Mercy and Stanley Parble
(The silver bracket is happening in THE GREAT /QST/ WAIFU TOURNAMENT, and our golden girl Mercy is up! If you'd like to show your support and help Her win, come cast a vote here! Voting windows are quite short on /qst/, so there's not much time!

To commemorate the contest I drew another pic of Mercy with Her opponent, Stanley Parble of Bones Quest. Hope you guys enjoy!)

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>B] You sincerely love Agriculture with all your heart. There's nothing wrong with the way that you both express your affection. Be a romantic, and sweep your Goddess off Her feet. You can spend just a few more minutes together.
>C] Say that you deeply love and respect her and her domain, but you are but a human and you're afraid that you won't be able to serve others as effectively as you want if you continue to indulge yourself at every turn, and that you want to find some solution with her that could bridge the gap between restraint and indulgence.
>B] You sincerely love Agriculture with all your heart. There's nothing wrong with the way that you both express your affection. Be a romantic, and sweep your Goddess off Her feet. You can spend just a few more minutes together.
For too long have we pandered to the whims of Agriculture. To me it seems we're on a never ending wild ride. And I for one want of this ride.
>C] Tell Agri that what she is doing is wrong. Due to our connection, she must know our intent on losing weight. Explain to her that she should respect our wishes and if not we need a sabbatical in our time together
isten." You say it through a mouthful, and don't have the willpower to refuse. That same, insatiable urge is on you to take in more. "What did you do?"

"I said that I would take care of you, so I did! Your eating habits have been all over the place! Someone—" She bites Her lip. "—your size, can't be hurt by indulging now and then. And after the work that we did? With me summoned all this time? Especially after you had the green dahlia. To put it simply, of course: You get a bigger kick out of a meal than most."

It's hard not to love her, but there's a small, nagging, years-long voice in the back of your mind saying that something is not right here. The same, small, recurring voice that's been so hard on you about being with Agriculture to begin with. The same voice that knows She's poison incarnate. The same damn voice that has you fighting time, after time, after time again to take better care of yourself.


Nah, to be honest it's already expected to gain some weight the majority of time we invoke Agri. Plus, Richard's body is still acclimatising to his new lifestyle of fasting on top of his rapid shifts in weight. So it's really not surprising we're going to see some pounds packing as his body's natural response in compensation.

But still, we need to loose weight and exert the most of our corporeal abilities. We can't just run our soul ragged with continued reliance on invocation the moment the difficulty ratchets. As it is our body is going to become our crutch on the next marathon leg of crisis looming over the horizon. Invocation tolls and subsequent effects further hamstring Richard's social progress and limits further physical effort.

>C] Say that you deeply love and respect her and her domain, but you are but a human and you're afraid that you won't be able to serve others as effectively as you want if you continue to indulge yourself at every turn, and that you want to find some solution with her that could bridge the gap between restraint and indulgence.

So we're not going to shame ourselves further in complacency! We must discipline our body further in order to be able to take in these blessings Agri has given us to build ourselves. Make Flesh bro proud and as soon as invocation ends, begin the physcial exercises to warm up your body limited by the toll post invocation and injuries. Some strenuous exercises might not be fit to your condition, but simple stretches and postures will prove delightfully burning with adequate repetitions.

Assuming the majority of injuries sustained are within the upper body: these exercises might be suitable:
(lunges, squats, walking front kicks,) for the lower body, reduce jostling by no running or jumping to aggravate wounds
(standing push ups, wrist flexing/sword forms, isolated upper body twists) for the upper body, less effort there to prevent further damage.

Cycle these and more as Richard is able to as you walk the distance back to the Lord Wood's estate. Pay no mind to the people for you have no pride. It is our penance to be even better than this if we want to get ourselves back in shape to regain our loss progress!

We need to pace ourselves. Less invocation, more on the given blessings and what can we will of our Flesh!

-Regarding the waifu wars, we need all hands on deck to beat back the lead! The Stanely Parable gender swap of all waifus is taking our Mercy for a spin.

I have no words at the inanity of the situation. But the need is great and the honour of our Waifu calls!
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>C] This feels wrong on multiple levels, most of which are complicated and could be best handled with a delicate touch. (Write-in any concerns you may have. Feel free to be as blunt as you want, or to give your QM general direction. I will be happy to convey whatever you'd like to share through our protagonist!)

Bear with how i write because this is comical to me, i'm not actually mad.. My god you fried-neuron loaded freighter of pastries you've fucking done it again. How many times do you need to trust this omnipotent double-dipping sensation addict before realizing that her judgement is even more rotten than the trash you feed yourself. This is the kind of god that would tell you to skip your duties and go smoke polly because she wants you to feel as good as possible without any care for anything outside of her godly domains. The people indebted to you, the people you lead, have to keep you on a leash so you don't go stew sniffing. Other gods have abandoned you, the singular fucking dunce they decided to trust their powers on simultaneously, because you can't keep your mentally scarred ass from doing anything this orherwordly mobility scooter imbound deity wants after the smallest show of attention and the tinyest speckle of understanding. When are you gonna wake up? You're not addicted to food, you're addicted to agriculture, and it's ruining your life.
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(Hooooo weeeee we got some heated discussion in here. Just a heads up, I normally would close the vote soon. Given the polar opposite votes here and the very delicate subject, however, I will be leaving this open for one more day. You all are welcome to bring up counter points or other civil disagreements during that time! I will not be going by majority vote for this, but it may behoove you all to have some communication and try to come to something in the way of an agreement. If not, don't worry about it, and I'll update as usual tomorrow night.

Thanks again to everyone who supported Mercy as well during the tournament! It looks like we lost the silver bracket, but we all know that you're all the real winners. ❤️

To repeat: the voting window will remain open until tomorrow night (EST). Any and all discussion and/or opposition to votes are welcome until that time.)
I have not read since the I would put for myself, Agri debacle started, I have long been against the invocation of the gods, and the relationship with Agri, and with this she has shown less concern for the betterment of Richard, and moreso her relationship with him.

>C] This feels wrong on multiple levels, most of which are complicated and could be best handled with a delicate touch.

Nah no delicate touch, a quick clean incision. Richard needs to get into a healthier situation and a healthier relationship, Invoking is going to kill us either quickly or slowly, reliance upon the gods, Dependency upon Agriculture, only leads to worse outcomes. As another voter has already stated, the addiction to agriculture is going to ruin us. We have to stop and be the bigger person, stand up for what is best for you. Either by fully limiting contact, or as I desire, cutting off contact entirely. Just from the few bits I have caught up, it feels manipulative on her end to keep us there, and it would be unkind to Richard to keep things just as it is
>C] Say that you deeply love and respect her and her domain, but you are but a human and you're afraid that you won't be able to serve others as effectively as you want if you continue to indulge yourself at every turn, and that you want to find some solution with her that could bridge the gap between restraint and indulgence.

Richard loves all the Gods and to completely cut himself off from one them would be antithetical to his very being. However, what is going on is not sustainable and we need to hold back on Agriculture for a bit. It has been difficult for a while now due to the looming famine and that every field we save is potentially many mouths we feed. Agriculture has also been very capable of helping us in combat and since Flesh is not answering our call we've been leaning on her too much. It's why I harp on understanding Storm's Tenants so often, so we don't feel obligated to fatten ourselves every time we get in danger. Once we have enough Time to lose enough weight, we can start to cycle with differing invocations in a way that keeps us balanced.

I also don't understand why some of us are getting so mad at Agriculture. It's not Her fault we are this way, it's ours. She can't stop Herself from doing this to us, because of what She is. It would be like telling Mercy to stop Feeling, or Flesh to stop Lifting, or to keep Dream from Resting. It's our job to temper the Gods and we have not done so.
The blessed C vote contention then.

Agreed upon points essentially boils down to:
-Richard needs temperance once more. Too much Agri Spam in so many instances is bad. Richard is a man of All the Gods
-It's not Agri's fault either since this is what She is.
-Our over reliance on invocation is now coming to a head and it's showing up on Richard's psyche.
-We swore ourselves to limit invoking but in practice it's "the need is great" so it's our go-to basis.

This body can only take so much from Agri. And it needs a work up, especially when we have the country to save. I don't need to remind people that a single major invocation is going to leave us in the negative bonuses when we need to roll for every continuous encounter afterwards without rest.

-In what way do we want to inform Agri that her power ups leaves us physically and socially limited, while her indulgence although relaxing can be addicting in the long term?
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(It is time, my friends. 1,247 words of prompts and write-ins to work with. I feel so lucky to have you all as voters. Due to the extent of stuff I am working with, I absolutely can't accept any further contributions after this point! The vote is locked. Writing now.)
Chapter 29: Fault
Chapter 29: Fault

The sight of a Goddess kneeling at your feet isn't what brings you back to the ground.

For just a second, you reflect on the sight of your own body. You avoid doing so at almost all times, but it feels unavoidable right now. It's only been a few months that you've been so heavy, and only a few weeks that you've been anywhere near your current weight. The sheer amount of fat on you is still incredibly foreign. Most of your life was spent looking at ribs, awkward bones, and limbs that always felt too long. The scars are still the same, sure, only stretched and far more prominent. You were cursed by a demon, after all.

That's not the reason why you feel so huge, though. Why you feel every bit a glutton, and a pervert, and completely undeserving of kindness from a single living soul.

Every inch of you is torn between screaming, crying, or laughing. Passion, bitter resentment, fury, and shame drops you to your knees.

For just a moment, you take Agriculture into your arms and hold Her as close as you can. Your voice breaks from the sheer amount of emotion that you're battling with. "You know I love you with all of my heart."

The woman in your arms doesn't hold you back, for a second. It doesn't take being a God to know that something is horribly wrong.

You're crying hard, and pull away. Head hung. Scrounging around your things— desperate for relief from the feeling of abusing yourself— you locate and shrug on your robes, unable to stop reality from crashing into you. It feels like you ate enough to sustain a normal man for four days. There's probably something horribly wrong with your appetite, or with you, as you weren't sated the entire afternoon. You still aren't.

I expected all of this.
I know my Goddess better than anyone.
It shouldn't be this upsetting.
I've had worse binges.
She's done worse to me.

You can't look Agriculture in the eye, and settle your bleary gaze on your hands in your lap. They're clenched into fists so tightly, your nails are digging into the palms of your hands. It's impossible to not think of how far back you've been set in your progress.

"Don't you know how hard I'm working?"

Agriculture looks heart-broken. "More than anyone."

You've invoked Her almost more often than not, these last few weeks. You've seen Her as often as Mercy, and for far longer each time. There's still that ache in your soul. It's been masked for the better part of the afternoon by overindulgence and ecstasy, but you know better. It's there, and it's going to cripple you in the days ahead. All of your efforts to rest in Eadric have been undone by a few days on the road, at the hands of demons you've pardoned. You're weaker than you were last month, and have to wonder if Flesh is ever going to come to you again.

I NEED to repent.

This all feels wrong.

I was doing fine.

This all was completely fine.

It still is fine. We aren't doing anything wrong. I...

Tightening your hands, you can't help but hate yourself further for how your mind instantly flits to food and drink for comfort.

Agriculture has completely stopped trying to pressure you into having anything further, and is patiently sitting beside you, giving you all the space you need.

It's almost like She's done this before.

Reddened, hate-filled eyes flit up to Her.

Is She used to treating people this way?

She flinches at the look you give to Her, but doesn't turn away. The enabler at least has the wits to keep Her comments to Herself, while you drop your stare back to your lap, and close out the sight of hot, angry tears falling.

It feels like your senses are completely fried from how extended your binge was today. Even shutting out all other stimuli doesn't stop the sensation of how full you are, or how much gratification you take from it.

Broken laughter leaves you. You're not mad. That would be ridiculous.

It's not Her fault that I'm this way. It's mine.
She can't stop Herself from doing this to me. It's what She is.
I would never tell Mercy to stop feeling, or Flesh to stop lifting, or Dream from resting.
It's my job to temper the very Gods.

You're crying harder, wanting to draw in on yourself for comfort, and realizing how good it feels to be unable to bring your knees to your chest. The pressure on your belly is just right, but the additional pleasure is just too fucking much for you to handle.

Your tears stop in their tracks.

You don't need a delicate touch with the most grounded being in all of existence, nor with yourself.

Turning to Agriculture, you say, "I've done it again."

She still looks heart-broken. "You don't have to beat yourself up. You haven't done anything wrong, Richard."

You hold onto Her as tightly as you can, and bury your face in the roses of Her hair. Laughing some more does nothing to make you feel better. This is the kind of Goddess who would tell you to abandon the last of mankind to go smoking with Her, just to make you feel as good as possible. She surely has no cares outside of Her domains.

Is Her judgement even more rotten than the trash I've been feeding myself?

She is Her domains. How can I hold Her accountable?

A few sobs catch in your throat. "It's no surprise that you love me—" Your breath catches. "—when, when almost every other God has forsaken me."

Before you know it, you're crying hysterically and holding onto your lover as tightly as you can. She's so soft, and holding you right back, and it only makes you feel worse.

"People are indebted to me, Agriculture. There's people I am meant to lead. And THEY have to keep me on a leash because I can't keep my face out of a trough for a single SOLID day! I've fucking done it again! I'm— I'm so much worse than a dunce. By all the Gods, you could fill a merchant's vessel with my pastry-loaded ass, and you wouldn't find a single pleasure-soaked nerve left intact in ANY of this fat—"


"Let me finish."

You pull back, resenting yourself all the harder for how badly you've snapped at Her.

Agriculture doesn't look like you're breaking your heart. It looks like She understands where you're coming from, and it's so awful, you break down completely.

You're shouting, and don't give a single fuck. "You've HELPED ME! You LOVE me! I can't forget about everything that we've been through together! Gods, I— it's not even that I feel obligated to fatten myself each and EVERY time that presents itself."

You take Her back into a hug, crying hysterically. "We both know that it's not food that I'm addicted to. It's you. It's you. It's always been you."

She doesn't say a word, holding you in return as tightly as She can.

Barely able to breathe— heart aching in every conceivable way— you finish losing your composure when Agriculture scoots out from your hug. She stares you down firmly, keeping Her hands to Herself for a change.

"I don't want to lose you, Richard."

"I don't— I don't know—" You're fighting with everything you have to keep it together. "We have to set some boundaries. This isn't kind to me, Agriculture. It feels like relying so much on invocation is breaking my mind."

She can't help Herself, and gives you a hand to hold. You both squeeze each other's grasp hard, trying and still failing to say everything that you want to.

"I'm human," you say, deriving absolutely no comfort from the familiar. "I'm scared. I won't be able to serve others as effectively as I want, if I— if I continue to indulge myself at each and every turn."

You somehow find a way to hold Agriculture's hand tighter. Gritting your teeth, you lift your eyes and keep a level voice. It looks like your lover is on the verge of crying, too.

"This is ruining my life. My soul is run ragged. I have— I have been so alone, for almost all of my life. I— I'm— my mind is scarred, Agriculture. I've been relying on you for comfort all this time, and I can't control myself when you give me even the smallest show of—" Your voice breaks. Every subsequent word is held in reverence. "—attention and understanding."

You know you sound like an addict, and that this is not right, and you're back in tears.

"I don't want to lose you, either."

You've shattered the composure of a Goddess. She can't find any words, or is still trying to decide which ones to choose, so you keep talking.

"I have to find a solution. A way to bridge the gap between restraint and indulgence. I need temperance—" You wince at just how many times you've said this, and retreat back into yourself. "Once more." Misery brings your eyes to the ground. "It's not your fault. I swore that I would limit invoking, and— and so many other things."

Hot tears sting your reddened eyes. You lift the green in them to Agriculture.

"I have a country to save, and I don't even know how to talk to you about this."

She lets out a breath like She's been holding it. "I think you've done an incredible job talking about it. What else did you want to say?"

You can't look at Her.

I'm on a never-ending, wild ride, and I can't get off.

How can She be okay with what we've done to my body?

"You know my intent is to lose weight?" You've had this conversation so many times already. You sound so tired saying it, but you manage to completely dry your eyes, and give Agriculture a firm squeeze on Her shoulders. She nods, fighting to not look bothered. "I'm not exaggerating or trying to dramatize any of this. The way that you work through me— the way that we express our affection—"

We're sensation addicts, aren't we?

"I want to stress that you have done nothing wrong. But I— I have to recognize that I'm limiting myself physically and socially. I'm an addict, and I need help. It's as simple as that."

Agriculture also looks like She's going through a roulette wheel of emotions. She seems to settle somewhere between severe apology, sympathy, and concern. "I understand." Shaking Her head slightly waves Her incredibly long hair. "I don't want you to feel like you're alone in this. I can't help myself, either. I can't say that I— I..."

The absence of restraint can't help but to throw Her arms around you. Dampness seeps onto your shoulder. "I've never loved anyone so much in all my life. I know you can't say it, Richard, but I know that you wouldn't be in such a bad way if it weren't for me."

Bitterness is all throughout Her voice. "I'm terrible for you. I'm poison, after all. I'm death. Everyone knows it— and you're the only man who's ever truly loved me all the more for it." She keeps shaking Her head. "But this isn't right. I can't stand to see you so unhappy."

You both part, meeting each other's eyes, and holding hands as best as you can.

"I am not asking anything of you, other than that you respect my wishes." You say it with a firm voice, and no trace of weakness.

Agriculture nods immediately, not even bothering to wipe Her face off. Your hands are held harder. "Of course."

Neither of you have really come up with a plan of any sort, or said anything that both of you don't already know, but it feels so damn good to get so much off from your chest.

A bitter look is cast towards the empty plates and other evidence of your afternoon romp. There's a lot. A whole lot. Shame drenches you, but Agriculture steals your focus back with a few gentle words.

"You're only human. Right?"

"Right, but—"

"I could never regret us spending time together, Richard. But this? How I've made you feel?" Something passes over Her features. Something miserable, and so apologetic that it looks like She could die.

"Even Gods make mistakes."

There's something heavy going unsaid here, but Agriculture quickly moves on from the statement. She's no doubt trying to not drag Her own issues into this.

"I'm sorry for pushing you so hard. You don't have to forgive me, and I'm not asking." No time is given to you to reply. A miserable, reassuring smile is given to you. "I know you're too upset to think straight. Did you want to talk about any plans— aside from running away from me—" She's only teasing. "—to go work out with all of those cuts and bruises for the rest of the night...?"

"Very funny." You're still bandaged from almost head-to-toe, and self-consciously draw your robes closer around yourself. All of the gauze does nothing to help with how huge you feel. You'll have to let out all the lace on your shirts later, and don't want to think too hard about it.

"You think I don't know? You're itching to garner Flesh's favor even more than mine. Don't think I'm not on to you." Her misery softens considerably. "Mercy would know more about all of this than I would, but—"

You give a long, questioning stare.

Agriculture raises Her eyebrows. "What? You think the Goddess of love isn't into weirder shit than I am?"

Half of the tension that's built up in you comes out in a mortified laugh. "I take it that you have no interest in...?"

"Mercy is... a little special. So don't count on it. But I don't have a problem with you working out, Richard, if that's what you mean. I've told you before!"

Neither of you share the usual, enthusiastic comments about exercise and weight loss giving you the opportunity to invoke Agriculture and to gain more.

Reaching out, Agriculture gently rubs at the side of one of your arms. "I didn't do away with all of your progress. You've got a lot to work with— muscle, or otherwise— and you won't have to worry about losing any strength on the road. I know you feel terrible right now, and I can't blame you. You've been through a lot. I want to understand. So I want you to know that I won't take any issue if you need a break here and there from me. Okay?"

Part of you is incredibly relieved. The rest of you is horrified, and downright panics. "A break? What—?"

"Not from us—" She's fighting to smile. Despite how beautiful She is, it looks miserable. "—if you still want to."

You shake your head, deeply sigh, and take Agriculture into a deeper hug. Both of you are way too warm from crying, but She's incredibly soft, and the touch is instantly reassuring.

"I was so scared that you wouldn't understand."

Leaning up, She places a kiss on your cheek. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry. Are you going to be okay? I can go."

The romantic in you has been screaming throughout this entire conversation. It doesn't feel right to kiss Her back— given how worked up you are— so you bury yourself even harder against Agriculture's shoulder.

"I don't know. I don't know what to do. I've had the support of— of so many people, but I— I'm terrified of what invoking anyone else again will do to me."

"Richard, you've been saying it yourself all this time. Show Flesh a little love! He's meant to temper me just as much as Mercy."

"You think I should—"

"Yep." A delighted squeeze is made on your shield arm's bicep. It's still massive enough that Agriculture can't begin to fit Her hands around it. "Take a break from all of Us, and use your vessel. Get some gains! Healthy ones!" Her voice drops to a warning, teasing whisper. "You're going to be dead on your feet if you try to do away with me completely, though! Don't think Flesh would take kindly to that, either."

You hug Her even tighter. "I have every intention of doing things the right way."

"You've had a lot of support from your friends, right? Mercy, too?"

"They've been trying as hard as they can. I don't— I haven't made it easy—"

"All the more reason to tough it out." She's holding onto you as tightly as She can. "I'm sorry again."

"I— I don't think either of us needs to apologize. Let's do better. Be better." You hazard an actual smile.

She nods, giving you a pained smile in return. "Please don't think that anyone has forsaken you, Richard. We all just want to see you succeed. Some of Us are just harder than others."

"Harder in what way?"

"Flesh, Vengeance, Storm, Dream..."

"What have I done to offend Storm—?!" The sheer degree of stress you're under has you trying to not have a panic attack.

"Nothing! Legitimately! Seriously. That's kind of my point. Calm down."

You're fidgeting. A few birds chirp in the distance, as the sunset draws to a close.


Deep breath.


"I was just going to say that they can be grumpy. Harder to get to know. Harder to please. Not everyone is content to just eat, drink, fuck, and make merry. Right?"

"Right." Your smile threatens to come back, but there's that nagging fear. "If there's anything that you think I can do differently—"

"I'm the wrong person to ask, and— I hate to say it, love, but I agree with a lot of what you've said. You've been hurt badly. I think it would do you a world of good to focus more on your own needs for awhile. On your own health! Inside and out. You have some strong friends with you, right?"


"Why not give them a chance to shine? You don't have to fight every battle all on your own. That's—" She smiles sweetly, scoots closer, and gets on Her knees. A kiss is placed on your forehead, before Agriculture takes you into another big hug. "That's what all of Us are here for. But We'll live if you take a break! It's alright. I promise."

A knot of fear has worked deeply into the pit of your still-too-full-stomach. "Agriculture—"

"I'm not withholding anything from you. If you call on me, you know I'll always answer. So figure all of this temperance stuff out, and let me know if I can help in any way. Okay?"

Struggling not to break down into tears again, you return Her hug, and murmur, "thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me, but you're welcome. I love you. Take good care of yourself."

Before you can say another word, Agriculture ends the summoning. Her heat and comfort is gone, leaving you under a dying sunset, deep in the heart of the woods.

It's not often that you're given a moment just to think and breathe, but it's a good thing.

You really need it.

>A] Spend the rest of the sunset formally praying to all of the Gods. It will tremendously alleviate your soul ache, but will take awhile. You'll head back to meet up with your allies the second you're done.

>B] Take Agriculture's advice, and look after your own needs for a change. Before rejoining your company, you'll change your bandages, make a few concessions to help your body recover from binging so hard, will look a good deal after your mind, and will do what you can about your soul ache.

>C] While there's still light out, go check on the fields. You'll spend a brief amount of time providing some additional guidance to Sonfield's people about how to proceed with their farmland. You got in such a bad way to help these people, and you don't trust them to know how to make the most of the work you and Agriculture labored over.

>D] Return to Aralene and your allies as soon as possible. They're probably worried sick, and the brisk walk back to the village should help to calm you down. And despite how beat up you are (needing to heal from your injuries, reeling from the emotional debacle you just dealt with, knowing there will be hiking tonight, etc.), you'll work out as much as you can along the way.

>E] Feel free to rest, reflect, or go out and conquer the night! (Write-in.)
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>A] Spend the rest of the sunset formally praying to all of the Gods. It will tremendously alleviate your soul ache, but will take awhile. You'll head back to meet up with your allies the second you're done.. with prompt B!

>B] Take Agriculture's advice, and look after your own needs for a change. Before rejoining your company, you'll change your bandages, make a few concessions to help your body recover from binging so hard, will look a good deal after your mind, and will do what you can about your soul ache.

If you're back by night, that's cool
>B] Take Agriculture's advice, and look after your own needs for a change. Before rejoining your company, you'll change your bandages, make a few concessions to help your body recover from binging so hard, will look a good deal after your mind, and will do what you can about your soul ache

Aftercare is always welcome. Then...

>D] Return to Aralene and your allies as soon as possible. They're probably worried sick, and the brisk walk back to the village should help to calm you down. And despite how beat up you are (needing to heal from your injuries, reeling from the emotional debacle you just dealt with, knowing there will be hiking tonight, etc.), you'll work out as much as you can along the way.

This should be us on how fast we should be burning mass! 5-10 Pounds Anscham, we have another 5-10 pounds of lard to burn on top of the hundreds stored up beneath! Once we have attained a steady routine of burn. It will eventually fade as we build back endurance- instantly if Fleshbro is particularly gracious, in days or weeks if He is not in the mood.

Still all things fade with constant, yet careful application.

However given the propensity of demons and madmen these days along with the urgent need for speed, it is best that Anscham pace himself in this plan- Just enough to warm up the entirety of his body for the upcoming trek and not push himself into fatigue early. He of all people should know this during his stay within the Church of Flesh, where physical routines could stretch into the day like a marathon.

>E] A modified C:

A quick write up once we get back to the estate on the general warnings and information regarding the blessings Agri has bestowed upon the fields can be passed on to Lord Wood and to whoever he has deemed leads the farmers. The people here should know better than waste their blessings, famine should have made them keen on how best to acquire food. Hmm, maybe cross reference this to the state of the soil before Agri blessed it? Plot rotations so the soil fertility isn't constantly used up, pest control warnings for the plants therin, etc.

Essentially write down a general guide on what you did with the fields and how to maintain it then delegate this to Lord Wood and from him, the top farmer who'll spreading it to his fellow farmers.
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>A] Spend the rest of the sunset formally praying to all of the Gods. It will tremendously alleviate your soul ache, but will take awhile. You'll head back to meet up with your allies the second you're done.
>B] Take Agriculture's advice, and look after your own needs for a change. Before rejoining your company, you'll change your bandages, make a few concessions to help your body recover from binging so hard, will look a good deal after your mind, and will do what you can about your soul ache.

Taking care of our soul ache IS self care, even if it is related to the Gods. Let all of our party members know we are going on a God diet, have the hold us accountable for invoking and also ask they to clearly say if they can handle something on their own. I propose we invoke ONLY on request, when both Pevrel and Willhelm agree. That way we maintain flexibility in combat and also learn to temper our impulse to get shit done pronto and not wreck ourselves in the process.
>A] Spend the rest of the sunset formally praying to all of the Gods. It will tremendously alleviate your soul ache, but will take awhile. You'll head back to meet up with your allies the second you're done.
>B] Take Agriculture's advice, and look after your own needs for a change. Before rejoining your company, you'll change your bandages, make a few concessions to help your body recover from binging so hard, will look a good deal after your mind, and will do what you can about your soul ache.
(Great observations guys, some really wonderful ideas in here. Good shit. The vote is locked! Writing now.)
Chapter 30: After Care
Chapter 30: After Care

A few minutes are spent cleaning yourself up. Shame falls from you by the second.

Changing your bandages takes only a little while longer. You have the hands of a healer, and do get to truly enjoy your own work from time to time. The slight stinging from chafed or exposed wounds is alleviated quickly. The art of grinding herbs and winding new strips of fabric is incredibly soothing.

Adjusting your clothes so you can put on something presentable is worth the initial embarrassment. You don't really have to let out as much lace on your shirts and trousers as you thought you would. Seems most of the weight you put on was equally distributed over your tall frame. The curse from the demon of interpretation does make you carry it in a far less flattering way— but you're certain that your gut only feels so massive because you've eaten so much. The weight is still reassuring, and comfortable, in some way that you can't quite take the time to unpack right now.

There will be concessions made for your mind, body, and soul in the coming days.

Dry, warm, and clean, you spend the rest of the sunset formally praying to each and every God. Taking care of your soul is self care! ESPECIALLY if it is related to the Gods. You lovingly tend to candles, go through multiple rituals with blood-sacrifice and the burning of wood, and don't waste a single second of the venture worrying about yourself. You don't even ask for forgiveness from a single deity. This is all an expression of love and devotion. One that has you feeling far better for it, even long after the sun has gone down.

There's little doubt in your mind that Flesh and Vengeance have actually forsaken you (and Dream is pissed beyond all belief), but what Agriculture said has you doubting your own assessment of the Gods. Besides, you might not be able to feel Them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that They're not listening.

The impression of Mercy's embrace is still on you. Spirit's insight. Time's blessing. Agriculture's gifts. The pain in your soul feels like it's lifted dramatically. You can breathe without pain, and can almost move without feeling like it's aggravated. It's almost like you're a new man.

Tidying up the rest of the area you and Agriculture made love to in (it's really not that messy), you finish getting all of your things, and set out for Lord Wood's manor. A singular lantern is all that lights your path in the dead of night.

Prayer has your nerves soothed to a great degree. Enough for you to take some additional time to reflect. You're confident that you'd puke if you tried any exercise more extreme than a brisk walk, but that suits you just fine. It's a warm-up for the rest of the evening, and thanks to how strained your body is from the day's events, still puts some sweat on your brow.

All the way across Sonfield's farmland, you try not to sulk over the additional lard that's been packed onto your frame. Thinking of having a couple hundred pounds to burn is excruciating— especially when every second is a battle to not over-do it— but you manage. You pace yourself for the first time in months, and are reminded of old runs taken in the dark.

Mindfulness of your body. Heightened awareness of your surroundings. A healthy burn in your limbs. Controlled breathing. Fresh air, and the scent of farmland.

Fireflies drift by, scarcely lighting up the night. You fantasize for a few minutes about building your endurance even higher, and how Flesh might see fit to bless you for all of your hard work. You can't fathom that it would take more than a few weeks for Him to come around. Surely, He'll see know of your urgency, your devotion, and your need. He is gracious, after all.

It's pitch-black outside— save for your lantern, and little glowing bugs— so no one is around to see you start to smile. This particular burn will fade in time, and it's not so bad. You won't rush to push yourself into fatigue so early, and pay absolutely no mind to how late it is by the time you arrive back in the village.

Multiple guards are up in arms when they see you approaching, though when they recognize you, it's all smiles this time around. The handful of men and women at their posts stood fast until you reached the edges of Sonfield. They then start badgering you with questions.

They want to know anything and everything you can tell them about why the Goddess of Agriculture came to their village.
What is She like?
Why didn't She come sooner?
Would they be damned for even asking such things?
And what of the farmland?

You promise that Lord Wood will speak with them all come tomorrow morning, and in the meantime, to spread the word to not approach the fields for another couple of days. They can't comprehend how so much poison could have been spread in such a short span of time, but take your word for it. No one gives you a single dirty look— about your weight, or otherwise.

Back at the estate, Father Pevrel rushes out from the front door of the building. Before another soul can recognize that you're coming, the priest sprints outside to meet you, red-faced and furious.

"Where do you think you've been?!" A quick glance pans over you. He drags a hand over his face, trying not to scream. "So you were with Agriculture. Why am I not surprised that you were out so late?"

Trying to not be bothered, you murmur, "if I didn't know any better, I would think that you missed me."

"Good thing you know better." You're pat on the shoulder, before he wraps an arm around you. The sadist knows you're injured, and grins like a shark when you wince and blush from the harsh contact. "Let's get you inside before you go running your mouth over what happened. There's no need for you to repeat yourself. Father Wilhelm will want to know, too."

As the two of you walk towards the front of the building, Father Pevrel speaks in a low voice. "Something happened." It's a statement, not a question. He's reading you like an open book, and almost takes you aback with his next question.

"Do you need anything?"

It must be written across your face how upset you've been. "I'm doing a— I'm doing somewhat better. It's a conversation best saved for another Time. Could you and Father Wilhelm talk with me about it later?"

The lord of honor is shockingly respectful, and simply nods before taking you inside of the manor. Lord Wood is in his usual spot, in that ridiculous seat at the far end of the great hall. Father Wilhelm is by his side, whispering to the man. They both instantly move to greet you. There's no pomp or need for introductions, beyond a brief welcome back, and all four of you retreating to the same sitting room you met up in before.

Candles are lit in the small and innocuous meeting room. Its wooden walls and floor glow with dull, red light from the tiny spheres on the long table at its center. Your allies remain standing, and pay you no mind as you drop into the stupid, low, inadequate wooden chair as before (ignoring that it squeaks).

You try to gather your wits, and start writing up instructions for Lord Wood. He immediately informs you that he can hardly read (and none of his farmers can read at all), so you have to relay all of your instructions to the man verbally. He luckily has a mind for Agriculture, and completely understands all of your instructions. The village of Sonfield has been taking measures for months to survive, so your well-intentioned recommendations on how to last for a few more weeks are politely brushed off. All the rest— warnings about native pests, when to resume tilling, the changes you've made that will affect rotating the fields— are taken to heart. You're reassured that it will all be delegated and observed until well after supplies have arrived from Eadric.

You're still reeling from the day's events, and can hardly focus on anything other than the floor. Badly wanting to go hide somewhere quiet and journal— during a lull in everyone's questioning— you ask, "where is Aralene?"

Lord Wood practically snaps, "untouched, right where you left her."

"Thank you. I would like to see her one last time, before we go." The sincerity in your tone can't be mistaken.

"Yes, well." Your host almost sounds ashamed of himself. "If you wish. There is no need to travel by night, though."

Everyone looks like they have something to say, but you and your allies silently follow Lord Wood down to the cellar. The door is locked, which you cringe at, but it's a short order for Laurence to unfasten everything.

Sure enough, there's no further evidence of abuse. Sleeping soundly in the center of the room is Aralene. The demon of cooking is curled up slightly onto herself— likely for warmth— and she doesn't even move until lantern light passes over her bandaged face.

Oily, pink eyes instantly snap open. She scrambles upright, breathing hard, anticipating some sort of attack— then sees you, your friends, and Lord Wood. The tension in her body slightly relaxes. Nothing is said.

You push forward past her tormentor, right into the cellar. Ignoring the stares you're getting from everyone, you kneel down beside her, and speak as softly as you can.

"Good evening, Aralene."

"F-Father Anscham." She doesn't know what to say, and looks like she could break down crying again. It's obviously from disbelief that she was left unharmed in your absence.

"It's alright. I'll be leaving in short order, and I wanted to say good-bye."

Her lower lip quivers. A single nod of her head is made.

"Just for now. We will meet again."

Another, firmer nod. She finds her voice and speaks to you— all while looking straight at Lord Wood. "Thank you for everything."

You get back to your feet, and also direct your attention to the jailer. "I trust that our arrangement will be honored in full, my lord."

"She'll be gone by morning." He's gritting his teeth. You're frowned at.

"Would you excuse us for a minute?" Father Wilhelm pipes up, sounding far cheerier than the rest of your company combined.

You and your fellow priests are given a moment alone. You all retreat to a guest's quarters that the church leaders have been using throughout the day and last night. Two of the four beds within are disheveled, their thin linen sheets poorly made. Cigar ash is piled high in a small container on one wooden table. The ceiling is low, the hearth is out, and neither of your allies bother to light a fire. Instead, your lantern is set up on the table, and you all stand around a small fur rug.

Father Wilhelm takes you into a hug. He clicks his tongue after doing so, and looks you over in the dark. "This makes helping your diet particularly difficult, Richard." You obviously felt bigger, know that you look as much, and try not to die. "I know this is something you've struggled with in the past, but— well, why don't you tell me what's happened?"

You tell him what happened, and have to sit down by the end of it.

You're given another hug from the lord of respite, who sits down beside you, glancing between your distraught features and Father Pevrel's shockingly sympathetic silence. "Why don't we take one more night here? I think a couple more hours to help Richard unwind will secure all our safety on the road."

"About that," you murmur.

A pair of turquoise eyes and two endless pits look to you with surprise.

The muttering you're doing picks up into something positive. Hopeful, even. "I want to learn how to temper my impulses."

"Here we go," Father Pevrel groans.

Father Wilhelm elbows him so hard, both men wince in pain. "Please go on, Richard."

You're staring at the floor. "I'd like to maintain and improve on my flexibility in combat. Even though we've made amends, I know that— I know that Father Friedrich would still be ashamed of me." Lifting your eyes, you quietly plead, "please help me to not destroy myself. I need accountability, and I— I was hoping that if— if I could ask you both to tell me only when you need me to invoke. Tell me if you can handle something on your own. This is like— as if—" You try smiling. "I'm going on a God-diet, of sorts."

Father Pevrel could not look more annoyed. "You have yet to ever listen to me about this."

"I know." You force yourself to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry."

A little fidgeting and fussing goes on with Father Wilhelm, as he messes with the ash on his cigar, and looks every bit as much the jittery addict as you do. "I can help you with this, Richard—"

You cut him off, too grateful for manners. "Thank you."

"—you're very welcome, but I'm concerned. This is quite unlike you."

Grabbing a chair, Father Pevrel swings it backwards, sits down in the most uncivilized fashion possible, and stares at you. "Same. So get comfortable. I have a thing or two to tell you about this."


Father Wilhelm gives you a stern look. "Your boys in Wearmoor have already been waiting another three whole days longer than we expected. I don't think a few more hours will make the difference. We can rest here tonight— safely, mind you— and leave at sunrise. Fair?"

>A and B are mutually exclusive.
>Majority vote will decide.

>A] "Fair." You know how badly you need to rest, you respect Father Wilhelm, and you will not argue with the leader of the Church of Dream about this. See what your elders have to say about your issues with Agriculture.
>1] Try to not talk over them or to interject. You're feeling incredibly humbled by all of this, and are happy to listen for a change.​
>2] You suspect a lecture is incoming, and will stick up for yourself if need be.​
>3] You won't tolerate any disrespect towards Agriculture, no matter what reservations your allies have about Her.​

>B] "No." Lives are on the line, and you are sick of Sonfield. Head for Smererynpool as quickly as you comfortably can, and promise your allies that you'll talk with them en route to the next village.
>1] Play the pity card, if you have to.​
>2] Guilt both of them over whatever conditions Chesty and Serpent might be held in.​
>3] Pull out all the stops. (Write-in any other justification you think might help.)​

>C] Write-in. (Any other things you'd like to talk about or do.)
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>A] "Fair." You know how badly you need to rest, you respect Father Wilhelm, and you will not argue with the leader of the Church of Dream about this. See what your elders have to say about your issues with Agriculture.
>1] Try to not talk over them or to interject. You're feeling incredibly humbled by all of this, and are happy to listen for a change.
>A] "Fair." You know how badly you need to rest, you respect Father Wilhelm, and you will not argue with the leader of the Church of Dream about this. See what your elders have to say about your issues with Agriculture.
>1] Try to not talk over them or to interject. You're feeling incredibly humbled by all of this, and are happy to listen for a change.

We can disagree with them in silence. I would like to get their unfiltered input, knowing that they themselves have their own issues too.
>A] "Fair." You know how badly you need to rest, you respect Father Wilhelm, and you will not argue with the leader of the Church of Dream about this. See what your elders have to say about your issues with Agriculture.
>1] Try to not talk over them or to interject. You're feeling incredibly humbled by all of this, and are happy to listen for a change.

Let's hear them out.
>A] "Fair." You know how badly you need to rest, you respect Father Wilhelm, and you will not argue with the leader of the Church of Dream about this. See what your elders have to say about your issues with Agriculture.
>1] Try to not talk over them or to interject. You're feeling incredibly humbled by all of this, and are happy to listen for a change.

Storytime before the road lads!
>A] "Fair." You know how badly you need to rest, you respect Father Wilhelm, and you will not argue with the leader of the Church of Dream about this. See what your elders have to say about your issues with Agriculture.
>1] Try to not talk over them or to interject. You're feeling incredibly humbled by all of this, and are happy to listen for a change.