Erk, missed a few. Hang on.

She should have been setting up the simulations with increasing levels of difficulty. Not throwing him off the ass end into a simulation with two Kaiju. Or maybe she did and you haven't written about it in which case I apologize. But the way you wrote the story comes across as if you started the Pilot on Hard instead of easy.

I chose not to focus on her earlier attempts, only the most ridiculous ones. Because as some have pointed out, this is absolutely in-character for this type of genre. That, and even Sasaki is just as crazy as her coworkers in her own way.

They had elite stealth skills to hide a kill-bot in plain sight with just a tarp, for weeks.


I like how you keep capitalizing the word "soldiers" for some reason.


Do we get to keep the least bad, or do we have to keep the second one even if it's worse?

As you may remember from reports on the Westphalians, they're infamous for kitbashing all sorts of strange weaponry types, up to and including very early and ramshackle mecha. As long as the goal is just widespread destruction and terror, structural longevity or sense isn't really an issue.

Also remember that you spent quite a while cornering the spies. They put up the appearance of campers, and always maintained their distance from your patrols. If they'd gotten really up close before, your guys would have noticed something off. As it was, their attention was on just how jittery they were every time you got close.

For Intuitive Piloting, you keep the second roll.

And finally, I capitalize Soldiers because of old habit. I used to know people in the military, and that's how they always wrote it. Never really stopped doing that.
In a nutshell, it's a Super Robot that is composed of transforming Real Robots... not unlike our efforts.

Well, it also had the issue that of the three pilots, 2 were terrible people, with a retard that seemed like a caricature of the weaboo fan played straight (going as far as losing his girlfriend and doing nothing about it), a weaksauce, useless girl that failed all the time and the cliché edgy-badass that did all the work.

The characters were quite cringeworthy, looking back. Only the other route (the one with adult protagonists) was much better.

SRX Banpreios (Super Robot Experimental)

One that constantly underperformed, at least during the first game, IIRC.

s you may remember from reports on the Westphalians,

We don't have many of these, other than they're elite people rebelling against the world government, have strange technology and little else.
Check the world report and the initial reports from Sasaki's agents. I've left a few clues hinting as to how they operate.

If they deploy giant f-all robots in terror attacks, why not a kitbash version of the Toyota Hilux guntrucks? :p

As for the OG characters...I never really got into the OG side of things. But I had to say I was a fan of Kyosuke and the Alteisen.

Anyway. Turn conclusion to come up today!
As for the OG characters...I never really got into the OG side of things. But I had to say I was a fan of Kyosuke and the Alteisen.

Oh right, that was the guy! Certainly more badass than... Ryoji, was it? And more fitting as the protagonist. His robot also used solid ammo, because he was too old-school to use fancy energy weaponry. The Altensein was also a super robot squeezed into a real robot body, especially in the second game with the "double super-upgrade" thing.

They were Reals in durability, Supers in pilot skills and could briefly, act as Supers offensively for a few hits.

A little girl outperformed the three of them combined.
In a goddamned fighter jet.

Right, the one with glasses, wasn't it? A super-soldier that outperformed nearly everyone, yeah. She also sorta becomes the girlfriend of Ryoji in the second game, but it probably didn't end well, seeing that he got boners by looking at mechs only.

In any case, we should consider using super-soldiers as our pilots for the future, especially children (consent is optional). It would be more fitting if we go with the EVA bio-mech route. Just be sure to watch out with neural receptors' feedback so that pilots don't break down whenever the mech suffers damage, unless disciplinary action is needed or we need to kill something so hard, that destroying Earth in a badly-written sequel is an acceptable price. :V

Note: I'm being sarcastic if it's not obvious.
Oh right, that was the guy! Certainly more badass than... Ryoji, was it? And more fitting as the protagonist. His robot also used solid ammo, because he was too old-school to use fancy energy weaponry. The Altensein was also a super robot squeezed into a real robot body, especially in the second game with the "double super-upgrade" thing.
Kyousuke was...well his unit was pretty good if you went Maximum Attack with it.
Ryusei was literally a gamer nerd with psychic talent.

Right, the one with glasses, wasn't it? A super-soldier that outperformed nearly everyone, yeah. She also sorta becomes the girlfriend of Ryoji in the second game, but it probably didn't end well, seeing that he got boners by looking at mechs only.
Yes, Latooni had pretty hax skills early on(also later on, since Latooni in a Fairlion might not be doing that much damage without lots of upgrades, but was certainly impossible for anything to hit), but her tragedy is her love interest doesn't have eyes for anything which is not at least 50% metal by volume
Turn Six Results
Defense Force Actions

[LOCKED] Information Gathering – Threats – The Research Institute is in a good spot right now. Rather than focus on internal security, which is as good as it will get for the moment, Sasaki wants to send out agents to observe the threats available. While you are far from being combat effective, Sasaki points out it's better to at least be in the know.
Duration: 1 Turn
Gain information on Significant Threats

26 June, A.D. 2070

Wallflower, Rotterdam and Rockefeller have all reported back in. The information they present to you is a mixture of both known sources from the Earth Union databases, and extra information based on what they have been able to cobble together. In effect, they have put together a dossier of all of the known threats that you face.

Rotterdam is somewhat put out by the fact that you were able to do some of her job without even needing to get involved. You tell her not to worry about it; the circumstances around how that happened are still giving you headaches.

As much as the information is already known to you...combined with first-hand data collection from your agents and some of the information cobbled together from the documents you acquired from the spies, some of it is actually quite interesting.

[Basic information acquired on significant threats. To be continued in Interlude: Threat Breakdown]

[LOCKED] Local Area Investigation - Spies? - It appears you have unwanted visitors snooping about. Thankfully Sasaki's proposals from early on in the project were designed for just this in mind. There's no sense in simply going in and trying to nab them. You and Sasaki agree - you want to observe them and see what exactly they're hoping to get out of spying on you from just beyond visual range.
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Security Net
Discover Information on Spies
[See Interlude: Well, that just happened...]

11 June, A.D. 2070

You still aren't very happy with how the whole incident started. But you can't argue against the results, and Sam is absolutely going stir crazy at wanting to review Callaghan's combat data. You also aren't entirely pleased with how Sasaki placed so much pressure on Callaghan so early, but it did have a productive (if unpredictable) effect.

You decide to split the difference on the whole issue.

You officially - and very mildly - admonish Sasaki for pushing Callaghan too hard, before privately telling her to just ease up slightly. She seems to have taken it fairly well.

You officially commended and reprimanded Callaghan. You commended him for handling the situation as best as he could given the unusual situation he found himself in, as well as saving the scout platoon from taking more damage. You then reprimand him by tasking him out for the next month to Sam's department.

Lesson of logistics - accomplish as many tasks as possible with as few actions as possible.

As for Wilde and Henry...there really isn't too much you can do to them. What you would normally do - ban them from the workshops - is counterproductive, since they enjoy their work, and you need their work. But you can make sure your displeasure is still felt.

For an unauthorized sortie with undeclared personnel, you ban them from actually operating the Variable Configuration prototypes. For two months.

That'll learn 'em.

Piloting Stress Tests - You now have a piloting candidate, 1LT Callaghan. Only problem: he wasn't a pilot to begin with. In line with Sam's requests for candidates of all types, a humble radar technical officer turned out to have enough psychic potential to tap into the eventual man-machine interfaces in the works by the Engineers. He can abstract piloting if given the MMI, but he's hopeless as it stands.

Sasaki is not pleased with this. If you are a pilot, you are gaining some basic fighting and technical skills.

There is no negotiating this.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Test Roll Each Turn at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6; Inexperienced Pilot)
Reveals Pilot Candidate Traits

[See Interlude, "Well, that just happened…"]

You've already spoken your peace on it. Sasaki calmly accepts judgment and moves on, Callaghan is irritated, but understandable about it…

...and you hear cheering and laughter from the Proving Grounds as you see another of the Jackals perform some crazy stunt.

You sigh as you sign off on another order. Two out of three isn't bad, you suppose.

Field Testing - CRX-02C - Good to their word, Wilde and Henry have prepared a test prototype for Captain Sasaki's pilots. This comes at a good time, as they are practically going stir-crazy. She fully plans on letting the pilots 'test the absolute limit of the Engineers' creations.' Durability, strength, reliability, agility - everything an operator could possibly want from a configured vehicle. The Engineers, for their part, are more than happy to provide.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1-2 Turns
Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6), Success Guarantees Completion This Turn
Progress to Security Net, Progress to Variable Configuration
Unlocks CR-01 Jackal
Unlocks Actions

With the impromptu data you gathered from Callaghan's Mad Charge, you have managed to determine a few things:

1. The CRX-02C (henceforth to be referred to as the CR-01 Jackal) is incredibly nimble and agile. Unlike the ungainly movement a regular Coyote would have in an urban or forested environment, the Jackal and its 'Mecha' form could navigate it no problem.

2. It can be piloted without the need for a Man Machine Interface. It would probably help, but the wider EUDF has no idea that psychic powers even exists yet. And until you're ready, you're not about to volunteer that information.

3. At best, it can stand up to the Separatists, and it's something the wider EUDF could definitely get their hands on. But it won't stop a Kaiju no matter how hard a commander wishes it so, and it probably would get laughed at by the Kausen. If they laugh, anyway.

With that all in mind, you instruct Sasaki - without Callaghan this time - to have the test pilots go absolutely nuts. You want to see if crew-served weapons could be adapted for the Jackals' use, if it can be incorporated into the configuration, it it can include anything else without weighing it down too much, and to see how far you could really push this thing before it breaks.

Though Wilde and Henry are working to help, you forbid them to actually pilot anything until their punishment is over. Them's the rules, and you're sticking to them.

They turn out to be pretty decent sports about it. You're confident you've made your point, so you at least let them get on with it without hovering over their shoulders.

The results actually surprise you.

The test pilots absolutely love the Jackal. You're not sure if this is a universal appeal thing, or if the pilots were just bored out of their minds. But within a week, as you observe the obstacle course you are seeing the more daring pilots perform configurations midair, throwing themselves into a roll mid-configuration, and even engaging in (very rudimentary) close quarters combat maneuvers. The translation from human body to mechanical body motions isn't perfect, but it's a testament to Wilde and Henry's designs that it can come as close as it does.

The Duo had some problems incorporating weapons into the design itself; they suspect until the MMI is finished that really precise hand-eye coordination and movement is going to be clunky. So they compromised and simply welded crew-served weapons and armor plated shields onto their frames instead. It's not ideal, but in incorporating the weapons into the design, they were also able to unwittingly smoothen out the configuration process as well.

By the end of the month, Sasaki relates to you, with some amusement, that the pilots wish to keep the 'Proving Grounds' open indefinitely, and not just for official testing. Apparently this is the most fun they've had in ever.

Results: Gained CR-01 Jackal (Chassis Suited for wider EUDF distribution, Minor Super Robot Chassis)
CR-01 Jackal added to Security Forces, Progress to Security Net
Progress to Variable Configuration

Engineering Actions

Variable Configuration - Refinement - Now with a very strong idea of what works, Wilde and Henry want to try a variable configuration test on something...bigger. Now that they have the basics down, it's time to upscale, and it's time to do it with fabricated parts that they hope to standardize. The Hound-class cargo truck seems like the next logical step.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough, Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6, Bonus applies)
Progress to Variable Configuration, Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Progress to Super Robot Chassis

Despite the chewing out you gave to them, the Duo continue their work on Variable Configuration, no worse for wear.

By now, they've nailed down how to configure a small scale vehicle such as the Coyote. But if everyone is perfectly honest? The bigger monsters from the separatists, definitely the kaiju and probably the Kausen are all quite larger than the Jackal. You have no doubt that the blueprint is going to start some technical revolutions in mechanical designs, but that's not your concern.

Until Sam is able to make some breakthroughs on the kaiju samples (which thankfully should start next month), you've got to upscale the designs you do have. It is with this in mind that you arranged through some old connections of yours to bring in a few Hound-class power-loader cargo trucks.

They immediately run into new challenges, and just as quickly demolish them. Already knowing what not to do, Wilde and Henry disassemble one Hound to its component pieces and immediately begin tinkering with them. They begin fitting the hand component in one space, connecting configuration servos in others, and just making sure, limb by limb, and configuration step by configuration step, that nothing will tear itself apart like the first few times they tried this.

Unlike the Jackal, Henry quickly concludes that the Hound is going to be something else entirely. He is still unsure if it they can make it its own Mecha mode. Wilde remains optimistic that they can, a viewpoint that Henry is swayed to eventually, but the thought never leaves. It's something he brings to your attention one afternoon:

In the case that they can't, he wouldn't call it a failure. In conjunction with the Jackal, or any other chassis type you can bring to them, it might actually be an opportunity. He won't know for sure until they're finished next month, though.

Result: Refinement concludes next turn
Progress to Variable Configuration
Action Discovered: Combinable Configuration

[LOCKED] Science – Biology Lab – Sam is focused on developing the basics on ESP Theory, but that doesn't mean the kaiju sample should remain neglected. Investing in the restoration of the biology labs on campus will finally allow you to put the sample in a safer area and begin unlocking its secrets. That said, this is a section of science that is yet unexplored, leaving Sam a little wary of plunging in headfirst. He claims he wants at least 'diving protective gear' before he does.
Duration: 1 Turns
Unlocks Kaiju Biotech Actions

1540,19 June, A.D. 2070
Carlson Laboratories, Kaiju Biotechnology Branch

You feel like celebrating. Sam feels like celebrating. Even Jack, finally finished reciting scripture over half a year, looks happy enough.

The Biology Department is open for business.

As you step inside, you are incongruously reminded of the project going on beneath the Engineering Bay. Where before there were lecture halls and laboratories, several of the massive rooms have all been merged into one megacomplex. Laboratory tables, beakers, microscopes, incubation chambers - they all line the walls and the aisles, all in trademark Sam Carlson Laboratory haphazard fashion.

Even the coffee pots are strategically placed already. A fact you help yourself to while you're here.

"Ain't it a beaut?" a voice calls out to you from above. Looking up from your coffee, you see Sam on an upper floor gantry next to the kaiju sample. Encased in a platinum-glass containment sphere, the kaiju scales float in cold preservation liquid, cold enough that you see wisps of frost emanating from it. His researchers are already setting up their stations, and are passing notes back and forth.

"Looks like you're ready to go," you call out. He nods enthusiastically.

"We already have some ideas on how to start making Godzilla look like a chump!" he chuckles. "Have to start with small steps, but we're not starting blind anymore either. We know it decomposes if you give it the chance, and we know it tries to adjust to whatever it was told to do before in different environments. Now that we know this, we can start trying to adjust the genetic programming."

"Good," you nod. "Give me something I can use soon."

Sam laughs heartily. "Please, who do you think you're talking to!? You'll get all the Science you could ever want, Boss."


Result: Kaiju Biotech Lab complete!
New Kaiju Biotech Actions Discovered and Unlocked!

Dreaming of Robotic Sheep - The fact you discovered a sentient AI descended from a failed virus attempt from some shadowy figure possibly attempting world domination…

...okay, you have to stop there. Thinking about it just makes your head hurt.

You have a sentient AI from the Unification Wars who seems all too willing to just help. It's almost childlike in its eagerness to help. Ignatov and all of Novgorod Computing Solutions want to help it learn, but they also want to monitor its thought processes. Their ultimate end goal is to slowly transplant it to a more modern system, but this is obviously something they'd need to take their time on.

Naturally they're going to want more resources to make this work, but you can't help but be a little excited at the opportunities this might present.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Progress to AI Supercomputer, ???

1838, 27 June, A.D. 2070
'The Lair', Engineering Bay

"It is very much like raising a child," Ignatov tells you one afternoon. He looks utterly tired, hunched over what looks to be his tenth cup of tea, but he has the appearance of someone who's accomplished a lot. "A very energetic, very inquisitive child."

"How so?" you ask.You are standing with him in the 'Lair' as you watch the Novgorod Computing Solution technicians scramble back and forth between server modules.

"It is impossible to keep the AI still for longer than a few moments," he laughs. "The AI wants to know everything, wants to improve everything, wants to talk to everyone." Getting the rest of the laughter out of the system, he says, "Having studied the code structure, combined with the fact it ran on custom software that likely did not go through quality assurance for whatever reason of secrecy, the AI should not exist." The code structure is on display on his monitor as he explains. "What has resulted is an entirely new program structure, one that we are still attempting to completely learn. It is all very possible with our current understanding of computer science. But it was thrown into being in a way that no sane individual would care to try."

"You said that it was the offshoot of an error or a failed draft," you comment. Sipping from your coffee, you ask, "Is it possible that the computers of that time just couldn't handle whatever it was?"

"Entirely possible," he grants to you. "The older computer software and hardware likely would have crashed at best, melted down at worst. But we have current generation hardware emulating yesteryear's software, so the AI will be fine."

Before you can ask another question about the previous owner of this building, the question is lost in transit as the screen abruptly shifts into a series of flashing code.

"Hello Dr. Ignatov! Hello Major Devin!"

", hi," you say awkwardly. "And how have you been?"

"I am well! Mr. Vassilyev said he'd show me some cartoons later today!" Before you can get a word in, the AI adds (and you swear that the voice sounds just slightly feminine), "Mr. Vassilyev asked me to give Mr. Landon a break after I tried making Server Hub 5N better. He kept holding his hands over his head saying something about 'that's impossible' or something. But it was really easy, I don't know why he'd think that!"

You blink. Ignatov was not kidding when he said it was like a very energetic kid. "That's great to hear," you say with a smile. You don't know if the AI can see the gesture or understand it, but you offer it nonetheless. "Though...did you ever have a name? Or did you want to decide on one?"

"Hmmm…" The AI pauses to think about that for a moment. "Haven't really thought about it. Too much to do! I've still got up to 9Z to go to!" Before you can say anything again, she (and you're sticking to that) pulses the screen once before saying, "Ohhh. 2C isn't playing nice with the other 2 Series. Hey, you! Stop that right now!" The screen immediately reverts to its former state, as if nothing had happened.

You blink. Again. ", you were not joking," is all you are able to say.

"It's a welcome burden," Ignatov says with a smile. "We are also closely keeping watch on all the other servers the AI has 'improved.' They are not exactly...uniform. But once she burns out some of her energy, we plan on teaching her how to properly structure code without shattering entire lives' worth of education."

You chuckle. Responding to Ignatov's quizzical look, you say, "I was just thinking of the AI as a 'she' right now. Glad to see I'm not alone." Ignatov chuckles along with you. "But, seriously...are you going to give her a name?"

"...I think I'll let her think on it some more," he says. "And while it may be safe to allow her into the 'wild,' so to speak, I am going to take a few more months. Just to be certain." He puts a hand to his chin, tapping it as he thinks on something. "In a month, I think I will introduce her to the Turing Test."

AI is incredibly energetic and child-like. Dr. Ignatov and his team are currently educating her on a variety of topics, including human interaction.

Science Actions

No Science Actions taken this turn

Science Team will gain bonus 'Well Rested' next turn. Applies only to next turn.
Ooh it looks like the AI is going to be real useful in setting up our supercomputers. I wonder what mechanical benefit it's gonna give us in the long run? More RP?
Ignatov, make sure the cartoons you show her are Variations of the following:

G Gundam
Getter Robot (Normal and Shin Versions)
Mazinger (All Versions)
Daitarn 3
Ooh it looks like the AI is going to be real useful in setting up our supercomputers. I wonder what mechanical benefit it's gonna give us in the long run? More RP?

Probably, reduced turn time to complete certain actions.

Although, I wonder if she's using Hot-Blooded Not!Reality bending in order to do her programming. It was brought up that what the AI is doing shouldn't be possible, and what if it is impossible? Like, the Ork Wagh Field part of the AI's actions is done be physical work while a psychic/ magic/ metaphysical is used to fill in the holes and production 'errors.' Allowing the impossible to be viable.

The other thing is the Al's internal issues with what it calls the

which implies that the AI is not a full being. It's a hive network which put together constitutes one being or she's suffering for Multiple Personality Disorder. But here each personality has the slim chance to break away and become its own being.

As an aside, I guess we could punish our two 'renegade,' engineers with cleaning the bathroom.
Threat Report
1650, 27 June, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

The room quiets down when you and Captain Sasaki arrive. Nodding to the guards, you take your seat at the head of the table while the guards file out of the room. You do not move or take action until you hear the code lock emit a shrill whine, indicating that it is fully locked. Captain Sasaki in turn moves to activate the denial scrambler, the EUDF customary method of conducting a secret level meeting. "Ensure your devices are off," she warns, "or be prepared to replace them. Secret level meeting. Paper only." Only when she receives the okay does she activate it.

Immediately the room is blanketed by a loud nothingness. The familiar pressure on your eardrums settles in, and you shake your head to clear out the fuzzy feeling. "Alright," you say. Your voice sounds slightly distant to you, but you pay it no mind. "We're here to discuss what our agents found over the last few months. Some of this is common knowledge, some of it I'd rather not let people know about. What we talk about in this room stays in this room. Got it?"

Wilde and Henry nod, both of them already used to this. Sam and Ignatov simply shrug, both of them still a little uncomfortable with the scrambler.

"Alright." You glance at Sasaki. "Captain. Floor's yours."

"Sir." Passing around copies of the same file, she looks to the first. "As you know, Wallflower, Rotterdam and Rockefeller have been acquiring additional information on the threats that made the Super Robot project necessary in the first place. We are much closer to developing a viable Super Robot, but it does us no good if we do not know what our opposition will bring." She glances at Wilde and Henry. "I'd rather know before they attempt to bring it to our doorstep."

She clears her throat, not paying any attention to how utterly unapologetic the two look. "I will start with Wallflower's report. Though he primarily focused on the wider East Asian District, he paid specific attention to Shanghai, where Mercury V fought off a kaiju attack recently."

You glance down at the briefing paper, with still images of the black giant robot fighting off what looked like some fel parody of a dragon. "No damage was done to the city?" you ask.

"Correct. Mercury V fought off the kaiju well outside of the harbor's limits. Though it did not kill the kaiju, it forced it to retreat." Flipping to the next page, Sasaki continues, "He convinced local navy personnel to produce a sonar survey of the site from the time of the battle, an action that was mostly forgotten in the excitement of driving the kaiju off." The page shows sonar-scans of the depths - including what look to be faint claw marks. "The kaiju appears to not have swam to shore, but simply waded there. The ocean floor left a few distinct imprints, though the ocean tides swept most of it away even as the battle took place."

"It just walked to the fight?" Wilde asks. He whistles a low tune. "No wonder it was so violent. It must have been pretty cranky by the time it broke the surface."

"And probably even more so if it had to retreat," Ignatov muses.

Sam is closely studying the sonar prints. "It would've had to have gills or be able to hold its breath for a hot minute," he says. "Without being able to look at it up close, I'm guessing it wasn't much of an issue."

"No reliable time stamp records either," Henry notices. "Well, I suppose when a giant monster is about to come eat your house, you're not thinking about that."

"Before Wallflower investigated Shanghai, he also conducted studies of other past kaiju raids. Pusan. Manila. Melbourne. Singapore. Macao." Sasaki looks disappointed, however. "The other local navies did not maintain as diligent records. But all sites are consistent: the kaiju emerges from the ocean depths unannounced."

"All while evading long range detection," you mutter, "And obviously satellite imaging doesn't help."

"The outstanding issue remains the injured kaiju," Sasaki points out. "It has not reappeared, but no one has been able to track it down. All Wallflower could say is that it was reported as retreating back into the depths. Further sonar scans show nothing, as if it disappeared."

"We might want to pay close attention to the next one," Sam suggests. "If it looks completely different, probably not our scaly friend. If it looks close enough, I'm guessing there's some kind of service center Sheol's running down there."

You nod. "Not enough to go on, but it's more information than we had before. What of the Westphalians?"

"I will start with the documents Callaghan discovered." Not quite glaring at the Duo again, she flips to the next page. It is a scanned image of the documents recovered from the campsite.

"I notice the laptops did not survive," Ignatov says.

Wilde speaks next. "There were denial charges on them. The patrol platoon was about to pack them up when the damned things brewed up."

Henry adds, "We found biometric scanners on them. I'm guessing they didn't like that someone didn't match the original group enough."

"Quite." Sasaki pulls out one page in particular. "Piecing together this information is difficult enough, but this group was not local to this area. We cross referenced our information with local law enforcement, and they do not match any known local identities."

"You also uploaded them to Unity Station's database?" you ask, and she nods in affirmation.

"All of them had at least a few petty crimes on their records, including one for a failed bombing attempt of a local political rally. This was a mobile cell of some sort."

"What did the records say?" Ignatov asks.

"All records are communiques," she says. "Ones they scanned and sent through whatever encryption they preferred. We only have their messages sent, not any received. All of them addressed to the 'Red King.'" Here, she looks somewhat perturbed. "Whoever the Red King is, they knew that the EUDF was establishing a new base here near Gasparton. They suspected some sort of training facility or fortification, and were instructed to observe and, if possible, infiltrate the facility. Thanks to our forces' efforts, they did not come close to finding out."

Turning to the next page, she continues, "Rotterdam's report from Vienna is somewhat more mixed. The majority of the attacks were traditional terror attacks, all aimed at the populace, first responders, and any political figures they could reach. This was all in conjunction with the Westphalians' own Mecha, and would likely have caused a great deal of destruction if the Valiant was not on station." The next page holds an image. "But Rotterdam did find something interesting that we also found on the spies' equipment."

A crafter's mark, a stylized claw mark with a cursive "PJH" overlaid across, was on the dashboard of the Mecha's cockpit. Curiously, it appeared to have been quite vigorously scratched out. "This is a recent mark found on Westphalian equipment. However, in attacks such as this, the mark is often crossed out. Whereas in criminal cells that police authorities raid, it is not." Another photo, this one of the guntruck/tank, had a similar crossed out watermark. "The intelligence agencies that supplied that information believe there is a new singular black market provider for the Westphalians. One that at least one figure does not get along with, but purchases out of need."

"These two builds are nothing like each other," Henry notices. "You have the truck, which looks like it was built to be concealed until they had no choice. Then you have the giant monster one at Vienna, which looked like it would fall over even before Valiant finished with it."

"Sweatshops?" Wilde suggests. "Each run by some crazy ass inventor?"

"Maybe." Henry frowns at that idea. "Would explain the bad craftsmanship, but I don't exactly blame them if that's the case."

Additional images of similar frankenstein-like machines are on the next few pages. A helicopter with legs. A patrol boat with claw arms. Another giant monstrosity towering over London. "All we can be certain of the Westphalian equipment is that they come from very unlikely sources," Sasaki admits.

You think on that information for a moment before moving on. "Rockefeller's report?"

Sasaki nods. "Hers was quite interesting. She investigated the Kausen raid sites that did occur, along with where they should have, but did not."

"Power plants? Oil refineries?" Ignatov asks.

"And more," Sasaki agrees. "But many of them were simply battlegrounds for what look to be Mecha-sized combatants. No official sightings of them as of yet, but she did find something."

A blurry image of what looks to be some sort of emblem is burnt into the side of an oil refinery truck. It looks similar to the traditional five-pointed star, only with two lines criss-crossing over it to form a stylized 'X.'

"Every site where the Kausen were suspected to be fighting each other, this symbol appears in some strange innocuous place," Sasaki says. "Here, it was on a fuel truck. Another site, on the roof behind an advertising sign. It suggests that there really is an internal division, but they are both keeping away from notice."

"Not enough information then," Ignatov grumbles.

"The only other part she can confirm," Sasaki agrees, "is that every confirmed area is concentrated in the North American District. Usually along the Atlantic coast and the midwest."

You pause and think about that. "So in short: we have a better understanding of how our enemies function, but not enough to make any decisive recommendation or action." When Sasaki nods, you sigh. "It's better than where we were when we started. The Westphalians will use anything and everything they can get their hands on to hurt people. The Kaiju have some means of getting around that I suspect no one's picked up on yet. And the Kausen, only a few time zones away, are fighting each other, and one side takes the time to put down bragging rights."

You look at your staff directly. "We've made a lot of progress, people. Thanks to...vigorous action, in one month we'll be unveiling the Jackal to Brigadier Peters. In a few months, I see us embedding our people in different areas with our own equipment to find out more. In a year or less? People won't be able to talk about anything other than our Super Robot, however it appears."

"We've had some rough starts, but we've got a lot of momentum built up. Let's not stop now, even if someone tried to pull a fast one on us. The Defense Force Research Institute is here to stay, and I don't care how many people we have to beat over the head with a rock to prove that point. I'll see you all in a week; bring me some options."

NOTE: Additional information will shortly be posted on the major threats in the Lore section.
Result: New Actions Unlocked
Information on Significant Threats Obtained
Identified: 'Red King', Westphalian Officer?
Identified: 'PJH', Westphalian Distributor?
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"In a month, I think I will introduce her to the Turing Test."

I think she'll eat the test without noticing.

Ignatov, make sure the cartoons you show her are Variations of the following:

Avoid showing her Evangelion or cartoons were AIs are bad, at least for now.

Sam and Ignatov simply shrug, both of them still a little uncomfortable with the scrambler.

In before they're psychic and the scrambler is messing up with them.

All of them addressed to the 'Red King.'"

Luckily it's not the Yellow King.

It sounds a lot like we have a Dr Hell supplying defective prototypes to randoms though?

Seems likely. Next stop should be investigating the other super robot parties, check how many hot-blooded teenagers are around and/or how many of them do pilot. Should one of them employ depressed, weak kids though, mark them as potential enemies, especially if their leaders have glasses.
So... I know this has a bad precedent, but the eugenics game is one for the next couple of generations at least. So, with that in mind, who's up for generically engineering and growing ESPer pilots for the eventual mech?

Honestly we're probably in more danger of Mi'go or Nyarthalohotep
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So... I know this has a bad precedent, but the eugenics game is one for the next couple of generations at least. So, with that in mind, who's up for generically engineering and growing ESPer pilots for the eventual mech?

Honestly we're probably in more danger of Mi'go or Nyarthalohotep

Let's put a pin on that until we get more tangible evidence, and that noise scrambler might prove to be helpful even if we deal with non-Euclidian abominations.
You know the Jackals reminds of the Khightmares from Code Geass. Can we add a Slash Harken equivalent to them eventually?
Turn Seven: Bright Tidings
Turn Seven

1030, 3 July, A.D. 2070
DFRI Courtyard

Really, you couldn't ask for a better day.

The sun is nice and bright, the weather isn't too horribly oppressive - the Pacific Northwest really does have some nice weather to balance out the inclement parts - and everything is in just sort of a festive mood. You're honestly just going to cut everyone loose after this meeting is over; unless they still had guard detail, everyone deserves a bit of a break. You know not everyone here is from the United States, but the Fourth of this month was something sacred in this District.

You even have some good news to share with your team for once.

"Brigadier General Peters is coming in at the end of the month," you tell everyone. You're all seated at a row of picnic tables, with everyone elbows deep in refreshments brought out by the cafeteria staff and their notes. "She heard a lot of good things about the Jackal, and some of her peers are interested." You give a pointed glance at Wilde and Henry. Both bore it (un)stoically. "So by the end of the month, I want to show her what it can do at the Proving Grounds. We might get some additional resources this way."

You look at the clock and sigh. "Let's keep this meeting brief. It's too nice a day to spend just working. I know everyone's been hard at work, so just present me your options, and we'll pick things up on Monday."

As your staff complies with your wishes, you hear the echoing reverberation of several engines in unison. You glance over the distance, and you see several Jackals already hitting the Proving Grounds at full tilt. Around them, the walls are slowly coming together, and you expect them to finish this month. Even the Biology Department is standing proud, adding to the grandeur of a facility that was written off as unviable.

Much like the idea of making a Super Robot.

You smile as you look over the resources available. Honestly, you've all come a long way in half a year. You can't wait to see what the other half has in store.

RESOURCE POINT INCOME: 8 - 1 (Dreaming of Robotic Sheep) = 7 RP Total

NOTE: Piloting Stress Test Withdrawn due to exceptional circumstances last month; no RP locked for that action

BONUS RP CHANCE: Conditions have been met! Demonstration of CR-01 Jackal to commence automatically upon conclusion of Turn Seven. Results to follow in interlude after Turn Seven Results.

Defense Force Actions

[LOCKED] Security Net - Reinforce the Walls - With all the excitement taking place last month, it was very easy for everyone to forget that the engineers were almost done reinforcing the walls. For exactly the sort of scenario that almost happened!

After apologizing to the poor engineers who were probably feeling a little neglected, you resolved to inspect their work when they were finished.
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Security Net, Unlocks Actions

[] Expansion - Motor Pool - Sasaki is very happy with your current capabilities. But she is not one to rest content on her laurels. As unorthodox as the Duo's designs are, the Coyote prototype plans she sees is enough to convince her of the merits of Variable Configuration.

She wants to kill two birds with one stone. She wants to requisition from Unity Station armored personnel carriers. This is both to gain even greater protection and firepower for the regular patrols, and to give Wilde and Henry something else to try configuring.

That, and she really wants to see a configuring armored personnel carrier. Is that too much to ask?
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Progress to Variable Configuration
Unlocks new Actions

[] Landing Pad - Sasaki sees this as more of a long term idea than something for immediate consideration, but presents it to you regardless. The creation of dedicated landing facilities for vertical landing vehicles is something to consider, especially considering that the Gagarin makes a lot of trips between here and Unity Station. Creating a dedicated landing pad would perhaps enable more resources to come in.
Cost: 4 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Unlocks Aviation Actions

Fact Hunt - Your agents are ready to be dispatched again if you set aside the resources for them. Sasaki brings up the fact that this time, with your agents having a better grasp of what you expect them to do, they can be sent on specific missions. She has presented some options for you.

[] Wallflower - Mercury V - The Yukimura Institute has the prestige of deploying the world's first Super Robot, and have been actively engaged with fighting the kaiju for almost a year now. The Super Robot's effectiveness is curtailed by a few factors: it runs on a (admittedly generous) civilian budget, it is somewhat slow to respond to hotspots, and it can only be in one place at a time. Wallflower knows additional EUDF observers would likely not be admitted, but he thinks he can dig up plenty of useful information...if he stayed out there for a few months.

He would offer to find out additional information on the Kaiju, but as last month's report shows, the kaiju sample in Carlson Laboratories is honestly the best source of clues you have right now.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Gain information on Mercury V and the Yukimura Institute

[] Rotterdam - Valiant - Mander Security Solutions is run by an eccentric madman. That said, said madman had a fantastic idea that paid off handsomely, and the Valiant is now a widely recognized feature of the European District's defense. Unlike Dr. Yukimura's lot, Charles Mander is much more approachable, if eccentric (he would have to be; he's running a security business). Rotterdam thinks she can approach him as an 'anonymous EUDF official' or as a businesswoman, on top of conducting her own investigations on the side.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Gain information on Valiant and Mander Security Solutions
Mutually exclusive with "The King and the Merchant"

[] Rotterdam - "The King and the Merchants" - Two pseudonyms have appeared: The Red King and PJH. Rotterdam freely admits that finding additional information on them out in the wilderness is a longshot. But a trip to Unity Station to cross reference known records? That's a different story. She just needs clearance and resources to do the job. While you could just send a request, the speed of bureaucracy is just going to get in the way.

On the bright side, this is going to be a much quicker project.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 4 Turns
Gain information on the Red King, PJH
Mutually exclusive with "The King and the Merchant"

[] The Kausen - Internal Divisions? - Rockefeller's project is going to take more time, and more resources, and she knows it. The only edge you have over everyone else in the EUDF is knowing the symbol one side possibly pledge loyalty to. But it is a project she is actually quite passionate about. If the Kausen really are facing internal divisions, and if the battlegrounds were not that far from where the Institute is located, then it was in everyone's interests to find the opposition fighting the piratical side of things. Or, at the very least, determine now if both sides were just equally hostile to humanity.

That, and if they really are living giant robots, how the hell do they stay so hidden!?
Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Gain information on the Kausen, ???

Engineering Actions

[LOCKED] Variable Configuration - Refinement - Henry may be on to something. He and Wilde disagree on whether they are blessed with too much spare space in the Hound-class truck or not, even as work continues. Wilde insists the Hound can stand on its own as a Configurable Mecha. Henry argues that it can only serve as a support platform and as an armor extension module for something like the Jackal.

They split the difference and are attempting both. The goal is to have it ready alongside the Jackal.
Duration: 1 Turns
Chance for Bonus Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6; chance for bonus progress to Combinable Configuration)
Progress to Variable Configuration, Unlocks Combinable Configuration Actions, Progress to Super Robot Chassis

[LOCKED] Dreaming of Robotic Sheep - Were he anyone else, you would think that Dr. Ignatov was overwhelmed by the manic energy of the AI. Paradoxically, he is both exhausted and energized. The AI is rapidly absorbing all the information and education the doctor's team is providing her, and by all appearances she appears to be mellowing out...slightly.

You have already penciled in a time to come in and observe at Dr. Igantov's request.
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to AI Supercomputer, ???

FREE CHOICE (NARRATIVE) - An Educational Experience - Apparently Vassilyev was not kidding when he wanted to introduce certain animated shows to the AI. Ignatov, amazingly enough, is just rolling with it. As apparently something of a joke, Ignatov forwarded you a hard drive full of older shows from the late twentieth to early twenty-first centuries, all under - ironically - the Super Robot genre, something that's fallen out of favor in the latter half of the century.

Here is the portion that is NOT a joke - the team apparently really is hotly debating which one to show the AI over the course of the month, and Ignatov himself is somewhat biased (and has recused himself from the vote). Really, he wants you to choose something just so they can get on with it and move on.

You're just happy you were given a set of shows that you didn't have to pay for. But if you had to choose from the list that Ignatov forwarded you, it would be…

[] A remaster of one of the very first shows of the genre. A young man takes up his grandfather's robot to fight against an evil overlord. Even when broken and battered, even when his life is flashing before his eyes, he continues to fight in defense of his home with the power of the heavens and hells.
[] A show that was apparently a reaction to a trend of grim and dour shows. An alien relic of great power saves the life of an explorer it found worthy. Empowering a manmade giant robot with the human emotions of willpower and bravery, he wanders the galaxy righting wrongs and fighting injustice where he finds them.
[] A show that, amusingly, predicted Wilde and Henry's project sixty years prior. Three young women are swept up into a wider conflict when three sentient robots crash land onto Earth. Together with the shape shifting robots, who are enforcers of galactic law, they combine their efforts against galactic criminals preying on Earth. In their struggle, they learn to rely on each other as teammates and family.

[] ESP Theory - It's All In The Mind - Sam's done it. He's got the ideas for a man-machine interface ready to go. But the devil is in the details, he always is. It's one thing to have the math that you think will be good for the Engineers, but it's another if the Engineers realize your math leads to something horrible, like something exploding, or old television reruns.

Wilde, Henry and Ignatov are ready to try tackling this, with Sam in an advisory role. But none of them want to rush this. This will be months in the making.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to Reduce Duration
Enables Man Machine Interface, readies for Field Test Actions

[] Robo-Jocks - So Brigadier General Peters is coming to visit again...this time with some guests in tow. Another demonstration, this time with a working prototype, is going to happen, no question. But the configuration of the Hound is unlikely to be complete before the demonstration. By Sasaki's estimates, they will be able to see just enough to show that it's in the works, but not a fully functioning prototype.

Wilde and Henry have decided to accept the challenge. That and they really, really still want a cage fight. Something the test pilot corps seem to be unusually enthusiastic about.

If you are willing to set aside the resources, against her better judgment Sasaki is willing to bless off on it.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Increases Bonus Breakthrough Threshold of "Refinement" to 2d6, Threshold Remains
Bonus Chance for Additional RP at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to Variable Configuration
Progress to Combinable Configuration

Science Actions

NOTE: Lowers threshold of One Science Action success to 3-6. Must be used this turn! Any additional Science Actions taken beyond applied bonus must meet regular 5-6 threshold.

[] Kaiju Biotech - So it IS supposed to do that – Sam's discovered that the kaiju sample is adaptive. In the wider scheme of things, that's bad news for the EUDF. What's good is that you are discovering this in a controlled environment. Sam wants to conduct a longer case study on the tissue samples now knowing this is happening. And now that the lab is running, and you've kept the thing under observation long enough, Sam and his team are ready for some science.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Investment locked next turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Kaiju Biotech Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] Kaiju Biotech - I'm Meeeeeeeltiiiiiing - Okay, not really. But Sam is curious as to the actual process of the kaiju sample's forced decomposition. You have enough of the sample that he wants to study down to the molecular level what and HOW it's doing this. You'll be left with less of a sample, but you'll discover in greater detail much more quickly how the genetic programming operates.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] ESP - Pushing Limts - Your discoveries with ESP has mostly been to do with interfacing with machines via unique psychic signals. You now have the basics of this fairly well established. Now it's time to push it further. What kind of stress tolerances can varying skill levels take? How quickly can individuals operate at higher skill ceilings? And for how long?

All answers Sam looks to answer over the course of a few months. The answers will likely make the ability of minor psychic abilities much more widespread among your staff.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to Advanced ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter - "Sam here. Here's another question me and the boys have been thinking about. Psychic powers are pretty cool. Just by themselves, they let us do things no one else has been able to, and probably won't be able to naturally for a few more centuries at least.

But does psychic powers do anything else for you? Could someone theoretically become tougher or stronger or stronger-tougher (or tougher-stronger, depending on your preferences)? No clue. But we'd like to find out."

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to Advanced ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] A Helping Hand - Man Machine Interface - While Sam cautions against rushing anything, he is also aware that you don't have all of time to wait for results. He's willing to devote more time and energy just to make sure the Man Machine Interface development with the Engineers goes well. Setting aside a team dedicated to troubleshooting any issues along with Sam would help to smooth things over.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Cost)
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Threshold of ESP Theory - It's All In The Mind to 4-6
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[X] Plan: Psychic Powas
-[X] A show that, amusingly, predicted Wilde and Henry's project sixty years prior. Three young women are swept up into a wider conflict when three sentient robots crash land onto Earth. Together with the shape shifting robots, who are enforcers of galactic law, they combine their efforts against galactic criminals preying on Earth. In their struggle, they learn to rely on each other as teammates and family.
-[X] ESP Theory - It's All In The Mind (2 RP)
-[X] Robo-Jocks (2 RP)
-[X] ESP - Pushing Limits (2 RP)
--[X] Well Rested
-[X] A Helping Hand (1 RP)

Edit: Added what to use the Well Rested Bonus on.
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[X] Plan: Kaijus and Cash
-[X] A show that, amusingly, predicted Wilde and Henry's project sixty years prior. Three young women are swept up into a wider conflict when three sentient robots crash land onto Earth. Together with the shape shifting robots, who are enforcers of galactic law, they combine their efforts against galactic criminals preying on Earth. In their struggle, they learn to rely on each other as teammates and family.
-[X] Landing Pad (4RP)
-[X] Robo-Jocks (2RP)
-[X] Kaiju Biotech - So it IS supposed to do that
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