Well, unless something changes, I for one can't wait to attach nitrous injectors directly into our veins and paint ourselves red to make us go Fasta
Well, unless something changes, I for one can't wait to attach nitrous injectors directly into our veins and paint ourselves red to make us go Fasta
Am I gonna have to add a 'this is not an ork quest' tag?

Anyway, I'll be closing the votes later today, so if anyone's been keeping from suddenly turn the tally around, now's your time.
Adhoc vote count started by TimEd on Aug 17, 2021 at 9:42 PM, finished with 20 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] PLAN: Technology born of People and Faith
    -[X] Vox Mechanica: A Nex Machina, one of the accidental internet gods brough about by urban legends and creepypasta. She looks like an anthropomorphic engine block. As the fragile existance of Nex Machina depends on awareness and belief in their existance, Vox tasked you with becoming a notorious figure, either through fear or love or whatever, so long as you make people aware of her, and through that gaining her worshippers and followers to make her more powerful.
    -[X] Bracelet: Slightly bigger, but basically the same as the ring except that you have a chain for each function except of one pulling double duty. Not easily hidden, but it might be seen as cool by peers with similar fashion choices, so at least there's that.
    -[X] Jack Alexander
    -[X] Male and He/Him. Does not mind They/Them.
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] Jewish American.
    --[X] Cyberpunk/Steampunk
    --[X] 6'2 Hight, Hair is black and clean cut. Weighs about 200 Lb. Has tattoo of the Kabbalah, and more of machines on him. Apart of the tattoo of Kabbalah has machines incorporated into it. It can easily told they were added later, after the Kabbalah was there for a while. Heterochromia iridum, one eye blue, other is green.
    --[X] Comforting Smile
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Smartass (It takes careful wording and a lot of discipline to be a snarky shit when you can't use sarcasm, but you manage.)
    --[X] Flirty (What's a few winks and blown kisses between friends? Or between enemies? Or strangers?)
    --[X] Cheerful (Look, just because you saw someone get their face eaten by an invisible monster is no excuse to be a bummer.)
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Dancing
    --[X] Singing (You've got a lovely voice.)
    --[X] RPGs (Sure, maybe you can't play anymore because of the 'no lying' thing, but you like the lore, optimization, and you've gotten pretty good at roleplaying.)
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Potential (Poet's Hill could be more. But there's a lot of space between 'could be' and 'will be', and that's where you come in.)
    --[X] Challenge (Eidolon was a bitch. You know what you want, and Lords face challengers pretty much every day. You'll get the spot, then beat 'em all.)
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Hustler: Charm +2, Cool +1, Sharp +0, Tough -1, Weird +1
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Whistle While You Work (Minor boost to Practice if you've got music on in the background while you work.)
    [X] PLAN: Void born of Darkness and Hunt
    -[X] Mister Void: The Abyss, the physical plane in which everything ends up eventually to be ground down into the bedrock of reality, is divided into sections. Sometimes these sections produce incarnations of themselves to go into the world and carry out their goals. Void is a Minor Abyssal Incarnation, which still evens out to him being a Big Fucking Deal. Wants you to go out every so often and send Bogeymen that escaped from The Manor back to the Abyss' embrace.
    -[X] Glass Eye: Yuck. Well, can't keep it much closer than that, I guess. This piece is kept bound by an eyepatch and a tattoo on your eyelid that your parents got you when you were eight--Jesus H. Christ. The eyepatch contains the storm and your alternative form, the eyelid is more like a failsafe and so you can take it off when you go to sleep.
    -[X] Hope Jackson
    -[X] Male and He/Him only.
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] White American/British.
    --[X] Victorian/Bloodborn Hunter.
    --[X] 4'9 Hight, Hair is blond and wild as a birds nest. Weighs about 97 Lb. Scares all over the body. Red eyes.
    --[X] Bloodborn Smile (Not the monster in there, but the man smiling.)
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Flirty (What's a few winks and blown kisses between friends? Or between enemies? Or strangers?)
    --[X] Depressive (Shit, I guess it was an excuse.)
    --[X] Stoic (Hm.)
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Hunting
    --[X] Reading (Boring for conversations, but even Berserker Mages can be introverts.)
    --[X] Shooting (In case this wasn't clear, the Quest takes place in the United States.)
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Potential (Poet's Hill could be more. But there's a lot of space between 'could be' and 'will be', and that's where you come in.)
    --[X] Revenge (One or more of the bigger groups in Poet's Hill harmed your family somehow. Let's see who laughs last, eh?)
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Average Joe: Charm +1, Cool -1, Sharp +1, Tough +1, Weird -1
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Top Gear (A minor enchanted tool that helps you manipulate the storm is given at the start.)
    [X] Bullets are Cool and so is Revenge
    -[X] Mister Void
    -[X] Bracelet
    -[X] James Beauregard
    -[X] Male (trans), He/Him
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] White, American
    --[X] Jeans and a leather jacket are appropriate for all occasions
    --[X] 5'4, short dirty blonde hair, always wearing headphones of some sort (either on his ears or around his neck and 90% of the time there's music playing through them in either position)
    --[X] Scowl
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Blunt
    --[X] Stoic
    --[X] Stubborn
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Shooting
    --[X] Soccer
    --[X] Singing
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Potential
    --[X] Revenge
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Witch
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Whistle While You Work
    [X] PLAN Timid Sheep
    -[X] Aries Bespoke
    -[X] Ring
    -[X] Hector Issariotis
    -[X] Male (He/Him).
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] Greek
    --[X] Casual with cute accessories like a hairband.
    --[X] 5' 3, slender, long blonde fluffy hair.
    --[X] Sheepish smile
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Timid
    --[X] Caring
    --[X] Determined
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Figure skating
    --[X] Reading
    --[X] Sewing
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Revenge
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Jock: Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp +0, Tough +2, Weird -1
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Big Damn Hero.
    -[X] Aries Bespoke
    -[X] Ring
    -[X] Nicolas (Nick) Swanson
    -[X] Male (He/Him).
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] American
    --[X] big ass redneck
    --[X] 6' 8,
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Blunt
    --[X] Caring
    --[X] Temperamental
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Wood working
    --[X] Shooting
    --[X] Drinking
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Revenge
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Jock: Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp +0, Tough +2, Weird -1
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Redneck Engineering for Magic (Bonus to Practice when using cheap stuff or what you have lying around the house. Nail Gun Magic Missile!)

Here you have it QM.
Yeah, okay, voting's closed. I'll get cracking on the next update.
Scheduled vote count started by Dr Heaven M.D. on Aug 16, 2021 at 10:21 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] PLAN: Technology born of People and Faith
    [X] Bullets are Cool and so is Revenge
    -[X] Mister Void
    -[X] Bracelet
    -[X] James Beauregard
    -[X] Male (trans), He/Him
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] White, American
    --[X] Jeans and a leather jacket are appropriate for all occasions
    --[X] 5'4, short dirty blonde hair, always wearing headphones of some sort (either on his ears or around his neck and 90% of the time there's music playing through them in either position)
    --[X] Scowl
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Blunt
    --[X] Stoic
    --[X] Stubborn
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Shooting
    --[X] Soccer
    --[X] Singing
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Potential
    --[X] Revenge
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Witch
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Whistle While You Work
    [X] PLAN Timid Sheep
    -[X] Aries Bespoke
    -[X] Ring
    -[X] Hector Issariotis
    -[X] Male (He/Him).
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] Greek
    --[X] Casual with cute accessories like a hairband.
    --[X] 5' 3, slender, long blonde fluffy hair.
    --[X] Sheepish smile
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Timid
    --[X] Caring
    --[X] Determined
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Figure skating
    --[X] Reading
    --[X] Sewing
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Revenge
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Jock: Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp +0, Tough +2, Weird -1
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Big Damn Hero.
    -[X] Aries Bespoke
    -[X] Ring
    -[X] Nicolas (Nick) Swanson
    -[X] Male (He/Him).
    -[X] Appearance
    --[X] American
    --[X] big ass redneck
    --[X] 6' 8,
    -[X] Attitude
    --[X] Blunt
    --[X] Caring
    --[X] Temperamental
    -[X] Hobbies
    --[X] Wood working
    --[X] Shooting
    --[X] Drinking
    -[X] Ambition
    --[X] Revenge
    -[X] Stat Rates:
    --[X] Jock: Charm +1, Cool +1, Sharp +0, Tough +2, Weird -1
    -[X] Bonus
    --[X] Redneck Engineering for Magic (Bonus to Practice when using cheap stuff or what you have lying around the house. Nail Gun Magic Missile!)

But first, those informational posts I said I'd make.
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Character Sheet
Name: Jack Alexander
Gender: Male-ish (He/They)
Age: 17 (August 13)

Health: 10/10
Self: 22/30
Funds: $20

Physical Traits:
* Jewish American
* Fashion tends to the cyberpunk and steampunk aesthetics.
* 6'2" (1,87m) tall, kinda lanky.
* Medium-length black hair shaved at the sides and combed sideways.
* Heterochromatic eyes (blue/green)
* Mechanical kabbalah tattoo on right shoulder
* Usually Smiling

Regular Stats:
* Charm (+2)
* Cool: (+1)
* Sharp: (+0)
* Tough: (-1)
* Weird: (+1)

Practice Stats:
* Puissance: 1d6
* Longetivity: 1d4
* Access: 1d8
* Execution: 1d10
* Research: 1d8

* Whistle While You Work:
Minor Boost to Practice if music plays in the background as you work.
* Family History: Due to a family history of picking fights with bigger opponents and coming out the victors, you gain a bonus to Puissance rolls when using AoE techniques against a larger group of enemies.

  • Minor Accomplishments: Won First Fight.

  • Harbinger's Token: The physical representation of your bond with Vox Mechanica. Pretty cool, except for the chainsaw teeth one the inside that bite into your flesh. (Grants Harbinger's Storm and Berserker Form. Can't be removed.)
  • Control Chains: A pair of chains made by your parents to help you control Vox's 'blessings'. Not too bad a birthday present, but you still think a pony would have been better. (Consume -3 Self every turn to keep you from killing people left and right. Requires .5 Self to remove and reapply each one.)
  • Strong Earth-Charged Iron Nails (x64): Nails with earth runes carved into the head. You did a pretty decent job making them.
  • Minor Goblin Weapons (x4): You don't really know what these do. A rubber ball, a water balloon, windup chattering teeth and novelty glasses.
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This is not the only way. But give how they are formed. I feel the back makes more sense. Given I don't think an Arm would fit it.
I know what it is, but I figured no parent would let their kid get a huge-ass tattoo covering their whole back, and with the Practice at their disposal it wouldn't have been to hard to find out. So for now let's say the tattoo was the result of tense negotations, good grades and bad decisions when Jack was graduating.

It's kinda small, but it's there.
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How the Practice Works
There are two things that could be said to be the foundation of the Practice: "Contracting Others" and "Putting on a Show"

Both have about equal merit. Others, the supernatural beings that inhabit the magical side of the world unseen by Innocents, are the origin of Practice. They were the ones that taught it to the first Practitioners, before humanity started cheating by doing things like "Developing Written Language So Their Knowledge Could Be Spread After Their Death" and "Sharing Knowledge Outside Of Their Families", which the Others at the time had been dismissive of at the time.

Through making contracts with Others, one can use their services, tap on them for power and knowledge, etc.

On the other hand, putting on a show is equally important. Spirits, the more abstract and almost mindless forces that inhabit every aspect of everything(*) act as the judges for the actions of everyone, though Others and Practitioners are judged much more harshly than Innocents. Karma is real, and can be harvested.

* Literally anything. In a stick on the ground you'll find a spirit of wood, a spirit of brown, a spirit of dirt, a spirit of sticks, a spirit of fallen things, etc. Seven Gods in a Grain of Rice.

The problem is that these spirits are, metaphorically speaking, dumb as dirt. Or literally dumb as dirt, in the case of dirt spirits.

More than a few Practitioners have compared the spirits that oversee the karmic balance of the world with the unattentive audience of a TV show. They generally condemn things like sudden assassination and going back on your work, but if one warns the other of their intent, then they'll say the victim had a fair warning and should have escaped.

Yes, that's right. The spirits that judge everyone's karma reward Bond Villain Behaviour. You may take a pause to despair.

Similarly, this is why the spirits like patterns. As they recognize a Practitioner doing something more and more, they come to see it as proof that they are good and reliable. Thus, a Practitioner that every morning for twelve years without fail made a minor ritual to Ward their home will be rewarded by it being easier and stronger as time moves on.

This also applies to tropes and themes. Our protagonist, Jack, has two hobbies related to music, has a habit of listening to music while Practicing, and one of his favoured aesthetics (cyberpunk) is related to certain genres of music by popular belief. Thus, if Jack tried to make some sort of... dubstep curse or whatever, the spirits would go 'fuck yeah, that totally suits our boy Jack' and make it that much easier and stronger.

This is why the cost of entry into the Practice is the ability to lie unpunished. The spirits loathe being misguided, so if you're caught on a lie they'll take some power away. This is bad if you're using your power for things like 'mantaining your humanity' and 'not getting eating from the inside out by the great powers you host within your mortal flesh'.

And if you go back on an outright oath, then you could be Forswon. Stripped of the ability to Practice, stripped of the natural defenses aforded to all plants, animals and humans, and essentially becoming one of the universes designated punching bags. Everyone will be allowed to take from you, harm you, curse you or worse without repercussion. You will naturally be distrusted by all that encounter you, the odds will always be against you and you will most likely never know joy again.

So yeah, you gotta be careful with your wording. At least this applies to every Other and Practitioner around you, no?

Many things can be accomplished through the Practice, up to gaining inmortality and enslaving gods. But at its most basic level, it's the art of gaining knowledge and resources through the binding of Others, and the art of gaining power through being entertaining.

Like with normal traits, there are five stats:
* Puissance: This is the raw power of any Practice you attempt. The higher you roll, the better you bring out the effect.
* Longetivity: This is the duration of the Practice's effect. The higher you roll, the more it lasts.
* Access: This is how easy it is for you to use. The higher you roll, the faster it gets done and/or the less power it costs.
* Execution: This is how much you know of the Practice. High rolls means you know just the right tool, or something close enough.
* Research: This is the ability to invent rituals and techniques from general knowledge. The higher you roll, the better the solution.
(Research and Execution are different stats because new rituals wouldn't have the benefit of history behind them.)

What makes these different than normal stats is that instead of a static bonus to each stat, you have a different dice for each which might change if something big happens:
* 1d4 (Doesn't explode)
* 1d6 (Explodes once)
* 1d8 (Explodes twice)
* 1d10 (Explodes thrice)
* 1d12 (Explodes four times)
* 1d20 (Explodes five times)
(For those unaware, exploding die are where, if you roll the higest possible number on a die, you roll it again and add the new roll to the previous one. I decided to limit how many times each one could explode since it fit in with the verse anyways.)

Bonuses are completely circumstantial every time you use the Practice. What you've accomplished before, what you are aiming to do, how you do it, what you use, where you are, etc. If you want to have good results, it's not enough to be good. You gotta control the framing.

The die applied to each stat might change with enough successes or, alternatively, failures.

Practice uses 'Self' for power unless stated otherwise, by tapping into an external source such as different Practitioners, Others or enchanted items.

Aaaaand I think that's everything. If there are any questions, feel free to ask.
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* Shamanism: The courting of spirits in exchange for favours. Generally it's a good idea to start small, then work your way up the hierarchy. For example, one can start building favour with a 'Grey Mouse' spirit to get a meeting with a 'Rodent' spirit. Then one builds favour with that spirit to get a meeting with a 'Prey' spirit.

* Runes: Drawing symbols and putting power into them in order to produce certain effects. It works by communicating the desired effect to the smallest, ambient spirits which then inhabit the runes and move accordingly. A rune can be used on it's own, in combination with other runes, or as part of a complex magical diagram, as long as the symbolism communicates your wishes to the spirits in accordance with tradition.

* Binding: The art of contracting Others and Humans into your service. Considering the harsh punishments incurred by liars and oathbreakers in the world Others and Practitioners inhabit, Binding can be as simple as just getting someone to agree to do what you ask of them. In more combative enviroments, however, more mystic types of Binding are available:
- Negative Binding: The use of elements and symbols that oppose an Other's nature in their binding. For example, geometric lines against chaotic beings, using purifying materials (like salt, silver, bright lights) against malignant Others, iron against things from nature, fresh wood against dead things, etc. Strong for subjugating and paralyzing Others, but if they escape they will do so pissed off as all hell.
- Positive Binding: The use of elements and symbols that are in tune to the Other's essential nature. For example, filth for Goblins, energy for elementals, etc. Slightly less effective than Negative Bindings, but the Other will come out significantly less pissed.
- Neutral Binding: Based around symbolically severing Connections to outside the symbols. Not terribly effective, but a good way to buy time. Usually consists of as little as a salt or chalk circle.
- Voluntary Binding: Basically what you get when the Other agrees to do what you tell them to. Can be done after delivering a beating to the Other. Is usually done after delivering a beating to the Other.
- Mundane Binding: Shockingly, just holding someone in place through ropes, brute force or nailing their limbs in place counts as Binding. Turns out the real magic was the people we kicked the crap out of along the way.
-- Hallows: An object cleansed of other and Other influences and basically 'hollowed out' so that a Spirit or Other may fit inside. Easier to do to inmaterial Others like Ghosts or Elementals, but can be done to other Others as well. (Creation of a Hallow is -.5 Self)

* Summoning: The power to bring a contracted Other to your location. Easier if said Other was previously Bound. May sometimes require a sacrifice of Other and/or some material object. Summoning can be done in any number of ways, such as saying an Other's name thrice, or performing an intricate ritual.

* Warding: The creation of metaphorical 'walls' through totems, symbols and/or rituals that offer protection from outside forces or seal something inside themselves. At its most basic, which is the level you're at right now, one can protect their own abode and maybe seal an area, with time and effort. Innately defensive.

* Bounce: The natural inclination of harmful magic to rebound on the sender if successfully rebuffed. Others and Curses that return to sender usually do so stronger than before.

* Gainsaying: Calling someone out on their crap, basically. If you point out a contradictory statement, or if you catch someone on an outright lie, or just disprove a statement someone else made, you can have that person lose a fair bit of power and Self and in fact gain some of it for yourself. The loss and gain are proportional to the importance of the lie
- Forswearing: The advanced version. If someone breaks an oath and you're the first one to call them out on it, you can choose the shape of their punishment. Anything from enslaving their bloodline, to calling dibs on all the shit they are sure to lose now that every last spirit hates them, to denying them shelter and protection, making it so fate always conspires again them having a roof over their head.

* Rule of Three: Due to the ancient, world-wide presence of this trope, it has quite an effect on Practice. An Other Bound thrice will be easier to Bind again, an enemy foiled thrice will have a harder time fighting you, an insult delivered thrive with some Power will become a curse. This also applies to you, as if you lose against a person or group three times, then they will have advantage. It's all in how you frame it, since if you survive three times then you could make it seem like they failed and make it harder to attack you.

Basic Harbinger Practices: Techniques that can be used quickly, even mid-combat.
* Transformation: The transformation into the Berserker Form. Less of a 'Practice' and more of a 'I'm letting this happen, don't be on the wrong side of me when it does'. Might cause the Mark to grow. Can't use Practices while it's in effect, but certain Rites can still be activated if previously prepared. (-10 Self)
* Fulmination: The power of one's storm is focused through a material projectile (think a tennis ball or a bullet). Increases projectile's damage. On a hit, the storm's effect is increased on that target. On a miss, still creates a cloud of energy that harms those that end a turn there. (-1 Self. Less effective if storm is still sealed, but can be used regardless.)
* Extraction: Power is drawn from the Mark, causing it to grow but giving the following Practice or Rite a major boost while cutting its cost by half or more. Should the Mark grow enough you will cease being human and possibly die, so do avoid abusing this one. Does not work with 'Transformation'.
* Malediction: Dark words are uttered with an enemy in sight. Intensifies negative effects and practices against the target, including the influence of the Harbinger's storm. Defeating an enemy who is the target of this counts as a price paid - gives power or a 'boon' that can be called on to empower practices. Has a four hour cooldown, but the cooldown is reset if the last target is defeated. If a price is paid as the malediction is uttered, however, it takes on a different form as a curse on its own. Such curses are strong, quickly applied, and nasty, with a cost that is only partially refunded if that target is defeated… and the curse springing back on the practitioner if they aren't. (-5 Self if powered)

Advanced Harbinger Practices: Techniques that can be used in combat, though they can consume multiple turns.
* N/A

Lesser Harbinger Rites: Rituals made in preparation to be activated at any time, used to gain an advantage.
* Unearthly Howl: A bitter cry that unnerves foes, breaks morale and shatters concentration. The lingering effect of the cry drives mundanes away from the origin point. If unshackled or transformed, has an added effect. (-2 Self)
* Unshackled Weapon: Expands the size, reach, scale, and side benefits of a weapon, infusing it with energy. If no weapon is involved, might alter a limb for extra power. (-3 Self)
* Unharmed Flesh: Permits the removal of ten minor wounds, five moderate wounds or one severe wound. Will almost certainly cause growth of Mark. Can be used on others. (-4 Self)

Greater Harbinger Rites: Rituals made in preparation to be activated at any time, used to turn the tide of combat at great cost.
* N/A
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Dramatis Personae
How much an individual likes you. Higher three ranks are divided by platonic and romantic.
* 90 - 100: Family/True Love
* 75 - 89: Best Friend/Love
* 50 - 74: Good Friend/Crush
* 25 - 49: Friend
* 11 - 24: Friendly Acquaintance
* 01 - 10: Acquaintance
* 00: Stranger/Neutral
* -10 - -01: Acquaintance
* -24 - -11: Unfriendly Acquaintance
* -49 - -25: Enemy
* -74 - -50: Hated Enemy
* -89 - -75: Anathema
* -100 - -90: Nemesis
How a wider group of people generally feels about you.
* 90 - 100: Champion
* 75 - 89: Adored
* 50 - 74: Loved
* 25 - 49: Liked
* 11 - 24: Known
* 01 - 10: Mildly Known
* 00: Unkown/Indifferent
* -10 - -01: Mildly Known
* -24 - -11: Known
* -49 - -25: Disliked
* -74 - -50: Hated
* -89 - -75: Loathed
* -100 - -90: Menace to Us All

General Community: 03 (Mildly Known)
The Practitioners of Poet's Hill. If anything can be said about you, is that you know how to stick to your convictions, seeing how you fight for a small town in the middle of basically nowhere. Then again, the potential is there.

Alexander Family: 80 (Adored)
Your family, pretty new since your parents were the first generation (as far as you know) to Awaken or live in Poet's Hill.

* Edgar 'Edd' Alexander: 100 (Family)
Your dad. A pretty laid-back and supportive guy, but you've seen hints that he's been through some serious stuff. Usually makes defenses when practicing.
- Practice: Harbinger (Heart Mark/Protection Deal)
- Familiar: N/A
- Implement: N/A
- Demesne: N/A

* Laura Alexander: 100 (Family)
Your mom. You're not sure how she got into the Practice, but she taught you most of what you know regarding offense. A little high-strung, but you and dad try to help in your own ways.
- Practice: Harbinger (Tattoo Mark/Wish Deal)
- Familiar: N/A
- Implement: N/A
- Demesne: N/A

Byrnes Clan: 00 (Indifferent)
An ancient clan, older than the town and maybe older than the United States. Very well established. They specialized in dealing with Death, whatever that means.

* Johan Byrne: -01 (Acquaintance)
The oldest Practitioner in Poet's Hill, the head of its oldest family and the guy your highschool was named after. Apparently he's 302 years old. Seems to think everyone else on the planet is annoying.
- Practice: Heartless
- Familiar: Probably that goat
- Implement: Unkown
- Demesne: Unknown

* Martin Byrne: -02 (Acquaintance)
Some asshole with a constant look of misery and an apparent need to talk shit.
- Practice: Unknown
- Familiar: Unknown
- Implement: Unknown
- Demesne: Unknown

Calloway Line: 02 (Mildly Known)
A family of Practitioners almost as old and established as the Byrnes, they focused on Dollmaking, the making of enchanted ambulatory items.

* Patrick Calloway: 01 (Acquaintance)
The head of the Calloway Line, a grim figure that rarely seems to make an expression besides a stoic face.
- Practice: Dollmaker
- Familiar: Probably that raccoon
- Implement: Unkown
- Demesne: Unknown

* Eric Calloway: 12 (Friendly Acquaintance)
The youngest living Calloway and a bit of a mad scientist type, seeming to be carried by a constant impulse to experiment. Seemed to appreciate you taking an interest in his work.
- Practice: Dollmaker
- Familiar: N/A
- Implement: Tool Backpack
- Demesne: N/A

* Brian Calloway: 10 (Acquaintance)
Eric's older brother, a much more sober and serious type than him. Still, a pretty nice guy that didn't doubt to give you a nice word.
- Practice: Dollmaker
- Familiar: N/A
- Implement: N/A
- Demesne: N/A

The Untamed: 05 (Mildly Known)
A cult with an enviromentalist twist, comprised mainly of Druids (aka Draoidhe or Callers). You don't know a lot about them.

* Jeanne Wayne-Flowers: 06 (Acquaintance)
The resident cult leader. A nice, cheerful person that seems to spend a lot of time in the garden. Your parents seem to like her and she's pretty friendly. She is still very much a cult leader.
- Practice: Draoidhe (Unkown Patron)
- Familiar: Probably that dog
- Implement: Unkown
- Demesne: Unknown

* Persephone "Seph" Wayne-Flowers: 06 (Acquaintance)
A pretty cheerful girl carrying a hippie aesthetic and also a literal fucking whip. You hope she doesn't dislike you too much for not remembering her... friend? Adopted sister?
- Practice: Draoidhe (Briar Maiden)
- Familiar: N/A
- Implement: Whip
- Demesne: N/A

* Grace Bell: 09 (Acquaintance)
You kinda made an ass out of yourself when you last saw her. But you know she likes tabletop gaming and punk fashion, so the potential for friendship is there.
- Practice: Draoidhe (Stormfather)
- Familiar: Unkown
- Implement: Staff
- Demesne: N/A

Stark Family: 00 (Indifferent)
The new kids on the block, a family of Scourges with history and power on their side. Left a big town where they were well-established in kind of a hurry, though no one is exactly sure of what happened as far as you know. No one but them.

* ??? Stark: 10 (Acquaintance)
You met her at your first meeting, and though guarded and kinda confrontational, you hit it off well enough. Also she blushes prettily when you tease her and she dresses in elegant goth fashion, so that's pretty awesome.
- Practice: Scourge
- Familiar: N/A
- Implement: Fountain Pen
- Demesne: N/A

Freelance Practitioners: -06 (Mildly Known)
The Practitioners of Poet's Hill that don't owe their loyalty to anyone besides themselves, their affiliated Others, and whoever pays them at the moment. You recently took a job from them, so you made a lousy first impression.

* Donovan Lindt: -02 (Neutral)
Has dogs. That's about all you know about him.
- Practice: Unknown
- Familiar: Unknown
- Implement: Unknown
- Demesne: Unknown

* Bernard Grimes: -02 (Neutral)
Kinda dirty. You don't know a lot about him.
- Practice: Unknown
- Familiar: Unknown
- Implement: Unknown
- Demesne: Unknown

* Logan Watt: -23 (Unfriendly Acquaintance)
Fuck this guy. He cursed your mom, attacked both your parents multiple times, and threw you dirty looks. Also he has stupid facial hair. Your parents never let you know too much because you're too smart to fight uninformed but too dumb to leave alone someone you hate despite them having more experience.
- Practice: Unknown
- Familiar: Unknown
- Implement: Unknown
- Demesne: Unknown
General Community: 00 (Unknown)
The many Others that inhabit your town. They seem to like the woods. They seem to dislike your species.

Turdblood's Gang: 00 (Unkown)
A gang of Goblins that cause trouble every so often. You're about to fight some of them.

* Turdblood: 00 (Unknown)
The leader of the gang. A strange Goblin that not much is known about, other than he's stronger than he looks.

The Church of Ava-Raum: 00 (Unknown)
The other freaking cult in town, this one is dedicated to some horrible thing from beyond reality.

* Marshall Green: 00 (Unknown)
Someone that called up something he couldn't put down, now he's a Vestige full of something strange. Apparently used to be Dad's mentor.

Lone Others: 00 (Unknown)
The Others that swear their loyalty to no group. You get the feeling it's a hard life.

* "Patch": 13 (Friendly Acquaintance)
Revenant lady, she seems... Nice??? Pretty stable for a rage zombie. Not very open to flirting?

Jack's Bindings: 00 (Ambivalent)
Others trapped by word and power to your will. Sounds kinda bad when you put it like that, actually.

* The Unnamed Goblets: -02 (Acquaintances)
Four little Goblins sworn to your service. You don't know much about them.
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So folks we going to come up with things for putting on a Show? Becaues I have a few ideas and well give how spirits are. Well it has be thinking about Using Tech. Becaues it fits our theme. God this has me thinking like a Mage all over again.
Well, a good start in my book would be to carry around an old-school boombox on our shoulder most of the time, possibly gutted, rebuilt and modded into a case for limited Practice-related trinkets and tool storage. But that's probably more of a story suggestion.

In terms of stuff we could do as players without distracting our QM, what about a 12-track mixtape or CD plan? What's Jack's Awesome Mix Vol 1?
Known Types of Other:
Visceral/Natural, Originate from the Warrens.

Easily described as filth given will and form, Goblins are quite possibly the most common type of Other besides the basic spirits that reside in everything. Goblins are bullies by nature; offensive, crude and rude to the point that their names are insults. They love to mock and abuse those they percieve as weak. Like most bullies, they are also quickly scared by bigger and meaner opponents, unless they think they can win.

Their appearance varies, though they usually look at least somewhat anthropomorphic, though with exaggerated features, foreign objects inserted everywhere they shouldn't be and with deformities covering them.

Due to their confrontational and inconvenient nature, Goblins are hard to define, becoming stronger or weaker just to lose their place on a tier. There's a basic of "size=power", but even that can be defied as Goblins have a tendency to use tools. Once thought to be small and weak can suddenly pull out a switchblade that makes wounds that instantly fester, or worse. Another thing to note is that while Goblins tend to be dumb, they have a sort of low cunning that has cost the lives of those that underestimated them.

Related to this tendency to use tools, a Goblin that has been Bound will usually turn into some kind of weapon with an effect related to what tricks that Goblin preferred in freedom.

As Natural beings, they are affected by metal, especially elementally-charged metal (think water pipes or hot iron), making cities hard for them to navigate. Some still adorn themselves with metal piercings, which is kind of an insight into the workings of the Goblin mind.

Goblin Subtypes: Though they hate being defined, there are tendencies. These are the ones you currently know.
* Boss Goblin/Goblin Sage: Big and/or smart Goblins that have enough sway over others to form 'societies'.
* Gremlin: A Goblin that makes and uses weird technology, usually in the form of traps.
* Redcaps: Goblins that bathe their hair in blood to gain strength. Also, they like to fight. A lot. Like, 'pick fights with bigger guys for the hell of it' levels of liking fighting.
Paper Men:
Visceral, Originate from Greater Powers.

What happens when the Self is destroyed, leaving behind only a charred, hardened husk. This tends to happen when Greater Powers start throwing power around, though mundane catastrophes have been known to create Paper Men. Harbingers tend to create them when they use their powers to kill.

They usually look as if they're literally hollow, possibly filled with whatever dealt that damage, or two-dimensional in some fashion.

They are extremely tough and difficult to destroy, as nothing the average Other or Practitioner can throw at them can match what they already survived to be what they are, but they can be contained. They tend to appear in dreams, static, stains on walls, and such in the area around them. They can also send out an ambient effect related to the power that made them, but it's costly for them. They can also absorb power of almost any type.

When they either run out of energy, or gain so much energy that they "burn out", they are reduced to a passive presence - a shadow, a voice in the static, a person visible only from a certain window, etc. They can then reactivate from this hibernating state if given power, whether intentionally, from the attention of Innocents, or simply ambient power from magical activity happening near them.

When they "burn out" after absorbing enough energy it can unleash a burst of power, causing widespread damage, potentially even intense enough to create some more (lesser) Paper Men.

While dormant, they can sometimes be "translated" into a different form - for example, one might take a photo of them and they instinctively follow the attention, moving into the photo. This can form the basis for a binding and allow for summoning them, although they will need a potent supply of power.

They're generally not very fast or intelligent, usually just flailing around causing problems. They tend to consume lesser Paper Men of the same type, meaning they are only found alone or in matched sets. They often leave clues as to the event that spawned them, such as obsessively writing the names of everyone who died alongside them, chanting some relevant term, etc.

Like many Others, they can sense the fires within them slowly running down. They tend to seek out whatever aspects of themselves were destroyed, in a doomed hope of repairing themselves. Alternatively, they may simply seek energy.
Type Varies, Originate from Asia.

The anti-Practitioners. Oni have less in common with a species and more with a nationality. They're the remnants of a grand attempt to separate Others from humanity.

The Oni have blended their natures, but individual Oni may have some visual cues as to what it was before becoming an Oni.

Physically, Oni have certain markers they have taken on as a part of their movement, especially high-ranking Oni (whose uniforms can fill entire rooms with their volume.) They may float independently or be carried by subordinates if they are impractical to carry personally. These symbols are: symbols of binding or restriction (cuffs, collars, chains), paper and/or scrolls, old clothing or weapons (pre-1600s), natural weapons (horn, fang and claw) or personal decoration (masks, gloves, tattoos) echoing. They also tend to display cultural blending, and stark contrasts of light and dark.

They don't like humans outside of a few new families and the ones that sided with them in the war.

Very, very good at subverting practice at every level, though their tricks are best pulled out once and then not again for centuries or so.
Excorporate, Origin Varies.

Vestiges are Others that are incomplete versions of something, usually a human; often compared to shadows. They are less complete and stable than simulacrums or dopplegangers but more than glamours or illusions.

If a human's Self is sufficiently damaged, they may be left as a Vestige. It's also possible to create a Vestige from only a small portion of a person's Self, such as by stealing their shadow or reflection and using it to create a shadow version of them. In this case, the vestige is incomplete from the beginning, an imperfect copy. Vestiges are not limited to being made from humans. Via similar methods, a vestige can be made of an Other.
Undead, Originate from Unjust Deaths.

Revenants are people that were a little too angry to die, or at least faced an end so unfair that even whoever is in charge of Death in their area thought they should get a shot at getting even. Strong, durable, and tend to have abilities related to their deaths.

Revenants take a while to calm down to something resembling sanity, and even then remain inhumanly focused on their task. The amount of time required for this to happen usually means they failed at their appointed task, which means they either keep running until they run out of power or someone manages to bind them. They keep themselves going with 'anchors', physical objects or rituals they do that keep them alive or as close to it as they get.
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Well, a good start in my book would be to carry around an old-school boombox on our shoulder most of the time, possibly gutted, rebuilt and modded into a case for limited Practice-related trinkets and tool storage. But that's probably more of a story suggestion.

In terms of stuff we could do as players without distracting our QM, what about a 12-track mixtape or CD plan? What's Jack's Awesome Mix Vol 1?
If you guys make me a mixtape just for this Quest I will love you forever.

But, quick note since y'all are so nice, because of how the Spirits like stuff they know well and because of the rapidly-advancing nature of technology, using iPods and stuff like that is bad for Practice. Things with a little more cultural presence, like cassette players or boomboxes, might have better effects.
Well, a good start in my book would be to carry around an old-school boombox on our shoulder most of the time, possibly gutted, rebuilt and modded into a case for limited Practice-related trinkets and tool storage. But that's probably more of a story suggestion.

In terms of stuff we could do as players without distracting our QM, what about a 12-track mixtape or CD plan? What's Jack's Awesome Mix Vol 1?
Well wait. I don't remember when we are. Ah @Dr Heaven M.D. when does this take place?
I never got far enough into Pact or Pale to run into a Harbinger (or I might just have forgotten) can we still do the handy little stuff with Shamanism? Specific Runes and symbols to get the ambient spirits to do as we ask?

Or are we mostly limited to the Patron to start with?
I never got far enough into Pact or Pale to run into a Harbinger (or I might just have forgotten) can we still do the handy little stuff with Shamanism? Specific Runes and symbols to get the ambient spirits to do as we ask?

Or are we mostly limited to the Patron to start with?
I think we might be a bit limited at first, but only short term, since our focus is going to need to be the Harbinger thing, and I suspect we already know enough for minor stuff at this point. There's a fair bit of shamanism (and law magic) kinda baked into practice as a whole. There is a certain degree of... pigeonholing, I guess, to practice once you go far enough down certain roads, and some of them are pretty much entirely incompatible, but being a Harbinger shouldn't close us off from most forms of magic, including shamanism, AFIAK, unless we're trying to work with say, nature or wildness spirits specifically, since our patron is a machine god. General stuff that draws on ambient spirits should be fine.
I think we might be a bit limited at first, but only short term, since our focus is going to need to be the Harbinger thing, and I suspect we already know enough for minor stuff at this point. There's a fair bit of shamanism (and law magic) kinda baked into practice as a whole. There is a certain degree of... pigeonholing, I guess, to practice once you go far enough down certain roads, and some of them are pretty much entirely incompatible, but being a Harbinger shouldn't close us off from most forms of magic, including shamanism, AFIAK, unless we're trying to work with say, nature or wildness spirits specifically, since our patron is a machine god. General stuff that draws on ambient spirits should be fine.
I was thinking of using the Machine God thing. Becaues of that and or Cyberpunk thing. I thought of the idea of well a hacker, call on more modern spirits and things, and explore the Internet. Becaues with our nature it makes sense to have links to any spirts in there. All the while picking up music and seeing if we got a talent for being a DJ.
I was thinking of using the Machine God thing. Becaues of that and or Cyberpunk thing. I thought of the idea of well a hacker, call on more modern spirits and things, and explore the Internet. Becaues with our nature it makes sense to have links to any spirts in there. All the while picking up music and seeing if we got a talent for being a DJ.
This is the last reply I'll make in a while since I'm working on the next update, but mucking about with modern stuff is its own school of magic (Technomancy) and even then, it's stuck about three decades back at all times, requiring constant updating of your outdated wardrove and tech.

In a crowd of Practitioners, Technomancers are the ones dressed like they escaped from the 90's and skinned the decade for their clothing.

Seriously, there's a character in Pale that has a magic Power Glove. He's great.

In any case, you can use other forms of the Practice, especially the more basic ones. But 'Harbinger' is always gonna be Jack's title and mark, an influence on what we do. It's not bad to try to work machinery into our style, but think less cyberpunk and more steam engines and vintage cars, at most.
Its not like I expect Cyberpunk cybernetics. I meant more on style there.
Yeah, I got that. But I'm giving you an example of the most advanced tech that the Practice gets along with. If you try to be too futuristic, you'll end up crippling yourself. It still has a place in Jack's personal style, but not in their mystic stuff.

General rule of thumb: if it feels occult and mystical and crap, it's got a place in the Practice. If not, then probably not.

Technomancers, for example, have a rule of thumb: "Weak, short-lived, fragile. Pick two." They have some things they're good at, but they're very different to what a Harbinger is for.
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Technomancers, for example, have a rule of thumb: "Weak, short-lived, fragile. Pick two." They have some things they're good at, but they're very different to what a Harbinger is for.
That is fair and makes sense. But it has me ask. Give what our patron is. Does that impact it at all? Or rather effect how we see tech and the internet.