Colony Builder: The Stolen Lands (Riot Quest)

EDIT: Okay nevermind so I understand now that each faction does one strategic action each. The thing I'm just missing where colony population comes into this. Does the colony as a whole get its own actions?

This is correct for the first part.

The colony doesn't have enough extra population to have general actions yet and I'm mixed on whether it goes to the faction voters based on an influence mechanic right now.

You need to keep in mind this is the first wave just making land fall, its mostly very dedicated people to some group that funded their actions (i.e. Cult of Orcus or another faction) rather than rich people taking a huge risk outside of the Graf who is in control of the colony and looking to make it big.


RE: Gold
Gonna update it so it triggers a vote for this and further exploitation related time limited actions.


Up to you if you want to change vote, you've got 24-48 hours before I close anyway.
Opening voting.

Strategic action for gold exports now tagged to trigger a subvote for it after it passes. If it passes.

Let me know if you want any other actions similarly tagged in the next 24 hours. Thanks
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Is anyone planning on doing Scout the Mainland? If so, as the only hunter player right now, I'd be willing to do the Mainland Scouting Reports hunter action that combos with that to give more information overall.

Otherwise I think I'll probably do Imperial Politics in the Colonies.
(Hunter-unique) Information Gathering (Free action, required vote)
Strategic Thinking: Gain a set of 2 options focused around monster/dark magic hunting each turn as a passive free action similar ot the Hunter faction but based on killing the threat rather than information collection. The threats you eliminate are minor "autosuccess" type stuff but frees up everyone's actions if killed.

So could you clarify and define the specifics of how 'free actions' actually work?
Okay so in light of that info, I think this is the option Sofia would want to undertake.

[X] [Kaiser Loyalists]Exploit the Island: Phase 3

Fully deploy the colony's manpower to exploit the island. This provides an additional +1 perk token per turn for the colony in exports of mundane materials—food, lumber, iron, and coal. Useful materials but plenty of it exists elsewhere, the only real advantage is selling this to the other colony operations on the mainland, where securing any of these sorts of things will be a very long-term operation compared to managing in a season or two.

"I changed my mind. I think this is the best choice. We don't need to risk the lives of the colonists on clearing out monster nests. We have no shortage of skilled fighters here, we should let them do their work! In regards to the construction of fortifications my stance remains similar, let me do my work! And speaking of work, these additional mundane materials will make it much easier for myself, the Jarl, and anyone wishing to build or make something. I know many of our adventurers have claimed some territory for themselves - this will make it easier to build something on it, whatever it might be."
Since the gold is up in the air I will do this.

[X][Orcus] Develop Suckelberry exports

"Yes, yes the mortals need to eat and I need to eat them so it works out in the end. Besides control over the food will give our kind more pull in the colony, after all a society is always three meals away from revolution."
One thing I question about jumping straight to Phase 3 is whether it's going to get people killed because we haven't actually secured the island yet so there are going to be monsters running around getting in the way of actually acquiring those resources.
From an out of character perspective I think thats a very valid criticism. Honestly I kind of expect people will get killed. Sofia just wanted to avoid sending normal people up against nests of monsters, and she wanted to do the building herself, and she's naive enough that she's convinced herself it will all work out.
That's what I suspected it was.

So it's kind of hard to turn down a free bonus action, especially at this early phase, and if that's not picked up ASAP I feel like every turn without it is going to be lost opportunity.

And since there will be options to change it later on down the road when the colony is in a more secure position...

[X][Guardians of Light](Guardians of Light) Develop a unique faction attribute (Remains locked as your faction option until you choose the faction benefit)
---[X] Strategic Thinking: Gain a set of 2 options focused around monster/dark magic hunting each turn as a passive free action similar ot the Hunter faction but based on killing the threat rather than information collection. The threats you eliminate are minor "autosuccess" type stuff but frees up everyone's actions if killed.

[X][Hidden Bid Page] Public bids (current system). There is a risk of claim jumping and needing to monitor the thread. It annoys at least one player, so it's probably a bad idea to continue, but I don't want to play dictator, given that you'll have to go to another page to manage your actions.

And then I'm sticking with public bids because I don't see the private system to be worth the required work or additional special signup requirements. If anything, it would just be a deterrent to this quest on the whole.

I see it as if you care that much about ensuring your bid wins, just bid the max you're willing to pay up front.
[X] Secure the Island: Phase 1

[X] (Hunter-unique) Information Gathering (Free action, required vote)
---[X] Imperial Politics in the Colonies: Gather information about rival nations and their colonies. Gather information about allied Empire-controlled colonies.
And fail, Tyrah did not.
The moment the ships arrived at the island and Tyrah Green-Ears was free to do so, she wasted no time identifying one of the newly founded "Fairhaven"'s open plots of land and claiming it on behalf of the Guardians of Light.

Among her lead charges was to establish a foothold in The Stolen Lands on the Guardians behalf. Not just means for the Guardians to ensure a reliable place to operate from. More importantly, it showed dedication to the Kaiser's goal of freeing the Stolen Lands from the evil that currently haunted it.

In this task, Tyrah would not fail.

And fail, Tyrah did not.

Tyrah was far ahead of her fellow Guardians, all but planting herself upon the chosen plot and ensuring no one else got any idea. Fortunately, no trouble came looking for her, leaving the Guardian's newly claimed terrain fully uncontested.

The only downside is that it made for a rather boring wait.

"You look to be having fun."

Tyrah promptly stood to her feet and turned to the approaching squad. There were four of them, led by a shorter man who clearly had a great many years behind him.

"Captain." Tyrah said, greeting the elder.

"No need to be so formal with me, Commander." Replied Unas Symun. "This is your operation."

"Of course." Tyrah said with a nod. She turned and motioned to the land claimed on the Guardian's behalf.

"First order of business is to secure our claim." She said. "Mark off the boundaries and set up posts to ensure no one tries to sneak it out from under us and we'll be aware of anything hostile that gets too close."

"Of course." Unas replied approvingly. "I'll see to the matter posthaste."

"Good." Tyrah said. "Second order of business is to secure the island. For that, I need to organize hunting parties."
Sofia makes landfall
Turn 1: Sofia makes landfall

*scratch scratch* A feathery pen dipped deep into the inkwell and out again. Under flickering lantern-light, Sofia traced out the diagrams of her imagination. Upon the parchment a design took form: strong sea-walls stretching out to encompass and shelter a harbour. She took note of the adjustments that would be required if the harbour proved particularly deep, or the storms particularly strong. *scratch scratch*

She had just started to scratch out the battlements when a call came from above decks, "Land ho!". She jumped up out of her set, straight into the low cabin ceiling.

"Ack! Ow... too short, too short."

She packed up her writing kit. The still-wet diagram got stuffed into the sheath of her other designs: machines both mundane and magical, fortresses, baths, and sewers. A quick puff blew out the lantern before she sighed, forgetting she didn't have any light left.

By the time she did make her way up to the deck, a good chunk of the crowd had cleared away. Whistling to herself Sofia took a seat by the prow and drew out charcoal and paper. In a careful hand, she took notes on the conditions of the island, and sketches of the landscape. Hours passed as she sat by herself, drawing out her ideas for the future.

Sofia was among the first off the ships. For the first few days she was constantly flitting about the prospective settlement, making notes and planning the lay out of the first stage of Fairhaven. Then she was off into the woods, with a small team of colonists and soldiers. To gather materials, she would cast a spell to strip the logs and make them suitable for construction. If she had time, she would have preferred to shape the timbers into proper planks but she was in a rush.

With a couple of spells to speed things along she crafted simple sleds to carry the timbers back into town. Her helpers heaped the logs up onto the sleds and brought them into Fairhaven. With a smaller team to help bring the timbers to the construction site she went about laying down foundations and raising roofs.

Joseph leaned against the sled, chewing on a bit of hardtack. Old Bob sipped on a waterskin and Red James sung a folk tune. Nearby, Lady Rossa was concentrating on creating one of the gates for the palisade. She had been standing there for a couple of minutes now, calling out arcane phrases and tracing glowing diagrams in the air with her fingertips. The diagrams were constantly shifting slightly, but would occasionally change into something obviously different. Then Joseph blinked, and where there had been an empty construction site there was now a thick wooden gate, perfectly attached to the rest of the walls.

She turned around and smiled brightly at the peasant-labourers,
"Well I think that's that! Thank you very much Mr Joseph. I'll make sure the Graf knows how much you've all been of assistance."

Joseph, doffed his hat,
"Ah but weren't no worries at all milady. Just glad we didn't run into anything them guards couldn't handle. But thank you for the work you've done."

"Made folks feel a lot safer, that's for sure." Old Bob chimed in.

She smiled a little wider. The guards that had been watching from within the walls opened up the newly finished gate and let them all in. They parted ways and Sofia headed home. She hadn't had time to claim any proper land for herself so she was quartered in one of the log cabins she'd built. Thankfully, she at least had this one to herself and a single maidservant from back home.

She popped her head in the door and let out a sigh of relief. It seemed Isabella was out. She was eternally grateful for Isabella's support and company, but she would be glad to have the evening to herself. Too many new faces. In a few minutes she had made herself a wooden chair and worktable from some scrap wood. She took a seat, took one of her textbooks down from off the shelf, and got out her writing kit and diagrams. She still had a lot to learn.

A/N: Sorry this one was a bit late. I found writing Sofia's powers to be kind of tricky. The intent is that she can basically do what a minecraft character can, she just can't carry anywhere near as much. Or enchant things. Yet.

Token typeIncome:Total:
Enchantment(Quick Learner):1010
Engineering(Quick Learner):1010
Fabrication Magic(Quick Learner):1010
Passive/Autosuccess14 = 10 + 3(Faction) + 1(Export)14
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Voting is closed
Scheduled vote count started by Abydon on May 25, 2024 at 2:39 PM, finished with 12 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] [Kaiser Loyalists]Exploit the Island: Phase 3
    [X][Orcus] Develop Suckelberry exports
    [X][Guardians of Light](Guardians of Light) Develop a unique faction attribute (Remains locked as your faction option until you choose the faction benefit)
    ---[X] Strategic Thinking: Gain a set of 2 options focused around monster/dark magic hunting each turn as a passive free action similar ot the Hunter faction but based on killing the threat rather than information collection. The threats you eliminate are minor "autosuccess" type stuff but frees up everyone's actions if killed.
    [X][Hidden Bid Page] Public bids (current system). There is a risk of claim jumping and needing to monitor the thread. It annoys at least one player, so it's probably a bad idea to continue, but I don't want to play dictator, given that you'll have to go to another page to manage your actions.
    [X] Secure the Island: Phase 1
    [X] (Hunter-unique) Information Gathering (Free action, required vote)
    ---[X] Imperial Politics in the Colonies: Gather information about rival nations and their colonies. Gather information about allied Empire-controlled colonies.
Winning Votes to write up when I have a moment:

[X] [Kaiser Loyalists]Exploit the Island: Phase 3

[X][Orcus] Develop Suckelberry exports

[X][Guardians of Light](Guardians of Light) Develop a unique faction attribute (Remains locked as your faction option until you choose the faction benefit)
---[X] Strategic Thinking: Gain a set of 2 options focused around monster/dark magic hunting each turn as a passive free action similar ot the Hunter faction but based on killing the threat rather than information collection. The threats you eliminate are minor "autosuccess" type stuff but frees up everyone's actions if killed.

Hunter is below:
[X] (Hunter-unique) Information Gathering (Free action, required vote)
---[X] Imperial Politics in the Colonies: Gather information about rival nations and their colonies. Gather information about allied Empire-controlled colonies.
[X] Secure the Island: Phase 1
Did Cult of Odin do nothing then since I voted for suckelberries too?

I wonder why it didn't tally your vote. Odd.

Sorry about the delay, RL kept me busy.

Anyway, normally, two factions choosing the same thing gets you 2 rolls with the higher being picked for the result. Hope that makes sense to you that factions cooperating gives you better odds but not a lot more work done since they aren't necessarily fully trusting each other and what not.
Sorry guys I wasn't expecting RL to get this busy before I needed to leave on a trip so I'm kinda f'ed hobby time wise right now. Bad planning on my part and I gotta own that.

Ultimately, the thing I was using the AI narration portion for this (planned, hadn't actually used it yet) is also kinda dead in the water for reasons unrelated to this (i.e. player engagement due to my low quality probably) so I probably have to go back to the drawing board after my trip or continue this in July once I'm back.

Sorry about that.

Basically, I was planning to build a grand strategy AI quest writer/game mix and it just doesn't seem to have the engagement on the grand strategy mechanics side (different board, different game). So I think I fucked up the design somewhere.
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