Not this turn for sure. Maybe next one, but I want to build fleets and knock Vortuga out then.

Well sure, this turn we do ConCon.

Also, Wyrmyn and AN did say that one of topics of ConCon will be citizenship. Aside from guilds.

So we need PW enough to both break guilds and grant them, I think, full citizenship or something. That's going to cost us.

I want to do DO to be best bud with Hung and do DO with Khem.

We should probably do DO with Khem first for maximal effect since we're hopefully sending Faron to the Khem along with our advisors.

Well, way I see it, DO is not only better relations but also talking to them in detail and ensuring they can and would first try to talk to us. Thing we want to do with everyone tbh.

But Nohon, for me, are a bit later priority in this regard than Tortun remnants. They will reunite soon enough.
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Also, folks, what do you think about sending Diplomatic Outreach to Nohon when we've dealth with the guilds to talk about colonies and whether they really care about them?

Alternatively, secure and alliance with New Hespanxaria and Rival Nohon, but tbh I do not want to rival them, seeing as they are on the other side of the planet and our supply line is literal ~6000 kilometers of wilderness.
I say we should keep the Nohon completley in the dark about our intentions until we start rolling out the infrastructure projects in Kyberi. They seem to be in a state of splendid isolation right now, and it's in our interest for them to stay like that for as long as possible.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Maharathan (0.5x)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)

Also, can we not stick Hohozyn on some rock in the middle of nowhere? If nothing else, he's interesting, he seems to be a reasonably good person, and I'd like to see what he does next.
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[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)

Seems like a potentially interesting choices to have Faron & our military rep in Khemetri.
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
Adhoc vote count started by sam5447 on Mar 18, 2018 at 5:36 AM, finished with 4657 posts and 38 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by sam5447 on Mar 18, 2018 at 9:30 AM, finished with 4686 posts and 56 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by sam5447 on Mar 18, 2018 at 4:46 PM, finished with 4777 posts and 67 votes.
At least the insane liberals tended to be against the guilds
This gave me an idea to make a propaganda pamphlet with a touch of 19th century secrecy standards.
Disclaimer: really sorry for all the typos, but I cannot imagine a bunch of radical liberals storming some printing presses and preparing it all 100% correct in their haste.

[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)

[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
[] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)

Sending Faron to Khemetri when we're already sending them advisors is unneeded.
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[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)

If we send Faron to Khemetri, there is a chance he will reach out to the Highlanders and support them against us.
The Khemetri are interested in modernising there army, so we will help with that. They are also interested in placing a military genius in charge of their military. They will use him against the Sketch, and appreciate the victories he gives them.
With Faron advising the Khemetri leadership, there is a pretty good chance he can turn them against us. We do not want to risk the Khemetri opposing us due to how close they are to our core.
Adhoc vote count started by Chrestomanci on Mar 18, 2018 at 6:22 AM, finished with 4663 posts and 41 votes.
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We have a portion of the Guilds causing problems by attacking the new Crown Corporations. The masses need no placating. If anything, there is widespread support against the Guilds because we pinned our troubles during the war on them and they are literally firing in the streets.
Yep. Now is basically the best time possible to move HARD against the Guilds, preferably with 8 PW, but anything more than 6 would do. There is broad public unhappiness about what they are doing because they're shooting in the streets while we were at war mere months ago.

The Royalists, the Liberals and the new Capitalists(the turncoat Guilds brought their political power along) are going to be united against the Guilds who had just done a This Shit Cannot Stand.
Anything other than the Khem, Volis, or UPM is going to be bitterly resented, which creates too much of a danger of future problems. Meanwhile, the Khem are ancient allies with no love for the Syfranites. Get in with their officer corps and hand them a heroic leader and they'll clean up their slave problems before conquering half the continent, wedging the Mediterranean open, and using their position on the trade winds to limit European influence on the Americas, India, and the far East simultaneously.
Granted, that usually makes for the crisis of the next century. Africa is big and resource rich enough that they'd probably be a viable Supreme Power competitor if they leverage it right.

I say we should keep the Nohon completley in the dark about our intentions until we start rolling out the infrastructure projects in Kyberi. They seem to be in a state of splendid isolation right now, and it's in our interest for them to stay like that for as long as possible.
100% this. We want them right on this edge while we quickly industrialize.
Looking at Nohon's Kyberia situation, they don't seem all that interested in those lands. Maybe we could buy those lands from them with money and a promise to pay them in resources and support for their North America campaign.
This gave me an idea to make a propaganda pamphlet with a touch of 19th century secrecy standards.
Disclaimer: really sorry for all the typos, but I cannot imagine a bunch of radical liberals storming some printing presses and preparing it all 100% correct in their haste.

Nice. Can you send me a newspaper template, by the way? I'd like to try my hand at it.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
[X] [Exile] Isolated island (1.5x)
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Guys I am incredibly concerned about how low our military is getting, they even say how dangerous it is to send away all our officers in the update.

We may be going to war with Nohon soon. So we probably should try and perma raise our army after the Constitutional convention.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisorseffect (-1 Armies, +1SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri(0.8x)

Guys I am incredibly concerned about how low our military is getting, they even say how dangerous it is to send away all our officers in the update.

We may be going to war with Nohon soon. So we probably should try and perma raise our army after the Constitutional convention.

We are in a lull right now and need the SoL more than the Army. It's also incredibly good bridge building as both Khem and Black Sheep still have a martial nobility. If we draw them into our orbit, we have an incredible secure position, make the scramble for Africa much harder and piss in the Sketchs tea in regards to their Indian ambitions.

And we do it with deniable assets.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Maharathan (0.5x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)