I was browsing for more alchemical options (
Alchemical Items), and I found some interesting ones that may or may not be useful:
For the Legion:
- Journeyman's Friend (Made from Wolfweed, a wolfsbane relative w/o the werewolf hate). Provides the drinker a +2 alchemical bonus to forced march CON checks for subdual damage. Craft DC: 5, cost per dose: 5gp
- Dragon's Brew (Made from a 'Spotty Dragonfire' flower). Provides the drinker a +1 alchemical fort. save bonus for an hour. Craft DC: 25, cost per dose: 15gp
For Tyene:
- Poison addons: there are 4 substances to add to poisons for bonus effects
--Oakdeath: (+2 to poison DC if mixed w/ poison an hour before poison's use) Craft DC: 25, cost per dose: 100gp
--Nightvenom: (If the victim saves against the poison, add additional fort save at poison's normal dc. If the victim fails second fort save, they fall asleep until the poison's secondary effects take place. Victim can be woken by normal means) Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 500gp
--Mindfire: (Victim who fails any save of the poison has -2 penalty to will saves. Spellcasters who fail must pass a DC: 15 concentration check for each spell for 1 hour. Can only be combined w/ imbibed poisons) Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 200gp
--White Sanguine: (Victim who fails to save vs. poison has wounds bleed for 1 min, taking 1hp damage in blood loss each round. Bleeding can be cured w/ DC: 15 heal check or any cure wounds. Can only be combined w/ injury poisons) Craft DC: 20, cost per dose: 100gp
- Positoxins: short for positive energy toxins, are poison variants designed to deal ability damage to undead, despite the normal undead immunity. They have to be crafted by an alchemist who can use positive energy, or who has an assistant who can. The whole list of 7 is interesting.
Against the Others:
- Polar skin: cream that takes a minute to apply, good for 1 hour after use. The effect is to absorb the next 5 points of cold damage. Superseded by magical resistance or immunity. Craft DC: 25, cost per dose: 25gp
- Melt powder: 1 vial can melt 1 cubic foot of ice, can be spread over a 10ft area to melt an inch of ice, if imbibed by a cold-subtype creature deals 2d6 acid damage (DC:15 fort save for half).
Against the Illithid:
- Aura Gel: lights up in the presence of active psionics within 60 feet, gets brighter as you get closer to the nearest psionic source, with the color of the glow depending on the type of psionic power being used. The gel turns to dust after 1 min of exposure to psionics. Craft DC: 20, cost per dose: 25gp
- Cerebral Serum: Grants +2 alchemical Will save bonus vs psionics for 1 hour after imbibing. Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 150gp
- Psionic Ichor: Ranged grenade weapon of 10ft (only activates on direct hit), psionic creature coated must spend an additional power point for each ability used. Victim can use a full round action to remove the ichor. Craft DC: 30, cost per dose: 60gp