you know that reminds me... this is going to be off topic but how crap is equestrian history teachings? As in just how bad is history taught in equestria? Because from what I remember from the show everything from luna was sent to the moon and before seems to have been forgotten by pretty much everyone and while yes it was 1000 years, we (as in actual us not the griffons) still remember things in detail that happened in the BC time period. I mean twilight was the one who figured out luna was coming back and it seemed no one else even remember that Celestia even had a sister, discord seemed to be more of a fairy tale then history, and while they at least remembered that once upon a time the three pony tribes warred with each other, when a entire audience was told this fact they seemed surprise, like they've never heard about it before then. I mean this doesn't really add anything to the "how do we deal with Sombra" problem that's going on right now but I can't help but feel that Celestia started to edit some of the equestrian history books after her sister was banished either because she couldn't stand the reminders of anything reminding her of her sister (such as past deeds where the fought together) or because she was planning ahead and knew her sister would be coming back and didn't want her ponies to still fear and hate her so she erased her from the history books and anything involving her so when she did come back (and was redeemed) she'd come back as a blank slate with no pre-existing prejudices against her.