No, the other way.
Canonically (LoM) Aboleths are scared because they remember back as far as time goes but still don't know where and when the Illithides come from. Because the squids came from the future.
Basically opposed thematics, the Aboleths are the known, if mostly forgotten threat that has been through cycles of rise and fall since the beginning of the world.
They have ruled the world before men or even Dragons and in time they will rule again.
The Illithids are the unknown, a race of unclear origins who will, by their own knowledge, win in the end and rule the Material from some point in the future to its last, dying days, from which they will flee back and become what they are now again.
Two kinds of cycles, one constant from the beginning into eternity, the other looped from a much closer past to a much nearer end, but both endless.