Can't say I'm sad that this tangent steers her away from Mantarys.

I would say we explain Stannis and Fenly, move on to Manderly and close with Doran and Royce.

Can't really talk about the crownlands without mentioning Illithids.
So I just want to say, @DragonParadox, every moment of this, from the initial interlude of Rhaella, to battles in the frozen north in defense of the Children and his mother, the dancing around subjects, the getting to the heart of a matter, the finding a way to reach her without trying to be courtly about it or impress... Viserys feels very raw and exposed and it is great.

The bashfulness when being reminded of his boasts as a child, or the seemingly simple praise Richard levied upon him in front of his mother.

Every moment has been perfect. I can tell you've been waiting a long time to get to this point. Kind of highlights that though the direction has shifted a lot, at the core there are parts you've already envisioned, which definitely makes it a living breathing story as much as a community game.


She looks at you as though you had asked a rather silly question. "Everything."

Because for some reason when I think "simply magical end credits" set-up line, I think of that Imogen Heap song.
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Viserys does not know of anything called an overgod. He was being perfectly honest here.

Hmmm, well its not like it realy matters if there is a overgod or not as they dont realy tend to intervene as long as the gods dont totaly fuck up. Though it could be realy fun having a time of troubles Game of thrones editon go down, as its more or less the only way for us to start killing gods and also intresting.
Well, you've been the best so far at Rhaella interaction.

Delegating to you again while I catch a nap.

[X] Snowfire
Speaking of the Crownlands, next Ilithid we find should be fed Dawnfruit for maegiscience. I want to see how a orange blue morality tackles Goodness. :p

Next turn: We should put anyone needing none (Xor), or two hours, of sleep towards writing a codex on their highest knowledge skills relating to magic. Then we could give the Night's Watch one collection for each Castle.

@DragonParadox I guess spending the nightly Action Points towards teaching students is a no go?
Should we mention how we helped save White harbor from devils and houses of Crackclaw Point from the Deep Ones?
Preliminary plan stuff I typed in a hurry. Gotta head to work, so it's unfinished and unpolished.

[] "We journeyed to Tarth to parlay with Renly Baratheon, youngest brother of the Usurper and current Lord of Storm's End. Among Renly's retinue were various knights of little important, and the Lord of Tarth, seeing as how we were using his island as a neutral meeting place."
-[] "The meeting was arranged in order to facilitate the ransom of Stannis Barathean, the Usurper's second youngest brother, Master of Ship's, and Lord of Dragonstone. He was captured several months ago when he sailed a royal fleet to Sorcerer's Deep with orders to destroy what we have built there and and to kill us all. That is a tail for another time, though rest assured the fleet never came within sight of the island, with the exception of those ships we decided to keep for ourselves to bolster the Deep's growing navy. Stannis was only the most important of those we captured that day."
--[] "The responsibility to ransom his brother fell on Renly's shoulders, as the Usurper could not be bothered to secure Stannis' release. In the end, the exchange was successful and we parted ways amicably. There is more to the story, of course, but I would much prefer to share with you the more fantastical details when we are secure in Sorcerer's Deep and warded against eavesdroppers of a mystical sort.
>Launching Socialcraft Vote System 9000
>Load Westerosi Scheming Index
>Index Loaded
>Vote Construction Parameters Set
>Construction in Progress...

[X] Liege Duty
-[X] "We journeyed to Tarth to parlay with Renly Baratheon, youngest brother of the Usurper and current Lord of Storm's End. He brought with him various knights of little import, and the Lord of Tarth, seeing as we were using his island as a neutral meeting ground."
-[X] The meeting was arranged in response to a letter offering ransom for Stannis Baratheon, who the Usurper named Master of Ships and Lord of Dragonstone. We captured him when he attempted to sail the Royal Fleet to Sorcerer's Deep with orders to destroy all I had built. As I told you a few nights ago, they failed. The fleet never came within sight of the island, in fact, but for those that defected to my banner."
-[X] "The Usurper, it seems, would not bother himself with the matter of his brother's release, and so the responsibility of that ransom fell to his younger brother. In the end, the exchange was successful and we parted amicably."
-[X] "However that's not the only occasion on which I've travelled to Westeros, and treated with its Lords. In White Harbour, I aided the Manderly family against a threat to their very souls, and before that I acted in a similar fashion to secure settlements of the Crownlands from similar fates. To them, I have done a liege's duty to his vassals. For all that I do not sit upon the Iron Throne, the Seven Kingdoms are still my birthright. And where the Usurper cannot look beyond his next cup of wine, I work to protect that which I will one day rule. I have spoken of this duty to many, and Stannis Baratheon himself could not deny it."
-[X] "In some ways, in fact, I've been had to deliberately hide my presence, as I am not yet prepared for banners raised in Westeros under my name. When that time comes, however, I will not lack for allies."
-[X] I had but to show myself to the Lord of House Velaryon to regain their loyalty, for they have not prospered under the Usurper's rule. With their pledge came a fine coup against the Lannisters, too: a dragon's egg, plucked from their grasping hands by magic and trickery."
-[X] "One of my first allies is a scion of House Royce, and his family is one that I would favour if only for his steadfast loyalty. He wields a magic of the First Men, and I hope to treat with his house in the coming months. If all goes well, it shall secure us a family of influence within the Vale."
-[X] "To Dorne as well I have given aid. The first supernatural allies we gained went to them, as guides and tutors for their own school of magicians. Oberyn Martell has been the most used messenger between us, but in the last few months I finally met with Prince Doran in Sunspear."
-[X] "There, I renegotiated the terms of the agreement made in my name, to better suit the realities of the present. Dorne will stand with us still when the banners rise, so long as I uphold my side of that new bargain, which I have every intention of doing." After this, we let her ask what realities we're asking about. I have a suspicion she will already know, to be honest, but I'm breaking it here to work from that baseline.

I think this is a good start, pulling liberally from what @Goldfish wrote up for the Fenly stuff. Something I both do and most sincerely do not want to bring up is our...renegotiation with Dorne on the matter of the their support. Rhaella is going to ask, and I can't find a way to avoid it that wouldn't be blatant lies. So, as much as I dislike it, I suspect this is where we're going to have to start coming clean about Lya. Unfortunately. To that end, I'd like to add something to the point dedicated to Dorne, of how we have renegotiated that deal...but if I do that we aren't going to have any choice except to admit why.

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