Depends on the culture really. I've been to S.Korea which has a very good public transport system, but still suffers overcrowded roads because cars are equated to social standing. Gotta have big fancy imported cars to be seen as a person of note, so people take questionable loans to buy cars that stay stuck in traffic all day, every day.

Given that I don't have to live there I'm all for experimenting with high-density urban layout like my scenario, just to see how society works without cars. I've seen the opposite end of the spectrum and it's not pretty.
I live in one of the most densely settled areas of the world (central europe) in an ancient city (Vienna) that has a ridiculously good public transportation network (Vienna Lines) and we still have cars everywhere.

Public transport is not a viable full-on-replacement alternative to cars. It dramatically supplements it, lessening the need for them - but even then we are looking at an enormous nation with a relatively low population density in many parts of it. No, the Dual Monarchy will need cars, and tons of them.
1802 - Dissolution of the Coalition
[X] [Research] Standardized Rifling (0/30) [Military]
[X] [Research] Mechanized Loom (0/???) [Industrial]
[X] [Agenda] Plan 8bit
-[X][Agenda] 1 PW - Develop Industry
-[X][Agenda] 1 PW - Claim Kyberi Territory
-[X][Agenda] 2 PW - Improve Standard of Living

Liberalism (41/50)
Standardized Rifling (7/30) [Military]
Mechanized Loom (5/???) [Industrial]

In the end the budget for the next few years was pretty simple. Open up further land in the Kyberi to settlement to please nobles looking for new titles while also sending the ambitious and troublesome peasants off east instead of letting them wandering into the cities where scholars and merchants might speak to them about such things as 'human rights' or 'representative government'. None of that now! The more scholarly types were also given some toys to distract them from philosophy. The Sketch had a number of mechanized looms, so the king bought a few for the physicists and mathematicians to play around with, as there were apparently some interesting principles to the motions of the machines. Meanwhile, other scholars were tasked with sorting out what the best standard of rifling to apply was, for use in cannon and specialist sharpshooter muskets. While most gunsmiths could do the process, there were longstanding arguments about what was best with a given material or design, and standardizing it was both an academic task and bureaucratic one.

Unfortunately, shortly after the latest wave of settlers went out it came out that there was some sort of religious conflict going down between the latest settlers, older settlers, and local tribes. The exact specifics were not Poetyr's concern, all he really needed to know was that villages were getting torched by angry mobs and the Haddyth had to send a response. Asking for a bit more detail, it had come out that in the region in question there was a plant considered sacred to primitive tribes for it's medicinal properties, and the latest settlers had been disturbing these plants somehow. When the new settlers went to their more established neighbours for help, some religious schism from fifty years back was revealed in the more isolated communities, who didn't want to help the 'heretics' or the 'primitives', and now all three groups were at each other's throats. It wasn't a terribly big issue, but if the Haddyth didn't do something it could lead to loss of confidence in his ability to maintain order and protect them, and also had the potential to spread. The advisors suggested just sending in a few Qeshyk clans to knock heads together and then separate the offenders until things calmed down. Only...

Only, there was definitely a bigger concern brewing. While the United Emperor was still claiming that he had things under control and any move to intervene against his subjects would be viewed as an act of war - no doubt because there were enough neighbours who would take a bite out of his patrimony using the excuse of "intervention against radical elements", but for all intents and purposes Tortun was out of the fight against the Hespranxer Republic. Worse yet, with the Sexton force solidifying into the Tortun Republic in the northern states, the Kielmyr had abandoned all action against the Hespranxer to deal with the agitation in their ethnic Tortun territories and the fact that First Citizen Faron had made it clear he was going to 'liberate' those regions once he was done with the Ochruhr and the Emperor. With the Tortun and Kielmyr out of the fight, the Hespranxer focused everything they could spare on the Halvyni while keeping a holding force for the Vortuga. By the winter of 1802 the Syffryn Halvyni lands had been completely overrun, the king and his family fleeing to the Sketch. Demands were being worked out, but it seemed entirely possible that the Hespranxer would simply abolish the monarchy and install a republic, if they didn't annex the territory outright.

While the Sketch were apparently doing quite well at sea, the governors and nobles in the Hespranxer colonies had decided that they had no interest in taking orders from the republican government now that they had the full details of what was going on, and it appeared that no restoration of the monarch was coming any time soon. Some were in a state of disobedience, some were in open revolt, and at least one colony had declared that while it agreed with the aims of the Republic, they would not take orders from half the world away and were instead forming their own independent republic to address their local concerns. This had the Vortuga distinctly distracted, both in terms of keeping their own colonies from exploding into revolution and from the possibility the chaos represented. So basically the Sketch were the only ones dealing with the Hespranxer seriously, and they could only really fight them at sea at the moment, which had of course been a contributing factor to both the colonies being in a state of uncertainty but also why the colonies had ultimately decided to rebel.

So, this meant that things were rapidly flying apart on the People's doorstep. Intervention against the rapidly growing Tortun Republic might be advisable, even if it would likely mean problems with the Ochruhr later. Not only could they come into contact with the People's territory in Wyrmyn and cause issues there, but also because it would be in support of a longstanding ally in the Kielmyr. Then again, the People had longstanding issues with the Ochruhr and the way they sometimes interfered with various internal affairs in ways detrimental to the People. There was of course also some agitation for the support of the Tortun Republic, but that was not a particularly great idea even if the inevitable implosion of the United Ueman Empire might be useful. Too many bridges burned. The general consensus was to either just continue to stay out of it, or to only go so far as to send aid in the form of cheap loans of gold and guns to the Kielmyr to assist in their conflict.

Then of course there was the question of how to pay for this. There was the old standby of raising taxes, but there was enough irritation with the crown at the moment that maybe a more hands off method was advised. Fortunately they had the Crown Bank, which could be used to get money now and pay it off through other people later. There were some merchants who wanted to expand their trades in the Gylruvian north - notably away from the strongest segments of the guilds - who could be a good source of immediate cash. Sell some operating licenses and crown lands, get them to take out loans from the bank backed by crown debentures, standard sort of deal.

Due to international crisis, gain +2 PW towards addressing the issue

Kyberi troublemakers

[] [Kyberi] 0 PW - Send in the Qeshyks (-1 Temp Army, -1 Temp Happiness, situation resolved)
[] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[] [Kyberi] 0 PW - Ignore it, you have other things to deal with (-1 Temp Happiness, situation not resolved)

Republican crisis
[] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[] [Crisis] 2 PW - Declare war on the Tortun Republic (+1 Prestige, declare war on Tortun Republic, Ochruhr aligned segments of Tortun likely to declare war on you or otherwise demand reparations for insult)
[] [Crisis] 3 PW - Declare war for the Tortun Republic (declare war on Ochruhr, -2 Trust, +1 Consciousness, anti-Republican forces break ties with you, Kielmyr likely declare war on you)

Paying for it all
[] [Paying] 1 PW - Raise Taxes (-1 Temp SoL, -1 Temp Happiness)
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp Armies
[] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp Armies
-[] [Paying] +1 PW + promises
[] [Paying] No need for change

AN: I realize that I need to adjust how Temp damage shall iterate to keep this all clear, and so shall be adjusting things going forward, but for the time being I will iterate temp changes from last round and then apply the new changes afterwards going into the next turn/war turns
I live in one of the most densely settled areas of the world (central europe) in an ancient city (Vienna) that has a ridiculously good public transportation network (Vienna Lines) and we still have cars everywhere.

Public transport is not a viable full-on-replacement alternative to cars. It dramatically supplements it, lessening the need for them - but even then we are looking at an enormous nation with a relatively low population density in many parts of it. No, the Dual Monarchy will need cars, and tons of them.


Use motorcycles.

You can fit a shitload more people on a same stretch of roads than you can with cars.

Kyberi troublemakers

[] [Kyberi] 0 PW - Send in the Qeshyks (-1 Temp Army, -1 Temp Happiness, situation resolved)
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[] [Kyberi] 0 PW - Ignore it, you have other things to deal with (-1 Temp Happiness, situation not resolved)

Republican crisis
[] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[] [Crisis] 2 PW - Declare war on the Tortun Republic (+1 Prestige, declare war on Tortun Republic, Ochruhr aligned segments of Tortun likely to declare war on you or otherwise demand reparations for insult)
[] [Crisis] 3 PW - Declare war for the Tortun Republic (declare war on Ochruhr, -2 Trust, +1 Consciousness, anti-Republican forces break ties with you, Kielmyr likely declare war on you)

Paying for it all
[] [Paying] 1 PW - Raise Taxes (-1 Temp SoL, -1 Temp Happiness)
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp Armies
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL
-[] [Paying] +1 Temp Armies
-[] [Paying] +1 PW + promises
[] [Paying] No need for change

Is this an example of a proper vote? Sorry, still not totally up to speed on the rules.
That said, my reasoning goes like this: We should absolutely jump on the chance to lift up some economic group outside the grasp of the guilds -- we desperately need to modernize our economy ASAP.
Furthermore, Kyberi is going to be tremendously important in the future. If we're going to spend the resources to settle it, we should do it properly.
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Huh, the Republicans are honestly doing better than I thought they would. Not sure how long they can keep it up though.

I'm tentatively for staying neutral, and for sending diplomats, though I don't know enough about siberian history to know whether we might want to use military force.

Also, for those who want to see border changes:


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Goddammit the Nohon are expanding into Kyberia too. That's our land you bastards.

[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 PW + promises
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[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)

[X][Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)

[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL
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[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)

[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 PW + promises

PW lets us get permanent stats. We don't really have any reason right now to bother with temp stats.
So the Not!France lost all its colonies.

Looking at the map, we haven't expanded as much as I had hoped. The Nohon are also slowly increasing the land under their control.

We need that land in the east to secure an eastern naval port.

Our current ports in the West can be blocked somewhat easily.

We should set up a city somewhere in the middle of the newly settled lands to make travel to the Far East easier. It would help with the logistics once we get into conflict with Nohon.
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)

[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 PW + promises

Tentatively going with this. I don't want Kyberi natives revolting against our expansion, so we should take this "minor conflict" seriously. Aiding Kielmyr helps diplomatic ties, and PW is basically worth its weight in gold.
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL

That'll be 5 SoL, 4 Happiness 5 Consciousness. If we don't go for SoL, our Happiness drops to 3, which is fairly low.
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL

Tentative plan.

@Academia Nut

The paying options, are they all using the bank and business or some other?

Are those businesses proto-corporations?
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
What's the benefit of gaining temp IC?

It doesn't seem like we have any real use for it unless we can get our innovation above 10 which is... not really possible to do next turn.