A piece of the continent
- Location
- The interblag
- Pronouns
- She/Her
+10 Profession (Shipwright) item for 1000 IM would probably more than offset the difference between journeyman and master levels. Can probably do even with cheaper ones.
True. Sufficient magic can cover a lot of sins.
Actually, @TotallyNotEvil where were those ship building rules you used to build Queen Rhaella? I want to do the groundwork so when we see how cheap our steel production is, I can do an actual cost comparison between traditional ships and construct driven steel ships.
I would sacrifice a lot of stuff to change "HD+6" to "HD+8".
And it's fucking delicious.
Especially the juice. You crush the sugarcane two or three times for the most glorious nectar, best drunk fresh.
This math seems seriously off. IIRC, a basic wooden humanoid was like 40 IM.
Same. People whined a lot, but ultimately, "learn how to sacrifice living things" >>>> "learn how to sacrifice artifacts".
Or we can just use the slave breeders in town.
No way.
Yeah, melee constructs are very IM inefficient. A construct that can cling to the wall itself and shoot ranged weapons and skitter about would likely be a better design.
I'm curious, but why don't we just take Dragonstone back? It'd require a navy to take from us, and that hasn't worked all too well for them the last time they tried it.
We're trying to prevent overeager lords from declaring rebellion in our name before we're ready. So we don't want to do anything too open or bold that might make them think they can do something foolish. If we're forced to go before we're ready, it turns from a campaign where the seven kingdoms are bloodied a bit, but still mostly intact (Robert's Rebellion) into an all out war, ravaging places all throughout the Seven Kingdoms (War of Five Kings).