Doină (A Vampire in Supernatural Europe Quest)

1 point of focus equals 10%, so 40 focus would be 400% chance to do the thing with a crit range of 1-31. Higher crit range can be good tho.

Lower minions would be good rn, big ones we cannot afford. Fleshcrafting the villagers will make them hate us, and they may hate and fear magic.

We need to focus on heat sources and moving around. We need to increase villagers food, which we can start with by fixing their tool problem- fixing other problems. Obvious first issue is obvious.

-Sorcerous Intent (40 focus, making crit range 1-31 I believe.)- Would be super good if we make this a crit. Weather working is super important and will solve all the problems. First step to them anyway.
-Fix the tool problem (10 focus)- No need to crit, we can make it better later. Right now we need them useable so they can cut more wood, gather more food, do more things. Whether this involves teaching them a smithing technique, finding the mines, stealing tools from raiders or repurposing- whatever it takes.
-FEED THE FOOD (22 focus- crit range 1-13)- They just need food for all aspects of life. Secure them a steady source, or just bring them plenty for this turn. We need that pop to rise, we need men willing to do things and able to fight.

Simple and clean is sometimes the best. No need to start on big cools magics, because we can't afford it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😭

edit- I derped on some extra focus. Nobody noticed. Added unspent on end.
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@Currymind More raiders are coming in under a year! We need to get defenses now! Like wolves! Or zombies! Or giant spiders! We can always risk just going into battle with our vampire two hands... But Dapper has made it seem like this may be a bad idea.
They will, because unlike us they are used to the cold and have things like dog sleds and skies. But I share the feeling of them not being that much of a threat.
Might be awkward if they damage our food supply though. So maybe get some guards for our human pantry.
Until we can afford it that's us. We don't have the hunger and can't afford lower focus due to maintaining pets.

Look at our corpse pile and count. How do you think we got that?

And how many guys do you think they have to spare continuously?
Efficiency would be also taking them for our food stor- I mean people. But right now we're not in a good place for bullshit magic. Perhaps diplomacy or something might work, but also might be worse idk.

Biggest problem is food. Biggest obstacle to gaining more is weather- which is also what is harming our current food stor- I mean people. We need to build their loyalty and keep them healthy to not only keep them but grow them.

In addition, I'd really like our crits to go to magick or really important things. Critting a learning roll can give us some real bullshit.
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too bad they aren't agri for our weather magic, or have some "industry" that requires unskilled labor such as milling or plowing, that could have been a good use of a few (10) shambling undead to ease the backbreaking work so the villagers will be more reliant on us and have more time popping out juice bags.

@Dapperlad1 how foreign to us is the concept of just taking a nibble from a human as to not bedrid or kill them?
We don't know the language and it is a small village. Maybe getting transportation and raiding other places might be a good idea.

Edit: maybe long term is to create a substitute blood or transforming animal blood to something suitable.
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@Stalin_McRally We can actually bleed them into a cup and it'll last about 15 seconds. The problem is we might frenzy and drink them dry. We can also smell blood from about 3~ miles. We CAN however spend focus on just taking little nibbles.

Dapper also mentioned that it is possible to preserve blood! But that knowledge is currently lost to us.

While reading, I was thinking of pretty much the same as @/currymind. I vote for her plan.

We should consider as well using weatherworking to ease the living conditions of our own village. We could even ask for sacrifices to ensure good weather. To this end, we should really try to push for that "guardian monster" persona. Ultimately benevolent, but still feared and unknown.

I also think that we'll soon have to find out who were raiding our village and kindly introduce ourselves. Into their chests. Through their hearts.

However, for the time being, Curry's plan is sound, and it covers the basics we need to take care of before unleashing hell itself.

I still like the demon summoning, tho.

Currymind has about three times the brain that I do. Her idea is good, and as Runeless said above, basics first, rest later.
Like in medicine: treat first what kills first.

Do I have to justify why I say what I say every single time?
@Dapperlad1 how foreign to us is the concept of just taking a nibble from a human as to not bedrid or kill them?
You require about one hundred pints of blood or so to satiate one tenth of your hunger. A human is like one of those tiny water bottles which just disappear as you drink.

It's not that you don't understand it as a concept, it's that it's hilariously difficult and way, way, way inefficient drink just a pint or so from a person, that means you need one hundred people to satiate even a point of hunger, and in this weather?

The temporary anemia that leaves them with will be punishing
We could even ask for sacrifices to ensure good weather.
We need to learn the language first. So I rather we go raiding for findblood or even a somewhat decent substitute for human blood.

Surly there are monsters in this world besides us. Maybe we can experiment on a live person to quickly restore their blood. I mean we are the magic scientist.
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I think we'll basically have the extras of turn 2 planned from all the ideas. Make no mistake, something will happen and turn 2 will be more stretched. That's fine. Maybe someone could compile everything people wanted to do and we can order it from most needed to least, and find out which ideas people think are the coolest?

Sounds like the big summon was popular.
Turn 1 Results/The Raid
Sorcerous Intent-40 Focus
Critical Range 1-31
Roll=7 (Critical Success)

The blizzard howls, the storm rages as winter comes to a close in a violent crescendo of noise and hail. The logs display their impact marks even inside the cabin. Outside, people huddle in the most well-constructed buildings as their prayers to spirits reach your ears even over the noise.

You are wrestling with the blizzard itself, unbeknownst to them. Pitting the power of the blood against all the fury of nature. It roils and refuses you, battering at your spirit which you lay bare in the wind with a howl, there is a realization in your heart.

This is no normal storm, this is no earthy event, the skies here have a lord, and it is that whom you battle. Recontextualizing your efforts brings to mind the idea that should lead to success. Stalking towards the doorway, you practically rip it off its hinges, body flexed and tight with exertion and effort, and step into the chest-high snow.

Pushing it out of the way, you climb atop the snow banks as hail smashes into your body, breaking bone with audible cracks which send the villagers that can hear it into silence. The broken bones snap back into place as bruised flesh plumps to health.

You roar a challenge to the skies, rippling the snow with its volume and sending a wall of noise which deflects much of the hail for a moment. With the roar, your soul comes alight, stretching for miles around and gripping the storm with the power of stolen life. The blizzard roars against you, battering you further as you force it to slow.

Hail calms, the roar slows as you wonder work, spreading your soul thinner and thinner until the storm itself is caught in its abyssal grip, and then you halt it. The wind dies, the skies part, the sun shines. Falling to a knee, you bleed freely from your mouth onto the snow below, joints icing and muscles slowing with cold as crystals form in your body.

Yet, you are victorious.

Weather-Witchery achieved despite peculiar difficulties of the area. Magic added to the listing. For now, you broke the blizzard and kept the sun shining even in the dead of winter.
The Issue of Means-10 Focus
Critical Range 1
Roll=39 (Success)

You've cornered the smith, he is a large man, coming nearly to your shoulders in height and broad as one would expect. On his wall lie ingots of copper, tin and iron, haphazardly put together on the wood backed with rough stone that comprises what he calls a home.

His breathing is heavy, his heartbeat racing and fear delectably oozing off him whilst you easily handle his forge, dragging the anvil further away from the heat-producing furnace itself one-handed whilst giving a sharp gesture for him to approach and observe.

Smithing was something you've only a tad bit of experience in with certain rituals requiring it at times if memory serves. That's more than enough to teach something here, the examples of Roman steel coming to mind, not that you are aware of how that is made.

He nears after a snarl leaves your lips when he dares not move at your demand, and as you begin working, he watches with wonder as you cleave coal into chunks, hammer what you recognize as pig iron with brute power and begin the alloying of steel from the remaining raw iron chunks in his workshop.

He notes down mixture amounts as you both communicate by gesture, scale and action, even as the heat of the forge scalds your unprotected hands, you heat it further with inhuman heaves of the bellows until even his apron is not sufficient to fully protect him, forcing gloves and distance lest he is burnt.

Finally, you drag the ingot free of the sand and clay mould used, presenting it to the smith with a noise of sizzling flesh, before proceeding to drop it on his anvil, still glowing hot. A task complete, and easily at that.

Introduced crucible steel to the locals, not exactly easy for them to do, but at least they are aware of it now.
Bread Before Circuses-10 Focus
Critical Range 1-13
Roll=2 (Critical Success)

The thin, bony bodies of the mortals are disconcerting. They speak of vulnerability to illness, weakness of body, weakness of mind. Their diet of dried meat and bone stews in the winter with the barest of bread or root vegetables makes the scent of their blood duller, easier to resist certainly, but also, likely, slightly less filling.

An issue to solve, but how?

Long observations of the village pull your mind towards an idea. The villagers crave bread, something filling with origin in base grains to bulk out their bodies and fill their bellies where meat and berry cannot, but the land nearby simply is not useful in any real way, it freezes every other night and summer does not provide enough time for anything beyond base berries to grow.

But the solution comes, thankfully, due to your mortal years. One morning in the depths of summer where the weather has warmed you see it. A large barley-like thing with heavy beads of sustaining grains. Gently brushing a hand over the plant, you tear it out of the ground and return to the village.

Upon grabbing the attention of a young woman and forcing her to sit, you grind the plant into flour with your bare hands following it with a dash of snow nearby, melted by her hand, quickly pulled over by you, into water.

The water forms the flour into an admittedly thin dough, but presents your case well enough. She stares at it confused, words leaving her mouth "Düşünmedim, haýyş, maňa näme görkezjek bolýanyňy bilemok-Aaa!"

Grabbing her by the body and rushing out of the village, you stop ahead of the patch you found, dropping her as she catches her breath from the acceleration. Staring forward, she expresses a form of verbal surprise, standing and going near the large patch of these things you have found. She glances at you before turning to the plants and starting to gather as much as she can by hand.

Local grains growing well enough this year due to weather manipulations, enough to produce seed stock and bread for the season.

With the year passing, winter nears once again, colossal winds bearing the fury of cold into the land, smashing apart that which was built unsteadily for temporary use and forcing the living into their homes once again.

But then, a scent hits your nose, intoxicating in its fullness. Healthy men full of vigorous blood, merely a mile away. Standing, you have to measure yourself before you rush out too suddenly, remembering that whilst the clouds cover the sun currently, trusting your life to the vagaries of nature is ill-advised.

But then, how will you approach this, unable to seek the enemies freely nor walk outside without exerting yourself and your hunger?

[X] Assault them now, call upon storms and shadow to conceal you fully from the Daystar and ravage them. Their blood calls to you. (+1 Hunger)
[X] Await their entrance into the village, trusting the clouds to stay long enough for you to take their lives. (May put villagers at risk)
[X] Something Else?

Current Hunger: 7/10
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Am torn between assaulting now, or attempting recognizance. Both would require us to venture out into the blizzard.

Perhaps, instead of outright violence, utilize our weather control and the blizzard to begin picking them off in the poor visual conditions?

On second thought, violence is probably the best course here. We need blood.

[X] Assault them now, call upon storms and shadow to conceal you fully from the Daystar and ravage them. Their blood calls to you. (+1 Hunger)
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[X] Assault them now, call upon storms and shadow to conceal you fully from the Daystar and ravage them. Their blood calls to you. (+1 Hunger)
[X] Speed, if you strike fast and hard you might catch them off gaurd.

Look at our hunger. We are a 7 out of 10. We need to preserve blood. Not add hunger.
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[X] Assault them now, call upon storms and shadow to conceal you fully from the Daystar and ravage them. Their blood calls to you. (+1 Hunger)

If these are mortal men, then there's a very real argument to be made that there could be thousands of them and Adela is still more dangerous. The more she kills, the more she eats, the more her wounds recover and the more she fills the Hunger. Better to work up an appetite than lose some of the herd.
If these are mortal men, then there's a very real argument to be made that there could be thousands of them and Adela is still more dangerous. The more she kills, the more she eats, the more her wounds recover and the more she fills the Hunger. Better to work up an appetite than lose some of the herd.
True but look what the QM said about drinking one man earlier.
You require about one hundred pints of blood or so to satiate one tenth of your hunger. A human is like one of those tiny water bottles which just disappear as you drink.
True but look what the QM said about drinking one man earlier.
10 men to be a net neutral, 20 men to be a positive? I'm willing to bet a raiding band in this harsh of an environment is going to be well over 20 people. Not when this village probably has 35+ stout and able bodied men in it given it's population.