You will have options to pursue that line of questioning. But safe to say that it's unlikely IS is any closer to finding Sheol than Yukimura's gang is.
Still though, surely they have investigated the man's history and everything thus have theories how the heck a genius scientist got the means to mass producing giant monsters with crazy abilities.

If they have no info on how he could have possibly set thing up that says a lot of things on it's own. Even no information is important information.
New thought guys? We might want to think about what technologies we're building into our robots and where...

Something that has crossed my mind on more than one occasion.

But on the other hand, developing our own Phlebotinum Rebel version of the bad guy's work is also a possibility.

To that end...a plan for a bit more Kaiju tech

[X]Plan: Sleeping Giants
-[X] The Yukimura Institute 1 RP
-[X] Upgraded Radar Tower 2 RP
-[X] Test Fire! 1 RP
--[X] Diana's support
-[X] K-Circuitry 1 RP
-[X] The Shield Wall 1 RP
-[X] MMI Supplemental Development 2 RP
-[X] Ivanna Reroll on Anti Gravity
-[X] Kaiju Biotechnology 2 RP
--[X] Katarina's Support
-[X] Kaus Armor Plating 1 RP
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The math should check out. let me update my post with the RP values.
You're right, Two of your actions cost one less than I thought.

That said, the only material difference is that you focus on robot co-pilot over studying Westphalian stuff?

Like, knowing what the jerks who sicced Sheol on us are capable of when they attack us while we're fighting the Kaiju seems important.
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He looked over the contract once more. "…an attack on the North American District's west coast," he mused.
Interesting... Westphalia knows there is "a" Robot about, but they want it to go display it's capabilities where they can be clearly seen before they try anything else.
And/or need a distraction but I don't think the timing works for that.
Interesting... Westphalia knows there is "a" Robot about, but they want it to go display it's capabilities where they can be clearly seen before they try anything else.
And/or need a distraction but I don't think the timing works for that.

They probably want us dead very much now, we're arguably their highest priority at the moment, now that it's pretty clear we're the nerve center of the EUDF actually being capable of stopping their attacks outside of one off prototypes.

So them drawing our defenses out by a Kaiju attack to cover for a full assault is entirely plausible. It even explains why they've otherwise gone silent, if fucking us over has become their highest immediate priority. They need to reposition their assets.

The best counter is having enough operative candidates within the next six months or so that we can oppose both attacks at once.
That said, the only material difference is that you focus on robot co-pilot over studying Westphalian stuff?

Like, knowing what the jerks who sicced Sheol on us are capable of when they attack us while we're fighting the Kaiju seems important.

Primarily putting the re-roll to Kaiju Biotech, and sending a contact to learn more about the Kaiju threat.

We were caught off-guard by Bandit and Westphalia. We need to prep for the inevitable Kaiju attack in case something gets sent our way that's out of the ordinary.
[X]Plan: Sleeping Giants
I trust the Hunter's expertise when it comes to fighting alien beings from beyond human imagination.
Primarily putting the re-roll to Kaiju Biotech, and sending a contact to learn more about the Kaiju threat.

We were caught off-guard by Bandit and Westphalia. We need to prep for the inevitable Kaiju attack in case something gets sent our way that's out of the ordinary.

You'd rather risk dead ending a major tech like anti grav to get a reroll here when we can get another next turn?
You'd rather risk dead ending a major tech like anti grav to get a reroll here when we can get another next turn?

Alright. I'm adding Ivanna's support to Anti-Grav. But I would like to see progress with our Kaiju tech, hence Katarina's support is going where it is.
[X]Plan: Sleeping Giants

Too much science will get our departments stress again. You know, we might do another,' one department helps another department,' action if only for the narrative bonus.
You never thought you'd have to explain to alien robots the idea behind 'April Fools.'

Especially when Patch discovered that he'd had pink paint fall on his head.

Or when Sasaki discovered to her dismay that her tea was replaced with root beer.

Or when your coffee was swapped for decaf.

Katarina had finally lost her patience with Wilde and Henry, and simply sealed them inside of their workshop for the majority of the day. You fully endorsed the action.

"Are they still filling out paperwork?" you ask Sasaki.

"Yes." She doesn't even look up from her book.

"You know, if you really wanted to make 'em miserable," Sam suggests from his own book, "I could make 'em scrub the K-Class tanks next week."

"I do have a few consoles that require maintenance too," Ignatov says idly.

"We get it, okay!?" Wilde howls.

"No," you shake your head, "I don't think you do yet."

"Told you it was a terrible idea, LT," Henry mutters.

That'll learn 'em.
Fantastic! I always enjoy characters behaving like real people.

When do we start on the AI pilot?
I support this question. However, to be fair, the DFRI already has trained two pilots, and is training the third one. I haven't seen an "Assign pilot where?" vote, and I'm pretty sure I haven't missed one. This means either this happens automatically behind the scenes (unlikely), or the DFRI needs to build more robots first. Or, much more likely now that I think about it, this will happen on the pre-battle screen.

In light of this, I'm okay with either plan, as long as Satsuma gets to pilot a claw-copter (eventually).
More interested in getting an engineering adviser now and seeing if there's any synergies for getting an AI Adviser in every category. We already saw the start of one (They shift over to tactical operations thanks to the Command Center). Mostly though because we are most definitely not having a bottleneck of pilots right now, between Callaghan, Tellison, and Satsuma.
. She just needs the resources to do so. If you go with this, choose one. If you choose this, this action will be locked until one queued Fact Hunt finishes.

Shouldn't the current Fact Hunt be locked then, unless we can cancel it and replace it with something else?

[]Convert a Reconnaissance formation to using CR-03 Steed

This is a good idea to have an always ready asset.

[X] Plan: Rolling Thunder Science!
-[X] Upgraded Radar Tower (3 RP)
-[X] Test Fire! (1 RP)
--[X] Diana's Support
-[X] K-Circuitry (1 RP)
-[X] Enemy Wreckage (2 RP)
-[X] The Shield Wall (1 RP)
-[X] Ivanna Reroll on Anti Gravity
-[X] Kaiju Biotechnology (2 RP)
-[X] Kaus Armor Plating (1 RP)
--[X] Katarina's Support

IMO I would replace the Enemy Wreckage one with the Recon formation one, so that we have more support ready. The Wreckage should fait until we can drop a few bonuses, especially if a brawl with Sheol is incoming, which seems to be the case, as predicted. Speaking of: Sheol is pretty much Hell in Hebrew. So, I'm not saying that he's Dr. Hell expy, but...

We also discovered that Kaiju are people! We need to outdo them in grimderp plans.

[X]Plan: Sleeping Giants
-[X] The Yukimura Institute 1 RP

Can't do that unless you can cancel the current Fact Hunt.

I support this question. However, to be fair, the DFRI already has trained two pilots, and is training the third one. I haven't seen an "Assign pilot where?" vote, and I'm pretty sure I haven't missed one. This means either this happens automatically behind the scenes (unlikely), or the DFRI needs to build more robots first.

We can use multi-operator mechs for spare pilots. Having an AI pilot is a good idea though.
We're not in immediate danger. The world would never survive if Sheol could whip up a new Kaiju on a monthly basis, not the least being that his action economy in that case would be stupid.

He just got this notice sometime in the last month or so. If he's capable of throwing a Kaiju at us this turn (Which is when he'd have to do it for us not having implemented some of our new craft first, since they're one-turn projects), then he can just do it as much as he wants, and he should have won long ago.

I'd say we're looking at anywhere from three to six months before the next attack hits, but it'll likely be a double header with Sheol's latest terror on one front, and a Westphalian Reprisal Attack hitting our base while our forces are distracted.
[X] Plan: Rolling Thunder Science!

Not voting for any plan that spends our developing AI as a pilot when we've already got 3 pilots (with the option of finding more) but only 1-2 mechs to put them in at the moment.
[X] Plan: Rolling Thunder Science!

Looks like we're going to be able to test our robots against Kaiju pretty soon then. I hope that we'll at least have our Stork before then. Also yeah I think that it's better to have our AI focusing on RnD for the moment. When we manage to reach the level of something like Mercury then we can develop AI or VI specifically for being Mech support tools.
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If you choose this, this action will be locked until one queued Fact Hunt finishes.

Shouldn't the current Fact Hunt be locked then, unless we can cancel it and replace it with something else?

Can't do that unless you can cancel the current Fact Hunt.

I think it isn't removing the current Fact Hunt. It just queues it up to start as soon as the current one finishes.