Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I'm… not sure exactly what you're asking? There's a copy of the building in Recursion Field; that's literally how the spell works, making a shadow copy of the area for mages to duke it out in. It's people who may or may not be sucked into the field.

Sorry when I say everything in it, I meant will the copied bombs work?

Also when will you let us figure out who the Recursion Field can and can't target?
[] Divide and Conquer.
-[] Deploy Recursion Field and scout out the basement.
-[] After looking into the basement lift Recursion Field with Dragon, Chevalier and Taylor attacking from the outside while Vista and Samantha attack from within.
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I still think that it's better to switch Vista and Dragon around simply because I don't think that Vista would be more useful at a range.

Nevermind, Dragon's a helicopter now.
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Sorry when I say everything in it, I meant will the copied bombs work?
No, the bombs won't work. Recursion Field is… Hmm… It's like taking a one-second video, removing everything that has obviously moved from the start to the finish, and making a model of what is stationary.
while Dragon and Samantha attack from within.
Dragon would have a very hard time fighting from within, don't you think? Considering her current weapons are cannons mounted on the side of a helicopter-sized Tinkership?
Also when will you let us figure out who the Recursion Field can and can't target?

… …
… … …

:facepalm: OMFG.

Nope. I'm done. If you can't find it by now, it's not my fault. I've made the FAQ as idiot-proof as I possibly can.
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No, the bombs won't work. Recursion Field is… Hmm… It's like taking a one-second video, removing everything that has obviously moved from the start to the finish, and making a model of what is stationary.

That's perfect. We can scan the whole base for anything thats not normal and find where all the bombs are first. And we can figure out the paths to avoid them when we are leaving.

Recursion field. Scan for bombs or anything out of the ordinary. We can take our time since Recursion field means we don't have to worry about bombs going off.
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No, the bombs won't work. Recursion Field is… Hmm… It's like taking a one-second video, removing everything that has obviously moved from the start to the finish, and making a model of what is stationary.
That's a pity, being able to pull tinkertech into the RF would be a hell of a way to clip Baka-chan's wings.

Okay, so one last technical question on RF: obviously we've got a space-warper or similar effect going on in the basement[*], does RF compensate for that or would things get weird if we set up the field and moved in?

[*] Here's your creepy thought for the day: Coil somehow got hold of Vista's original arm and has been using it to maintain the warp. Yes, I know that's not how powers work in Worm, shut up.
That's a pity, being able to pull tinkertech into the RF would be a hell of a way to clip Baka-chan's wings.

Okay, so one last technical question on RF: obviously we've got a space-warper or similar effect going on in the basement[*], does RF compensate for that or would things get weird if we set up the field and moved in?

[*] Here's your creepy thought for the day: Coil somehow got hold of Vista's original arm and has been using it to maintain the warp. Yes, I know that's not how powers work in Worm, shut up.
If I got it right, I think what was going on there was that the basement blueprints didn't match the amount of people Vista thinks are there. If so, it could just have been modified with regular tools.

I hadn't thought that it could've been space warped, though.
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Okay, so one last technical question on RF: obviously we've got a space-warper or similar effect going on in the basement[*], does RF compensate for that or would things get weird if we set up the field and moved in?
RF would compensate for it. Not perfectly, but nothing that would cause any problems for Taylor et al.
If I got it right, I think what was going on there was that the basement blueprints didn't match the amount of people Vista thinks are there. If so, it could just have been modified with regular tools.

I hadn't thought that it could've been space warped, though.
It's a little of both.
Why risk activating incredibly dangerous bombs by being lazy?

To be honest, it seems highly probable that they'll blow up anyways. Even if we stick Bakuda in a our little dimensional pocket, wouldn't that just kick off her safeguards? No Bakuda, no 'don't blow up signal'.

I suppose she could have set it up differently, but....
To be honest, it seems highly probable that they'll blow up anyways. Even if we stick Bakuda in a our little dimensional pocket, wouldn't that just kick off her safeguards? No Bakuda, no 'don't blow up signal'.

I suppose she could have set it up differently, but....
Except that Bakuda wouldn't get caught in RF. Deploying it would simply allow Taylor and Co. to scout the building unimpeded/catch her by surprise.
To be honest, it seems highly probable that they'll blow up anyways. Even if we stick Bakuda in a our little dimensional pocket, wouldn't that just kick off her safeguards? No Bakuda, no 'don't blow up signal'.

I suppose she could have set it up differently, but....
With how Bakuda is employed by Coil and has been pretty silent all things considered... Are you sure she isn't already sitting on a nuke or something?
This is very preliminary and potentially very stupid, but let's start planning.

[] Operation High and Low
-[] Deploy the Recursion Field and scout the entire building, not just the basement. We're looking for the workshop, Bakuda's most likely location, traps and escape routes.
--[] If by some chance Coil and/or Bakuda have cape backup that gets caught by the Recursion Field, take them down.
-[] Ranged combatants cover the building and as many exits as possible.
-[] Close-quarters combatants preposition in wherever we think Bakuda is.
-[] Drop the Recursion Field and let hilarity ensue.
--[] Outside team goes loud, tries to flush or kite the goon squad away from the building.
--[] Inside team takes Bakuda fast and hard. Secure the target and then teleport out.
-[] Once we have Bakuda contained, call the Protectorate and start rifling through her shit.

The idea is to make this as simple as possible to reduce the ways we can fuck ourselves. The goal is Bakuda: we figure out where she is, jump her, stun her, bind her, port her out. Give her as little time to react as possible and if RNGesus is kind we can wrap her nonsense up and be ready to pivot on Calvert.
"Storm, can we get blueprints for the building?" A screen pops up at your command, and you point at a another unseen layer of the building. "There's a basement right here. I don't know if they're all crammed in there like sardines or if they expanded the basement into a proper compound or what, but that's probably where they are."

"They would have had to expand it somehow," Vista says with absolute certainty. "I don't know how to put it in a way you'd understand, but it doesn't feel right for the number of people in there to be that close together."
Those can't all be mercs; I bet Bakuda's got some "test subjects" down there she's implanted bombs into. I wonder if there have been a rash of missing persons cases...

[X] Divide and Conquer.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and scout out the basement.
-[X] After looking into the basement lift Recursion Field with Dragon, Chevalier and Taylor attacking from the outside while Vista and Samantha attack from within.