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@DragonParadox, we've got consensus.
Let's just focus on getting the weirwoods grown first. It's already going to be hard enough with people hell-bent on banishing the Daemons instead of capturing them for sacrifice. We don't need to cut into our future supply of fiendish spiders as well.Think Yss could equip our npc casters by converting fiendish spider HDs to robes?
Fuzzy robes, mandible framed cleavage.
Edit: Actually asking for silk as a regeant like the one we got from Mantarys weirwood maybe?
If you want spider cleavage robes, just get the Drow naked before sacrificing them.
Corporal should have +1 Knowledge (War), as that is already counting the ability mods, and the officers should lose Manager to max Soldier.
Where did you get that Flagbearer bonus? Isn't motivate attack also morale? It wouldn't stack.
Master of Tactics is +3, not +1. The normal damage in formation is 1d8+6, with Magic Army it's 1d8+9.
Remember, they are hitting against flatfooted AC.
Does Silence + Invisibikity stop our Blindsense?
All spells, Draconic Power is universal. It gives +1 DC with Fire spells on top of a blanket +1 CL.
Not keen on UMD, would rather get Alchemy and maybe Sense Motive. The odd point in (The Planes) too.
@Diomedon You forgot the bonus to saves: +5 to all saves, additional +1 against Fear, Sleep and Paralysis, +3 on Trip/Disarm/Bullrush/Sunder checks.
Also, Corporal's base Trip should be +6 instead of +9, and base damage (2d4+4/x3). Outflank grants an AoO on a critical hit, not any hit from an ally.
Shake if Off grants +4, Command Aura grants +1, Draconic Aura the circumstantial ones.I was following the progression you laid out.We can clean that up.
I got the flagbearer bonus from the standard bearer I stuck in every formation, with redundancies at the higher organizational levels, but forgot to stat up, because it's one guy with whose job is to hold the flag and have the flagbearer feat. It's basically a guy with a tower shield, holding the standard with the flagbearer feat. All auras are circumstance bonuses, so they should stack with the morale bonus from flagbearer.
You're right, I misread the minor aura bit. That's pretty nice.
Where do we get +5 to the saves from?
We don't have outflank, because we don't have any advanced corporals. But that'll be quite nice when we have an elite, experienced legion.
Shake if Off grants +4, Command Aura grants +1, Draconic Aura the circumstantial ones.
Diomedon posted those a bit ago.So...
What would be our legioners stats in no-buffs, no high-standing-officers situation, then?