[X] Honoghr
[X] reroll Vos
Adhoc vote count started by todbo on Aug 6, 2018 at 12:21 AM, finished with 215 posts and 25 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by todbo on Aug 6, 2018 at 12:22 AM, finished with 29 posts and 11 votes.
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@Publicola, we must reroll Hunter-Seekers. Imagine getting two auto Intrigue actions each turn. Let's fish for that crit.
I really don't think this is a priority.
Hunter-Seekers: Rolled 25 + 20 + 20 = 65 (I don't know what I would have done had that critted.)
It's not our lowest roll, it's not particularly urgent, it has a (relatively low) 40% chance of crit, and there's no indication that a crit here would actually be as spectacular as all the rest. (I'm tempted to say if we super-crit Dr. Snark might give us a single Free Action next turn, so we can take care of two rather than one Intrigue auto-success. But even that's a stretch).

I'd rather not have Vos as a hero unit: he is still loyal to the Council, and with his psychometry it will be almost impossible to hide stuff from him.
From what I can tell (give the results of last turn's dossier), his loyalty has been fraying at the edges for a while, and a strong crit here might be enough to let us bring him fully into our organization. He's on the verge of Falling, so he shouldn't have strong prejudices against us for being gray-aligned and associating with dark-aligned Force Users like Asajj. (Plus, in canon, he's romantically attached to Asajj, so who knows? This quest might see its own version of waifu wars, even this late in the game!)

At this point, Honoghr should be locked in, and I'm mainly torn between rerolling Quinlan Vos (to recruit a Force-sensitive Hero Unit) or rerolling Thrawn's genemod (to engineer Force sensitivity into one of our existing Hero Units). I'm going to go with Vos, since it has better odds for a crit, but I'd be happy either way.

[X] Reroll Honoghr
[X] Reroll Vos
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[X] Reroll Jebble Box
[X] Reroll Talzin

Why? Jebble Box is something very nasty and we want that dealt with so fishing for a crit here to minimize how much follow up we have to deal with this. Mainly because the galaxy has fires all over the place and we can't put them all out so lets try to nip a new fire from starting. And reroll Talzin, because I really want a super crit on it because extremely powerful dark sider who know who we are and has worked with Palpatine in the past? That has all sorts of bad things can happen so as large a success as possible to put that threat down.
For those of you complaining about how victory seems to be handed to you on a silver platter, I fully blame the dice. Because...fuck.
Paramilitary: Rolled 5 + 10 + 20 + 19 = 54
Vos: Rolled 20 + 15 + 20 + 14 + 6 = 85
Honoghr: Rolled 3 + 20 + 20 + 44 = 87
Genemod: Rolled 37 + 25 + 20 = 82 (...Sorry. No Force-Sensitive Thrawn for you barring a reroll.)
These are the ones I consider most worthwhile. The other lowish rolls still pass, but these would have very worthwhile gains if improved.

Personally, I'm on the fence with Vos and hoping to make Trawn force sensitive. Paramilitary would get us substantially more muscle come crunch time, and critting Honoghr will likely screw up Palpy's ability to do such things in the future.

[X] Reroll Paramilitary
[X] Reroll Honoghr
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While my mind's on it: a general announcement that if there are any would-be ship designers in the audience, I'm putting out an active request for a design for Raith's Super Interdictor (don't worry, the real thing will have a much cooler name). I'm legitimately not sure what that ship would look like right this second so I'd love to see some concepts for it!

... Alright, hear me out.

So the gravity well generator would need a massive power source to power it? And we just stole a planet killer recently? And while yes, we don't want one in our personal possession for ethical reason, a massively dialed back main gun would still be freakishly powerful in ship to ship combat, as well as freeing up enough power for a gravity well generator and probably a lot of defenses and secondary armaments.

[X] Honoghr
[X] Genemod
@Dr. Snark Actually, do you still roll on whether Ciaran or Asajj learn something via their Force Bond? Or for this set of updates, is it just assumed they're learning from each other as they go back-to-back?

Cause Night Sister plus Matukai reinforcement could be fun.

As it is, I suspect Darth Treya and Through Victory My Chains Are Broken, are about to get boosted.
A gravity well projector doesn't need a massive ship. The Imperial-era Interdictor (itself a Seinar design) is only 600 meters. The even older (and also Seinar :V ) Interdictor-class of Revan's era is also 600 meters and doesn't even have the bulges that an Immobilizer has.

If you want to have just one projector on a ship doing the job that any other interdictor needs four smaller ones to do...I guess you could make a Subjugator variant.

(meanwhile...I need to figure out how to design this. Murder-wedge seems the most likely, since it's already a common design and all.

Maybe a modded VicStar...hmmmmmm...)


[X] Honoghr

I want this at least. Noghri are OP.
@Dr. Snark Actually, do you still roll on whether Ciaran or Asajj learn something via their Force Bond? Or for this set of updates, is it just assumed they're learning from each other as they go back-to-back?

Cause Night Sister plus Matukai reinforcement could be fun.

...I don't think I can answer that kind of question without spoiling things, but please keep asking them because they keep giving me more cool ideas.
...I don't think I can answer that kind of question without spoiling things, but please keep asking them because they keep giving me more cool ideas.

Uh, okay. Night Sister's ability to empower others, refined by Matukai's ability to reinforce the body, suddenly leading to both ladies suddenly having master reinforcement pushing them.

Along with any beasties they happen to control. Possibly including from afar.

So suddenly Ciaran could be using telepathy to control a Rancor from waaaaay away. And the Rancor is enhanced by the Force. It also being given sophisticated tactics from one of the most brilliant minds in the galaxy.

Kill the animal? Oh well. There are others. Let's see if you can repeat that feat, hmm?

Also, Asajj may be helping out, either by adding to the reinforcement or some other way. Because there is no kill like overkill.

Hell, she may be riding the damn thing, cackling madly from her mount. If she or Ciaran are using Blazing Chains from up there, the good fucking luck just shooting the beast. Oh no, you will get up close and personal with that bad boy and you will like it.
OR Dr. Snark just like me has no idea what to come up with to even oppose you lot reliably. As I said, I've been too lenient/generous with rewards, as is he, so it all spiraled into a never-ending insane avalance of insanity. Also means that I SERIOUSLY hope he has A LOT of ideas, potential disasters, Palpatine-grade back up plans to throw at Ciaran, etc. etc. etc. once you lot push the BIG RED BUTTON.
I find it kinda hilarious because really, the mistake the QMs committed OOC is the same mistake Palpatine committed IC:

You asked "How much damage can Ciaran/the players really do?" And before you knew it, Ciaran had done all the damage. Palpatine basically has the same problem because he figured Dooku could handle Ciaran, and then Dooku didn't handle her, and by the time they both really started paying attention Ciaran was carving up the Republic and the CIS for her new polity-in-all-but-name, the CNS.
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At the moment, this is just in the 'blocking things out' stage. My concept here is using an (upsized) variant on the still-brand-new Victory. As nice as creating an uber-Interdictor variant on the Subjugator could be, it would raise more than a few questions. If we don't care and want to blow up whatever it stops, that's one thing. If we want to use it to hold the Pride of the Core, for example, we need some level of deniability. Kuat is probably still putting the finishing touches on the Imperial/Imperator right now, so the Victory is the next best thing. Can't very well tear out the hangar of a Venator to put in Gravity Well Projectors and still have a ship left.

This, though, I'm working out to be a bit bigger (probably closer to an ISD) in size even if it uses the basic Vic design. I think it's simple enough in-universe for Raith to wheedle and deal with Rendili to convince them to let him use the design.

Alternatively, drop the wings and keep the murder-wedge design but make it completely unique. It's hard to work with Seinar on big ships since they're not known for it >.>

(Either way, by the time this is done, it'll be much more detailed and better lit. It's late here so I just wanted to block something out as a starting point)
Y'know I think the anti-Palpatine reports are some of the best parts of quest.

"Okay. We just claimed the station of Von Neumann machines. We have a literal army, we're amassing our own order of Force users, and we're assimilating others. We have some of the best and brightest in the galaxy, in our organization. We have the greatest military genius in the Star Wars canon devising our battle plan. What do our chances look like?"

"Eh. About 1 in 10."

I love how OP and protected Palpatine is. With anyone else, this level of preparation would be just silly. With him, it's not even close to enough.

Yeah, using Foundry to its full potential ups our chances higher, but only if we're willing to burn the galaxy and declare victory over the ashes.
For those of you complaining about how victory seems to be handed to you on a silver platter, I fully blame the dice. Because...fuck.
Want to know the best part? I just added up the rolls to check the math, and our average for this turn was... 48.21. That's right, this turn's results were statistically average. Of our 24 rolls, we had two below 10 (a 3 and a 5), five in the normal critical range (above 90) and a single natural 100. We also somehow had seven rolls fall in the range of 19-22.
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Holy shit, Turn 28 turned out to take 4 real life months to resolve. That's literally longer than the amount of time that passes in-universe in one of the turns.
It's based on the ISD hull, however, and the Imperial isn't any more than maybe limited production by Kuat right now. It would be difficult to get one of those and modify it.

Not impossible, but extremely difficult and may hit the same issue as a Subjugator in regards to 'how did this ship get there' problems.
Y'know...also on the list for stuff Ciaran may yoink from Asajj, is the duel lightsaber fighting style. Which may not actually be useless.

First, since the Nightsisters can make Force swords to fight with, that serves as a second blade. And it probably counts as being augmented by the Mantle of the Force. So while it may be lesser to the actual lightsaber, you'd likely be a fool to consider it weak.

Alternatively...there's the Dagger of Mortis. I wonder what the Nightsister tricks could do with that as a ritual focus? Maybe make it the core of another manifest blade, and extend its edge. Then you'd probably be straight up wrong to call it the lesser threat.

Hell, since that Dagger can come and go, and was even mentioned in the original vote, it would be rather appropriate for it to show up. For bonus points between Ciaran and Asajj, they start switching who wields the Dagger and never worry about it being turned against them. Dunno if it could go so far as Asajj summoning it, but Ciaran teleporting it out of Asajj's hand or from in the air is a nice trick.

Heh. If we ever learn the TK Lightsaber trick, we should totally see if it works on the Dagger. Though, while I'm not sure it can be taken from us, if anyone could? Anakin, Palpatine, and Talzin on Dathomir would be on the short list.