I'll admit it's been grating on me as well. The Legion makes sense since the Ghiscari are a thing in-universe and they're blatantly inspired by them, and I guess we can say the same thing about the Praetorians. Personally, looking at their role as ultra elite mooks capable of keeping up with high-level PCs and serving as Captain America's for the public, I think we should call them Kingsguard. I get that Viserys and the thread don't hold the institution in any real regard, but they are seen with a great deal of respect by many people, and it'd be a much more IC allusion to an elite royal guard that also acts as a military unit. Although I really like the pic Azel posted, having them decked out in pure white plate and capes is also extremely striking.

Rather than Kingsguard, since we don't need a bodyguard, and Richard has since been promoted to straight up Champion, as in upholding honor in practice, we should call them the Crownguard.

Since they would guard the interests of the Crown, be they people or otherwise.
Eh, sorry. I used warder. Its what I'm familiar with personally.

Name: Dayne Firesong
Alignment: Lawfully Good
Race: Human (Medium Humanoid: Enhanced)

Warder 5
STR 19(20)/DEX10/CON16/INT17(18)/WIS13/CHA11

Feats: Allied Defense, Improved Trip, Knockdown, Power attack, Reckless Offensive, Pikeman's Training, Combat Expertise, Expanded weapon group (primal fury)

HP: 31(55)
AC: 29 (10+ 11 armour + 5 shield +7 NA -4 reckless offensive); Touch 6, 29
Movement: 20ft + 10ft (boots of speed) = 30ft
Initiative: +4 (INT) +2 (PRAETOR) = +6
Attack: 5 (BAB) + 5(STR) + 2 (Enchantment) = 12
Reach: 10ft
DR: 5/Chaotic
Fortification: 25% (gain Fast Healing 3 when it fails for Con-Mod rounds)
Resistance: Fire, Cold, Acid 10
SR: 10

Darkvision (120 ft.)

BAB: +5
Atk: Valyrian Steel (+2) Guisarme +12 (3d8+7 (+1d6 fire)/ x3)

FORTITUDE: 4 + 3 +2 = 7/9
REFLEX: 1 + 4 +2 +2 = 7/9
WILL: 4 + 2 +2 = 6/8 (+12 against mind affecting)

Skills: Profession (Soldier) +8, Bluff +10, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Acrobatics +5, Diplomacy +8, perform (singing) +2, listen +2

Allied Defense: Shares his Combat Expertise bonus with all adjacent allies
Knockdown: Whenever he deals 10 damage or more, gains a free trip attempt

Warder Techniques: (EX)
Defensive Focus (+ int modifier attacks of opportunity, when recovering maneuvers threaten an extra 10ft)
Aegis (allies within 10ft gain +2 ac and +2 on will saves)
Armiger's Mark (4/4) (Hit enemy, free action, -4 when attempting to hit someone besides the warder. Lasts 2 rounds.)
Tactical Acumen (int instead of dex on initiative and dex saves)
Extended Defense (Immediate action, expend a counter, use that counter against every attack against you for 1 round)

Supernatural Abilities:
Burning hands (5d4 1/day) DC 12
Hands of Flame (+1d6 fire damage on metal weapons 1/day)
Healing Nodules (cure moderate wounds/Remove disease 1/day each)

Stances known:
-1st level
Running Hunter's Stance
Stance of the Defending Shell
-3rd level
Primal Warrior Stance

Maneuvers known:
-1st level
Hunting Party
Encouraging Roar
Panthera on the Hunt
Guard's Oath
Warden's Bearing
-2nd level
Armor-Piercing Thrust
Bloody Riposte
-3rd level
Intruder's End

Combat loadout:
Manuevers: Panthera on the Hunt, Bloody Riposte, Intruder's End, Armor-Piercing Thrust, Guard's Oath
Stance: Primal Warrior Stance

Equipment: Razor Sharp Valyrian Steel (+2) Guisarme, Reinforced Segmented Valyrian Steel (+2) Fullplate, Valyrian Steel (+2) Extreme Shield, Razor Sharp adamant Dagger, Handy Haversack.

Im done for the night, ta ta y'all.

Not... quite optimized either.

Edit: Wouldnt ya know it I mixed up combat expertise and combat reflexes too :V
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Stop thinking about it in the traditional Westerosi purpose, and start thinking about it as an absolutely fantastic name for troops clad head to toe in VS that serve us directly.

It's a westerosi name for Royal Guard, and those are often far more than mere bodyguards.
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We should probably give them all some Dukar Hand Coral. Faster natural healing (1/HD no cap), you can hold your breath longer, and you can regenerate limbs in a few days. All for a 1600 gp nonmagical item.
Btw, when we deal with the Golden Company I really hope we manage to take some of the drakes alive. Those are some fantastic grafts we could harvest from them. I mean, seriously. A freaking prismatic breathweapon. o_O

If Viserys and the Companions and the rest of the Imperium wasn't in the equation, f!Aegon and the Golden Company are actually really freaking powerful and could go toe to toe with the Lannisters. Just look at this:
1 Wizard of the Fifth Circle
3 Wizards of the Fourth Circle
1 Wizard of the Third Circle
4 Wizards of the Second Circle
6 Wizards of the First Circle

1 Aegon 'Young Griff' Chosen of Tiamat, mage of the Sixth Circle
1 Tiamat Cleric of the Fifth Circle
1 Tiamat Cleric of the Fourth Circle
2 Tiamat Clerics of the Third Circle
4 Tiamat Clerics of the First Circle

1 Very Young Red Dragon with Mind Blank
23 Drakes with Prismatic Breathweapons

5 Elephants
2,300 Heavy cavalry
1,400 Light cavalry

6000 Heavy infantry
5000 Light infantry (mostly new recruits)
All I can say is that we are very lucky we managed to quickly capture and sacrifice both Essarian clerics (I believe one was a Mage of the Sixth Circle, and the other was a Mage of the Seventh Circle) as well as flip Anu (turns out he was a Mage of the Eighth Circle from what I recall).
From what I can tell, the paradigm seems to be the Lannisters have a very small scattering of very pathetically loyal mages who ping pong from weakling mook to elite, with most of their net positive contributor status stemming from being able to spend a fortune on equipping them. Overall the weakest faction since nothing they have is something either of the other two don't, but better.

Blackfyres has fewer mages, but almost all of them are noteworthy and can actually do something in a fight, or even be the difference between overwhelming victory and crushing defeat via enemy spellcasters getting in the way. Finally, they have custom war beasts and divine boons. They veer from fanatically loyal to plotting treachery with every waking breath.

Targaryens have hundreds of mook mages, most powerful of the mooks being third circle mages with appropriate WBL equipment (actually, probably more). They have more elite mid-to-high level casters than either faction taken as a whole. They have more money to spend, more enchanters, and more available resources than either of them. They have divine boons and custom warbeasts and custom combat mechanics for combat at every level, personal to mass. All fanatically loyal, and or willing to move mountains for each other.

Why are we not getting any plucky bands of heroes barging into our throne room and declaring our reign of terror is at an end yet?
From what I can tell, the paradigm seems to be the Lannisters have a very small scattering of very pathetically loyal mages who ping pong from weakling mook to elite, with most of their net positive contributor status stemming from being able to spend a fortune on equipping them. Overall the weakest faction since nothing they have is something either of the other two don't, but better.

Blackfyres has fewer mages, but almost all of them are noteworthy and can actually do something in a fight, or even be the difference between overwhelming victory and crushing defeat via enemy spellcasters getting in the way. Finally, they have custom war beasts and divine boons. They veer from fanatically loyal to plotting treachery with every waking breath.

Targaryens have hundreds of mook mages, most powerful of the mooks being third circle mages with appropriate WBL equipment (actually, probably more). They have more elite mid-to-high level casters than either faction taken as a whole. They have more money to spend, more enchanters, and more available resources than either of them. They have divine boons and custom warbeasts and custom combat mechanics for combat at every level, personal to mass. All fanatically loyal, and or willing to move mountains for each other.

Why are we not getting any plucky bands of heroes barging into our throne room and declaring our reign of terror is at an end yet?
And of course there's our allies...
They never make it past the laughter at the tavern they declare their glorious rebellion.

Hmm interesting take on the classic fantasy setting, courage through mob mentality, the party motivation topped up occasionally by various NPCs and NPC groups throughout the journey, when "the power of friendship" breaks down the group as a whole AND individuals lose nearly all momentum until they can drum up support again.
Why are we not getting any plucky bands of heroes barging into our throne room and declaring our reign of terror is at an end yet?
We need more omakes for that one, since I doubt there is anything local that could even remotely do something on that scale, or that simply have the sheer balls to attempt such thing in the first place.

Also, what should be the average level of those adventurers? 10-12 since it's the minimum to be considered relevant?
From what I can tell, the paradigm seems to be the Lannisters have a very small scattering of very pathetically loyal mages who ping pong from weakling mook to elite, with most of their net positive contributor status stemming from being able to spend a fortune on equipping them. Overall the weakest faction since nothing they have is something either of the other two don't, but better.

Blackfyres has fewer mages, but almost all of them are noteworthy and can actually do something in a fight, or even be the difference between overwhelming victory and crushing defeat via enemy spellcasters getting in the way. Finally, they have custom war beasts and divine boons. They veer from fanatically loyal to plotting treachery with every waking breath.

Targaryens have hundreds of mook mages, most powerful of the mooks being third circle mages with appropriate WBL equipment (actually, probably more). They have more elite mid-to-high level casters than either faction taken as a whole. They have more money to spend, more enchanters, and more available resources than either of them. They have divine boons and custom warbeasts and custom combat mechanics for combat at every level, personal to mass. All fanatically loyal, and or willing to move mountains for each other.

Why are we not getting any plucky bands of heroes barging into our throne room and declaring our reign of terror is at an end yet?
We've got to note a few more things.

The Blackfyres have fanatically loyal mercenaries in the Golden Company, but our Legions are equally fanatically loyal since we freed them and raised them up. They're also probably far better equipped, too.

The Blackfyres likely have surprise!demons and we know they have surprise!dragons. We nearly met the older-than-adult Shadow Dragon.

Our answer to that is the fact that we have dragons of our own, and we have Viserys and the Companions. Heck, we can even borrow Bloom whenever we feel the need.

EDIT: I feel like barring the Prismatic Breathweapon the drakes shouldn't be too hard to deal with. Just enchant a big batch of dragonbane arrows and unleash the Furies.
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We've got to note a few more things.

The Blackfyres have fanatically loyal mercenaries in the Golden Company, but our Legions are equally fanatically loyal since we freed them and raised them up. They're also probably far better equipped, too.

The Blackfyres likely have surprise!demons and we know they have surprise!dragons. We nearly met the older-than-adult Shadow Dragon.

Our answer to that is the fact that we have dragons of our own, and we have Viserys and the Companions. Heck, we can even borrow Bloom whenever we feel the need.

EDIT: I feel like barring the Prismatic Breathweapon the drakes shouldn't be too hard to deal with. Just enchant a big batch of dragonbane arrows and unleash the Furies.
Give everyone a Seven Veils set item, and bam... Immunity to Prismatic effects.
I was browsing for more alchemical options (Alchemical Items), and I found some interesting ones that may or may not be useful:

For the Legion:
- Journeyman's Friend (Made from Wolfweed, a wolfsbane relative w/o the werewolf hate). Provides the drinker a +2 alchemical bonus to forced march CON checks for subdual damage. Craft DC: 5, cost per dose: 5gp
- Dragon's Brew (Made from a 'Spotty Dragonfire' flower). Provides the drinker a +1 alchemical fort. save bonus for an hour. Craft DC: 25, cost per dose: 15gp

For Tyene:
- Poison addons: there are 4 substances to add to poisons for bonus effects
--Oakdeath: (+2 to poison DC if mixed w/ poison an hour before poison's use) Craft DC: 25, cost per dose: 100gp
--Nightvenom: (If the victim saves against the poison, add additional fort save at poison's normal dc. If the victim fails second fort save, they fall asleep until the poison's secondary effects take place. Victim can be woken by normal means) Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 500gp
--Mindfire: (Victim who fails any save of the poison has -2 penalty to will saves. Spellcasters who fail must pass a DC: 15 concentration check for each spell for 1 hour. Can only be combined w/ imbibed poisons) Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 200gp
--White Sanguine: (Victim who fails to save vs. poison has wounds bleed for 1 min, taking 1hp damage in blood loss each round. Bleeding can be cured w/ DC: 15 heal check or any cure wounds. Can only be combined w/ injury poisons) Craft DC: 20, cost per dose: 100gp

- Positoxins: short for positive energy toxins, are poison variants designed to deal ability damage to undead, despite the normal undead immunity. They have to be crafted by an alchemist who can use positive energy, or who has an assistant who can. The whole list of 7 is interesting.

Against the Others:
- Polar skin: cream that takes a minute to apply, good for 1 hour after use. The effect is to absorb the next 5 points of cold damage. Superseded by magical resistance or immunity. Craft DC: 25, cost per dose: 25gp
- Melt powder: 1 vial can melt 1 cubic foot of ice, can be spread over a 10ft area to melt an inch of ice, if imbibed by a cold-subtype creature deals 2d6 acid damage (DC:15 fort save for half).

Against the Illithid:
- Aura Gel: lights up in the presence of active psionics within 60 feet, gets brighter as you get closer to the nearest psionic source, with the color of the glow depending on the type of psionic power being used. The gel turns to dust after 1 min of exposure to psionics. Craft DC: 20, cost per dose: 25gp
- Cerebral Serum: Grants +2 alchemical Will save bonus vs psionics for 1 hour after imbibing. Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 150gp
- Psionic Ichor: Ranged grenade weapon of 10ft (only activates on direct hit), psionic creature coated must spend an additional power point for each ability used. Victim can use a full round action to remove the ichor. Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 60gp
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I step away for work and step back to the thread to find out it became 40k...



Tongue-in-cheek name for our supersoldiers: Planes Marines :V

[X] Azel
@Azel, is the last proposition for "PRAETORIAN"-project up to date, or shall I wait for adding a link to Research Actions?
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