@Academia Nut how has the Sacred Forest temple changed over the centuries? IIRC, most of the world practices a strange version of not!Judaism/not!Zoroastriansim that we mixed with our native paganism and spread to the rest of the civilized world. How has that reconciled with the blatant pagan idols carved into that temple?
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)

Why? For the glory of chaos of course!
[X] [Exile] Isolated island (1.5x)

You don't give the charismatic leader the ability to talk to people. You isolate him Andy let him live out his days in ignominy. There was a reason they did this to Napoleon. It's a pretty decent solution, all things considered.

At this point, sending him to the budding UPM would be bad. We don't want that sort of unifying influence to be present there. Assuming the domestic politics of the UPM is similar to the USA at this point, 'Haxia ('Merica) won't be relevant for quite some time due to internal squabbling and massively (internally) powerful provinces. We have a good half century (assuming no other disruptions) before a civil war either tears them apart or welds the remnants together. Things generally seem to be following the same script over there. Generally. Though I don't recall any sort of war on the pacific coast between the Spanish and the Russians or English.

@Academia Nut is the UPM practicing slavery in the same manner as the USA did at this point?

Didn't Napoleon escape his first exile to the island, return to France, take over again, and fight in the Battle of Waterloo before getting exiled again? It'seems more useful to send him to someone we want to be strong. Like maharatha.
I mean, hell, these guys are more prestigious than Ochruhr.
Merchant Republic of Banitty (Leading Etal City State) (20 Prestige)

16. Empire of New Hespranxia (25 Prestige)

11. Kingdom of Styrmyr (37 Prestige)
Fucking Styrmyr came out of this looking better the Ochruhr.


The Designated Battleground nation.

Like, as far as I can tell, the most important thing they did was let people go through their territory.

Or New Hespranxia, which is currently flailing ineffectively against Nohon.

Or Banitty, which is literally just a single city that happens to be better off than all the other cities around it.

And they all still looked better than Ochruhr.

Just... wow. The Ochruhr got dunked on hard here.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Maharathan (0.5x)

This could help prevent colonization of India so we don't get another Sketch Raj there.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
*bitterly* Did the Sketch even do anything...
Not much. I mean, they fought a fair amount, but it sounds like Ochruhr did a lot of the fighting last turn, while the Sketch just raided a lot and shipped weapons and supplies as needed.

Well, that and bought all the bankrupt nation's colonies.

Seriously, the Ochruhr just got so fucked, it's so not funny that it loops around to being hilarious.
I am just waiting/hoping one of the secondary powers bumps Vortuga off the main powers list so we can call of the rivalry and start buying their sweet ships :3
so I have an idea, could we help tortun reunify? hear me out, they are going to be a headache that we're not really going to be able to solve long-term via force of arms, but if we make a point of allying with them? or at least end up close enough allies that we settle things with deals rather than wars? then we'd have a fairly secure flank. A hand in setting up the alliances would be a good way to get good will to us ground into their culture from the word go.

Not sure how well our interests would compete or align, but a nonaggression treaty with them would be amazing.

I am inclined to do this since we will not have the spare political will to keep them disunified. Also we are well placed for an alliance with them as the natural boundaries between us are basically already set. As well as the fact that we didn't actually fight them directly in this last war, of course we will need to spin it as we started it but it should be possible. If we want to go for that we definitely should send him to one of the republics.

also considering how low our happiness and how high our Militancy is, I am extremely concerned with calling a constitutional convention in that environment. To that effect spending a turn boosting our Standard of Living and saving up PW and then calling the constitutional convention at the mid-term might be a good idea. and if we are not going to be calling it immediately diplomatic outreach to the tortun should be doable as we definitely need to get in on the ground floor of the new Grand Duchies.
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[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Maharathan (0.5x)
The guilds are literally revolting against us right now. Waiting is a really bad idea.

An armed Uprising in the middle of a constitutional convention is literally how the French Revolution started. And unlike last time there's a lot less popular support for a constitutional convention.

So i don't think it's unreasonable to attempt to placate the masses first.
An armed Uprising in the middle of a constitutional convention is literally how the French Revolution started. And unlike last time there's a lot less popular support for a constitutional convention.

So i don't think it's unreasonable to attempt to placate the masses first.

Once the main turn comes around we should be doing okay on placating the masses - our SoL is going to be at least 2 above our Consciousness, so we'll get +1 Happiness from that, and then we'll get 1-2 (depending on order of operations) points back from temp stat recovery, leaving us at 4 or 5 Happiness (not amazing, but not terrible).
We get a SoL boost from sending advisors to the Khem so that means we need to boost our armies next turn to be at a more safe level.
We get a SoL boost from sending advisors to the Khem so that means we need to boost our armies next turn to be at a more safe level.

...wait, what? In what way are those two things related? Having high SoL doesn't mean we somehow need more armies...
An armed Uprising in the middle of a constitutional convention is literally how the French Revolution started. And unlike last time there's a lot less popular support for a constitutional convention.

So i don't think it's unreasonable to attempt to placate the masses first.
Ah, if only Poetyr didn't have his own distractions. He had allowed the precision guilds to dissolve and reform as crown corporations, swapping and selling various assets to form the Redshore-Kyberi Precision Works, Greatvalley Naval Supply, and Trelli Arsenal. While they were just getting started, the guilds had responded from going from street fights, riots, and the occasional back alley knifing to openly exchanging fire with the new corporation in the streets. Thank the Divine that the majority of the army could be called back from the west to sit on these insurrections, but it was still a tremendous problem to have such a blatant display of rebellion against his rule. At least the insane liberals tended to be against the guilds and thus were his somewhat mutually weirded out allies in this. General insurrection was unlikely (for now), but these problems were going to be sapping his attention when he really had better things to do with his time and energy.
We have a portion of the Guilds causing problems by attacking the new Crown Corporations. The masses need no placating. If anything, there is widespread support against the Guilds because we pinned our troubles during the war on them and they are literally firing in the streets.
Once the main turn comes around we should be doing okay on placating the masses - our SoL is going to be at least 2 above our Consciousness, so we'll get +1 Happiness from that, and then we'll get 1-2 (depending on order of operations) points back from temp stat recovery, leaving us at 4 or 5 Happiness (not amazing, but not terrible).

And if we are at 5 happiness then I may vote for a constitutional convention. Its just that we are at 2 now.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Isolated island (1.5x)