To be fair, we might get some support there by striking a deal with the Sealord. Our last interaction with him read a lot like "Screw this. I'm joining the winning team." and so we might be able to get something there.

We might be able to purchase help and expertise in constructing our shipyard, but don't think the sealord will send any Master shipwrights for more than a short duration. We might be able to do the opposite, pay to send decent and smart ship's carpenters to Braavos to learn the trade, but the Braavosi wont want to give away all their trade secrets, so it'll take time to get back quasi-Master shipwrights.

Tyrosh is already going to be a city in decline, as long as we keep SD as the capital. The population drift is going to be appreciable already (over the next ten years or so), so we might as well go out of our way to steal some shipwrights, or better yet, enslaved shipwright "helpers" who probably know a lot more about the trade than you'd expect.

@Azel, there is hope! If we could get the mind flayers to quit with the pride and disdain for lesser races (say, by killing most of them in a way that proves our superiority) they too could be the useful, clever types of LE people!

That's, uh, not the issue with mindflayers. I'd say their diet is a bigger stumbling block...
[X] Duesal
Nice. After that we can have a chapter about diplomancing CotF to go with us, another one for the rest of our miscellaneous questions and then rezzing Mommy dearest and going to castle black.

And on an unrelated topic, I'm all for sacrificing chain along with everything but pouch and crown to grow the heart tree needed to bind doomblob.
It'll pay off in more than just growing tree, after all.

And I'd rather give our baby dragon rider Valytian sword rather than a chain with a ??? effect that, it coming from devils, might just bite us in the ass.
The precedent is set, all demonic/devilish loot is either cursed or has unreliable side-effects to it.

And I personally dislike magic items with unknown effects, especially when those who made it can suddenly show up because of a bad roll and use this item (one we had a chance to destroy and profit from that but didn't) in their own schemes.
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Added this in. While we're here we might as well get some clarification on what precisely we're expected to do. This should give us a much clearer idea of what all our options are.

-[] When we made our pact you asked that we end several lines strong in the Faith. Can you elaborate clearly and explicitly what the Old Gods expect us to do and how they expect us to do it? What does the "ending" of a line constitute? Is it killing everyone? Making the entire family barren? Sending males to the Wall and females to the Silent Sisters? Somehow turning all of said families away from the Seven? What would the Old Gods consider to be "humiliating" the Seven?
We might be able to purchase help and expertise in constructing our shipyard, but don't think the sealord will send any Master shipwrights for more than a short duration. We might be able to do the opposite, pay to send decent and smart ship's carpenters to Braavos to learn the trade, but the Braavosi wont want to give away all their trade secrets, so it'll take time to get back quasi-Master shipwrights.

Tyrosh is already going to be a city in decline, as long as we keep SD as the capital. The population drift is going to be appreciable already (over the next ten years or so), so we might as well go out of our way to steal some shipwrights, or better yet, enslaved shipwright "helpers" who probably know a lot more about the trade than you'd expect.
Getting a master or two to teach our local workers for a while is pretty much what I was thinking about. With Dorne not having a fleet, we control the southern half of the Narrow Sea once we have the Three Daughters, which means that it becomes strategically beneficial for Braavos to increase our trade capacity and force projection ability in this fashion. We would basically keep their southern markets open and protected for them.

The concern of us leveraging said power against Braavos is pretty moot, since we will have taken three Free Cities by then and the Sealord is not an idiot. Braavos and Lorath wouldn't be able to stand up against the guy who needed only a backwater pirate hole to conquer three regional powers, not when said guy now has three regional powers worth of military might in addition to what he already had. Deeper trade ties make a much better way to ensure peace there and that takes ships.
Now we just need to buy Lya a Stone to Flesh spell scroll to learn for 330 IM.

No thoughts on Bloodraven't theory?

It's makes as much sense as anything else, considering how Canon AsoIaF spoke of dragons still living in far off places. Maybe the range of their effect on magic is not all encompassing; huge, but not planetary.

That would explain the return of magic in canon.
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I meant the one abut the death of the dragons.
It makes a frightening amount of sense, and cements my desire to never let high lords anywhere near royal children. Parents and inner circle only.
Now we just need to buy Lya a Stone to Flesh spell scroll to learn floor 330 IM.
@Goldfish, we are not paying for that. The pech have it as an SLA, Lya can just learn it from them. Just like she can eventually learn Mindblank from Ser Richard.
It makes a frightening amount of sense, and cements my desire to never let high lords anywhere near royal children. Parents and inner circle only.
Luckily Lya can make the perfect nanny. Who can also shoot lightning bolts at everyone who looks at the wee ones funny.

I also still have an idea for a glass golem variant specialized to be a bodyguard.
[X] Duesal
It makes a frightening amount of sense, and cements my desire to never let high lords anywhere near royal children. Parents and inner circle only.

@Goldfish, we are not paying for that. The pech have it as an SLA, Lya can just learn it from them. Just like she can eventually learn Mindblank from Ser Richard.

I don't think Lya could learn the Pech version of the spell, since it is a collaborative effort between 8 of them, but good point, we can have the Pech unpetrify the eggs for now.
I meant the one abut the death of the dragons.

It sounds plausible, both that the nobles would want to see the dragons die, and that Dragonsbane wouldn't be particularly motivated to keep a close eye on such creatures. I think it's closer to his neglect allowed it to happen rather than tacit approval, though.

Getting a master or two to teach our local workers for a while is pretty much what I was thinking about. With Dorne not having a fleet, we control the southern half of the Narrow Sea once we have the Three Daughters, which means that it becomes strategically beneficial for Braavos to increase our trade capacity and force projection ability in this fashion. We would basically keep their southern markets open and protected for them.

The concern of us leveraging said power against Braavos is pretty moot, since we will have taken three Free Cities by then and the Sealord is not an idiot. Braavos and Lorath wouldn't be able to stand up against the guy who needed only a backwater pirate hole to conquer three regional powers, not when said guy now has three regional powers worth of military might in addition to what he already had. Deeper trade ties make a much better way to ensure peace there and that takes ships.

Makes sense. The shipwrights guild might not see it that way, though. They'd want to maintain their position as the best shipwrights in the world, and increasing the gap between them and their competitors is only good for them (as institutional knowledge is lost in the chaos of our conquest) from their perspective, right? I'd expect sub-par Journeymen shipwrights out of it, with the Braavosi quite happy to let them flounder and make mistakes that a master would avoid (setting our shipbuilder's reputation early as less reliable).

Now we're definitely swinging by Dragonstone on our way back home.

Hopefully we have time for it.
Makes sense. The shipwrights guild might not see it that way, though. They'd want to maintain their position as the best shipwrights in the world, and increasing the gap between them and their competitors is only good for them (as institutional knowledge is lost in the chaos of our conquest) from their perspective, right? I'd expect Journeymen shipwrights out of it, with the Braavosi quite happy to let them flounder and make mistakes that a master would avoid (setting our shipbuilder's reputation early as less reliable).
We can compensate with magical items and a few spells. Besides, I don't care about being the best. It doesn't matter if you can make the best ships in the world with great effort and care, when the opposition can drown you in hundreds that are merely good.
Makes sense. The shipwrights guild might not see it that way, though. They'd want to maintain their position as the best shipwrights in the world, and increasing the gap between them and their competitors is only good for them (as institutional knowledge is lost in the chaos of our conquest) from their perspective, right? I'd expect sub-par Journeymen shipwrights out of it, with the Braavosi quite happy to let them flounder and make mistakes that a master would avoid (setting our shipbuilder's reputation early as less reliable).
+10 Profession (Shipwright) item for 1000 IM would probably more than offset the difference between journeyman and master levels. Can probably do even with cheaper ones.
Or we should hatch them all, then use 13 as sacrifices to further empower Viserys' dragonocity. :p

[X] Duesal
I would sacrifice a lot of stuff to change "HD+6" to "HD+8".
Yes, but that was because sugarcane is much more easily processed to produce pure crystalline sugar
And it's fucking delicious.

Especially the juice. You crush the sugarcane two or three times for the most glorious nectar, best drunk fresh.
So, I was actually wrong on the cost of cheap Constructs to man the Wall. I overestimated the expense.

A basic Small-sized combat Construct, which is roughly equivalent to a level 1 Warrior in potential lethality, would cost us 8 IM to produce, while a Medium-sized one closer to a level 2 or 3 Warrior, would cost 16 IM to produce.

In two days, each of Lya's Wrights could produce 50 Small or 25 Medium combat Constructs for 400 IM. With both Wrights working on it, that's 100 Small and 50 Medium for just 800 IM. 150 deadly Constructs that have no need for sleep or supplies.

We could easily station such a contingent at every single castle along the wall, with a small number of humans to command the Constructs.

EDIT: For such a low cost, we should be producing these Constructs anyway, assigning them to our ships as supplementary guards and using them to add weight of numbers to our Legions.
This math seems seriously off. IIRC, a basic wooden humanoid was like 40 IM.
I'm feel entirely vindicated for pushing for the blood ritual back then. Day of Change is all but useless with how few things are eligible for it.
Same. People whined a lot, but ultimately, "learn how to sacrifice living things" >>>> "learn how to sacrifice artifacts".
So, three Heart Trees in Lys is what we need...

Yeah, we need to go hunting for demons in the Abyss and come back with plenty sacrifices.
Or we can just use the slave breeders in town.
Dark Sun Dagger can be tossed
No way.
We should definitely stop by Dragonstone on the way back and thoroughly loot the place of anything that catches our interest, dragon eggs included.

I'm curious, but why don't we just take Dragonstone back? It'd require a fleet to take from us, and that hasn't worked all too well for them the last time they tried it.
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