[X] Plan: Friends of Age, learning, job, and improvement.
-[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
--[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
---[X] Grace Bell: You probably owe her an apology, and you do share some interests. Can't be that hard to get along.
---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
--[X] Practice Work your magic, white boy. (Pick up to three)
---[X] Recharge Spend some time doing what you like. Pump back some energy into your Self.
---[X] Study: Mom and Dad have been at this for a while, and they know a few tricks. You gotta pump up your arsenal. (Can cost up to 10 Self)
----[X] Lesser Practice: Learn a quick trick, as chosen by one of your folks.
---[X] Arm Up: Craft yourself a weapon. (Can cost up to $40 Quality will only be as high as Average)
----[x] Melee: Make yourself a mean stick. (Metal Bat enhanced with runes of Fire and Iron)
--[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
---[X] Find a Job, Ya Bum: You have exactly $20 to your name and you don't wanna leech off your parents forever. (Sharp and Charm roll, counts as two choices)
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[] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
[] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people.
-[] Poet Hill's literary circle. Try to learn from them how to tell a good song from a bad one. Get them to share the contacts of songwriters, especially those who have an interest in cyberpunk themes.
[] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy.
-[] Do research on the state of the cyberpunk music scene. Select several groups and individual singers for a more detailed study; look at their Youtube clips. Don't focus on the success stories — the failures pose more interest. Grab a pen and a paper and write down the analysis: voice pitch, choreography, post-production tools, lyrics, etc. Find out as much as possible — at least one A4 page of information for every analyzed subject.

This is how I see the first steps to spread the word of Vox Mechanica via songs — prepare for making a Youtube clip. Maybe, it would be better to find a songwriter through the Internet, but let's try word of mouth first.
---[X] Study: Mom and Dad have been at this for a while, and they know a few tricks. You gotta pump up your arsenal. (Can cost up to 10 Self)
----[X] Lesser Practice: Learn a quick trick, as chosen by one of your folks.
----[X] Lesser Rite: Learn a prepared weapon, as chosen by one of your folks.
Gotta be one or the other, bud.
--[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
---[X] Find a Job, Ya Bum: You have exactly $20 to your name and you don't wanna leech off your parents forever. (Sharp and Charm roll, counts as two choices)
---[X] Self-Improvement: Work hard, and you might improve one of your stats! Maybe!
Find a Job counts as two.
Glad you are back Dr.
Glad to be back. :)
This mean we have 3 each for practice and social, right? Can we convert actions? Like, only pick one social and turn the other two in a normal action?
Yes, you have three each. Nope on the other stuff.
This is how I see the first steps to spread the word of Vox Mechanica via songs — prepare for making a Youtube clip. Maybe, it would be better to find a songwriter through the Internet, but let's try word of mouth first.
I appreciate the iniciative, but I'll ask that you keep to the available options. There'll be time for that once you actually know what Vox's deal is.

The first step to this would be talking with one of your parents.
Awesome update! Patch seems a really interesting character. I kind of loved her unperturbed attitude to this snotty young master of a practitioners attempt to bind her.

Interesting to see the kinds of options we have opening up.

I think laying some social foundations with our peers is important, but our parents are definitely our best way of getting insight into Vox and what it means to be a harbinger. Hmmm.

As an extension, working on the goblins and maybe giving them names is tempting. Goblin Magic is equal parts Potent, flexible and hilarious (and 100% Yuck, obviously).

A job seems essential, stuff costs money and we don't have enough going on to earn reliable money with our practice. Hopefully, our Charm and Sharp stats mean we can finagle something more interesting than working behind a till?
Nice look through the eyes of Patchy!
Hey, you finally got to vote! Congrats, mate.
Interesting to see the kinds of options we have opening up.
I should note the stat improvement is only gonna show up every three months or so.
I think laying some social foundations with our peers is important, but our parents are definitely our best way of getting insight into Vox and what it means to be a harbinger. Hmmm.
You could always hang out with two friends and one of your folks.
As an extension, working on the goblins and maybe giving them names is tempting. Goblin Magic is equal parts Potent, flexible and hilarious (and 100% Yuck, obviously).
I'm dying to see what names they get, tbh.
A job seems essential, stuff costs money and we don't have enough going on to earn reliable money with our practice. Hopefully, our Charm and Sharp stats mean we can finagle something more interesting than working behind a till?
You're fully 17 and fresh outta high school. You're not exactly gonna be president even on a crit.
[X] Plan Kicking Things Off
-[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
--[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
---[X] Grace Bell: You probably owe her an apology, and you do share some interests. Can't be that hard to get along.
--[X] Practice Work your magic, white boy. (Pick up to three)
---[X] Recharge Spend some time doing what you like. Pump back some energy into your Self. (Can be picked twice)
---[X] Kids Young Adults with Guns Toys: You got four Goblin tools. Maybe you should learn what they actually do?
---[X] Study: Mom and Dad have been at this for a while, and they know a few tricks. You gotta pump up your arsenal. (Can cost up to 10 Self)
----[X] Lesser Rite: Learn a prepared weapon, as chosen by one of your folks.
--[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
---[X] Weird: Research Others, try to get used to their mentalities, read up on Runes. (DC: 50)
---[X] Sharp: Read a book, for fuck's sake. You slept through most of high school and you're not planning on college, so it's up to you. (DC: 25)

Figured there is no big asks for the Parents, and this seemed an interesting blend of socials. Practice involves learning from the Folks, repairing a bit from said learning, and experimenting with the rewards from last fight. Also studying is good.

Scheduled vote count started by Dr Heaven M.D. on Sep 28, 2021 at 6:04 PM, finished with 14 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Friends of Age, learning, job, and improvement.
    -[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
    --[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
    ---[X] Grace Bell: You probably owe her an apology, and you do share some interests. Can't be that hard to get along.
    ---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
    --[X] Practice Work your magic, white boy. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Recharge Spend some time doing what you like. Pump back some energy into your Self.
    ---[X] Study: Mom and Dad have been at this for a while, and they know a few tricks. You gotta pump up your arsenal. (Can cost up to 10 Self)
    ----[X] Lesser Practice: Learn a quick trick, as chosen by one of your folks.
    ---[X] Arm Up: Craft yourself a weapon. (Can cost up to $40 Quality will only be as high as Average)
    ----[x] Melee: Make yourself a mean stick. (Metal Bat enhanced with runes of Fire and Iron)
    --[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
    ---[X] Find a Job, Ya Bum: You have exactly $20 to your name and you don't wanna leech off your parents forever. (Sharp and Charm roll, counts as two choices)
    [X] Plan Self Improvement Plus Friendship.
    -[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
    --[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
    ---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
    --[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
    ---[X] Self-Improvement: Work hard, and you might improve one of your stats! Maybe! (d100 roll, difficulty lowers the more you do it. Can be picked twice.)
    ----[X] Sharp: Read a book, for fuck's sake. You slept through most of high school and you're not planning on college, so it's up to you. (DC: 25)
    ----[X] Weird: Research Others, try to get used to their mentalities, read up on Runes. (DC: 50)
    [X] Plan Kicking Things Off
    -[X] June Activities (First Half) Choose what you'll do for the next two weeks.
    --[X] Social Noone's an island. Hang out with some people. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Eric Calloway: He did want to talk to you about making weird magic robots. This could be fun.
    ---[X] Stark: You could meet, help her get used to the town. Maybe actually learn her first freaking name.
    ---[X] Grace Bell: You probably owe her an apology, and you do share some interests. Can't be that hard to get along.
    --[X] Practice Work your magic, white boy. (Pick up to three)
    ---[X] Recharge Spend some time doing what you like. Pump back some energy into your Self. (Can be picked twice)
    ---[X] Kids Young Adults with Guns Toys: You got four Goblin tools. Maybe you should learn what they actually do?
    ---[X] Study: Mom and Dad have been at this for a while, and they know a few tricks. You gotta pump up your arsenal. (Can cost up to 10 Self)
    ----[X] Lesser Rite: Learn a prepared weapon, as chosen by one of your folks.
    --[X] Regular Life: The boring part of urban fantasy. (Pick up to two)
    ---[X] Weird: Research Others, try to get used to their mentalities, read up on Runes. (DC: 50)
    ---[X] Sharp: Read a book, for fuck's sake. You slept through most of high school and you're not planning on college, so it's up to you. (DC: 25)