Hmm, they respect strength as per Yss' knowledge.

I'm partial to prioritizing Yss' time than potential subjects. A show of power may be proper.

[X] Plan Draconic Intimidation
-[X] "Bide awhile, while I deal with those who wished me and those I hold dear, harm."
--[X] Proceed with feeding Tor and Varys to Yss, to get the Shadow Guide, in full view of the drow.
---[X] Introduce the new being to Dany and Lya to speak about its new life.
-[X] "Now then, Morwyn and Tuin, follow me for we have much to discuss."
--[X] Adjourn to a free chamber in the temple to discuss @Crake's plan.
Hmm, they respect strength as per Yss' knowledge.

I'm partial to prioritizing Yss' time than potential subjects. A show of power may be proper.

[X] Plan Draconic Intimidation
-[X] "Bide awhile, while I deal with those who wished me and those I hold dear, harm."
--[X] Proceed with feeding Tor and Varys to Yss, to get the Shadow Guide, in full view of the drow.
---[X] Introduce the new being to Dany and Lya to speak about its new life.
-[X] "Now then, Morwyn and Tuin, follow me for we have much to discuss."
--[X] Adjourn to a free chamber in the temple to discuss @Crake's plan.

No, Yss prefers it if you deal with outstanding matters which require negotiation and accord first before all else.
And even then, there exists counter-balancing factors other than the Priesthood who probably just barely keep the whole thing barely functional (seeing as how they still need constant course correction from Lolth, as evidenced by her going silent for a period of time for some spring cleaning resulted in complete societal breakdown).
Can't tell me that's not intentional.

"By the way, without me your society collapses into total chaos while also enemies outside take advantage of your weakness" is a very desirable state for Loth.
Can't tell me that's not intentional.

"By the way, without me your society collapses into total chaos while also enemies outside take advantage of your weakness" is a very desirable state for Loth.

Less a message to the Drow than it is a contingency plan, ensuring fertile ground for her return to wakefulness or whatever it was that caused them to be "without her", if they had a stable society and continued to develop in her absence she might have a hard time slipping back in, particularly with their brand of arrogance.

Ensuring that your subjects descend from the "heights" of your leadership means they welcome you back, even if you're a megabitch.
(Recanting Lolth is probably a formality, but something I rather insist)

[X] Plan: first things first.
-[X] Ask them to recant Lolth.
-[X] To repay their debt, give a report about their lifes/ cities/ other information about the Underdark e.g. exits.
-[X] Ask Dany/Garin to be their guide for the next few days.
-[X] 3 job offers. teaching in the scholarium. working for the inquisition. organizing/scouting missions into the underdark
-[X] Hand them gold and tell them to enjoy the festival.

I think it'd be fun to have Dany be their guide even though they may have some issues with female priestesses.
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These guys aren't in Lolth's Super Fan Club #1, considering what caused them to be cursed to their aberrant form in the first place (the murder of a high-ranking Priestess of Lolth).

Edit: Then again, that's not... really outside the bounds of reasonability for someone with Lolth's favor, really. If they were weak enough to be murdered by another Drow, they weren't worthy of her consideration.
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These guys aren't in Lolth's Super Fan Club #1, considering what caused them to be cursed to their aberrant form in the first place (the murder of a high-ranking Priestess of Lolth).

Edit: Then again, that's not... really outside the bounds of reasonability for someone with Lolth's favor, really. If they were weak enough to be murdered by another Drow, they weren't worthy of her consideration.
Just note.. Lolths favorite sacrifice are high ranking priestesses of Lolth..

I suspect most males in Drow society pray/follow Lolth out of "or else!". Also didn't those two in their cursed form try to defend each other? Brotherly-bonds would be a disgusting weakness in Drow society. X_o

A line along "do you profess allegiance to Lolth?" just to get a read on them/ if we can trust them further.
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it gets a little grim derp though if all species we find are evil aligned. Not saying they all are but if a pattern starts it could get a bit annoying.

I'm going to have to stop you right here, species are not evil aligned in this quest. I leave that nonsense to thoughtless world building like that which gave us 'holy' warriors being fine with killing goblin infants. It's societies that encourage one type of behavior or another. Even in cases like the dragon dreams where there is a metaphysical link between the generations culture is still a significant factor. See Dany and Viserys.
I'm going to have to stop you right here, species are not evil aligned in this quest. I leave that nonsense to thoughtless world building like that which gave us 'holy' warriors being fine with killing goblin infants. It's societies that encourage one type of behavior or another. Even in cases like the dragon dreams where there is a metaphysical link between the generations culture is still a significant factor. See Dany and Viserys.
Thats mostly clear given dany and viserys as examples as they are red scalies who are predisposed for chaotic evil also known as stupid. I have always found the baby killing of orcs and stuff rather racist as well glad you see it that way. It would be cool if we just found one straight up usually good aligned race out there though. Not that they'd be innately good the same way dark elves aren't innately evil.

By the way I was also talking generally. All usually evil species being encountered can be grim derp. You ever played the lone wolf books as a kid those could super grim derp I may remember them fondlybut damn EEEEEVILLLLL was just so damn prevalent.
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Thats mostly clear given dany and viserys as examples as they are red scalies who are predisposed for chaotic evil also known as stupid. I have always found the baby killing of orcs and stuff rather racist as well glad you see it that way. It would be cool if we just found one straight up usually good aligned race out there though. Not that they'd be innately good the same way dark elves aren't innately evil.

By the way I was also talking generally. All usually evil species being encountered can be grim derp. You ever played the lone wolf books as a kid those could super grim derp I may remember them fondlybut damn EEEEEVILLLLL was just so damn prevalent.

The Djinn are predisposed towards altruism and empathy by reason of the society they were born into, phoenixes and archons by the structure of their souls forged in some cosmic fulcrum.
They're from GOT, and honestly you haven't pinned them down as Fae, or spirits, or some strange as fuck immortal Gnomes. However have we run into a single intact good D&D race on the prime plane?

Hell we've gone out of our way to not help bring back good metallic dragons from from the grave. But really if one race of elves are around where are the others, or the Dwarfs? I'd bring up Orcs but we already have enough evil assholes running around.
I still want to help bring Metallic dragons back, Bahamut's church has been trying to do so for millennia, the amount of favors they would owe us if we did it would be great, and we can always use more high level Clerics in our debt.
I still want to help bring Metallic dragons back, Bahamut's church has been trying to do so for millennia, the amount of favors they would owe us if we did it would be great, and we can always use more high level Clerics in our debt.

For balance and narrative purposes they would not owe us what it's worth, on the other hand there is no balance factor to limit how aggravating and disruptive their presence could be, quite the opposite if anything. It's a bad bet for me.

They'll come back eventually anyway, we have a few different species of Dragon and cross breeding has the chance for a wild card into other species including Metallic.
Also anyone else already liking those two? For all their faults the Drow breed some tough and sharp bastards.

I still want to help bring Metallic dragons back, Bahamut's church has been trying to do so for millennia, the amount of favors they would owe us if we did it would be great, and we can always use more high level Clerics in our debt.
speaking of Bahamut, DP is Vassal of Bahamut "canon", specifically the
  • Special: The character must have single-handedly slain a juvenile (or older) red dragon.
part? .. I mean it would explain why Bahamut has next to no clergy ..but in terms of game balance it's just ridiculous.
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Canon Omake: Mountainous Roots
Mountainous Roots
The Twenty-First Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
<<<Previous Next>>>

The Far Eastern man limped with far more noticeable pain and hesitance than he had walking out of the Arena with his head held high, for all that he had bowed and made high praise of the stone-kin giant's worthiness in battle, so humble was the display for the crowd--which seemed to only make them love him more--that Shiera boggled at what could cause such a man to hide his injuries away and play off her calls to allow her to assist him the moment he had reached the gate if his injuries were really so grave.​

"It is a matter of honor," he demurred, managing an almost serene smile as they entered the cordoned off chambers where contestants might find solace before battle. "Both for myself and for the honorable opponent I defeated. Were I to falter before the crowd he would lose face." He said the last word in his own tongue and a certain inflection that implied more nuance.

"That word, it means dignity, doesn't it?" He did not fight her attempts to restore his fractured bones and bruised skin with the blessings given by her God, the Forever Serpent who's coils lay heavily upon the dreams of forgotten ages. The Yi Tish man let out a sigh, nodding once. "But he already admitted you were worth fighting to the fullest extent he was able, even if it meant breaking forty bones instead of half a dozen..."

"Still, one must give face. That was praise in its own way, though I believe to give insult would lay lightly upon his shoulders indeed," they replied with a light chuckle and a shake of their head. "How did you come upon your blessings?" He asked, which took her aback, for few men even in Sorcerer's Deep would be so bold as to ask how a Priestess caught in the grip of greater powers drawn directly from the Divine came upon their faith.

Though come to think of it, the practice of her magic itself was discussed with a light heart most often with those who had made it their home, for no other reason than simple practicality, a place where sorcery was simply another trade and one could be castigated for poor craft rather than wickedness of the heart, if indeed they were innocent of no greater crime than being poor of talent.

"I found salvation balanced in the scales in my journey here," she replied simply, thinking on the fear and horror experienced upon a ship haunted by the remains of a fallen god, still with presence enough to cast a curse on those who would lightly weigh it up in offering to those still living. Though the gap between death and torpor was thin indeed, considering the state of her own lord. "He is strange to mortal ways of thinking, but always fair."

"A worthy distinction to make when weighing service," he said with such effortless assurance as to make the simple words high praise, or that's what the blush upon her skin told her.

She quickly deflected with a question of her own, "How did you come upon your own... talents?" Could they be blessings of the flesh, she thought, as mine were of the heart and mind?

A look of sentimental reminiscence crossed the monk's face, though the smile had faded. "A foolish youth I was, led astray from the path I was meant to follow, but with enough understanding to continue back on it, even in days of strife and turmoil. In the mountains of Azhuan, near enough to the province of Jinqi, I learned under a wise man, stooped with his age, but standing at the highest peaks of enlightenment. Some days, I wonder if I ever came upon him in the land of the living, or if as a boy I was drawn into the realm of spirits and came out again as a young man, foolish still, but with great knowledge ill-considered then." The Monk smiled beatifically once more, "But that was in another time and place."

That had the air of avoiding a memory for fear of past mistakes coming upon them again unawares, but the Priestess of Yss did not know how to just say that without possibly causing great offense. She had not erred once when it came to thinking long and hard about the right thing to say and having the will to say it, but a quick tongue was not something she was blessed with. Perhaps why she had come to be chosen in a way. Still, Shiera felt the need to say something to the man who had commiserated despite owing her nothing in truth. "He sounds like a great man."

The Easterner stood, brushing off the memories, and the fight worthy of song, like so much dust. "Indeed. Should we never meet again, may his spirit reach his ancestors with surefooted steps, in this life, or the next." The look in his eye almost seemed to say he would have a longer journey ahead of him, for all of that. "A thousand pardons, Holy One," he bowed to her, causing her to see past his shoulders and turn her gaze upon the man with ashen hair and a hesitant smile upon his lips.

Shiera made her excuses swiftly, resolving to approach the strange Monk again another day.

"You don't seem happy," Criston said, the question hanging silent between the two. Truth be told Ting would not claim to be displeased that the boy had seen past his own demons, ready to confront both them and any other obstacles that manifested in his path. But boldness could be a poison as surely as drink when taken altogether too often or too much at once, for both the mind and for the body.

Though in these hurried days, he would be little troubled by such excess. The very fact that he had seen past that excess all at once, in an almost meditative trance, made clear that such blessings of the body were tied to lessons learned in the fullness of time. After his last battle, he had come upon another revelation hanging in the back of his mind, waiting to be ruminated upon. Evade calamity, and strike surely, and even if the mountains themselves may fall, you will remain untroubled. That stoutness of heart and mind would aid them greatly in the journey ahead, of that Ting was certain.

They watched Denys in the line leading to proctors wearing an Administrator's garb, who would be taking down names for the cooperative event of the Tournament.

"Be on your guard, Ser Knight," Ting replied to the Stormlander. "There are eyes long since used to the lightless depths of the wilds, both in the world of flesh and the world without, and they do not consider often the comfort of men in their fastness of civilization and sophistication."

"Unkindly ones?" The Knight asked sharply, weighing it in mind no differently than considering the height of the fiend or revenant with which to fell. Though his heart is bitter and his resolve a brittle thing, his loyalty is great. One of the things he admired about the Knight, what had made them able to bond both in battle and outside of it, besides shared drinks.

"Who is to say? These eyes could gaze upon an open field and spy one soul which brings them joy, perhaps, and the deaths of thousands around them in war might weigh lightly on their heart. Those used to long ages biding their time in tangled webs of hopes and dreams make the distinction quite impossible to puzzle out, if they would have their own way at least." Ting would not dare to say the Gods themselves had reached out and touched his mind, as that would be as to the height of arrogance, but there was a certain disquieting serendipitous feeling to the circumstances in which he found himself, having defeated a foe who by all rights could well have easily defeated him, were luck and skill not on his side.

But as had been proven before by the very realm in which they found themselves, the dreams of man could be grand things... ones fit for dragons. Who is to say staring into the distance of time and chance is only for those rooted deeply to the ground?

"Even with all I have learned, Criston, I do not enjoy being moved upon a board by another's hand, sight unseen. If answers are later offered, they will be taken with interest."

"And if not?" Criston asked.

"Then let all debts thereby owed be balanced in the scales."
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Also anyone else already liking those two? For all their faults the Drow breed some tough and sharp bastards.

speaking of Bahamut, is Vassal of Bahamut "canon", especially the
  • Special: The character must have single-handedly slain a juvenile (or older) red dragon.
part? .. I mean it would explain why Bahamut has next to no clergy ..but in terms of game balance it's just ridiculous.
That's not the only class a priest of Bahamut could take.
Paladin and Cleric are propably perfectly acceptable to.
And Sacred Warder of Bahamut for dragons.

Or this: Platinum Knight – Class – D&D Tools
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For balance and narrative purposes they would not owe us what it's worth, on the other hand there is no balance factor to limit how aggravating and disruptive their presence could be, quite the opposite if anything. It's a bad bet for me.

They'll come back eventually anyway, we have a few different species of Dragon and cross breeding has the chance for a wild card into other species including Metallic.
That would be the case in the old days, but then we got rid of the WBL rules, which should mean if we negotiate before getting them a Metallic, then we can get what it's worth.

And I don't think a Metallic would be that disruptive, sure they are powerful, but there are lots of other powerful things, just because we made this Metallic, don't mean it would be more disruptive, than random CR15 Outsider 3456.
*gazes upon the field of fuck Viserys gives as he restructures local civilization from the ground up*

Yeah. Not too disruptive.
That would be the case in the old days, but then we got rid of the WBL rules, which should mean if we negotiate before getting them a Metallic, then we can get what it's worth.

And I don't think a Metallic would be that disruptive, sure they are powerful, but there are lots of other powerful things, just because we made this Metallic, don't mean it would be more disruptive, than random CR15 Outsider 3456.

Enduring Fealty of their line above that of their Lord Bahamut is the worst offer I'm willing to take consider :p, it works for Relath and Amrelath.
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Also anyone else already liking those two? For all their faults the Drow breed some tough and sharp bastards.

speaking of Bahamut, DP is Vassal of Bahamut "canon", specifically the
  • Special: The character must have single-handedly slain a juvenile (or older) red dragon.
part? .. I mean it would explain why Bahamut has next to no clergy ..but in terms of game balance it's just ridiculous.

Yes, though it is not a red dragon but specifically an evil dragon whatever his or her color of scales.

Very nice omake as always @Crake.

I wonder what Ting's reaction to actually meeting Bloodraven would be.
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