Some questions:
  1. Do knights all have epithets?
  2. Are they knighted or do they just gain the title once they become badass enough?
  3. Any other relative bloodlines that rival Magnus'?
  4. does corcea has access to cav?
  5. whats the standard equipment for the infantry
  6. Whats the main manufacturer of the equipment of the army
  7. Has anyone of the previous kings every travelled to the divine realm?
  8. Are there any mercenary groups? Any Knight orders?
  9. An order of spies that serve the king?
  10. Has there ever been a successful push on any of the fronts in King Magnus' reign?
Really good questions, thank you so much for asking! I'm hard at work on the timeline for Wild Growth but should have ample time to answer these all tomorrow.
The illustrated timeline for Wild Growth is complete, finishing my prep for the next thread!!! If you guys are looking to quickly catch up or just want a recap of major events, here ya go! For your guys convenience, I've also attached the links to our prior timelines to this post (just in case anyone wants a complete review).

Arc 1: The Ruins
Arc 2: Avowed
Arc 3: Calunoth
Arc 5: Homecoming
Arc 6: Atonement
Arc 7: The Night of Embers
Arc 8: Light Sentence
*Arc 9: Wild Growth*

We've got two days left til the next thread!! I'm so excited. Going to reply to @Grimsby 's questions tomorrow. Feel free to ask any more if you guys have any. Hope you all have a great night!
Alright! Let's knock this out. There are some questions I can't answer fully, but I will provide as much info as I can based on what you guys (Richard) would know.

  1. Do knights all have epithets? Are they knighted or do they just gain the title once they become badass enough?
All knights have the epithet of "Ser" or "Dame", after they have been knighted either by the King or a leader of the Church. You possess this authority, and have done so for Ser Harvey Jay Algrith in recognition of his service to the nation. Not all knights have nicknames, though. It's common, due to their exceptional nature, but not everyone is as badass as "the Red Lion."

  • Any other relative bloodlines that rival Magnus'?
Nope. The King's authority is second to none. Opposing the royal bloodline or taking claim to a greater authority is tantamount to treason, and is punishable by death. Bloodlines related to former Kings are not even a concern, as the last King reigned during the last age - and as you all know, the end of that age marked the fall of humanity.

  • does corcea has access to cav?
They do in the capital, and to a large extent in each holy city! Horses require a lot of land and a lot of resources to take adequate care of, and with the threat of roaming demons in the countryside (+how most demons are attracted to livestock/wild animals), it's unwise for anyone to keep a horse who doesn't need it. Travel is often too dangerous for peasants to embark on for anything but a serious pilgrimage, either. In the holy cities, though? Due to the sheer amount of land involved, the need for travel, and the superiority of horse-mounted combat, cavalry is a major asset. You personally have a small supply of horses in Daybreak Citadel. It's nowhere near enough for a battalion, let alone even a full platoon - and riding them into battle after demons would just be a waste - but they could still devastate ordinary human combatants.

In short (as seen in Arc 5: Homecoming), horses are most often used for long-distance travel, but yes, there is cavalry in the holy cities (and a larger one in Calunoth).

  • whats the standard equipment for the infantry
If by "infantry" you mean...
Clergy of the Church of Flesh who are foot soldiers: The finest mail, shields, segmented plate (if available from family heirlooms/refurbished from the ruins), polearms, or other weapons of choice that the Church of Flesh can provide. If necessary, arms and armor can be acquired from surrounding territory.
Ordinary men and women serving alongside clergy of the Church of Flesh: The second-best defenses available (gambesons, mail, shields, helmets), and the best weapons at the Church of Flesh's disposal. If necessary, arms and armor can be acquired from surrounding territory.
Ordinary men and women fighting out of necessity: Whatever they can get their hands on. Ancestral swords, broken mail, patchwork gambesons, slapdash polearms, etc. It's not unheard of for smiths to secretly work out of remote villages to supply their people with arms and armor, and to hide from the theocracy in order to not have their skills repossessed by the King.

  • Whats the main manufacturer of the equipment of the army
The capital. King Magnus locates and recruits any skilled smiths throughout the nation and keeps the best under his eye in Calunoth. They're given the finest smithies available to humanity, any resources that can be spared, and then send off their wares to the Church of Flesh for redistribution. (In Homecoming, you guys saw such a caravan of supplies going with Cyril and Ofelia back to Beorward.)

  • Has anyone of the previous kings every travelled to the divine realm?
You would need to ask King Magnus or find this out through other means.

  • Are there any mercenary groups? Any Knight orders?
Mercenary groups? Yes, but as an upstanding Church boy who has never needed to hire such services, the only specifics you've heard of such a thing is from Chesty, thanks to his work prior to going to the ruins. You know that Irefist and Claymore (at minimum) also did mercenary work before meeting you.

You're also aware of a Knight's order that runs out of the capital, but don't know of its name/origin/details, only a few words here and there from nobles about its existence.

  • An order of spies that serve the king?
You don't know, beyond the fact that a covert priest of Vengeance (Brother Percival Holloway) accompanied you on King Magnus' behalf when you traveled during Homecoming. Given that even you (as the leader of the Church of Truth) have a spy, though, it's highly likely that King Magnus keeps spies, too.

  • Has there ever been a successful push on any of the fronts in King Magnus' reign?
Absolutely. During Arc 2: Avowed you heard of such a push at a place called the Crepuscule, in fact! Despite how dire the situation appears in Baranfen, pushes are frequently made by organized forces under the banner of the King, and under Father Friedrich's orders. Humanity is not overran at the border - they're giving one hell of a fight, and often appear to be winning.

I hope all of that was helpful! I'm not going to add any of this to any threadmarks or the wiki due to the fact that what isn't in the quest's text hasn't been necessary to the story thus far, but if anyone wants to take that up go right on ahead! Also feel free to ask questions like this any time guys, you know I love it. Thanks again @Grimsby !
Just a heads up guys, I'm too damn excited to wait until Wednesday night to launch Arc 10: Vitality. Since I have all the prep done, I'm confidently moving the launch time to 10AM EST, Tuesday, December 7th. The countdown has been updated accordingly!
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Catalyst Quest - Vitality is now live!!!! Please move any comments to the new arc!

Catalyst Quest: Death Defiant & Catalyst Quest: Panacea Original - Mature - Fantasy - Horror

The year is 606, and in your home— the country of Corcaea— the souls of mankind belong to demons. Catalyst Quest is a dark fantasy epic that follows the adventures of a compassionate, self-sacrificing priest warped by divine power. In this original, apocalyptic setting, the Gods are real, and...