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Quests Archive

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A CK2 inspired - in some parts- Quest to plant the Empire's flag on Lustrian shores, securing a foothold for Imperial Humanity. Delve into the secrets of the interior and risk scaly wrath, Look outward to secure the waves against chaotic marauders, look along the coast to secure the new world's wealth via trade with other colonial efforts. Yet All Importantly, secure Prestige for yourself and for your family.
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It is the 42nd Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries, the God Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on his throne - carrion lord of earth, sustained by the worship of a billion billion souls. That light had gone out. The Astronomicon has dimmed to a guttering ember, sputtering in the night. The Imperium is riven by a vast warp storm - the Cicatrix Maledictum - and hope seems lost. It is the darkest of days. It is the end times. You are an Imperial Guardsman on the world of...
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You are a young officer of the Dragon Empire, the future and your ambition are in your hands. Will you try to save the Empire or bring about its fall, or maybe you will create your own state without caring about the fate of the Empire. Its medieval/ancient type of warfare.
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The dark era of one of the most incompetent emperor in history ends, leaving behind only the need for continued work to rebuild what was destroyed. You have this job to answer for, but you're still excited. At least you're no longer in danger of being executed!
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It's a good time to be Wizard. Eighty years have pass since Magnus made magic legal in the Empire. For those who keep true to his articles, you may safely wield The Art without censure. But the Empire is not the be all and end all of knowledge. Beyond its borders lies a world to explore.
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Welcome to the Stolen Lands, adventurer. Fight monsters. Reclaim territory for humanity. Acquire valuable magical resources and artifacts to grow your power (or your faction or the whole colony if you feel like a team player). This is a white-to-dark quest in terms of morality. Fighting fire with fire is an option. Honoring the natural order and being a good person is also an option. The Graf will be somewhere in between. Anything truly horrible will happen off-screen and only be alluded...
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The adventures of two bitter rivals who hate each other more than tom and jerry the depths of there adventure in a hell selected by rob to see both of these to screwed for fun. Unknown to him dark days are about to come soon..first for the two nations and soon for the rob..
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The year is 606, and in your home— the country of Corcaea— the souls of mankind belong to demons. Catalyst Quest is a dark fantasy epic that follows the adventures of a compassionate, self-sacrificing priest warped by divine power. In this original, apocalyptic setting, the Gods are real, and within every man, woman and child lurks a phenomenon that can transform men into monsters: the Catalyst. You assume the role of Father Richard Anscham, leader of the Church of Mercy, and it is your...
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You woke up to this world without any clue of what you are or where you are from. Actually, you had nothing back then but an odd headache, a pair of ivory wings, and immense natural talent in magic branches, which other denizens of this world consider notoriously rare and mysterious. You were fortunate enough to be picked from the wilds and shown the ropes of this realm by good people but unfortunate enough to keep the latter from harm, with a mysterious group tailing you through the...
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This is not the Tale of Barbarians and the Rise to a King, this is the Story of Might… Might and Magic, from a forgotten age of HIGH ADVENTURE. "Magic...Sorcery and power are all addictive and have the Danger of Fire itself. DO not lose yourself on the Path, for the self you have is all you have ever been given." -The Book of Sorcerors, Tome of Storms.
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By fate or choice, you are now in the vast plains, also known as Blugd-Tur. Vicious, verdant, and mysterious, these lands are famous for their dangerous fauna, half as dangerous flora, rustic traditions of the hardy locals, and a whole plethora of unexplainable phenomena. And if that wasn't enough, you ended up here in a tough spot in your life. Would you emerge victorious from the struggle with unfavorable circumstances, or would you become yet another forgotten victim of the Old Turan?
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For reasons unbeknownst to you, a mysterious patron has given you a Gamer system which could propel you to unthinkable heights, given time - but even this may prove inferior against the full weight of the Ruinous threat you and your world face.
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The skies cry blood and the earth spills hate. It is the end of days.
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You are a sixteen year old demonologist. A few years ago, you sacrificed your own heart to one of the Eight Lords of Hell to bring your little sister back to life. Now, you hope to find something valuable enough to buy back what you lost.
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After summer, winter; after winter, spring.
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It is the year 1887 and path of the world is decided under the thick fog of London. You are Horace Jacob Barnham, gentleman and scholar. In your hands rests the last known copy of the works of the mad philosopher Faisal abd Shadar. And you are about to learn the truth of his ramblings.
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"As Heaven's whole foundations to their very center nod, So too all nature trembles to the empty throne of God." - A Jenn parable "Know, then, that beneath the Lords of Heaven are the innumerable lesser powers, the Balthazim, or the Princes of the Lower Air. Some among these serve at the knees of the greater spirits, but many and more work their own desires upon the world, heeding no master but their own idle whims. They garb themselves in many colors, and walk the world in untold shapes...
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The Realm of Blood has been shattered by human efforts. You are sent adrift, seeking survival by any means and hopefully, perhaps, restoring the dream.
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A Plan Quest in the middle of a darke bronze age
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I write this in hopes that history finds it in the hands of a worthy predecessor. Shortly I face odds I am uncertain I can triumph over or shenanigan my way out of. Learn from my mistakes, study hard, and always remember law is written for the smooth function of society not the good of the people within it.
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Wealth, power and danger in equal measure lie to those who chase plenty!
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The year is 606, and in your home— the country of Corcaea— the souls of mankind belong to demons. Catalyst Quest is a dark fantasy epic that follows the adventures of a compassionate, self-sacrificing priest warped by divine power. In this original, apocalyptic setting, the Gods are real, and within every man, woman and child lurks a phenomenon that can transform men into monsters: the Catalyst. You assume the role of Father Richard Anscham, leader of the Church of Mercy, and it is your...
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A Contract. A pact forged with the beings that lived beyond the Veil, allowing them entrance into the Materiam and giving them agency that they otherwise wouldn't have. You awaken after a near-death experience, with a Contract all but forced upon you by forces unknown. Will you choose to wield its power, or would you resist the temptation, and instead yield it the first chance you get?
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The story of a single practitioner and his quest to be the Lord of the town of Poet's Hill. Battle terrible monsters and ancient magi, debate against cunning adversaries and try to make friends. But most importantly, make a good show out of it.
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Fort James, 1673: A Trading Post of Africa is an alternate history game of conquest & trade with the African people. You will play the role of Director Mark Arden, responsible for the Fort James operation. Your have broad discretionary powers in dealing with the natives as long as you do not run afoul of other European powers. Your instructions are simple, to expand the income of the Royal African Company by any legal means. The difference between this game and reality is the presence of...
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Born into a darkened land, a young witch makes a hinterland into her domain. Bargain with demons or bind them to your service, curse your enemies, grow your power, force the populace to respect you, and just maybe find a way to stay out off Hell.
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The flower of the Renaissance has blossomed into the Enlightenment across Europe. Absolute Monarchs flirt with liberal ideals while punishing dissent with torture and death. High-handed philosophers speak of equality, liberty, and fraternity while the majority of the peasantry lives in bound serfdom throughout the lands. The zealotry of the Reformation, Counter-Reformation, and Wars of Religion which so-dominated the previous centuries have ground to a halt as new secular ideals come to...
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Awakening from ancient slumber, the Vessel a being born of flesh and stone enters into the Godless realm, compelled to seek its true purpose. Many enemies lie before you Vessel, but you are perhaps the last hope for this strange land of snow, known to those who live there as "The Godless Lands"
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A story of life, love, and monsters.
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“Ow!” You perked up and looked over to see your sister lying on the snow covered ground and...
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