholarium Sorcerer has learned that the sharing of knowledge and research with his fellow Sorcerers is crucial to the mastery of wild magic. The ability increases the bonus provided by any Aid Another actions made to help with the Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, or Use Magic Device skills. The total bonus is equal to his number of Scholarium Sorcerer substitution levels +2. Up to three additional Sorcerers with this ability may aid a single character, each making their own Aid Another check, but the total bonus gained by the recipient may not exceed +10. If all spellcasters involved have this ability, choose one to be the recipient of the Cooperative Study.
Amulet of Tears (3 Charges/day): 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Anklets of Translocation (2/day): Ability: Instantly teleport as per a short dimensional hop (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. One cannot use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can one teleport into a solid object; if such an attempt is made, the anklet's activation is wasted. The Wearer can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can't bring another creature with you.
Boneward Belt (3 Charges/Day): +1 Constitution, 1 Charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 Charges (Heal 3d8 points of damage), or 3 Charges(Heal 4d8 points of damage)
Bracers of Arcane Freedom: 2/day apply the Still Spell Metamagic feat to a spell as a Swift Action.
Convert any spell of 1st level and above to Magic Missile.
Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Launcher: Somewhat resembling a crossbow where the bow mechanism has been replaced by a two foot long and two inch diameter hollow steel tube, this device allows its wielder to shoot items no larger than Tiny-size or weighing more than 10 pounds using the Launch Item spell up to 440 feet. Where applicable, the wielder must make a Ranged Attack roll to strike a target.
Equipped Enchanted Items: Amulet of Tears, Anklets of Translocation, Boneward Belt, Bracers of Arcane Freedom, Earrings of Arcane Acuity, Gloves of theStarrySky, Grimoire, Handy Haversack, Launcher, Ring of Continual Flame, Ring of Protection from Evil (+2 CHA), Ring of Sustenance
You know why I'm hyped? These mage duels will be the perfect occasion to learn whether or not our spells have flashy magical effects if desired.
Otherwise there's a real risk that a Enchanter vs Enchanter duel will be incredibly boring to watch. Two people wriggling their hands until one suddenly fails a Will save and falls over? Bo-ring!
You know why I'm hyped? These mage duels will be the perfect occasion to learn whether or not our spells have flashy magical effects if desired.
Otherwise there's a real risk that a Enchanter vs Enchanter duel will be incredibly boring to watch. Two people wriggling their hands until one suddenly fails a Will save and falls over? Bo-ring!
I'm also quite looking forward to the mage duels, there are a lot of tricks for wizards. Be it getting some clever illusions, deceptive spell, odd stuff with reserve feats or focused specialists. Having attrition fights/ slam and blam / summoners/ ..gishes?/ ...so many builds&styles.
.. I love the lvl 5-9 range in d&d.
Considering her role, I would give her the standard loadout for a Scholarium Sorcerer, along with an adventuring kit. She can have a Launcher from the Legion Artillery stockpile and I'll add one on to next month's crafting schedule to make up for it. Also added a Full Pouch PoSK for Anya for next month. It'll go a long way toward making her Alchemical supplies last much longer, since she can use a 2nd level spell slot to duplicate an item rather than permanently using it.
She's got some useful scrolls from Mia, whose she's been working closely with, along with some Divine scrolls she would be issued from our stockpile (which is now so large and diverse that we only track it in an abstract manor).
Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Blanket, Camping Gear (a pot & mess kit), Clothing (x2 Explorer's Outfits, x1 Scholar's Outfit), Flint & Steel, Hand Mirror, Rope (50ft), Spell Component Pouch, Tent, Waterskins (x2), Writing Implements (paper, ink, a pen or quills, & scrollcase)
Somewhat resembling a crossbow where the bow mechanism has been replaced by a two foot long and two inch diameter hollow steel tube, this device allows its wielder to shoot items no larger than Tiny-size or weighing more than 10 pounds using the Launch Item spell up to 440 feet. Where applicable, the wielder must make a Ranged Attack roll to strike a target.
That's why I love the peripheral displays of psionics. They're more convenient than V & S components AND they look cooler!
They can also be suppressed if you need to cast stealthily, though it does require a skill check.