Can we please, at the very least for this turn, not spend our treasury down to the bone? That is going to annoy the QM enough to apply penalties next time we run out of money due to unexpected costs or miscalculations.
FTFY. But yes, we should make sure we have at least a little margin for error, if only because we've accidentally overspent before.
I should write a detailed opposing plan, if only so we have a choice... but I'm on holiday and it's currently too hot to do anything meaningful.
It's wild palpating hasn't tried seriously hitting us in the finances yet. Sure, there was that tax plan a while back, but he either doesn't realize that our primary source of power is cash, or seriously underestimates how we rely on it.

Then again, that battleship might be him kneecapping us, so maybe I shouldn't speak to soon.
[X] Plan Diplomancer
The only issue I have with it are personal actions - mainly lack of "[] Shatterpoint (Organic(?))". This is something that could switch the odds in confrontation with Force users. Blaster / Blazing Chains combination is very nice - but if truly matters only when it comes to comfronatation with strong opponent. And here? I would expect organic shatterpoint to matter much more. Especially since such shatterpoint may feasibly turn out to be words.

Shatterpoint techniques are more a less unique to Ciaran, thus cannot be predicted or prepared against. And this one is placed rather far on that skill chain. Simply put, I expect payoff from this to be bigger than any other force technique we can learn.

I would prefer for Ciaran to attempt to learn it asap. It was delayed long enough.
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The only issue I have with it are personal actions - mainly lack of "[] Shatterpoint (Organic(?))". This is something that could switch the odds in confrontation with Force users. Blaster / Blazing Chains combination is very nice - but if truly matters only when it comes to comfronatation with strong opponent. And here? I would expect organic shatterpoint to matter much more. Especially since such shatterpoint may feasibly turn out to be words.

Shatterpoint techniques are more a less unique to Ciaran, thus cannot be predicted or prepared against. And this one is placed rather far on that skill chain. Simply put, I expect payoff from this to be bigger than any other force technique we can learn.

I would prefer for Ciaran to attempt to learn it asap. It was delayed long enough.
I want it to, but we have too much to do this turn.

Yeah, I understand that we're limited in options because of hero support and odds below 95% being unacceptable, but I refer you to a suggestion I made earlier here. Assassinating Vos and Shu Mai are both auto-successes. While Vos is skilled enough that converting him - while risky because of his mental instability - is worthwhile, I see little comparative value between ousting her with political effort or simply dispatching HK-47 (narratively, not with Hero Support). Swap the Shu Mai Stewardship action to Tax Loopholes which has a 10% higher success rate, and will boost our income significantly. Comparable amount to the Wookie Engineer discount, coincidentally, and it's an amount that will increase with every turn.

And I still don't think that the Shards will grant an extra action, and instead probably like a +5 to rolls. May even be a +5 limited to robotics/engineering. Would have to be something comparable to the Arkanians, and comparable to the cost and scale of the action. Also looking at the bonus list, I know I said Martial bonuses may be the least value due to our glut of Heroes, but hot damn do we have an array of Learning going on.
Assassinating Vos and Shu Mai are both auto-successes. While Vos is skilled enough that converting him - while risky because of his mental instability - is worthwhile, I see little comparative value between ousting her with political effort or simply dispatching HK-47
Honestly, I didn't pick the 'assassinate Shu Mai' action because, whatever else we've done, killing off a corporate rival would be a significant step toward the dark side. Morally, I can justify our actions against everyone else, but when we have the option of peaceably dealing with Shu Mai, to go out of our way to assassinate her seems wrong. From a practical POV as well: we've been setting ourselves up to supplant/replace Shu Mai for quite a few turns (over a year, in-quest). If Shu Mai suddenly falls ill with a case of the deads, how long will it be before anyone and everyone we've contacted during that time figures out that we were responsible? At the very least, Beolar Bribbs (CEO of SoroSuub) and most of the other heads of corporations within the Commerce Guild, plus any of the Gossam Commandos we've recruited over the past series of turns. And don't forget how our own allies will think of it -- whether the pacifist Galen Erso, or the paranoiac Talesan Fry, or the squeaky-clean Mungo Baobab?

In contrast, peacefully 'ousting' Shu Mai is a simple business maneuver. She's corrupt, she's horribly mistreated the workers of Castell, she's horribly mismanaged the Commerce Guild in leading it to a calamitous war. We have allies, resources, and a better plan for the company's future. Easy peasy: vote her out, and hold her accountable for whatever crimes she committed. This way doesn't risk our own reputation with the galaxy and with our allies.
Besides, if she proves to be troublesome later there's all sorts of 'accidents' that could happen in Star Wars. Hyperdrive misjumps, speeder collisions, even catching something that Karada Medical couldn't cure. Tragic.
Besides, if she proves to be troublesome later there's all sorts of 'accidents' that could happen in Star Wars. Hyperdrive misjumps, speeder collisions, even catching something that Karada Medical couldn't cure. Tragic.

Yet if these are reasonable solutions then, why are they not now? Shu Mai dying with perfectly plausible deniability and no suspicion (something Ciaran is more than capable of accomplishing, and would be her m.o. in this situation) is a fine solution to the problem. Hell, I'm sure we could even pin it on the Republic's intelligence apparatus if we want to go down that route, and let her go down as a "war casualty".

There weren't any objections to effectively sentencing Wat Tambor to his death - which we did, because we knew the Eternal City prisoners would do so. Don't see Shu Mai being any different, and certainly not any step farther to the dark side than what's typical for Ciaran. Hell, we've spared Nute Gunray from being sent to jail several times, and you just know we're gonna do it again at the end of the war for kicks. We also could've solved Thyferra by mounting a campaign against the deplorable conditions they keep the workers in, but instead opted to establish black market ties with them for our own gain. Can't even say it was the easiest solution, because it had a harsher DC than the other two Intrigue actions.

When Ciaran chooses to spare rather than kill a threat or obstacle, it's generally because there is value in turning them (see: Quinlan Vos). Unless there's an argument to convert Shu Mai out there, she doesn't qualify. While it may seem squeamish, it's nothing Ciaran hasn't done before.
It's about image. If Shu Mai is peacefully removed, and then Shu Mai turns to force or other loud options to try and keep or retake power, then her suddenly having an accident is her fault. She was the one who escalated, and thus she reaped the "rewards" of that escalation. The other corporate heads will simply sadly shake their heads at Shu Mai and tut tut about how she didn't know when to fold them, and if they start worrying it'll be about Ciaran forcing them out via the board (what they already worry about).

If instead she's removed via accident while having corporate power, other corporate heads we work with will start to feel uneasy. They're not being as blatant as her, but they have corporate power. Where's the line? If word reaches Ciaran about a labor dispute at my company, will she use it as an excuse to murder me and forcibly acquire control of my company? That's not the line of questions we want people to ruminate on.
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Yeah, I wouldn't want to put out that image either. But if Ciaran can't make an "accident" look like an actual accident then that's gotta be a regression from prior schemes we've pulled off.
Yeah, I wouldn't want to put out that image either. But if Ciaran can't make an "accident" look like an actual accident then that's gotta be a regression from prior schemes we've pulled off.

No, no. It doesn't matter if it looks genuine or can be traced back or not at this point. Heck, it doesn't matter if Ciaran does it or if she actually dies via random fluke. We have made moves against Shu Mai to seize control of the company. If she dies, it will be assumed to have been Ciaran's work by at least some of the more suspicious minded corporate heads. The evidence is the profit motive, which we cannot disguise at this point.
We're too widely distributed and dug in to seriously attack our finances without collapsing most of the galactic economy.

OR Dr. Snark just like me has no idea what to come up with to even oppose you lot reliably. As I said, I've been too lenient/generous with rewards, as is he, so it all spiraled into a never-ending insane avalance of insanity. Also means that I SERIOUSLY hope he has A LOT of ideas, potential disasters, Palpatine-grade back up plans to throw at Ciaran, etc. etc. etc. once you lot push the BIG RED BUTTON.
OR Dr. Snark just like me has no idea what to come up with to even oppose you lot reliably. As I said, I've been too lenient/generous with rewards, as is he, so it all spiraled into a never-ending insane avalance of insanity. Also means that I SERIOUSLY hope he has A LOT of ideas, potential disasters, Palpatine-grade back up plans to throw at Ciaran, etc. etc. etc. once you lot push the BIG RED BUTTON.

Doesn't seem too hard. Ciaran has been exceptionally good at helping the galaxy? Publicly recognize this, talk her up...and then pass a law that simultaneously gives her a bit more leeway and business, and thus put even more pressure on her via her assets and corporations.

Oh, and Ciaran doesn't mind doing this at a discount, yes? It's for the good of the galaxy. She will certainly be properly compensated after this mess is done.

Just start finding ways to make Ciaran do what she's already going to do, for less reward and profit. Surely such a philanthropist will see the necessity of such actions and agree. It would be...such a shame, if the two were forced to debate this in public.
Righto, calling the vote because of obvious reasons.

Time to see what horrors the dice will inflict upon me tonight...
Doesn't seem too hard. Ciaran has been exceptionally good at helping the galaxy? Publicly recognize this, talk her up...and then pass a law that simultaneously gives her a bit more leeway and business, and thus put even more pressure on her via her assets and corporations.

Oh, and Ciaran doesn't mind doing this at a discount, yes? It's for the good of the galaxy. She will certainly be properly compensated after this mess is done.

Just start finding ways to make Ciaran do what she's already going to do, for less reward and profit. Surely such a philanthropist will see the necessity of such actions and agree. It would be...such a shame, if the two were forced to debate this in public.
Why must you give the QM ideas?!
@Dr. Snark, when you're rolling, here's the updated list of our 'recurring rolls' (salvage, archaeology, and special bonuses) that you might do at the same time.

Also note that we got a number of bonuses to these rolls through our actions and base upgrades, so you'll need to assign numbers to those bonuses (or wait on salvage rolls until after the Results Pt. 1). Up to you.

Recurring Benefits
Salvage Teams (roll for credits and special events) (+? bonus for Sienar Salvage Vessels)
- Coruscant
- Nar Shaddaa
- Taris (+? bonus for Nekghoul Guides)
- Oracle Fleet
- Ord Mantell
- Corellia (x2)
- Mandalore
- Muunilist
- Arkania
- Bespin
- Lorrd
- Mustafar
Dedicated Archaeology Teams (roll for artifacts)
- Dantooine (x2)
- Yavin (x3) (+? bonus for Probe Droids)
Vianist Pilgrimages, Lorrd (roll to explore archaeological site)
Blackguard Wilders, Mustafar (roll to research Force Sect) (+? bonus for Blackguard Enclave)
Jerec's Expedition (roll to explore Unknown Regions)
Yularen's Recruitment (roll to subvert Republic military) (+5 bonus for Tansarii Point Station)
Fulluusub Development, Sullust (roll for random benefits)
Rolling Takeovers, Coruscant (1-3 rolls for 'Underworld Takeover')
Ciaran/Asajj Force Bond (2 rolls to learn new Force techniques)
CNS Integration Bureau, Coruscant (multiple rolls to recruit neutral systems)
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Why must you give the QM ideas?!
Because even as I was archive binging I was going, "Wow there is just nothing but winning here. Either normal win, or overkill win."

Which has its place, but one of my favorite twists was Palpatine finding a way to both tax us, and force us to appear an enemy to the Separatists instead of neutral. I thought that was a fantastic Magnificent Bastard moment of using our own agenda and principles against us.

Worthy foes make for great stories.
Little off-topic from the current line of discussion, but have we (through either the Abyss Watchers or the CNS) interacted with the Lok Revenants at all? Going by the latest map of the CNS, the Karthakk Sector is not only part of the CNS, it's not a recent addition either.
Little off-topic from the current line of discussion, but have we (through either the Abyss Watchers or the CNS) interacted with the Lok Revenants at all? Going by the latest map of the CNS, the Karthakk Sector is not only part of the CNS, it's not a recent addition either.
We will be interacting with them this turn, actually. They're included in the 'Paramilitary Support' action.