Glimmers In The Dark-(A Supernatural Mercantilism Quest In Alternate History Europe)

Well, if we're having trouble offloading our copper in Constantinople, it might be time to start shipping our wood and copper further abroad, or at least establishing a dedicated Ochimata line. Securing a source of tin and making our own alchemically treated/high quality bronze is probably a decent option. And everyone in Europe is going to want bronze for cannons.

Italy, Spain, and Britain all should have decent sources of tin, and Spain will definitely want as many guns as we can get them.

So tentative:
  1. Buy another Ochimata, run medicine to Trebizond, copper to Ankara, and find an Ankaran good (maybe even shipping smaller Ochimata) to Constantinople. ~75 for stops in terms of expenses: 7*30+90*0.5 for 255 in profit, more if we can get a good back to Constantinople.
  2. Find a buyer for all the grain we're growing in Targoviste, at the very least Constantinople probably has a bread dole. Ship passengers back. ~50 for stops, at least 2.5*90 for 225 in profit
  3. Send the screw ship on an expedition to Italy and Spain to source trade opportunities for new foreign trade routes. Ideally trading presently sourced materials but open to anything we can legally ship out of the Empire. Get a trade house established in Seville ~100-150 cost
  4. Expand paper production, maybe start up turpentine production if our lumber yard gives us an abundance of resin. Paper is at least 55*3.5 for 192.5 in profit (at least 100 should go into expanding production)
  5. Pay for extensive prospecting in Targoviste and buy up/claim land with exceptional natural resources. ~100-150 cost.
  6. Pay our taxes and pray that keeps the magistrates away and donate a tithe of our grain.
Balance=827 Stavraton
Family Upkeep-100 Stavraton/Turn
Alchemical Laboratory-45 Stavraton/Turn
Paper Mill-30 Stavraton/Turn

827 Stavraton+673 (profits we can rely on)-100-45-30-125(in stops)-60(taxes) 500(New Ochimata)-150 (Expedition)-100(Ankara good to bring into Constantinople)-100(expanding paper production)-100(surveys and land purchases in Targoviste)-100(lining up a favorable buyer for our heaps of grain) in stops for: ~150 stavraton to buy goods in Ankara

Thoughts? I don't think we actually need to pay the 60 Stavraton in taxes based off the magistrate's words, and even our nice profits this turn don't stretch as far as I thought given our need to expand our transportation infrastructure. There's also something to be said for saying fuck Ankara and taking the copper elsewhere (though I do want to free up the ship for foreign trade sooner than later). We make ~45 stavratons on a stop that takes us 50 Stavratons to operate, it's a minor loss unless we can pick up a good for Constantinople there.
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Thoughts? I don't think we actually need to pay the 60 Stavraton in taxes based off the magistrate's words, and even our nice profits this turn don't stretch as far as I thought given our need to expand our transportation infrastructure. There's also something to be said for saying fuck Ankara and taking the copper elsewhere (though I do want to free up the ship for foreign trade sooner than later). We make ~45 stavratons on a stop that takes us 50 Stavratons to operate, it's a minor loss unless we can pick up a good for Constantinople there.
You indeed do not need to pay the 60 Stavraton tax. Currently the Synkletos is being rather self-pleasing and lowering their own taxes to nothing as landowners near the capital. This has a benefit of getting you out of taxation.
You indeed do not need to pay the 60 Stavraton tax. Currently the Synkletos is being rather self-pleasing and lowering their own taxes to nothing as landowners near the capital. This has a benefit of getting you out of taxation.
The more things change, the more things stay the same. I suppose it's just something to keep in mind now for when inevitably something has to give.
What is the HRE doing. They should be mounting a crusade or something since the Norse are burning their northern border. Also what happen to the Teutonic and Livonia orders shouldn't they be assisting the Christian nations against these pagans.
What is the HRE doing. They should be mounting a crusade or something since the Norse are burning their northern border. Also what happen to the Teutonic and Livonia orders shouldn't they be assisting the Christian nations against these pagans.
They are Trying, but as in the first days of norsemen going A-Viking, they attack with lightning speed, burn, pillage and rape, and then escape to the mists and sea before they can be countermanded.

A crusade, sadly, takes years to mount at least, though you imagine it must come relatively soon.
Personal I think the Church who can call down the miracles of the Lord are the ones he favors right now although the Church of Constantinople can still use his holy prayers and objects it is weak thanks to the actions they took against his teachings like neutralizing an angel that is a big offense in itself.
Even if we were actively trying to avoid this scenario by gradually throttling the Source, we still went into this full well into this knowing it could happen, and this was sort of a fuck up on everyone's part. Like the angel? Yeah, that was a big oof on our part- but Hunyadi was committing a massive taboo by summoning it in the first place, and summoning the angel is what blew the Source open and nearly ended with an Ascendant Corpsegod Amalgam claiming it in it's entirety.

For very human reasons, both of the factions interested in human supremacy (in different ways) fucked up and guaranteed humanity is going to have a terrible few decades before it gets it's feet back underneath it and proceeds to counter attack. At least aside from the ERE.

[X] These are the voyages of....
-[X] Spend 500 Stavraton to buy another Ochimata to operate the new Constantinople-Trebizond-Ankara run if a product from Ankara can be found (Constantinople-Trebizond if it can't): running medicine and grain to Trebizond, copper to Ankara, and Ankaran good to Constantinople ~75 for stops in terms of expenses: 7*30+90*0.5 for 255 in known profit
-[X] Ochimata 1 runs passengers up to Targoviste and ships grain back to Constantinope (if a buyer can be found)~50 for stops, at least 2.5*90 for 225 in profit
-[X] Spend 150 Stavraton on sending our steam ship on an expedition throughout the Mediterranean for trade opportunities in both exports and imports, prioritizing goods we have access to or contacts for, but anything we might be able to supply- establish a trading house in Seville to keep abreast of new world goods and supplies needed for the new world
-[X] Spend 100 Stavraton looking for both a seller in Ankara for worked goods, and a buyer in Constantinople for those goods
-[X] Spend 100 Stavraton to secure a buyer for our grain in Constantinople, up to supplying part of the grain dole (presuming it got reimplemented).
-[X] Spend 100 stavraton expand our paper mill, and purchase a clockwork based moving sieve belt so that paper pulp may be poured and dried continuously
-[x] Spend 100 Stavraton to hire surveyors to prospect around Targoviste, and purchase any lands with exceptional exploitable resources.
-[X] Tithe a portion of our grain to the Imperial Army, and freely donate a tithe of our grain to the churches of Constantinople for charity.

Balance=827 Stavraton
Family Upkeep-100 Stavraton/Turn
Alchemical Laboratory-45 Stavraton/Turn
Paper Mill-30 Stavraton/Turn

827 Stavraton+673 (profits we can rely on)-100-45-30-125(in stops)-60(taxes) 500(New Ochimata)-150 (Expedition)-100(Ankara good to bring into Constantinople)-100(expanding paper production)-100(surveys and land purchases in Targoviste)-100(lining up a favorable buyer for our heaps of grain) in stops for: ~150 stavraton left to buy goods in Ankara
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