Ok so this is what I have so far, thanks @Azel for tremendous chassis work and @everyone for assistance ( I will need more of it :oops:)

Bigger Fish, CR 8
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 10d10+60 (115)
Initiative + 2
Speed: 60 ft., Fly 160 ft. (poor), Swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size, + 2 dex, +11 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple +10/ +21 (+10, +4 size, +7 str)
Attack: Bite +12 Melee (2d6+7), 2 Claws +12 Melee (1d8+7), 2 Wings + 7 Melee (1d6+3), Tail Slap +7 Melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach 10 ft./ 5 ft.; 10ft. with Bite
Special Attacks: Breath weapon (DC 17), Improved Grab, Iron Maiden
Special Qualities : Blindsense 60 ft., Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine, Darkvision 120 ft., Immunity to Magic, Lifesense,
Saves: Fort -, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Fly +10, Diplomacy +14, Survival +16, Escape Artist +15, Stealth +10 (redundant, redistribute)
Feats: Alertness, Fly-By Attack, Lifesense, Track, Feat 5? (where did that come from?)
Language: Common, Draconic
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Advancement: 11-14 HD (Large); 15-20 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: --

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th)
At will - Invisibility (Self only), Limp Lash
1/day Word of Recall (Special: Works with Iron Maiden)

A lithe automaton sheathed in smoky black dragonscale with the large cold eyes of a deep water predator and sharp swept back wings it seems equally as at home in the water as it does the sky.
Unlike most constructs, the Bigger Fish takes great satisfaction and savage glee in it's task though it is still unwaveringly loyal to it's master and never let's indulgence in the hunt get in the way of the mission.
The Bigger Fish attacks from ambush whenever possible, tracking it's quarry tirelessly to maximise advantageous conditions. In a successful ambush the Bigger Fish will prioritise it's Iron Maiden ability so it may bring the prey back to it's master with Word of Recall.
If an ambush fails the Bigger Fish readily retreats and resumes pursuit, if faced with significant opposition the Bigger Fish will retreat with Word of Recall starting a new hunt over.

Special Abilities:

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A Herald is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below.
Control water slows the Herald down as the Slow spell for 3 rounds without a save.
Mind Affecting spells cause mental backlash staggering the caster for 1 round.

Breath Weapon (Su): A Bigger Fish's breath weapon is a 40 ft. cone of thick, black smoke. Living creatures caught in the smoke must succeed on a Fortitude save or be nauseated as they choke and cough. A creature that chokes for 3 or more consecutive rounds takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per 2 HD of the Bigger Fish. Any living creature that begins it's turn in the smoke must save again.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Bigger Fish must hit with it's claw or bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to encase the opponent the following round.

Iron Maiden (Ex): By making a grapple check A Bigger Fish can try to force a grabbed opponent of a smaller size than itself into the lightless cavity of it's chest.
On a succesful check the opponent is completely encased in the Iron Maiden. It is considered pinned by the Iron Maiden and can take no actions except trying to break free. It gains total cover from those outside of the Iron Maiden, and those outside have total cover from it. Encased creatures receive no saving throw against Word of Recall.
On an unsuccessful check the opponent remains grappled and cannot move from its space, but can otherwise act normally.
Whether the opponent was successfully encased or not, it can attempt to break out of the Iron Maiden's grip by making a DC 30 Strength check or dealing 25 Bludgeoning damage. Once the opponent has exited, the edges of the wound meld back together over the course of 1d2 rounds.
A creature that is grappled (but not pinned) by the Iron Maiden can attempt an DC 25 Escape Artist Check to break free.

Construction Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Invisibility, Word of Recall, Geas;
Materials: a custom made platemail worth 3000 GP; for each of the descriptors Air, Water, Lawful, Evil at least a pound of material with a value of roughly 1600 GP from a plane which is strongly aligned with that descriptor.
Cost: 5000 GP
Aberrant Scent (Feat/Bonus Feat?): The twisting scent of aberrant taint is uniquely potent, you can detect opponents within 60 feet by sense of smell. In addition, if you have the Track feat, you can track aberrant creatures by scent. You gain a +4 bonus on survival checks when tracking aberrations by scent and may move at full speed without penalty and up to twice your normal speed with a -10 penalty.
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[X] Pledge some Leshies to Bloodraven's tasks, after all it is by the power of the Old Gods than they even exist
-[X] However many Bloodraven requires, within reason. We can deal with the logistics after.

[X] Yes
-[X] Have Vee and Soft Strider take a week's time out of their ten days dedicated to dino-wrangling to accompany the Children of the Forest to seek out the Ifequevron.
--[X] Also, if Dany wants to take some time out of her free time in-between the Concord of Sky and Stone and her looking into the Black Dragonscale Tablets to join and/or aid them, we won't say no.
-[X] Seek out Stone Horn, see if she and some of her fellows that she trusts would like to join the expedition, one that would no doubt please the Old Gods if successful.

It's past time we see more of our minotaurs besides Argo, loveable murdercow(murderbull?) that he is. I'm also kind of curious as to what Stone Horn's been up to, the last we saw of her was all the way back in 292 AC.
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With that little reminder about our Erinyes, what do we have for them?

We need tasks that fullfill the desires Mereth talked about to Malarys.
That means no teaching or bodyguarding non-combatants like Rhaella, at least not for long and not for the start.

Taking them with us Efreet raiding might be a nice start.
I was hoping we could keep them in SD for at least this month, until we finish getting their equipment enchanted. Right now we can equip them with Healing Belt and PfE items.

We also have the remaining Amulets of Tears (which I can't find on the magic item page, @DragonParadox) that haven't already been assigned to others (Malarys has one and Mereth and Leto should have their returned to them), and the six enchanted bows we took from the original Erinyes. The rest can be given mundane, if Masterwork quality gear while their new stuff is made, I guess.

@Paradosi Can you consolidate your plan with mine? It covers the same material as your, but some additional stuff as well.

[X] Plan Arranging Erinyes Playdates
-[X] Pledge some Leshies to Bloodraven's tasks, after all it is by the power of the Old Gods than they even exist.
--[X] Ask Bloodraven and the Children what types of Leshy they would prefer we create to accompany them, and how many.
-[X] Yes, we will seek the Ifequevron.
--[X] Ask Soft Strider to organize an expedition to locate the Ifequevron, if any remain, which will depart on the 19th of the month. Xor, Bronn, and Vee will accompany her.
---[X] The expedition will carry a Sending Stone plus our original Bag of Holding.
----[X] Before they depart, Viserys will provide them with a bag of assorted stones, each of which will be marked with a Dragoneye Rune. These are to mark interesting locations, including any settlements they visit or ruins they discover.
-[X] All ten of the Erinyes, led by Mereth, will accompany, Maelor, Glyra, Garin, and Aradia on the "Against the Harpys" action. Garin will lead this mission.
--[X] Later in the month, the contingent of Erinyes will accompany Richard, Maelor, Glyra, and Garin during the "To the Sound of Drums" action. Garin and Richard will lead this mission.
---[X] During both missions, Glyra, along with any of her Troupe, will be expressly forbidden from playing pranks on the Erinyes, who might not take kindly to practical jokes.
-[X] Although we are working to adequately equip all of the Erinyes, most of the items won't be ready for several weeks. In the meantime, they will be equipped as follows:
--[X] Mereth: +1 Razorsharp Adamantine Thinblade, +1 Flaming Composite Longbow (all of which have been adjusted from a +5 to a +8 Str bonus), Amulet of Tears, Ring of Protection from Evil, Healing Belt, and Masterwork Reinforced Segmented Mithral Breastplate.
---[X] Leto: Masterwork Razorsharp Adamantine Thinblade, +1 Flaming Composite Longbow (+8 Str bonus), Amulet of Tears, Ring of Protection from Evil, Healing Belt, and Masterwork Reinforced Segmented Mithral Breastplate.
----[X] Remaining Erinyes: Masterwork Razorsharp Adamantine Thinblade, Healing Belt, and Masterwork Reinforced Segmented Mithral Breastplate. Four of the Erinyes will have a +1 Flaming Composite Longbow (+8 Str bonus), while the remaining four will have a Masterwork Dragonbone Composite Longbow (+8 Str bonus), four will have Amulets of Protection from Evil and four will have Rings of Protection from Evil. Three of the Erinyes with Rings of Protection from Evil will be given Amulets of Tears. Mereth will assign this equipment to the Erinyes as she sees fit.
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I hope nobody minds that I had an Erinyes tag along with Garin on Inquisition business. A lot of people, me included, wanted to use some of them there.

Also, @Goldfish, I'm done. You can binge it now if you want.
[X] Goldfish

Although, @Goldfish, could you add the bit I'd just slapped in about Stone Horn somewhere? I want to offer DP the chance to expand on her some.

-[] Seek out Stone Horn, see if she and some of her fellows that she trusts would like to join the expedition, one that would no doubt please the Old Gods if successful.
I knew of dolls devils, but thought of them as pretty useless when it came to murdering. So I didn't think tha tthe devil had deigned to make some of them.

I mean, that fight scene was scary, but because Anya was tied and inside a burning building.

I'm getting 'Very bad day' vibes froma Cataclysm DDA. She needs bonus attribute points.
[X] Goldfish

I hope nobody minds that I had an Erinyes tag along with Garin on Inquisition business. A lot of people, me included, wanted to use some of them there.

Also, @Goldfish, I'm done. You can binge it now if you want.
I like the current plan of sending them out together first.

We, and Richard and Mereth, can get to know them individually abit, to better asign them to more delicate tasks like Inquisition or bodyguarding, or for more direct ones in the hunt-and-kill direction.
I knew of dolls devils, but thought of them as pretty useless when it came to murdering. So I didn't think tha tthe devil had deigned to make some of them.

I mean, that fight scene was scary, but because Anya was tied and inside a burning building.

I'm getting 'Very bad day' vibes froma Cataclysm DDA. She needs bonus attribute points.
He wants to gift a whole cart-load of prepared dolls to our orphanages and they will all turn into Arudisities within a week. It doesn't matter that a Greycloak can kill one easily if there are dozens and they run amok among little kids.
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[X] Goldfish

I like the current plan of sending them out together first.

We, and Richard and Mereth, can get to know them individually abit, to better asign them to more delicate tasks like Inquisition or bodyguarding, or for more direct ones in the hunt-and-kill direction.
Mereth should know all of them. She was the one who gave out their names to Malarys in the first place as the Erinyes most likely to accept our offer of recruitment.
[X] Goldfish

Although, @Goldfish, could you add the bit I'd just slapped in about Stone Horn somewhere? I want to offer DP the chance to expand on her some.

-[] Seek out Stone Horn, see if she and some of her fellows that she trusts would like to join the expedition, one that would no doubt please the Old Gods if successful.
Stone Horn is Large-sized, so she counts for two Medium-sized passengers when Teleporting. Vee won't be able to Teleport them all with a single spell if Stone Horn comes with them.
Stone Horn is Large-sized, so she counts for two Medium-sized passengers when Teleporting. Vee won't be able to Teleport them all with a single spell if Stone Horn comes with them.
Might as well just leave her out. The minotaurs are completely superfluous here, what's important is Soft Strider and Vee and the other baby adventurers tagging along to keep her alive.
Mereth should know all of them. She was the one who gave out their names to Malarys in the first place as the Erinyes most likely to accept our offer of recruitment.
I'd like to have Richard's and other companions assessment too.

Besides it might have been centuries or millenia since Mereth worked with them and likely mostly in the Bloodwar, where subtelty rarely gets used.
He wants to gift a whole cart-load of prepared dolls to our orphanages and they will all turn into Arudisities within a week. It doesn't matter that a Greycloak can kill one easily if there are dozens and they run amok among little kids.

I mean, the moment when one of those slashed open that criminal's throat it seemed like a better fighter than the Doll Devils.

His plan was clever, though. I just wouldn't have thought about using them as anything remotely near violent activities
[X] Goldfish

I like the current plan of sending them out together first.

We, and Richard and Mereth, can get to know them individually abit, to better asign them to more delicate tasks like Inquisition or bodyguarding, or for more direct ones in the hunt-and-kill direction.
She was only tagging along with Garin to have something to do, not actively do anything on her lonesome.
Stone Horn is Large-sized, so she counts for two Medium-sized passengers when Teleporting. Vee won't be able to Teleport them all with a single spell if Stone Horn comes with them.

If the issue is transportation alone, we'd probs be able to fit it in as a minor action for Viserys or whoever else has Teleport?

Might as well just leave her out. The minotaurs are completely superfluous here, what's important is Soft Strider and Vee and the other baby adventurers tagging along to keep her alive.

It offers our minotaurs some screen time. Heck, we haven't even heard from Stone Horn since 292 AC. For all we know, Stone Horn could be well on her way to becoming a druid or somesuch.
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I mean, the moment when one of those slashed open that criminal's throat it seemed like a better fighter than the Doll Devils.

His plan was clever, though. I just wouldn't have thought about using them as anything remotely near violent activities
Alchemical Invisibility and a VS razor go a long way. The little pest had been following Anya ever since her visit to Leani.

It's the doll that Lares barely missed to spot in the Red Parlor, but he did make his spot check while he was bleeding out.
If the issue is transportation alone, we'd probs be able to fit it in as a minor action for Viserys or whoever else has Teleport?

It offers our minotaurs some screen-time. Heck, we haven't even heard of Stone Horn since 292 AC. For all we know, Stone Horn could be well on her way to becoming a druid or somesuch.
Honestly I wasn't enthusiastic about this trip happening this month at all, and was about to make a vote against it right when Goldfish made his vote. I'm not in support of disrupting the schedule even more for this.

If you want Minotaur screentime then we can start focusing a bit more on them and asking for interludes. Wanting Minotaur screentime should not be a reason behind making an adventuring team less effective. Being able to panic-teleport with all members of the party is downright vital.
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Alchemical Invisibility and a VS razor go a long way. The little pest had been following Anya ever since her visit to Leani.

It's the doll that Lares barely missed to spot in the Red Parlor, but he did make his spot check while he was bleeding out.

I have to admit that I never thought about equipping the dolls with anything, just read the monster's entries
If the issue is transportation alone, we'd probs be able to fit it in as a minor action for Viserys or whoever else has Teleport?

It offers our minotaurs some screen time. Heck, we haven't even heard from Stone Horn since 292 AC. For all we know, Stone Horn could be well on her way to becoming a druid or somesuch.

Getting there isn't so much the issue, but leaving that could be a problem, especially leaving in a hurry, if the group needs to escape from an overwhelming threat. I'm firmly of the opinion that you should always be able to escape with your full party at a moment's notice.
Getting there isn't so much the issue, but leaving that could be a problem, especially leaving in a hurry, if the group needs to escape from an overwhelming threat. I'm firmly of the opinion that you should always be able to escape with your full party at a moment's notice.
Agreed. Being able to teleport away with the entire party is a priority.
I have to admit that I never thought about equipping the dolls with anything, just read the monster's entries
They have hands and their natural attacks are garbage, so it was logical for me.

Their main advantage is being very stealthy and if you use that clever, especially by handing them poisons and alchemical goodies, they can be pretty terrifying.

And they are no Imps. Big point in their favor.