
Still leery on giving the information out, but then again she already knows the shit I'd rather keep hidden, like the existence of the Plane of Balance for starters. Add onto the fact that she comes from Planetos herself it renders the whole "keep our home plane a secret" thing moot to begin with.

I suppose a fig leaf wouldn't be remiss in this situation. Besides being cordial with the pirates has been a pretty profitable venture so far and if what this woman is saying remains true she's got a number of inside sources. We can use shit like that, and I'm always willing to give valuable allies reason to stay allies.
Aaaaand, goddammit. Not only is she powerful, pretty, mysterious and female, but now she has a tragic backstory!
Thread looting frenzy in 3, 2, 1...

EDIT: Also jeez, Valyria went on for a long time. She was born in Hell centuries before the Doom!

Nopeee, due to the disconnect between the PoB and everywhere else, time has gone wonky. It has been 300 years since the doom for PoB, and ages upon ages for other planes.

If we answer, and I'm not sure why we wouldn't, I would also like to note that "you have not referred to me with titles based on age for some time. How old do you think I am? (Cheerfully, in awareness that she's probably figured it out, or will in the next six seconds).
I'd like to take her to Volantis. For better or worse, it is the truest representation of the Freehold that's survived to date. SD is a great place but it's not Valaryia reborn, and wouldn't have the same emotional connection.
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I wonder if she'd like to buy the ritual we designed to sever something's soul from Hell?
She'd probably pay good money for it, if not for herself then for family.
Still leery on giving the information out, but then again she already knows the shit I'd rather keep hidden, like the existence of the Plane of Balance for starters. Add onto the fact that she comes from Planetos herself it renders the whole "keep our home plane a secret" thing moot to begin with.
Isn't the secret of the reconnection of the Plane of Balance out already? IIRC on our last shopping trip we openly advertised our goods as coming from the PoB. And there's the conference coming up.

The secret that might have been worth keeping here was our identity - to avoid retaliation from the City of Brass. But we've been distinctive enough that it's too late for that - anyone who hears of the conference and interrogates these pirates will connect the dots.
Same with, Lord Brune, Bronze Jon and to a lesser extent Doran.

These people should be made aware of what their Imperator is doing in his spare time.

Oh dear. I can imagine the Human Lords not really getting why a golden snake man is such a big deal when Viserys has killed a zombie dragon (drake he corrects them) already while all the extrapalanar dudes freak the fuck out.

And probably the reason Yss agreed.

Hrm I got the impression that Yss still doesn't really care or empathize with warm blooded mortals that much and this was a Snek to Snek transaction on his part. Of course it seems like Jazirian cares so same thing in the end.

@DragonParadox? Is the Jeyne Westerling who stumbled into an Other-touched tomb the same Jeyne Westerling who tamed by the power of Aurane's magic cock?
Or are they just 2 characters with the exact same name?

I was thinking of writing an Omake featuring Jeyne struggling to recover her lost memories. Is that okay, or will she reappear in the story in the future?

Naw the hag-looting Jeyene Westerling in Canon used her magic genitalia to tame Robb Stark KING IN THE NORTH. (yes this is an oversimplification but they banged and married)

I'd like to take her to Volantis. For better or worse, it is the truest representation of the Freehold that's survived to date. SD is a great place but it's not Valaryia reborn, and wouldn't have the same emotional connection.

Nope nope. He's bent to us but we're not tossing Valyrian freebies to Zherys or indulging Volantis' Valyria-boo tendencies.
Damn, I forgot when the interlude came out, is Embra helping on the anti-harpy mission?

One thing to keep in mind is that backstory or no she is still a pirate and slaver. Bad people can have family, friends and even somewhat sympathetic stories.

I'm pointing this out so you guys don't get blindsided again like with Yrten.
We have recruited worse people.
I'm always happy as long as people don't make much trouble after joining us, before is forgotten.
[X] "I'm Viserys Targaryen, heir to the the last living ancient noble house of the Valyrian Freehold before it's Doom, and king of a mortal realm within the Plane of Balance."
-[x] "This is my younger sister, my sworn sword, and treasured friends and allies."
-[x] "Despite the terrible events that had us meet this way it is nice to meet you... cousin."
[X] Bloodwish a Mage's Private Sanctum over this whole conversation
-[X] I'm Viserys Targaryen, last scion of the Dragonlords, a King in the Plane of Balance.
-[X] And, if you have friends you wish saved from Dis, tell them to get into the service of the Lord of the Third. I won a bargain against him to permanently recruit his minions and make them escape fom Baator.

Proxy-poaching of more minions!
[X] Tomcost

I was writing up my own proposal, but I can't not vote for this. :rofl:
I'd like to take her to Volantis. For better or worse, it is the truest representation of the Freehold that's survived to date. SD is a great place but it's not Valaryia reborn, and wouldn't have the same emotional connection.
What? No. If we recruit someone we're not tossing them to Volantis.
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We're obviously not going to leave her there, but for a first impression of the Plane of Balance.
Yeah, and Sorcerer's Deep happens to be incredible, and it's a shame we don't get to see more of it.

Volantis is a parody of the Freehold at best.

We want to show off our power and the glory of our realm, not the ashes of the past.
Might as well mention our stance on slavery at this point.

@DragonParadox, did we make the Shaitan aware of that? If they bring slaves to our island, they have legal trouble.
Yeah, @Tomcost, best to give a heads up on that. They're welcome to visit, but no slaves.
"Dragons were born as instruments of domination over a realm where all the elements mingled freely, as they in turn could mingle their blood with each other and even with.... 'lesser' races."
@DragonParadox, it's great to see echos of the legends we were told before.
Alas that the spirit of those days did not endure. It came to be that one day a spirit of fire whose name is not spoken even among his benighted kind looked upon the Garden with greed and lust in his heart and wished for his own, yet he could not break his word freely given before the Concord of Singers. And so he devised a plan twisted as a serpent's coils, for indeed he raised up a serpent from the mud and bequeathed upon the power of Song and breathed into it fire, and wings did the serpent grow like the birds of the air and claws like the beasts of the land.

The Nameless One said to her: "You, my faithful servant, shall roost in the high places of the world and carve deep through the heart of the mountains and even flame you shall not fear, and when all is in readiness you and your kin shall call me forth and I shall be lord of this place." Only of the seas he spoke not for over them he had no power.

Now the Serpent had been given a measure of the pride and greed of its master, and so it wished to be mistress of all it beheld and no mere servant, and so it hid the dark thoughts of its heart from him and went she in secret and in darkness when the Sky Fire hid its face to the other powers and said to them of the treachery of the Nameless One. Such was the wrath of the Powers that they hurled the traitor into the Void That is Silence to howl out his emptiness forevermore.

The Serpent, now much beloved, said to the Singers: "A servant I was made to be, but better still that I be a guardian of this Great Garden forevermore that my maker may never never return from the Void to trouble us."

The powers all unknowing did as they were bid and each offered a part of their might to the Serpent, and great did it grow, a monster of hissing heads that could spit plagues upon the land, wings that could blot out the light of the heavens and claws that could sunder mountains. It filled the realm with its progeny uncounted and then it turned to the powers and said: "Behold, for this land is mine and my kin's, for we are born of it and you are not..."

Fought did the Serpent with all the power of the land behind it, and the Music turned against its Singers and the realm of Symphony was lost and the Nameless One laughed from the Void. Though the Garden died, its spawn fled on secret ways, and they live to bedevil the world. Of the Serpent itself it is said it still it still squats atop the Ruin of beauty undone.
So Tiamat started off as a serpent of fire, probably one of the Firewyrm giant snake things that can be found in Valyria, given sentiency by this nameless fire god, and then each of the great elemental powers gifted her a measure of their own strength, prompting the transformation into the first dragon with each head representing a different aspect of the power gifted upon her. And then of course, being Tiamat, she promptly turned on her former allies and spread her dragon children like nuts.

Super cool, @DragonParadox. Though I would love to know what happened to that fire god. He sounds like a great snack for Viserys.

Anyway, @DragonParadox, when do we get to buy the Green Dragonscale Talisman like we voted to do, along with the ebony statue of the Erinyes? We could make very cool things out of those.