Are we expecting trouble at the fountain?

Tbh, I think Viserys or Yarel should go too - Viserys is more killy, but Yarel is faster with greater teleport at will.

Then again, Yarel is better at getting people to surrender, so maybe he should stay.

Were the Catacombs not the main thrust of the daemonic forces? Should not just send two party members imo

[X] Viserys, Lya and Dany go to clear it out, Richard and Yarel continue. (stay in communication if possible or have Yarel GT to us if something else comes up incase one of is can be pulled away.
Viserys doesn't add anything to that situation. He would be good at burning the thralls, but we need them alive for propaganda later.

Richard can't fly and Yrael not Teleport him, so without Viserys he is stuck there.

Yrael is clearly needed to make people surrender.

Which leaves Dany and Lya, who both can breach the catacombs and who are both full to the brim with single-target SoDs, handpicked to fuck up Daemons.

Viserys, Richard and Yrael are kept de facto in reserve until a situation pops up that their skills are more useful at.

Until the southern assaults finish, they are our only PC-grade reinforcements and should not be committed without due cause.
Viserys is our biggest hitter tho.

If that's where the high grade daemons lie, that's where he should go.
OC: That five damage was from someone getting a crit with a longbow, which triples the damage dice. Amrelath of course laughs at crits since he is a large pile of bones that flies on the strength of sorcery and malice.
So... Did you roll the Light Fortification save from the crown?
Comparatively suck, Unsullied aren't exactly bad at single combat, but they suck at it in comparison to their group fighting abilities, an average Knight should be level 2-3 in Fighter, and they can win in sole combat against an Unsullied, even if you don't give the Knight superior equipment, but if you pit a hundred such Knights against a hundred Unsullied then the Unsullied will win soundly, even if you up the Knights average level by 1, the Unsullied still win, Unsullied don't exactly suck in single combat, but they are an extreme amount better at group fighting.

And with how I'm proposing thing work, Unsullied are universally high level, compared to the average of pretty much any other class, but 2 levels in Unsullied, only count for 1 level of Fighter in single combat, meaning in a fight between a level 6 Unsullied and a level 3 Fighter, it's a coin toss which of them win, in group combat however the Unsullied are about as good as Fighters, still not better but as good, and there's not a one amongst them below level 5.

Grey Worm is a champion Unsullied, so he's probably level 7 or 8, meaning he can take on all but elite Knights in single combat, and is absolutely devastating when fighting in formation.
Incorrect, The Knights will easily win because of far superior armour. The Slavers bay hasn't seen real fighting in ages and they were a jock in how they did things in the books.

Unsullied may be good as an army but they are comparatively shit fighters. Swords and spears are incapable of breaching the sort of armour knights wear. The unsullied would have to strike at the joints and gaps while the knights can easily start butchering them.

Too bad, in fantasy, swords can somehow cut through plate armour.
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Viserys is our biggest hitter tho.

If that's where the high grade daemons lie, that's where he should go.

So... Did you roll the Light Fortification save from the crown?
That assumption doesn't hold water when you look at their actions. If they had superior forces at the nothern base, they would deploy them. If they had tactical depth, they would have started the fight in the catacombs, where the lower engagement width would strongly favor their delayig actions.

The base is shallow and has no reserve of heavies. I suspect a few low-level casters led by a single mid-level. They are most likely mulching their thralls for a summoning of a heavy hitter.

Furthermore, Rina has enough area-denial to keep that front stable, but when Viserys is tied up, we have no-one else in reserve to engage mass targets.
@Azel Viserys remaining here doesn't really help that much. The commander says he can take it, then he can take it.

He should go where we expect the thickest, hardest fighting.
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@Azel, I agree with TNE. I'm confused on what Viserys being here would achieve. The legion can take the palace, and if people need convincing to surrender then Yrael can stay behind to help with that. I'd feel a lot more comfortably if you just had Viserys go with Dany and Lya.
Not helpful if the enemy is enchanted like those poor bastards.

We could use some large-scale Dispelling there.
@Goldfish Do you know any Dispel that allows for more than a 20ft burst?

I meant in the Archon's palace.

@Azel I think this place is our best bet to grab sacrafices, and I have the impression that the catacombs are where the biggest resistance are? I wasn't concerned about the chaff control, but what they were buying time for. The faster we stop what sent them, the better, I feel :). Anyway;
[X] Azel
@Azel Viserys remaining here doesn't really help that much. The commander says he can take it, then he can take it.

He should go where we expect the thickest, hardest fighting.
And where is that? We don't know yet. The plan calls for Viserys to mop this up and immediately leave if a more urgent front emerges.

Just trust our subordinates to carry their weight without Viserys breathing down their necks. We need him for quick response when the main show starts in the slums. Until then, he can aid the taking of the palace to lower casaulties there.
Incorrect, The Knights will easily win because of far superior armour. The Slavers bay hasn't seen real fighting in ages and they were a jock in how they did things in the books.

Unsullied are good as an army but comparatively shit fighters. Swords and spears are incapable of breaching the sort of armour knights wear. The unsullied would have to strike at the joints and gaps while the knights can easily start butchering them.

Too bad, in fantasy, somehow swords can cut through plate armour.
Equipment has nothing to do with class levels, so my calculations was based on, the Fighters being allowed only the same budget for arms and armor as the Unsullied.
[X] Go there with Lya, Dany and Ser Richard, leave Yrael to help pacify the palace. If heavy opposition shows up, he is to teleport to us so we can strike back.

Stopping a big ritual sounds rather important. If they had waves of people to throw at our guys, then they are probably big shots, or were readying for something big.

Viserys won't make much of a difference here, but might save the day there.
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@Azel, I agree with TNE. I'm confused on what Viserys being here would achieve. The legion can take the palace, and if people need convincing to surrender then Yrael can stay behind to help with that. I'd feel a lot more comfortably if you just had Viserys go with Dany and Lya.
The goal is to keep Viserys on a low-intensity front until the CR 18 Daemon Prince blows up the northern slums. If we over-comit to a front where he can't disentangle himself quickly enough, we get our asses kicked when the big guys come and nobody can aid the Legion against them.
[X] Go there with Lya, Dany and Ser Richard, leave Yrael to help pacify the palace. If heavy opposition shows up, he is to teleport to us so we can strike back.
What exactly are Richard and Viserys going to achieve there, that Dany, Lya, Rina, Moonsong, Theon and Asha couldn't?

You are over-commiting on a hunch. For all we know, this is a diversion to tie up our heavy hitters with clearing chaff.
The goal is to keep Viserys on a low-intensity front until the CR 18 Daemon Prince blows up the northern slums. If we over-comit to a front where he can't disentangle himself quickly enough, we get our asses kicked when the big guys come and nobody can aid the Legion against them.
We can always disengage with Teleport.

If someone had hundreds of people tied up in a basement, they were probably doing something big.
We can always disengage with Teleport.

If someone had hundreds of people tied up in a basement, they were probably doing something big.
Or they just kept a bunch of cheap peons ready to make a smoke-screen.

Disengaging requires us to be able to notice a situation developing and in the midst of the fight, we will loose time before the next distress call reaches us.

What is it that Viserys and Richard are supposed to do there?
Some of y'all are grossly overestimating the effectiveness of the Unsullied, if only because you aren't taking into account the effects if their upbringing.

Never mind the already mentioned effects of castration. Poorly fed slave stock will never reach their physical peak development. They'll be undersized and prone to illness. And that's before they even go through the hardships to make them Unsullied.

On top of that, extreme physical exertion from a young age, as that which is forced on the Unsullied from their earliest childhood, has a number of detrimental effects, including damaged joints and stunted growth.

All combined, the Unsullied should be extremely well trained, but far below what their physical potential would have been otherwise, had they been allowed to develop more naturally.

Mechanically, this shouldn't just inflict physical and mental attribute penalties, there should also be attribute caps at a relatively low level and they should suffer penalties versus sickness and disease, poison, certain environmental conditions, etc.
Then send someone with better swording power, in case the BBEG shows up.
Why? Dany and Lya can wreck a high-level Daemon on their own with Banishment and similar. And a mid-level caster won't fare any better against them.

Those two are enough if you add Rina and Moonsongs group.

You are trying to blindly throw everything we got at the first sign of trouble. We can't afford that without knowing when the southern teams become available again.

And if something truly big happens, Viserys can still Teleport there and Aradia would move in for air-support.
Azel has the right of it. This is a "without magic support, this is going to turn into a hotspot" distress call, but Viserys should be in reserve until we get an "this is an actual hotspot" call.

[X] Azel