[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)

This turn we've been given three whole weak points we can hit the Nohon with, two of which we can even use to try and isolate them from the Hung. They have an oppressed local population in the colonies the Hung might be sympathetic to, they've been pirating [Syffrynite?] shipping and naval powers might want to retaliate while we grab the coast, and they've been fighting the New Hespranxians who could launch a new campaign slightly in advance of our own with prodding/bribes/advisors.

Given our PW generation increased by 5 IIRC when we created an advisory parliament I'm tentatively supportive of expanding the power of the parliaments in the next constitutional assembly if we get even more PW for it. We'd be better off having as much PW as possible when writing the constitution though so I'd rather wait for an extra turn and have as close to 15/15 PW when we do it as possible.

Putting some effort into rebuilding our army now may be prudent, to make sure we won't need it and give us a spare point or two if someone we want to build ties with asks for advisors.

I hope Poetyr goes through with building the statue, but some tangible social programmes would be worth more than sentiment. Can we diplomatic outreach internally? Having him look into the Wyrmyn might unlock reconciliation/integration actions.
Supreme Power
1. Kingdom of Sketch (111 Prestige; Armies: Small But Professional Plus Local Mercenaries, Economy: Most Industrial, Navy: World Class, Culture: Rough But Serviceable)
Well that's not good. I suggest we use a Keep Tabs or Diplomatic Outreach on the Maharathan next turn to see if we can do anything to prevent the Sketch from taking more of Kus.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
Switching back to UPM.

[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
By the way. What are our plans for the next constitutional reform?

- Breaking the guilds is essential for our economy;
- Integration of minorities is essential for our long-term stability: so, citizenship rights for everyone.

We can deal with possible reforms to voting rights etc later, because the above things are essential IMHO.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
By the way. What are our plans for the next constitutional reform?

- Breaking the guilds is essential for our economy;
- Integration of minorities is essential for our long-term stability: so, citizenship rights for everyone.

We can deal with possible reforms to voting rights etc later, because the above things are essential IMHO.

MMmmhm. First priority: guilds, second one integrating/placating Wyrmyn.

Suffrage is essential for stability and will be the key question of the next ConCon.
will be the key question of the next ConCon.
Actually it will be the Guilds. And in my opinion minority rights are more important than sufferage, as we will have three identities in the core, Gylruv, Ymaryn and Wrymyn and the Kyberia regions will soon be a mixture between Chun, our own half Nomads and Nohonese.

A multicultural empire has to protect it's minorities, we already don't care about religion, so we just need to build on that.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
Looking at Nohon's Kyberia situation, they don't seem all that interested in those lands. Maybe we could buy those lands from them with money and a promise to pay them in resources and support for their North America campaign.
Unlikely, they need the resources and ports too much to give up on them
Guys I am incredibly concerned about how low our military is getting, they even say how dangerous it is to send away all our officers in the update.

We may be going to war with Nohon soon. So we probably should try and perma raise our army after the Constitutional convention.
You might want to note that our army is actually at the same level we entered the first war with, and that according to the global ranking sheet, our army is doing great.
If you fear a war with Nohon the correct answer is not raising more army, which cannot get there. it's breaking the gullds so we can ram the transport infrastructure through, so we can get dudes on site in less than a year.

Aside from a war with Nohon being certain to drag the Hung in. On our side if the Nohon start it, or on theirs if we start it.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)

[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)

Sending Faron to Khemetri when we're already sending them advisors is unneeded.
I will not police the votes and will not accept users harassing each other over it, but please try to avoid approval voting this time