@Azel @Duesal @Goldfish We're resurrecting Willem Darry to feel good, right?
Why don't we also pull a political hat trick when we diplomance House Mooton and bring back Myles Mooton, Richard's friend? The whole "you know, one of the first people who swore loyalty to us who lost all of his friends and family to tragedy and bloodshed" Richard?
Though obviously only as part of an effort to A) Dunk some more on Robert, since he killed Myles by his own hand in the Battle of the Bells, and anything to erode what little glory he has left will be worth it in my book and B) to endear us to the Mootons.
It helps that Myles is probably PC material.
Edit: Holy shit, I just realized, Myles would be like
16 if we brought him back.
Myles: "
Seven Hells. You got old!"
Richard: "You stayed young."
Myles: "
Prince Viserys is older than me."
Richard: "You'll get along! Probably. By the way, it's your turn to watch him."
Myles: "Where are you going?!"
Richard: "Not fighting deepspawn!"
Myles: "Lonmouth? Deepspawn?