I have no idea where you get that information from. I'l not calling you a liar, but I somehow absolutely didn't get that information in canon. Did I miss something? Does Grey Worm secretly suck?
Comparatively suck, Unsullied aren't exactly bad at single combat, but they suck at it in comparison to their group fighting abilities, an average Knight should be level 2-3 in Fighter, and they can win in sole combat against an Unsullied, even if you don't give the Knight superior equipment, but if you pit a hundred such Knights against a hundred Unsullied then the Unsullied will win soundly, even if you up the Knights average level by 1, the Unsullied still win, Unsullied don't exactly suck in single combat, but they are an extreme amount better at group fighting.

And with how I'm proposing thing work, Unsullied are universally high level, compared to the average of pretty much any other class, but 2 levels in Unsullied, only count for 1 level of Fighter in single combat, meaning in a fight between a level 6 Unsullied and a level 3 Fighter, it's a coin toss which of them win, in group combat however the Unsullied are about as good as Fighters, still not better but as good, and there's not a one amongst them below level 5.

Grey Worm is a champion Unsullied, so he's probably level 7 or 8, meaning he can take on all but elite Knights in single combat, and is absolutely devastating when fighting in formation.
@DragonParadox Uh...I hate to point this out, but the plan didn't call for Amrelath to stick around helping in the inner city. He's supposed to be take the plinth and unload the second half of the guys stuffed in the tower in the Northern slum and hold there while Viserys tries to rush taking the inner city.
@DragonParadox Uh...I hate to point this out, but the plan didn't call for Amrelath to stick around helping in the inner city. He's supposed to be take the plinth and unload the second half of the guys stuffed in the tower in the Northern slum and hold there while Viserys tries to rush taking the inner city.

I know but upon seeing the effect of dragon-fear and the incredible speed with which the place gates were secured he decided it was safe to stick around a little longer and Viserys did not see fit to argue with the incredibly efficient undead murder machine over a few minutes time.
I have no idea where you get that information from. I'l not calling you a liar, but I somehow absolutely didn't get that information in canon. Did I miss something? Does Grey Worm secretly suck?
The Sons of the Harpy are probably mostly Aristocrats but they basically dominate small groups of Unsullied. This is more blatant in the show but they do also kill many in the books. They do this using surprise and generally taking advantage of the fact that even after being freed the Unsullied have all the personal initiative of a rock. If Unsullied were high level fighters this'd be less possible.
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[X] Plan Reinforcements
-[X] Dany and Lya split off from Viserys group and reinforce Moonsong. Use Fabricate and Stoneshape to breach the catacaombs. Dany gets the Wayfinder, in case it might aid her.
-[X] They take one of the lesser Ravens along. If they see that the plaza is stable while flying above, they send a message down to them to send forces to take the northern gate and hit the Daemon stronghold from the east, to prevent the thralls from spilling out into the city.
-[X] Viserys, Richard and Yrael continue to take the palace and wait for further reinforcement requests.
-[X] Amrelath takes the plinth and goes to the northern slums to deploy the Daemon Task-Force as planned once the Daemons spill out of their holes.

Everything looks good so far. The thrall horde is a problem, but that they felt the need to pull this means that Moonsong is hitting them where it hurts. The important target can't be to far from the surface or they would have lured them into an ambush in the catacombs.

No news from the northern slums so far, which means that Amrelath will probably have to drop the Legion hot there.
Neither news from the southern slum landing, which is a bit more worrying.

However, the landing went off without a hitch, so that's great news.

@DragonParadox, any news from Aradia an the air-force?
Are we expecting trouble at the fountain?

Tbh, I think Viserys or Yarel should go too - Viserys is more killy, but Yarel is faster with greater teleport at will.

Then again, Yarel is better at getting people to surrender, so maybe he should stay.

Were the Catacombs not the main thrust of the daemonic forces? Should not just send two party members imo

[X] Viserys, Lya and Dany go to clear it out, Richard and Yarel continue. (stay in communication if possible or have Yarel GT to us if something else comes up incase one of Lya, Viserys or Dany can be pulled away.
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Are we expecting trouble at the fountain?

Tbh, I think Viserys or Yarel should go too - Viserys is more killy, but Yarel is faster with greater teleport at will.

Then again, Yarel is better at getting people to surrender.
Not yet. We'll see something when we grow the Heart Tree of Tyrosh on top of the fountain, but for now we aren't really expecting an immediate retaliation.
Are we expecting trouble at the fountain?

Tbh, I think Viserys or Yarel should go too - Viserys is more killy, but Yarel is faster with greater teleport at will.

Then again, Yarel is better at getting people to surrender.

We have no idea. The Gods there might do something...or they might not, either uncaring, distracted elsewhere, or unwilling to manifest more power where Viserys can steal it. They might not even have the juice to do much, particularly since the Drunk God lost a chunk of power on Westhaven.