[X] Azel

There's a spell I've been aware of for a while now, but didn't think much of it because it wouldn't be useful to the main party, but upon further thought it could be really great for some of our baby mages who would benefit much more from using Alchemical items.

Full Pouch allows you to create a temporary duplicate of an Alchemical item, with the only drawback being a potential decrease in quality. If you're spellcasting attribute is high enough, however, you can actually create a more effective version of the item.

Tanglefoot Bags, Thunderstones, and Sleep-Smoke, for example, all have a save DC of 15, but it would be 16 for versions created by the Full Pouch spell if one of our 5th level Sorcerers used it. It could also work with utility items, such as Healing Salve, allowing one of our Sorcerers or Wizards to have a renewable method of healing 1d8 damage via Full Pouch duplication. It's hardly ideal, as the spell uses a 2nd level slot, but it's a really neat tool for them to have in their kit.

Actually, now that I think about it, this wouldn't be a bad spell for Viserys to have in PoSK form. He could use it to create a Fungal Stun Vial with a save DC of 25, which is a really great use for a 2nd level spell slot, considering the vial's effects.
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Still wanting nothing to do with combat. Which we will continue to respect.

Which would hold water except she did ask to come with us to attack the mindflayers ages ago (admittedly, she had no idea what she was asking for, but she was willing). So, I think she's much more ready to go on an outing to slaughter evil and/or valuable things for power and profit, and to just assume that she has not become more confident in terms of willingness to fight is a disservice. We should ask.

Apparently, she was worried about fighting (the expedition to that island that mercy entire on with valeana) unless the king was there, and this time he will be there :)
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 23, 2019 at 9:38 AM, finished with 268734 posts and 13 votes.
Part MMDLXXIII: Beasts Gentle and Cruel
Beasts Gentle and Cruel

Eleventh Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

While it is true that Wyla owes Naath protection and good lordship so do you as her liege. Thus you persuade her to return to Myr while you gather a hunting party for whatever flying terror haunts the island. By turn you pass by the Scholarum where you gather the three most senior mages set to sail off for Yi Ti and then a handful of dockside taverns looking for the Greyjoy siblings. Though Asha welcomes the chance for a fight, Theon is more withdrawn, almost sullen in his acceptance. It does not take you long to realize why as a woman's voice floats down the stairs. It seems you have interrupted a tryst.

"You can have the head of the biggest monster we kill," you offer in half-jesting apology.

"Don't do that," his sister counters. "If he didn't have to work for the exploits to impress women with he would never get better with that bow of his."

"I'm sure there will be plenty of work for all of us," you offer diplomatically while the remainder of the mages shuffle awkwardly, not knowing whether to laugh or not in the company of kings and princes. Lawful position within the realm aside it will take a while for common born mages to find their footing socially you wager.


The jungles of Naath steam in the early afternoon sun as dozens and scores of vividly colored birds fly, sing, and quarrel. Once or twice you even catch some of them echoing back other jungle sounds, the snarl of a great cat and the hiss of a serpent coiled to strike to name a few. Men are strangers in these halls of green, trespassers yet among the wild things. As if hearing your thoughts a strange beast lumbers across the trail.

It's coat is thick and brown like a bear, though far larger than any you have ever seen, the size of a true elephant at least, but the strangeness does not stop there. It moves with a strange uneven gait, as though walking on its knuckles to protect the heavy gouging claws on its front limbs. Small beady eyes observe your group from either side of a long snout.

Theon's painted lizard hisses, but the lumbering giant pays it no mind and simply moving on, lazily tearing the leaves from shrubs as it does.

"That would make a decent rug," Asha says idly as the creature passes, leaving you feeling oddly melancholy. As slow and unwary of men as these creatures are they would likely be hunted to death by enough determined fur traders.

You do not however have long to ponder the fate of bears for a palisade rises directly ahead, the village where foresight had pointed you towards. Here the Naathi live as they have done for centuries, barely aware that the long isolation of their people is at an end having barely encountered Wyla precisely twice. Once when she demanded their submission during her conquest of the isle and the second time yesterday when she had come to see about the killings.

Though the palisade gate opens at once when confronted with your strange cavalcade most of the villagers do not even dare open their doors as you pass through the muddy paths. Doubtless if you could hear them whispering they would be sharing some superstition or rumor about the evils of magic, just as their kindred in spirit if not blood across most of Essos and Westeros do... You cut off the thought for true though it may be it is unkind. These people have no protection against monsters hunting in the night and all the sorcery they have seen is frightful. Why would they imagine it to be aught else but wicked? Hopefully your deeds here will help change that.

Though the grieving families have no more to tell you than they did Wyla a careful search of the goat pens does reveal a sign she had missed. Theon holds up single oily black scale almost invisible in the rich dark earth. "I don't know of any beast with scales like this, though that ain't saying much round here eh?" the boy jests. Though he tried to keep smiling even his irreverent good humor has been dented by seeing the sorrow writ upon the faces of the mourning parents and siblings.

"Give it here..." You draw a mirror from your cloak and spin upon it sorcery that in the eye of power stands revealed the monster you are hunting.

In body it looks like a crooked-baked lizard with a mane of spikes running down its back, a long sinuous tail in place of back legs, and wide crimson wings like those of a bats', but its head looks like onto that of a mad starving hound with a long curling tongue slipping out between serrated fangs as it suns itself on a rock.

Though your ability to shift perspective is limited you can still tell there must be more than twenty of these things. Thankfully they do not look particularly sturdy nor too clever in their gathering, seeming to communicate in snaps and hisses, not any true tongue. Still, their numbers might prove too much of a challenge for Theon, Asha, and the mages to face alone. How much to help while letting them test themselves, you ponder.

How do you hunt the bests?

[] Write in battle plan

OOC: The reason Viserys still did not recognize the things is because he rolled a nat 1 on his knowledge check when Wyla first described them and you only get one of those per creature in any given encounter.
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We should bring back a few corpses to families to both tell them their children are avenged and give them some means of payback by doing with bodies what they will.

As for what we do how about just support and only step in if anyone at risk? Do suggest they come up with a strategy or something beforehand.
Slap some buffs on them and sit back in TD form, shouting advice? Shouldn't be to difficult to play battlefield control or draw aggro while the others get to killing.
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Yeah, Viserys is actually amazing at point defence with Arcane Spellsurge, Wings of Cover for adjacent mages, and even Celerity if needed. I say we put up Arcane Spellsurge and get Invisible Spell through Ancestral Awakening (required for proper Arcane Spellsurge use), spend a round or two slapping up buffs, and then Teleport everyone in and only play defence until the monsters flee - then we Shadow of the Doom them all. If we capture one, read it's mind and check if it has kindred/masters elsewhere we should also be cleaning up.
At the risk of arriving late to the discussion, I'll just chip in my two scents from the catching-up peanut gallery. If this reignites a buried discussion, then I'm sorry to all involved.

@Azel I think you're taking this whole thing backwards. Making Yissi and Kyla Handmaidens and then having them adventure with Dany and turn badass and maybe eventually become companions would redefine the concept of Handmaidens. Same way as we aim to do with Waymar and the concept of knighthood, we could do the same with these two and the concept of Handmaiden. The concept is pretty culturally ingrained in Westeros and ignoring it won't make it go away. We can though transform it into something useful. People emulate the King.

In a way it'd be a vaccine against future Sansa's, not more. Same way as if Waymar's plan works, the Knightly Orders will be a vaccine against future Amory Lorch's.
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These are CR 8, and capable of starflight.

This is way over our baby adventurers' paygrade, and they are awesome subjects to study in the Fungus Forge.
I think our job should be to simply make sure that our subordinates don't die. Let them come up with a plan, we can just buff them up and serve as a safety net in case things go wrong.
@DragonParadox Can Viserys make an illusion of the creatures he saw as a way to prep the mages and get them to roll if they can tell us anything?

[ ] Make it clear that we're acting primarally as backup incase of high level enimies, terrain issues and general heavy lifting. Let's hear them brainstorm and plan, and offer suggestions and challenges to their plan. Teacher mode Viserys activated! Also devise some loose pl
-[] Resist urge to chain BP the enimies when we see them all ready to take their better forms; those of turtles.
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[X] Put Asha in charge of this operation. You will just offer advice and render support for the remainder of the group.
-[X] If things go south, do away with any pretense and kill all the things with a Shadow of the Doom, making sure not to hit your own people by carefully selecting the affected area.
-[X] Likewise, ensure that they all survive this.

It's implicit that we won't solo this encounter for them. This is their chance to look good in the eyes of their king.

We are the Backup DMNPC in this quest, so we shouldn't make the plans for them.