Updated plan, now with a lot of gear for Alyssa and Danar.
I realize this is a lot of gear to give them, but they are both high level PCs with very little gear. Operating as a pair, they need all the help they can get. Nothing major had to be removed from the crafting schedule to accommodate this stuff. A few items were already crafted, though a quite a bit of non-essential stuff, like PfE items intended for stockpiling purposes, or enchanted weapons for the Minotaurs, had to be postponed.
The main items of importance, from my PoV, are the Corpse-Ferrying Bag for Alyssa (so they can collect corpses for us!), the Rope Trick Page of Spell Knowledge (so they can rest safely in the increasingly dangerous wilderness of Westeros), and the Boots of the Wide Earth (which greatly increases their mobility and allows them to easily come and go from SD without needing our help). The False Ravens give them scouts, spies, and messengers, which we've made great use of ourselves.
[X] Let's Do Both
-[X] Invite the three to join you in Sorcerer's Deep for a time
--[X] Offer them a place in Sorcerer's Deep. We will grant them land and fund construction of a suitable dwelling, if they wish to have a place of their own to call home. It wouldn't be fair to their daughter to raise her on the road, after all, and Sorcerer's Deep is full of children with whom she could socialize. There are also plenty of potential caretakers if both of her parents need to leave for a short time. A home would not only give them a place to store their belongings, it would also be a safe place to rest and recover after long and trying adventures.
--[X] If they spend some time in Sorcerer's Deep, they might also find some among the island's populace who would be helpful in their Westerosi adventures.
--[X] As allies against the many beings who prey upon humanity, we would like to provide them with some essential gear to insure their continued survival and to increase their likelihood of succeeding on their adventures.
---[X] Gear for Both:
----[X] Lesser False Raven (x3)
----[X] Greater False Raven (x1)
----[X] Funding: 2,000 IM to spend as they see fit. Save it, invest it, or use it to cultivate Westerosi contacts and grease palms as necessary. Additional funding can be requested, subject to approval by our seneschal Alinor.
----[X] Alchemical Items: Alchemist's Fire (x12), Fungal Stun Vial (x12), Healing Salve (x12), Monstrous Spider Poison [DC 28 2d8 Strength Damage] (x6), Sleep-Smoke (x12), Smokesticks (x24), Sunrods (x24), Tanglefoot Bags (x12), Thunderstones (x24)
---[X] Gear for Alyssa: 2,374 IM
----[X] Anklet of Translocation[84 IM]
----[X] Corpse-Ferrying Bag[300 IM] - Ask that the bag, in addition to carrying their gear, also be used to preserve monster corpses so they can bring them to Sorcerer's Deep.
----[X] Earring of Arcane Acuity[340 IM]
----[X] Greater Ribbon of Disguise[800 IM]
----[X] Healing Belt (+2 Constitution)[400 IM]
----[X] Razorsharp Masterwork Adamantine Dagger
----[X] Ring of Sustenance[150 IM]
----[X] +1 Adamantine Long Spear[200 IM]
----[X] +1 Reinforced Mithral Chain Shirt[100 IM]
---[X] Gear for Danar: 3,331 IM
----[X] Amulet of Protection from Evil[400 IM]
----[X] Boots of the Wide Earth w/Anklet of Translocation effect[726 IM]
----[X] Earring of Arcane Acuity[340 IM]
----[X] Greater Ribbon of Disguise[800 IM]
----[X] Healing Belt (+2 Constitution)[400 IM]
----[X] Page of Spell Knowledge (Rope Trick)[240 IM]
----[X] Razorsharp Masterwork Adamantine Dagger
----[X] Ring of Sustenance (Slotless)[225 IM]
----[X] +1 Adamantine Hand Axe[200 IM]
-[X] Return to Lord Grafton as Dywen and report what you have found
--[X] Inform Grafton that his daughter would be willing to meet with him, not at home, unfortunately, but at a neutral location of her choosing. If he is willing, we can facilitate the meeting.