This is not a winniable situation. We are not going to defeat this army, and the situations is more then likely going to end in the cannon events. IE Dues Ex Harmony.
magical black mineral for magical black metal! someone else thinks of a magic black arrow and kill it with the magic metal arrow in a Ballistae!

We need the blast furnace first before we can even work the metal.

Speaking of Celestia and Luna, we might actually get their aid if the war drags on long enough. The timeline in between Discord's imprisonment and Luna going insane is murky, but at some point they took on Sombra and won. So it's possible that when Celestia and Luna hear of Sombra mustering his forces, they might prepare to act as well.

It's all conjecture, but it gives a sense of hope, that this won't become an eternal war.

They are going to be somewhere random and the MLP Timeline is thrown completely out the window. Nothing after Discord's defeat is set to happen it will be decided either by the QM or by a dice roll.

I think it might be the reverse. i think it's more of the state of the nation is random, but Questors already placed them on the map

The ones around us were already placed the rest might not have been placed down yet. And they will be placed randomly because the stuff that this is based on is not being used for geography placement.
Whatever happens, our ambush battleplan should always focus on

A) Holding the enemy hordes at bay via prepared positions and natural obstacles.
B) Focusing our siege weapons & flamethrowers onto the enemy abominations.
C) Killing Sombra by circumventing the slave soldier formations through/during the ambush.

The enemy will fight to the last. They cannot be effected by morale and apparently they are immune to the effects of cold.
As such, if we focus on breaking through them to get to Sombra, we would need to kill every last slave on the battlefield, with Sombra possibly deciding to pull back if things end up going against his plans while leaving most of the slaves to a unending holding action.

The abominations are an issue in that they are units that can break our ranks. We must not let them to break our positions or we will lose cohesion and end uå trampled by the slave legion.

But Sombra is the important one here. Sombra is keeping the mind control up and is also likely to be one directing the monsters. If he bites the dust (or becomes temporarily banished, depending on the results of his defeat) all surviving slaves will be released while the beasts will likely rampage without leadership.
They are also the most overpowered individual there is on the battlefield. If we are doing any explosive surprises, the plan should be to hit as close to him as possible. I doubt we could take them out in one shot (the whole carriage is likely full of shielding spells), but such shields take power: power that Sombra wouldn't be able to use against us as his reserves recover from any hit.
So if possible, blowing up the mines under Sombra or in the highest abomination concentration as possible is paramount.

The yak chargers are made for charging, but they can also hold a line. The best use for them would be to slam into the enemy just after/during our initial ambush is triggered and then have them retreat back to our lines to strengthen defensive formations. Alternatively any yak elite warriors (like their chieftain bodyguards and the like) should team up with either two or all of our knight orders in hopes of flanking to Sombra when he least expects it - of course if we manage to trigger the ambush when our cannons are in range to volley onto the carriage, it would help us immensely.

This is not a winniable situation. We are not going to defeat this army, and the situations is more then likely going to end in the cannon events. IE Dues Ex Harmony.

Says our glorious unannounced prophet?
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So about those abominations any thoughts on how those work? Crystal brought to life by Sombra is what I'm going for and those demonic horses are probably some dark magic summons and no doubt have a special magical effect that reduces moral since it HURTS to look at it those crystal monsters are what I'm really afraid of only are heavy artillery will be able to break them.

also YEAH the mongols are coming to help us!
Yeah pretty sure they are crystal ponies that had a large amount of dark magic injected into them that made them those abominations.
Hey guys, what did I mi-
The Peregrines expedition left with almost a hundred Griffons and Diamond Dogs. Only five return alive.

The survivors are nearly mad with fear. They speak of a frozen wasteland, desecrated by foul magicks, the land itself seeming to be actively hostile as the members of the expedition died one by one, swallowed by crevasses, stabbed by crystalline growths, struck down by sudden lightning or flayed alive by unnatural blizzards.
As the scouts finally decided to turn back and leave this cursed land behind them, they were set upon by what could only have been the ruler of this realm of nightmares. A quadrupedal horned Equine seemingly made of living shadow, his mere gaze sending grizzled warriors into fits of primal terror.

He personally slew all but a handful of the expedition, and the survivors believe they escaped only because he allowed them to, that he wished for them to tell all they met of what fate awaited them.


[x] All of them

Wouldn't it just be hilarious if Sombra has the strongest shield in existence to defend him from any magical spell known in existence?
Alright let's start freaking out over what could happen what kind of magic can sombra use other then MAKING FUCKING BLIZZARD make giant pillars of ice/crystal and bloody curses to send entire cities through time and space. Any ideas of what else Sauron will throw at us?
I think that was our plan to begin with hit him with as many physical attacks as possible until one get through.
Yeah I don't think that's going to work we're going to have to get through the army first and i doubt a cannon shot or ballista bolt will kill him and honestly even if we do kill him I'm expecting some dark necromatic magic to make him into a intangible soul monster and to fly away
[x] All of them

you know since one of sombra's things is shadow magic, I'm hoping FIRE will be a good counter to his dark minions since we don't really have any magic to work with to try and counter him. So I'm hoping we luck out and find out that we have the non-magical hard counter to his shadow magic.
Alright let's start freaking out over what could happen what kind of magic can sombra use other then MAKING FUCKING BLIZZARD make giant pillars of ice/crystal and bloody curses to send entire cities through time and space. Any ideas of what else Sauron will throw at us?
Summoning/creating more eldritch abominations in the middle of the battle?
[X] The War Wolves: A recently founded mercenary outfit that's attracted a lot of attention for being composed entirely of Diamond Dogs. They've built a reputation for reliability and tenacity, using their natural aptitude for digging to build pit traps and collapse the dens of monsters. They're no slouches in straight combat either, and seem to have perfected the art of rapid fortification. (Numbers: 500 Diamond Dogs) Cost: 200 Gold
[X] The Crimson Company: One of the most (in)famous mercenary companies of the Northern Mountains, the warriors of the Crimson Company fly into battle with nothing but steel claws and a coating of war-paint. Almost suicidally brave and determined to win glory in battle or die trying, their lack of armour gives them a significant speed advantage over most opponents. (Numbers: 500 Gryphon Berserkers) Cost: 300 Gold
you know since one of sombra's things is shadow magic, I'm hoping FIRE will be a good counter to his dark minions since we don't really have any magic to work with to try and counter him. So I'm hoping we luck out and find out that we have the non-magical hard counter to his shadow magic.

That bone might have been tossed to us in the form of orichalcum. Could work...?
[X] All of them

My choice of theme music would be March of Cambreath.

We'll teach them the ways of war and they won't come here anymore.
Yeah I don't think that's going to work we're going to have to get through the army first and i doubt a cannon shot or ballista bolt will kill him and honestly even if we do kill him I'm expecting some dark necromatic magic to make him into a intangible soul monster and to fly away
Oh no we are going to be killing as much of his army as possible. We are not going to kill him this war. He is going to push until his forces are spent them go back to his territory to rebuild for the next round. This is going to be a series of war unless we roll so high on a confrontation with him specifically that he is defeated personally. He is going to be the danger on the boarder for a long time until we get strong enough to beat him in his home turf.