Except she has been evasive for the whole discussion
I've noticed.

You missed the edit.
Furthermore, I frankly don't care about getting Mace Tyrell on our side. If we can get the Redwynes, which is looking good right now, we are in a good position to angle for a scenario where House Tyrell needs to be removed from Highgarden "for the good of the realm
I think them not being sworn directly to us is a bad idea unless it's an oath conditional on someone's loyalty to us, at which point we need not bother.
That's the fun thing. How could she ever hope to prove that none have been made?

She can either say nothing, which would be damning as fuck, or spout a denial. Except she has been evasive for the whole discussion and Paxter wasn't even aware of the reasons for taking this crown to Highgarden, so he has zero reasons to believe her word.

This is intentionally dirty arguing.
Isn't she a Fae though? So if she says no arrangements have been made... We can say not yet. And she can't say there never will be arrangements, she can't decide that, that's her bosses' job. So I guess we're fine.
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@Goldfish I'm not sure Cats Grace is worth another Swift Haste, Guided Shot or Hunter's Mercy,
Rather than another combat spell to replace Cat's Grace, what about Aquatic Cavalry instead? It's a really great utility spell for someone who regularly operates at sea. Theon would be able to Summon three Hippocampi mounts for seven hours. With a Swim speed of 60 they are really nice aquatic mounts.
Yeah, but there's also Sidestep and eventually Robillar's generated AoOs.

Not really.

I'd prefer to keep Combat Expertise at least.
Here's the latest version of Asha's proposed level up, I think. It keeps Combat Expertise.

[] Asha Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Rogue
-[] Alternate Class Feature: Trap Sense >>> Penetrating Strike
-[] Retrained Feats: Sidestep Charge >>> Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes >>> Deadly Defense, Weapon Focus (Handaxe) >>> Riposte, Dodge >>> Allied Defense
-[] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Intimidate, +1 Profession (Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble, +3 Sense Motive
I'd prefer to keep Combat Expertise at least.
I presume you mean Combat Reflexes? :/ I'd prefer not to (how often do AoOs happen if you don't force them all the time, anyway?) but you seem to be building towards an AoO build in the future. Allied Defense had to go though, which is a shame.
How about this then?
[] Asha Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Rogue
-[] Alternate Class Feature: Trap Sense >>> Penetrating Strike
-[] Retrained Feats: Sidestep Charge >>> Combat Expertise, Dodge >>> Deadly Defense, Weapon Focus (Handaxe) >>> Riposte,
-[] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Intimidate, +1 Profession (Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble, +3 Sense Motive

I would really prefer not to take Combat Reflexes though. You utterly certain it's worth it now?
[X] Azel

Hrm. I'm not sure if subverting the Hightowers and Redwynes from the Tyrells would work super great. Mace is married to Alerie Hightower and Olenna is a Redwyne herself and married one of her daughters to her brother's son. So the current generation of Tyrells have actually done a pretty good job of accounting for their traditional weakness of large, powerful ancient vassals that don't really like them by fostering closer relationships. See also Garlan marrying a Fossoway. They've done well with regards to strengthening vassal ties via marriages.

Edit: Said son's son instead of brother's son. Whoops.
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I believe you're wrong.

He's the Archetypical Idiot, the standard which all mortal Idiots are measured.

Those that go past this standard falls into Lys General-Whatshisname category, which is literally Mythic Tier Idiocy.

Oh right have we decided on the potential results of an Aedon vs Aurane idiot-off yet?
Still wrapping my head around this...cant comprehend....How is anyone this stupid?!!! I...I can't...I cant do this.
Maybe it's something in Lys. I mean, Velaryon cares for Aurane (or hasn't murdered him yet anyways), so maybe he was less... Like that, before he visited. And Aedon of course is from Lys, so that's the link between the two cases of completely staggering idiocy we've encountered.

2 isn't a good sample size, but it's still worth checking once we conquer the place.
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[X] Azel
If the fey want to live on this plane they have to make peace with the fact that they don't automatically get to rule here.
[X] Azel

I agree on stroke on Westerosi noble's authority.If one thing that we can count on Westerosi noble is they are huge dick and very sensitive to the king that try to reduce or limit their power in anyway.

"The Fey want to gain autonomy on their land"? Other noble house rebel for less than this.
I just started a reread, and cam across this:
One thing you should always keep in mind while building your character is your ultimate goal.

Do you want to depose and replace Robert? Rebuild the Valyrian Freehold? Bring the dragons back into the world where generations of Targaeryans have failed? Found your own mercenary company or take over one? Build a magic academy? Attain eternal life?

Short term goals also matter. How will you live in Braavos? Do you even what to stay here so close to Robert and his potential assassins?

This will mater especially when you get to spell selection but feats will also play a large role.
I find it amusing that we have basically accomplished all of the goals DP suggested at the start, save only deposing Robert.
[X] Plan Fat Chance
-[X] "So it would strengthen the rule of Fey law upon the Reach, to the detriment of the power of mortal lords." // This is pretty much exactly what she has just said, but it bears spelling out for the Reachers to catch on. If Fey pacts become stronger and the only appellation court is the Fey king, then the Fey are now officially establishing a state within a state that bypasses mortal ruler-ship as inconsequential. Coupled with the admission that the Fey will have an easier time plotting, she might as well ask for Highgarden to be handed over.
-[X] "You may hide it behind pleasant words and claims of mutual benefit, but this is what your desires will bring in the end. A Fey court raised beyond the power of the lords of the Reach or any other mortal that they are sworn to. I take it that arrangements have been made that territory will be ceded to this new kingdom you seek to make? Maybe a pact or two forged to that effect in anticipation of binding the fool who made it tight as vice with your newfound power?" // Keep a cordial tone, but this is to pull Paxter and the other Reachers on our side, potentially even leading them away from the Tyrells, depending on what dealings have been made there. This worsens her bargaining position considerably and ensures that any violence she starts will result in Paxter siding with us over "the treacherous Fey".
-[X] "As I stated before, an independent realm in the Reach is not within my interest, especially so if wields to power to bind any and all around it to it's will with bargains struck by clever tricksters. You have been giving me plenty of reason why you desire the crown, but none why I should indulge you. You speak about bargains made, but you have not offered any such. So then, in plain and simple words so that this poor mortal can understand, if I let you have this crown, what shall I get in turn? Would your lord and his court be willing to swear itself to a mortal lord of the skill and character needed to ensure that your assurances about the benefits come to pass?" // The correct answer to the last question is yes, otherwise she just proved everything else we've just said and we gain Paxter as a consolidation price.
-[X] If she now proposes to swear to Mace Tyrell, just snort and calmly explain to her that you are not reassured. Either Mace is an idiot for missing the implications of this bargain or he is an idiot for thinking a independent Fey realm carved from the lands of his bannermen is a good idea.

Good, but the phrase is "consolation prize".