Quest Idea Thread

I've always thought that a Star Trek quest where you are an independent world trying to avoid getting swallowed up by the Federation would be interesting. Like the fight against the Terran Empire idea but with a heavy dose of the root beer metaphor from DS9.
I've always thought that a Star Trek quest where you are an independent world trying to avoid getting swallowed up by the Federation would be interesting. Like the fight against the Terran Empire idea but with a heavy dose of the root beer metaphor from DS9.

.. The thing is, and I mean this sincerely: that would not be interesting because it's very
"We don't want to join."

Quest... end.
.. The thing is, and I mean this sincerely: that would not be interesting because it's very
"We don't want to join."

Quest... end.
It could be.

Unless you have a strong contingent of Federation sentiment in your borders. And maybe the Federation is actually secretly tyrannical and encouraging it because they want something you have...Desirablatanium, I dunno.

My question is where does the quest actually end, because if the point is to avoid joining the Federation... okay but why tho? What do you do from there, besides resist federation attempts to convert you?
It could be.

Unless you have a strong contingent of Federation sentiment in your borders. And maybe the Federation is actually secretly tyrannical and encouraging it because they want something you have...Desirablatanium, I dunno.

My question is where does the quest actually end, because if the point is to avoid joining the Federation... okay but why tho? What do you do from there, besides resist federation attempts to convert you?

I'm stealing Desirablatanium. I do kinda agree, though. But it's just.. yeah.
.. The thing is, and I mean this sincerely: that would not be interesting because it's very
"We don't want to join."

Quest... end.
I guess this would be a scenario where the federation really is trying to pressure you to join them. Maybe this is an alternate universe where they are aggressively expansionist but rather then going full militarist like the Terran empire they try and indoctrinate you ideologically and maintain the surface appearance of being the nice Enlightened ones. IDK I just always thought a resistance type quest against a faction like that would be interesting.
I had an idea for darkest dungeon 2 in a multitude of settings. Have the darkest dungeon world be lost to the loathing but the valley survives and transports to whatever other universe
It could be.

Unless you have a strong contingent of Federation sentiment in your borders. And maybe the Federation is actually secretly tyrannical and encouraging it because they want something you have...Desirablatanium, I dunno.

My question is where does the quest actually end, because if the point is to avoid joining the Federation... okay but why tho? What do you do from there, besides resist federation attempts to convert you?
I guess this would be a scenario where the federation really is trying to pressure you to join them. Maybe this is an alternate universe where they are aggressively expansionist but rather then going full militarist like the Terran empire they try and indoctrinate you ideologically and maintain the surface appearance of being the nice Enlightened ones. IDK I just always thought a resistance type quest against a faction like that would be interesting.
I dunno, I feel like at that point you may as well have an original quest.
I've continued to tinker with my Star Fox quest, working on vital worldbuilding matters like the top 12 Ace killboard for the Lylat War (its relevant I swear!) I've also worked out the basic combat resolution system, and its fairly straightforward: You roll 1d100 +(skill * ship multiplier) against either a set DC for most things or against an opposed roll against bosses & special characters. If you pass, you deal 1 point of damage, plus 1 more point for every time you beat the dc/opposed roll by 25, with failing damaging you by the same amount. A character can also decide to cover an ally instead of dealing damage, reducing the damage an ally takes from a failed roll proportionately.

It's designed to be fairly intuitive and straightforward.
I have an idea for a multi-cross quest based on the Touhou Project fan game Mystia's Izakaya, open for adoption.


The quest would take place after the events (and DLC) of the game, in which the sparrow youkai Mystia explores Gensokyo to collect ingredients and run a nightly traveling restaurant. For one reason or another, Mystia can now access a set of portals tied to the different key locations in Gensokyo. Each portal connects with another [fictional] world, creating a lot of fun possibilities.

During the daytime, visiting that location in Gensokyo lets her access the world linked to that spot for extra ingredients and assistance (though it means taking extra time out of your day). And at nighttime, if she sets up her izakaya at that spot, she gets customers both from Gensokyo and from that other world (effectively meaning twice as many customers, but also meaning she has to scramble more to satisfy everyone; if this were on a game system like the DS or Wii-U, each screen would show one side/world).

When I thought of this crossover, I realized that it's the perfect set-up for a quest/RP. The game is based largely on the different choices you make on where to forage, who to interact with, and where to set up your nighttime diner, all while racing against the hours of the day. Similarly, voters could decide where we go each day and what we do, while working within a limited span of time.

Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to play Mystia's Izakaya myself, and I don't have experience managing quests, so I'm hoping someone else will be able to run with the quest. Still, I thought of some possible worlds to link up with Gensokyo. I tried to go with ones that fit with the culinary and musical themes of Mystia's game:

  • Dinotopia (Former Hell)- What can I say, I love this wonderful utopia where human castaways and dinosaurs live in harmony with themselves and the natural world. Probably the most notable new ingredient that Mystia could find in Dinotopia is Arctium longevus. Related to the common burdock, it bears purple flowers, and the tinctures from those flowers are used in medicinal healing. More importantly, the root is dried and prepared in tea that humans drink once they're 24 years or older; it's believed that the tea changes the body chemistry or reverses the aging process, thus why humans in Dinotopia have long lifespans rivaling their dinosaur companions, sometimes living beyond their 250th year. In addition, instead of corn and wheat, Dinotopians cultivate a variety of unfamiliar grains, such as a secret variant of grain brought by the Azetcs. Actually, it might be interesting if Mystia starts out in the subterranean, abandoned caves of the World Beneath (hence the link with Former Hell), and then finds her way up to the Rainy Basin - which is guarded by large theropod carnivores (Tyrannosaurus, Gigantosaurus, Carnotaurus, Cryolophosaurus, Allosaurus, Megalosaurus, etc.) who rule the area as their domain; as a result, Mystia's first cooking session there would be an impromptu feast to appease them for breaking their treaty with the rest of Dinotopia by trespassing. Interestingly, part of the relationship between the Rainy Basin denizens and those in the rest of the Dinotopia is that other dinosaurs, when they are nearing death, will enter the Rainy Basin to die, essentially offering their body to the carnivores there; though outsiders might normally find this a little unsettling, I think Mystia would be more understanding, given the complicated relations between humans and youkai in her own homeland.
  • Girls und Panzer / One Piece (Myouren Temple)- Given how the temple is a (flying) ship, I thought a nautical setting would be appropriate. Girls und Panzer could be fun. Due to the school campuses being on giant ships, the ships are self-reliant on their own agriculture and aquaculture, with each school having its own unique qualities in that regard. For instance, Anzio's ship school in particular places great value on food and feasting, with many clubs running food stalls for funding. Heck, Maginot originated as a school to teach wine making, specialising in traditional techniques such as juicing the grapes with your feet - and the reason they're a submarine is so the water pressure speeds up the wine maturation. I kind of wonder if the art of tank-craft, treated as a graceful art embodying womanhood in that world, would draw interest in Gensokyo, maybe mixing with danmaku. Another possibility is One Piece, with some potentially interesting consequences if a devil fruit gets mixed in with the food.
  • Hakumei and Mikochi (Forest of Magic)- This world of tiny people, where badgers and ferrets are considered giant, is such a sweet slice-of-life manga, with a lot of focus on cooking in the chapters. My take would be that crossover sizes would match the respective settings' relative proportions - if Mystia went to that world, she'd be the size of a local midget, where even a normal sparrow is huge; on the flipside, if Hakumei, Mikochi, and others went to Gensokyo, they'd be human-sized (and bigger characters like Mikochi and Hakumei's bosses - a badger and weasel, among others - would be huge). And more importantly, the size proportions also apply to food brought back and forth. This could lead to all sorts of fascinating culinary opportunities. Mystia could import giant foods like daikon radishes and pumpkins that are big enough to serve a dozen guests or more; she could also obtain things like acorns and mushrooms that are ordinarily too small to eat on their own except in great quantities, and prepare them into full-fledged meals in their own right. Of course, there's also a risk in acquiring these oversized ingredients - a fish you hook might drag you into the river with it, and a shellfish that bursts on the grill could knock you down or blow up a whole building. On the other side, she could export Gensokyo's normal (small)-sized equivalents to the other world, offering the guests to eat a whole fish or fruit that they could only ever consume a small portion in one sitting otherwise - and likewise, things like berries could be used for larger recipes rather than being too big. Though there are plenty of expert chefs and food services in that world, so she'll have some fierce competition. I'm also curious how she'd interact with some of the characters there. There's Hakumei and Mikochi, of course - Mikochi is an excellent chef and food preparer (and a pretty talented singer), while Hakumei is a professional builder/demolisher and excellent at knife sharpening - but plenty of other characters offer fun scenarios. For instance, there's Conju, a prideful yet kind songstress diva, who could become a low-key rival. Then there's Sen, whose scientific research allows her to use sounds to animate skeletons as automatons (she might be intrigued by Mystia's song and its potential applications in that regard - or upset if the enigmatic madness of the night sparrow's song causes her skeletons to act erratically). Not to mention the rough-and-tumble residents of Honey Manor (where the main rule is "anything goes", and the founder's mead brew was infamously bad yet cherished); I have a feeling that they'd become big fans of Chojuu Gigaku's...unique style of music. Chose Forest of Magic as the nexus point because the forest is notable for its oversized fauna and wildlife.
  • Kirby (Hakurei Shrine)- The Kirby universe has tons of unusual creatures and places - and a heavy focus on food. Kirby in particular is a notorious glutton, but food seems to be a key part of the setting - just look at how many locations there are named after foods. Many foods heal your health, too. More than that, there are food competitions like the "Gourmet Race" - in which two challengers race to the finish line while gobbling up food on the go - which could be brought to Gensokyo as a kind of mini game (which Mystia either participates in or is responsible for setting up).
  • Mario (Youkai Trail)- The Super Mario Bros. universe is really fascinating, and some installments such as Super Mario Sunshine and Paper Mario bring in some interesting food elements (and I personally discount the later canon that Paper and the mainline games are different worlds). Plenty of new recipes for Mystia to explore, including mixing different foods together for some surprising results. Plus, the diverse range of enemies, races, and locations in that universe offers so many fun possibilities. I imagine that Yoshis, with their big appetites and long tongues, would be some of Mystia's most eager and troublesome customers.
  • Pokémon (Palace of Earth Spirits)- The diverse range of wild and tame Pokemon would mesh well with the many animals that Satori hosts as pets. Given how Mystia would likely be serving both human trainers and their Pokemon, with different species having their own dietary preferences, things would become very complicated for her. On the bright side, she could learn how to to make Pokéblocks and Poffins - and maybe even use the local berries for new recipes of her own. And with so many different regions and locations (especially in the anime), there are a lot of cool possibilities to explore. It would be especially fun if Mystia got the Team Rocket Trio to work for her; outside of their villainy, they're actually surprisingly competent and dedicated workers.
  • Sailor Moon (Youkai Mountain)- Chose this world for Youkai Mountain largely due to Sanae's interest in anime and the like. For Sailor Moon, it would be interesting if Mystia opened her izakaya in Juuban and the Sailor Senshi became frequent customers in civilian form, only for some youma and other monsters of the week to mess with the operations - with the fact that Mystia herself is a monster complicating matters; depending on how things get resolved, said episodic monster might even be drafted into working there to make up for the trouble they caused. Things could be especially interesting in the Sailor Moon R timeframe of the first anime. During the Black Moon arc, multiple episodes involved dining locations and/or food-themed monsters of the week (droids): Nipasu (sold tainted ice cream that made people hateful and eventually turn into ice; also had other ice-based powers), Jamanen (made of red wine, allowing her to manipulate her body like a liquid and incapacitate others), Avogadora (a "dark fruit" salesman who used fruit-based weapons like a "Banaknife" sword and "Lychee Bomb" grenades), and Marzipan (disguised as a waitress at a cake shop, she shot out icing that turns targets (even living ones) into pastries and candies). Not to mention how, since the Sailor Senshi lost their memories at the start of R, it might be fun if they initially befriend Mystia before they get their memories back and go back to fighting monsters.
  • Star Wars (Bamboo Forest of the Lost)- I figured the nexus point adjacent to characters from out of this world should lead to a sci-fi setting. Star Wars has a rich plethora of food options due to the sheer variety of worlds and species. Though the tastes and preferences of different species vary sharply. Hutt cuisine in particular is notoriously nauseating, grotesque, and dangerous (it really says something that one of their particular delicacies is divvik pupaes - which, once they mature, morph into vicious monsters with acidic saliva, paralyzing bites, and immunity to blasters). Mystia could also maybe get some droids to help in the kitchen, though they all have their own flaws - SE4 servant droids are experts at gourmet cooking and party planning, but are fretful and persnickety about etiquette; the C2-R4 specializes in use catalytic fuel conversion, enzymatic breakdown, bacterial composting, and similar tools to effectively convert any form of trash or organic matter into a presentable dinner, but who would even want to eat the resulting concoction; and the COO cook droids are cheap but, due to the technical difficulties in swapping out their programming, are stuck with whatever recipes they were last given (and the droids are notorious liars). Also, due to the sheer range of the timeline and planets (especially in the Legends EU canon), the quest author could either position Mystia close to the main plot and characters - such as near Didi's Cafe/Dex's Diner on Coruscant, or the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine - or let her set up shop at a time and place away from the action.
  • Wonderland no More (Garden of the Sun)- This tabletop RPG inspired by the Carrollian Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass books would actually be really fascinating to explore with Mystia due to the various quirks of the setting. For starters, one of the main magic specializations in Wonderland is the "Gourmancer": a master chef who can gather and utilize Wonderland's infamous magical and unpredictable ingredients to produce unique foods and drinks with varying effects (a celebratory cake with candles and sparklers to distract viewers as the eater vanishes cheshire-style, a cake that tastes of sawdust and glue (and is edible for inorganic beings like chess pieces, and heals them if eaten), turtle soup that toughens the eater's skin, chilled champaign that literally turns the drinker blue (and gives them resistance to heat and cold), spice cordial that makes the drinker unfailingly polite and a little more charismatic, etc.). Mystia will need to quickly master the Wonderlandian art of gourmancy, lest her ingredients play tricks on her - quite literally! See, while experienced gourmancers can carry as many foodstuffs as they please, anyone else who holds too many foods in their possession at once are likely to experience strange happenings (the foodstuffs spring to life and attack as a fused monster, a foodstuff vanishes and the owner temporarily takes its place as a food (or soup bowl, bottle, etc.), every foodstuff in your possession detonates, the food has the opposite effect than normal when eaten, etc.). Then there's the matter of how Time in Wonderland is variable (and a living being), and cares more about the overall narrative rather than a strict timetable. For instance, a chef can reasonably understand how much time it'll take for dinner, but if he's out of eggs and the stores are closed, he might venture out on a long journey to a mountain to steal eggs from a nest, yet still return before the guests notice or the water has even finished boiling. With that in mind, one gameplay benefit for Mystia when foraging on the Wonderland side is that the usual daily time limit doesn't apply until she's done or goes back to Gensokyo (though if she exploits that trick too much, time may start playing tricks on her). Another interesting effect of Wonderland is how it seems to gradually reshape new visitors into the forms of appropriate residents of the land; this probably wouldn't be an issue for a youkai like Mystia, but it would be cool if, after visiting Wonderland enough times, she develops new attributes; for instance, she might become part-flamingo (which can be used as weapons in Wonderland), meaning that an assistant cook can wield Mystia herself as a cooking utensil to produce truly unique recipes. It might also be interesting if Mystia gets caught up in the "Egg of Seven Parts" campaign, in which Humpty Dumpty enlists players into recovering his broken egg shells as part of a plot to use an ancient gourmancy recipe for invincibility. And fortunately, PDFs for the tabletop RPG have recently become available online again.
  • Mundane [Relatively] Slice of Life Settings (Human Village)- For the human village, I sort of envision the nexus point connecting to one or more "normal" worlds. Possibilities could include Otoyomegatari "Bride's Story", Yuru Camp "Laidback Camp", ARIA, Polar Bear's Cafe, and Sesame Street (I'd like to see Mystia try to satisfy a Grouch, given how they like nauseous dishes like baked bean sundaes, soup with fly, and baloney and apple pie - and are happiest when they are grouchy - not to mention how monsters will sometimes eat anything, from picnic baskets to telephones to musical instruments).

Any thoughts on this idea? Please feel free to run with the concept. I believe it could be a lot of fun, and mesh well with the mechanics of a forum quest, offering a wide range of possibilities to explore.
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Any thoughts on this idea?
I'm left feeling as though exploration would be a major focus... Yet using preexisting settings rather hinders that focus, because the readers are likely to already be familiar with some of those settings.

I'm also inclined to think that expecting your co-GM to be familiar with all of those settings is a rather tall ask; in either case, it might be better to simply take inspiration from each and instead run the quest in an entirely original setting connected to entirely original areas.
Random idea I had for a quest, a new jedi order planet/sector defence quest inspired a bit by dark horses invasion comics premise. Basically you'd be stuck behind enemy lines during the vong wars. Theres a lot of empire/rebellion stuff but I don't think much for the vong both in legends (beyond njo) and fanfic could be fun. Feels like the best system would be some version based on the ck2/3 template.
In the year 2281, The Courier walked the Mojave Wasteland, and their actions reshaped the region. They worked with the NCR to defend the Hoover Dam and drive the Legion out of the Mojave. They would then turn on the NCR, to force them out as well, but the NCR would take New Vegas by force. The Courier was branded a terrorist and was forced into hiding. While many decried the annexation of their homes by a foreign power, many were hopeful that their lives would be better.

However, five years after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, a cloud of corrosive gas poured from the Lucky 38 Casino and engulfed The Strip, killing everyone there. This caused riots in Freeside and Westside, which were brutally suppressed by the NCR troops. However, the riots evolved into a rebellion, led by The Kings. What happened is unknown, but the NCR would soon flee the Mojave. Even as the cloud continued to engulf New Vegas, the people of the Mojave hoped for at least some peace and independence.

But several years after the NCR withdrew most of its forces from the Mojave, a large radioactive dust storm engulfed the Mojave. Many towns and settlements were destroyed. But the storm heralded a new kind of monster into the Mojave, Tunnelers. Numerous, strong, and durable, they hunted and killed other living things in the Mojave, whether human or animal.

Now, 20 years after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, this is the world you are meant to survive.

[] Choose your name

[] Choose your gender

[] Choose your appearance

Right now, you are

[] a normal Survivor. In a shack south of what was once Nipton. You thought you were careful as you snuck to your workshop. The nearby Tunnelers camped nearby usually discourage people from following you.

But three other people followed you, driven by hunger, demanding that you hand over the last of your food, a can of pork and beans. You tried to talk them down, but you were forced to use your makeshift grenade launcher. Now, you're alone with three mangled bodies, a pistol with no ammo, and a grenade launcher.


Silenced .22 Pistol
Makeshift Grenade Launcher
Tire Iron

Other Items:

1 Copy of "Lying, Congressional Style"

Tag Skills: Small Guns, Sneak, and Survival

[] You were a Boomer. You were forced from Nellis ABF. After the NCR took over the Mojave, your artillery managed to hold them off. And if they didn't, your bomber did.

But after seven years, you finally ran out of artillery shells. And so, the NCR attacked the air force base, killing most of you and scattering the rest. Your new home is much less accommodating. It's an old skydiving school. It doesn't have much, but it has a runway and most of a working plane. You, like a lot of Boomers, were trained on simulations to fly planes, so if you could get it working, then you could get out of the Mojave.


Armored Vault 34 Jumpsuit


10 mm pistol
Pipe Bombs (x3)

Tag: Big Guns Explosives Repair

[] You were one of the Followers of the Apocalypse. After you were forced from the Fort in Freeside, most Followers went back west to try to influence the political world of the NCR. You and several others stayed behind. You ran a clinic out of one of the Follower's old safehouses.

Eventually, people stopped coming, and your two other Followers died. You gathered the rest of your supplies and are getting ready to set off into the Wasteland. You're planning on leaving, but before communications with the outside was cut off, you heard rumors. Rumors are that the cloud that engulfed the Strip was because of something that the NCR did, some sort of experiment. If you could find proof, then you could use that back west. Maybe bring justice to those responsible.

Pipe Rifle

Other Items

5 Stimpacks
2 Super Stimpacks
2 Doctor's Bags

Tag Skills

Medicine, Science, and Speech

[] You were a Raider from one of the smaller gangs. Scorpions, Vipers, Jackals, it's been so long you almost don't remember. But you do know that most of your gang is gone. Most people are either dead or absorbed in another cannibal tribe. The last exception to that just died. Now, you're alone and not long for the world.

You managed to find a stash of weapons from the Great Khans and have been living there for some time. But now, you're going to to try to escape the Mojave. But you aren't planning on leaving with empty pockets. You've heard stories of New Vegas from before the Fall. The Strip, with thousands of caps flowing through it every day. They may not do much good here, but if you manage to get at least some caps out, you could live very well. And if you can't get to the Strip, then there's other places, and people, you could get your wealth from.


.44 Magnum Revolvers (x2)
12.7mm SMG
Anything you can unlock from the Khan's stash.

Tag Skills

Lockpick, Melee Weapons, Small Guns

[] What makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L.



No matter who you are or what your goal is, you know that you need to escape the Mojave or die trying.
Never played that mod, what's the endgame?
There's a few ways to escape the Mojave. Some of them even get you to better places.

1. Taking the airplane fro Camp Searchlight. Also, the one in the Boomer intro.

2. Going through Big MT. and getting the transporterponder.

3. Trying to escape via the Vertabird in Camp McCarren and then going through the Sierra Madre.

4. Attempting to go through Zion National Park.

Your one and only real quest for the mod is to escape the Mojave.
I see, interesting.

Which of the escape routes actually gets you to a better place?

At the very least the Rockies should act as a barrier for the Tunnelers, for the most part.
I have no idea why I'm doing this.

A Vampire Quest:

You are a Vampire… A Creature of the Night, a monster born of darkness, a demon of insatiable hunger, a foul creature of unholy abomination. Your existence defies the natural order, your immortal soul cast off to Satan in exchange for powers unimaginable to mortal eyes. You lurk in the shadows, a predator driven by an eternal thirst for blood, preying on the living to sustain your cursed existence. You feast on blood, the lifeblood of the innocent, drawing strength from their terror and despair. Your presence instills fear, your name whispered in hushed tones by those who dare to speak of you. By night you prowl, a silent specter, an agent of chaos and death. You are the embodiment of the night's darkest horrors, an unending nightmare that plagues the world of the living.

But there are many types of Vampires. Many types have gained their powers and all through distant and unnatural power.

What is your name:
[]Write in

What do you look like?
[]Place image here.

[]You are an Elder Vampire: The Elder Vampire is a being of immense power and ancient wisdom, a creature that has transcended the centuries, becoming a living relic of the past. These eyes can see into the souls of mortals, discerning their deepest fears and desires with a mere glance. Elder Vampires wield an array of dark powers far beyond those of younger vampires. They can command the shadows, manipulate minds, and summon swarms of bats or other night creatures at will. Their mastery over the dark arts allows them to cloak themselves in illusions, rendering them nearly invisible or transforming into mist to evade capture.


Old: You are old, incredibly old, and while you may have forgotten a few things in your old age, you have been alive long enough to know that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Your centuries of existence have gifted you with unparalleled wisdom and insight, allowing you to anticipate and manipulate the ebb and flow of mortal and supernatural affairs with only a glance.

Dark Arts: You are a long master of the Dark Arts, arts of shadow summons, manipulation, transformation, invisibility, even cloning, and regeneration. Nothing is beyond your powers; only your imagination is your limit. You can bend the darkness to your will, summon creatures of the night, and cloak yourself in shadows to evade detection or strike unseen.

Immense Strength: Your age has only enhanced your physical abilities. Your strength is colossal, capable of crushing bones and tearing through steel. Despite your ancient appearance, your body is a vessel of immense power and speed, outmatching any mortal or younger vampire with ease.

Immunity to Holy Symbols: Unlike many of your kin, you possess an immunity to holy symbols such as crosses, holy water, and consecrated ground as you have existed before their creation and their empowerment by Man. These objects have no power over you, allowing you to move freely and confront those who would otherwise repel or harm you with such artifacts. This immunity grants you a significant advantage in both combat and subterfuge, as you are not hindered by the traditional defenses against your kind.

Hypnotic Presence: Your presence is mesmerizing, your voice carrying a hypnotic, almost enchanting quality. You can bend wills, command obedience, and instill fear or adoration with a mere whisper. Mortals and lesser beings find it nearly impossible to resist your commands.

Historical Knowledge: You have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, and the birth and death of countless civilizations. Your knowledge of history, both mundane and arcane, is vast and unparalleled. This wealth of information grants you a strategic advantage in any situation, allowing you to outmaneuver and outwit your adversaries.


Slow Healing: While you possess the ability to heal, your regeneration is not as rapid as that of some of your kin, at least anymore. Significant injuries take longer to mend and require you to consume more blood to expedite the healing process.

Old: You are old, incredibly old, and while your age grants you wisdom, it also brings a weariness that can be a hindrance. Your body, though powerful, occasionally reminds you of its ancient state with moments of stiffness or sluggishness. The weight of countless years can be a burden, making it difficult to adapt to rapid changes or new environments.

Sunlight Vulnerability: As powerful as you are, the sun remains your greatest enemy. Its light is a deadly bane, forcing you into the shadows during the day. This vulnerability can be exploited by your enemies, and you must always plan your activities around the unforgiving cycle of night and day.

Blood Dependency (Potent): Your need for blood is insatiable, and the older you get, the more potent the blood you require. Feeding on mere mortals may not always suffice, compelling you to seek out rarer, more dangerous prey. You require the blood of Heroes. Of villains, of monsters, and even other Vampires.

Isolation: Your ancient status often isolates you from others, both mortal and vampire alike. Younger vampires may fear or resent you, thinking that you will kill them or enslave them, while mortals see you as a terrifying legend, one that must be destroyed at any cost. This isolation can lead to loneliness and a lack of trusted allies, making it difficult to form meaningful connections or alliances.

Haunted by the Past: Your long life is filled with memories, some of which are haunting. Regrets lost loves, and countless deaths weigh heavily on your mind. These ghosts of the past can distract you, affect your judgment, or even lead to moments of vulnerability as you grapple with the emotional toll of centuries of existence.

[]A Vampire: A is a creature of the night, a being caught between life and death, cursed with immortality and a relentless thirst for blood. This pallor is often contrasted by their eyes, which can range from an unnaturally bright and piercing color to a dark, hypnotic gaze. When they are hungry or agitated, their eyes may glow with a sinister light, revealing their predatory nature. They travel the world, in search of blood, power, and control.


Enhanced Senses: Your senses are heightened to superhuman levels. You can see clearly in the darkest of nights, hear the faintest whisper from a great distance, and smell the blood of your prey from afar. These enhanced senses make you a formidable hunter, always aware of your surroundings and the presence of potential threats or prey.

Superhuman Strength and Agility: Your physical prowess far exceeds that of ordinary humans. You possess immense strength, able to overpower most adversaries with ease, and your agility allows you to move with supernatural speed and grace. Whether in combat or pursuit, your physical abilities make you a deadly force.

Rapid Healing: You have the ability to heal from injuries at an astonishing rate. Wounds that would be fatal to a human mend within moments, and you can recover from most forms of damage quickly. This rapid healing allows you to survive encounters that would otherwise be deadly, making you exceptionally resilient.


Sunlight Vulnerability: The sun is your greatest enemy, its light is capable of burning your flesh and turning you to ash. You must avoid daylight at all costs, restricting your activities to the night and forcing you to find safe havens to hide during the day. This vulnerability makes you reliant on the cover of darkness and limits your movements.

Blood Dependency: Your need for blood is an insatiable hunger that must be regularly satisfied. This dependency forces you to hunt frequently, putting you at risk of exposure and conflict. If you go too long without feeding, you become weak and desperate, and if you go for to long without blood, you may be forced to enter a blood coma, where nothing but fresh human blood can revive you. If that happens, you are most certainly going to be destroyed.

Holy Symbols: You are repelled by holy symbols such as crosses, holy water, and consecrated ground. These symbols can cause you pain and drive you away, limiting your ability to approach certain places or individuals. This weakness can be exploited by those who know your nature.

Silver Weakness: Silver is a substance that causes you great pain and inhibits your regenerative abilities. Weapons or restraints made of silver can wound you deeply and slow your healing, making you vulnerable in combat against those who wield it.


[]Dhampir: A unique and enigmatic creature, born from the union of a vampire and a human. This hybrid nature grants them a blend of abilities and traits from both lineages, making them both a bridge and a boundary between the mortal and the undead worlds, and an abomination to humans and vampires alike. Their unnatural ness however gives them advantages above all the others, for they can exist within the world.


The Strongest Force is Love: You are the product of an unholy union, a testament to a love that defied the boundaries between human and vampire. Your existence challenges the notion that darkness and evil are inherent in vampirism alone. Born of a love that transcended species, you carry within you the potential to bridge the divide between humans and vampires through compassion and understanding. Perhaps.

Enhanced Senses: Like their full-blooded vampire kin, Dhampirs possess heightened senses. They can see in near-total darkness, hear distant sounds with clarity, and possess an acute sense of smell that can detect subtle changes in their environment or track prey.

Superhuman Strength and Agility: Dhampirs are endowed with superior strength and agility, surpassing human capabilities, though not as strong as their full-blooded kin. They can perform feats of physical prowess, such as leaping great distances, running at incredible speeds, and engaging in combat with formidable skill and precision.

Rapid Healing: While not as potent as full vampires, Dhampirs have accelerated healing abilities. They recover from injuries more quickly than humans, though severe wounds may still take time to heal fully, though the ingestion of human and animal blood can increase the effectiveness.

Longevity: Dhampirs age more slowly than humans, granting them an extended lifespan. They retain their youthful appearance and vitality for much longer, often living several human lifetimes.

Immunity to Vampire Weaknesses: Your human nature makes you uniquely resistant to the traditional weaknesses that plague most full-blooded vampires. Sunlight does not harm you, allowing you to move freely during the day and eliminating the need to hide. Garlic, running water, and other typical deterrents have no effect on you. This immunity grants you unparalleled freedom and versatility, making you a formidable and unpredictable adversary.


Blood Cravings: Although less intense than a full vampire's, Dhampirs still experience a periodic need for blood. Ignoring this craving can weaken them physically and mentally, making it a constant, albeit manageable, concern.

Susceptibility to Silver: Like vampires, Dhampirs are vulnerable to silver, though they will not kill them unless they take a mortal wound on their body. Weapons or objects made of silver can cause them pain and inhibit their healing, making them cautious around this metal.

Between Two Worlds: Your dual heritage places you in a precarious position between the human and vampire realms. You are often caught in the middle, never fully accepted by either side. Humans view you with suspicion and fear, while vampires may see you as an abomination or threat. This constant tension forces you to navigate a complex and often dangerous social landscape, for one wrong move means you are dead. Or undead.


What is this Story About:

[]Control the Vampire World: The Vampire councils and those that are free from their control have long since had an uneasy truce. The Modern World is ever-changing, and the ancient wisdom of remaining hidden has long since been forgotten about. There must be new leadership. New Powers behind the throne… A New World Order.

[]Maintain the Separation between humans and Vampires: For thousands of years, the worlds have been teetering closer and farther together with time and the changing world. The councils want to change this, with domination, with conquest. With fear and control. That can only lead to anarchy. And extinction for your kind. You have to stop this before it becomes worse. You may be the only one who can.

[]End The Separation between the Worlds:

[]Write in
idea: Starfleet has placed you in charge of a project based upon readings taken during the various "Evil Universe" incidents. You have succeeded, and now have the ability to open portals to parallel worlds. However, it seems to only work on planetary surfaces and a number of said portals seem to come out into versions of Earth. Anyway, you need to explore, exploit, and not violate the Prime Directive.

An excuse to see Starfleet face Nazis, Warhammer Fantasy, and any other fiction the QM chooses.
Got another idea I wish to share, which is just a quest where you control the principal of a highschool, a normal, completely average principal

But the school is located on some crazy island town where some people have such inhuman levels of skill that they can weaponize their favourite hobby and or a superhuman physiology giving them incredible strength, intellect, and dexterity
Thats right, the quest is about trying to be the principal for a school that acts as a setting for a action anime

Imagine it

Flower Island was formerly owned by the Japanese during WW2 as a site for experimental combat training, during their surrender the island was offered to the United States as a form of apology (It was not offered, American spies had learnt of the atrocities commited in that lab for the sake of creating superhumans, and their government wanted it, some blackmail here, a threat there, sprinkle in some betrayal, and the ownership of the island was given to the U.S.A.)

Decades later in the near future, you're here on the tropical and calming Flower Island, the 51st state of America, and your new home for the foreseeable future, as you had been assigned as the new principal for this public educational facility because everyone else refused for some odd reason
You just got unpacked at your new house, met the wonderful neighbours (Though they did have weird hair colours, is dyeing your hair a really popular fashion choice around here?), and drove to Hutchson Academy to go help the next generation learn and develop

Then you watched as one student suplexed another off the school roof, cracking the earth below to form a jagged crater, and both students were only mildly bruised, before continuing to beat eachother senseless with fighting techniques that would make world class fighters seem like slightly violent babies
With both of them yelling something about the betrayal of asking out a shared crush first, taking their fight back inside the expansive school building

Then the rapid shockwaves from a different classroom fight made the glass from a 3rd floor window burst outwards and almost resulted in some shards hitting you, luckily that was narrowly avoided with some good ol running in circles panicking
Finally you encountered a laughing old man, balding, and wearing a suit, facing you while carrying a suitcase towards the bus parked at the gate "GOOD LUCK IN THAT HELLHOLE YOU SCHMUCK! I'm going to Tahiti!"

He swapped between sipping a martini he had for some reason and cackling while the bus took him to the airport
You stared at possibly the most dangerous school on the planet, and gulped in fear

Your name?

- [] Principal Charles Lebowski (He/Him)

- [] Principal Dianna Madaine (She/Her)

- [] Principal Jesse Hartwick (They/Them)

- [] Write-In

What kind of principal are you?
(Got nothing here right now, probably never will)
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I have an idea for a Stargate-verse quest that begins chronologically in mid-2007 shortly after the events of Stargate: The Ark of Truth and the end of the Ori Crusade and shortly before the events of the Season 3 finale of Stargate Atlantis and the fallout of that whole mess where the players take the role of the IOA Council as they try to steer Homeworld Security and Stargate Command (and more indirectly the Atlantis Expedition) into an operational direction they prefer and the quest's end goal is to see the humans of Earth live up to their potential as the Fifth Race, as galactic peacekeepers and providers much like the Ancients did at one point, but better than the Ancients. Over the course of the quest the players can stick to established canonical events (i.e. Seasons 4-5 of Atlantis and what little bits of lore about the late-00s galactic situation were established subsequently in Stargate Continuum and Stargate Universe) or wildly deviate from canon and re-write the last third of the franchise's in-universe timeline to potentially better or worse outcomes.

Working title is The Fifth Race Rising: A Stargate Quest.

I've started drafting my preliminary plans for the quest, with gameplay mechanics and choices the players can do. I plan on having it run for 260 turns where each turn is an in-game week and as such it will cover a five-year timespan from mid-2007 to mid-2012 (i.e. a year after the end of Stargate Universe). And yes the Icarus Project and the events of Stargate Universe will play a part in the quest, but the nature of the part and how successful the Icarus Project is relative to TV canon will be entirely up to the players.

Any thoughts? Anyone? Pls don't be shy, I need annonymous strangers validation on the internet. /jk
I think a week per turn might be a bit difficult. Say you want to build a new earth battlecruiser: its the matter of selecting the "build battlecruiser" button for 20 turns in a row.