I'm not in support of disrupting the schedule even more for this.

I'd mentioned minor actions for a reason, but yeah, I guess it'd be best to just play it safe here, seeing as we've no clue about the CR we're likely to hit.

By the way, Dany has the 19th, 20th and 21st free, @Goldfish. Those are likely to be the toughest days, and I doubt Dany would say no if Soft Strider or whoever asked her to go on an adventure.
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[] That some of them accompany you (Currently 17 Fungus Leshies, 8 Phantom Fungi and 10 Thornies)
Gained 11 Advanced Leshy (3 Leaf, 3 Fungus, 3 Seaweed, 1 Lotus, 1 Snapdragon)
@DragonParadox, here's everything the Fungus Forge has made thus far.

The first quote has all of them still guarding the Fungus Forge. The second had them all come to Sorcerer's Deep and get spread out. And of the last, the following guard the Tree of Dawn and tend to the Dawn Fruit -- one Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy, four Advanced Giant Fungal Leshys, and fifteen Advanced Giant Leaf Leshys -- while one Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy was sent to Braavos to mind the Heart Tree there, and the other was sent to Tyrosh. The two Druid Creature Treants were both assigned to Sorcerer's Deep where they are training druids (and maybe rangers) in the Scholarum.
Also, I'm glad that the scene worked. I was worried that the demented murder dolls idea wouldn't pan out as scary as planned.

Oh, they worked, quite a lot. From Anya's perspective, of course.

Now I think that I'm going to start posting my own brand of omakes, that can't really compare to all these chapters, but I'm going to try anyway.
Canon Omake: Into the Heart of the Matter
Into the Heart of the Matter

First day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

Staring wouldn't solve their problems. Yet, there was with no small amount of resignation that they had decided to simply get the direct approach on this situation. The Meraenos Manse loomed ahead, seemingly drinking and erasing sunlight like the neighboring terrain of the Tiroshi hinterlands.

"I can still try to sneak around the fields, you know," Bargor said.

"That you can try doesn't mean that you will succeed." Failure likely meant a horrible death on the hands of whatever thing was lurking here. She didn't say that. It wasn't the time to speak about grim prospects.

"It wouldn't be so different from what I've done so many times before coming to the Deep," he offered as a last attempt.

This time Mia turned to her colleague, for that he had become simply more than a hired blade in this business: "You used to sneak around real terrain, Bargor."

"Fine, mother!" he said, throwing his hands into the air in fake exasperation, offering her a smile, trying to lift the mood. That he doubled her in age would have helped the joke in another situation. It didn't do much here. Spending days getting enough clues from the testimonies, sifting through hearsay, random gossip, trying to patch up a coherent story was tiring, yes. But something seemed to escape them again and again.

The story of the Meraenos Manse was neither impressive nor notorious by any account. Home to a minor family of landowners dedicated to the cultivation of various fruits in their orchards, it had nevertheless acquired some fame around the local markets for the particularly sweet alcoholic beverages distilled from them. The Old Meraenos had been known for their cheerful mood in the past, but since the man died and his only son had inherited the family's holdings there had been financial problems. Perenor Meraenos was a young extrovert man, quick to anger but also charming. What he lacked was a mind for business, but he had compensated somehow by marrying into the local nobility by seducing a young woman whose fathers had important mercantile contacts. It had saved the Meraenos modest fortune, and it seemed to be enough. That was, until the death of the girl, Terena, by the hands of an obsessed servant who had decided that if he couldn't have her then nobody would.

So far, a common tragedy, but there were many things that didn't fit in there. For once, all the servants had decided to "leave" the Manse after the incident, and nobody actually heard of them ever again. Second, there was the testimony of Terena's parents. The girl's mood had changed during her stay with Perenor. She became more and more shy. She had stopped visiting her parents, then her correspondences had been becoming scarcer, until approximately a month before her death, her mood had started to brighten again. Her death had marked the point where the Meraenos Manse had turned darker, the fields growing thorny bushes, and the whole place had begun to stink of death.

Mia sighed. She pat Skinny on his head, the monstrous cat managing to keep a good mood through all this, and then she looked at Bargor:

"Had I been your mother, I would have made you bathe Skinny at least once."

"He doesn't like water."

"Neither do you, yet I can make you clean yourself from time to time." That at least made a weak smile possible.

"Come on," she added. "I hope that they at least have some degree of comfort in there".

Neither of them thought that it would be true, but at least it was something to cling onto as they traversed the thorn-infested path towards the gloomy Manse.

Note: I'm going to make this a multi-part series. Not too long, but at least I have a story about all this and I wanna see if I can make it work. Thanks to @Duesal for being my beta through all this
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@Azel, now that Anya survived everything and made it to the (successful?) endgame where she joins the Inquisition, can you tell us her level and what weird ability she used to get a weapon to kill the fiend? She's definitely a proper PC by now, that was more than enough trauma.

Also, while I'm sad we didn't get to capture the sacrifice, at least the Old Gods got the sacrifice in the end anyway. I hope Anya makes a habit of doing that.
It's also interesting to see Companions from the perspective of "people on the ground", so to speak.

They seem very otherworldly and mysterious, whereas to us, we know and love them, they're like friends basically.


Into the Heart of the Matter

Ooof, you are spoiling me, @Tomcost. I have all of these omakes to read recently!

And it is getting me into a WRITING FEVER!
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@Azel, now that Anya survived everything and made it to the (successful?) endgame where she joins the Inquisition, can you tell us her level and what weird ability she used to get a weapon to kill the fiend? She's definitely a proper PC by now, that was more than enough trauma.

Also, while I'm sad we didn't get to capture the sacrifice, at least the Old Gods got the sacrifice in the end anyway. I hope Anya makes a habit of doing that.
Nope, the Imp-Arusities Abomination just plain died to a good old Magic Missile. The Weirwood came from a memory blurring over into the present. The tree and the man-at-arms were the missing bit between her running away from the "bandits" and the haggling about her fate.

I will post her character sheet in the evening after polishing it a bit. Now that she regained her magic, she is a Sorcerer 1 / Favoured Soul 1 / Fighter 1 and headed for a Gish build on a Mystic Theurge chassis.
Nope, the Imp-Arusities Abomination just plain died to a good old Magic Missile. The Weirwood came from a memory blurring over into the present. The tree and the man-at-arms were the missing bit between her running away from the "bandits" and the haggling about her fate.

I will post her character sheet in the evening after polishing it a bit. Now that she regained her magic, she is a Sorcerer 1 / Favoured Soul 1 / Fighter 1 and headed for a Gish build on a Mystic Theurge chassis.

How will that work?
Nope, the Imp-Arusities Abomination just plain died to a good old Magic Missile. The Weirwood came from a memory blurring over into the present. The tree and the man-at-arms were the missing bit between her running away from the "bandits" and the haggling about her fate.

I will post her character sheet in the evening after polishing it a bit. Now that she regained her magic, she is a Sorcerer 1 / Favoured Soul 1 / Fighter 1 and headed for a Gish build on a Mystic Theurge chassis.
Does she get any loot in the form of magic items by this point? I'd be a shame if she went through all that and got nothing.

Did she at least level up?
I'd mentioned minor actions for a reason, but yeah, I guess it'd be best to just play it safe here, seeing as we've no clue about the CR we're likely to hit.

By the way, Dany has the 19th, 20th and 21st free, @Goldfish. Those are likely to be the toughest days, and I doubt Dany would say no if Soft Strider or whoever asked her to go on an adventure.
@Duesal if Daenerys has free days she must teach the basics of her ritual lore methods to magelings. That way they can research rituals in the background!
@Duesal @Goldfish

Also you might be amused at what I have planned mechanics-wise for Denys.

Basically, Combustible Lemons + Alchemy + Use Magic Device-o-mancy.

On that note, we should have some wands floating free in the future... :ogles:
Some retraining in the Scholarium and bugging Lya. I've made her sheet with the right skills for Theurge already, but IC she needs to retrain most of her meager skillpoints.
Does she get any loot in the form of magic items by this point? I'd be a shame if she went through all that and got nothing.

Did she at least level up?
Ask DP about how quick she can level. She will be pretty weak until 6th, due to the scattered build taking a bit to get together.

As for loot? Nothing.
Only the Dead (Wo)mans Hand the Devil dealt her.

By the way, did anyone catch that detail?
Some retraining in the Scholarium and bugging Lya. I've made her sheet with the right skills for Theurge already, but IC she needs to retrain most of her meager skillpoints.

Ask DP about how quick she can level. She will be pretty weak until 6th, due to the scattered build taking a bit to get together.

As for loot? Nothing.
Only the Dead (Wo)mans Hand the Devil dealt her.

By the way, did anyone catch that detail?

Every time I reread from the start of the series I catch something new.
She's gone though some pretty difficult encounters and presumably she would have been at least level 3 or so to begin with. I'd be fine with her at level 5 with no soft cap

DP does this look okay?

Ok so this is what I have so far, thanks @Azel for tremendous chassis work and @everyone for assistance ( I will need more of it :oops:)

Bigger Fish, CR 8
Large Construct
Hit Dice:
10d10+60 (115)
Initiative: + 2
Speed: 60 ft., Fly 160 ft. (poor), Swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size, + 2 dex, +11 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/ +21 (+10, +4 size, +7 str)
Attack: Bite +12 Melee (2d6+7), 2 Claws +12 Melee (1d8+7), 2 Wings + 7 Melee (1d6+3), Tail Slap +7 Melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./ 5 ft.; 10ft. with Bite
Special Attacks: Breath weapon (DC 17), Improved Grab, Iron Maiden
Special Qualities: Blindsense 60 ft., Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine, Darkvision 120 ft., Immunity to Magic, Lifesense,
Saves: Fort -, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Fly +10, Listen +14, Survival +16, Spot +15, Climb+10 (likely change)
Feats: Fly-By Attack, Fly-By Breath, Lifesense, Track, Feat 5? (where did that come from?)
Language: Common, Draconic
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Advancement: 11-14 HD (Large); 15-20 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: --

Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 12th)
At will - Invisibility (Self only), Limp Lash
1/day Word of Recall (Special: Works with Iron Maiden)

A lithe automaton sheathed in smoky black dragonscale with the large cold eyes of a deep water predator and sharp swept back wings it seems equally as at home in the water as it does the sky.
Unlike most constructs, the Bigger Fish takes great satisfaction and savage glee in it's task though it is still unwaveringly loyal to it's master and never let's indulgence in the hunt get in the way of the mission.
The Bigger Fish attacks from ambush whenever possible, tracking it's quarry tirelessly to maximise advantageous conditions. In a successful ambush the Bigger Fish will prioritise it's Iron Maiden ability so it may bring the prey back to it's master with Word of Recall.
If an ambush fails the Bigger Fish readily retreats and resumes pursuit, if faced with significant opposition the Bigger Fish will retreat with Word of Recall starting a new hunt over.

Special Abilities:

Breath Weapon (Su):
A Bigger Fish's breath weapon is a 40 ft. cone of thick, acrid steam. Living creatures caught in the steammust succeed on a Fortitude save or be nauseated as they choke and cough. A creature that chokes for 3 or more consecutive rounds takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per 2 HD of the Bigger Fish. Any living creature that begins it's turn in the steam must save again.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Herald is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
Control water slows the Herald down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
Mind Affecting spells cause mental backlash staggering the caster for 1 round.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Bigger Fish must hit with it's claw or bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to encase the opponent the following round.

Iron Maiden (Ex): By making a grapple check A Bigger Fish can try to force a grabbed opponent of a smaller size than itself into the lightless cavity of it's chest.
On a succesful check the opponent is completely encased in the Iron Maiden. It is considered pinned by the Iron Maiden and can take no actions except trying to break free. It gains total cover from those outside of the Iron Maiden, and those outside have total cover from it. Encased creatures receive no saving throw against Word of Recall.
On an unsuccessful check the opponent remains grappled and cannot move from its space, but can otherwise act normally.
Whether the opponent was successfully encased or not, it can attempt to break out of the Iron Maiden's grip by making a DC 30 Strength check or dealing 25 Bludgeoning damage. Once the opponent has exited, the edges of the wound meld back together over the course of 1d2 rounds.
A creature that is grappled (but not pinned) by the Iron Maiden can attempt an DC 25 Escape Artist Check to break free.

Monster in the Mist(Su): A Bigger Fish has the ability to see to the limits of it's normal vision types in conditions of Cloud and Fog as similar to Snowsight.

Construction Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Invisibility, Word of Recall, Geas;
Materials: a custom made platemail worth 3000 GP; for each of the descriptors Air, Water, Lawful, Evil at least a pound of material with a value of roughly 1600 GP from a plane which is strongly aligned with that descriptor.
Cost: 5000 GP
Aberrant Scent (Feat/Bonus Feat?): The twisting scent of aberrant taint is uniquely potent, you can detect opponents within 60 feet by sense of smell. In addition, if you have the Track feat, you can track aberrant creatures by scent. You gain a +4 bonus on survival checks when tracking aberrations by scent and may move at full speed without penalty and up to twice your normal speed with a -10 penalty.

Edit: Changed Alertness to Adroit Fly-By Attack. Prereqs.
Changed Alertness to Fly-By Breath
Accidentally left out Monster in the Mist
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I'd mentioned minor actions for a reason, but yeah, I guess it'd be best to just play it safe here, seeing as we've no clue about the CR we're likely to hit.

By the way, Dany has the 19th, 20th and 21st free, @Goldfish. Those are likely to be the toughest days, and I doubt Dany would say no if Soft Strider or whoever asked her to go on an adventure.
Those aren't free days. All of Dany's assignable days are already allotted to various actions. If something finishes up early, she might have some time available, but I would rather put that toward research the Black Dragonscale Tablets. We had to use almost every day allotted to them last turn.

Soft Strider's group should be just fine; Bronn, Vee, and Xor are all quite powerful and provide a good range of abilities.
@Goldfish There's an item that allows you to hold up to five wands and draw them as a swift action right? Or similar items.

That's a definite must. I'm also eyeballing Quickdraw feats for later on.
@DragonParadox, I don't know if you saw it, but I found all cases of us getting Leshys. Here's the sum total of what the Fungus Forge has produced.
[] That some of them accompany you (Currently 17 Fungus Leshies, 8 Phantom Fungi and 10 Thornies)
Gained 11 Advanced Leshy (3 Leaf, 3 Fungus, 3 Seaweed, 1 Lotus, 1 Snapdragon)
The first quote has all of them still guarding the Fungus Forge. The second had them all come to Sorcerer's Deep and get spread out. And of the last, the following guard the Tree of Dawn and tend to the Dawn Fruit -- one Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy, four Advanced Giant Fungal Leshys, and fifteen Advanced Giant Leaf Leshys -- while one Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy was sent to Braavos to mind the Heart Tree there, and the other was sent to Tyrosh. The two Druid Creature Treants were both assigned to Sorcerer's Deep where they are training druids (and maybe rangers) in the Scholarum.

I'm currently in the middle of hunting down the various rulings you've made on how the Fungus Forge operates, but it's a bit difficult. Still, here's this for now.