Glimmers In The Dark-(A Supernatural Mercantilism Quest In Alternate History Europe)

[X] A son of a gunsmith and his merchant wife, the explosion of work in the times of war made your father obscenely wealthy and your mother similarly so. A normal man, you did not benefit from alchemical enhancement like so many of your peers, and in terms of sciences, you never had much of a head for them beyond economics. Now, with their passing, you were to meet with their guildmaster to assess properties and determine what their wills put forth. This new affair with this Head Tradesman of Constantinople is unexpected.
[X] A son of a gunsmith and his merchant wife, the explosion of work in the times of war made your father obscenely wealthy and your mother similarly so. A normal man, you did not benefit from alchemical enhancement like so many of your peers, and in terms of sciences, you never had much of a head for them beyond economics. Now, with their passing, you were to meet with their guildmaster to assess properties and determine what their wills put forth. This new affair with this Head Tradesman of Constantinople is unexpected.

Do you smell that my fellow Questors? That smells like the path to political prominence, obscene wealth, and glory without forsaking our roots... Yet.
[X] The eighth son of a sea-side copper mine owner in Anatolia, you never expected to really amount to much in your father's work. Instead, he sent you off to the Naturalist college where you learnt everything from gears and mechanics to art and biology. Of course, as you finished your studies as a fully grown man, your return home was soured by the fact that your entire family had been butchered by the rampant spread of sea-borne monsters that somehow gained the ability to invade the land. Now, after weeks of screaming at local liege lords and stewards, you've come to the capital to settle the matter of ownership.
Adhoc vote count started by Dapperlad1 on Jul 15, 2022 at 9:35 AM, finished with 24 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] A son of a gunsmith and his merchant wife, the explosion of work in the times of war made your father obscenely wealthy and your mother similarly so. A normal man, you did not benefit from alchemical enhancement like so many of your peers, and in terms of sciences, you never had much of a head for them beyond economics. Now, with their passing, you were to meet with their guildmaster to assess properties and determine what their wills put forth. This new affair with this Head Tradesman of Constantinople is unexpected.
    [X] Born to nobility just a bit under two decades ago, your house has, as of recent times fallen apart. Like most children, of your generation, heavy mutagens were applied to force you into excellence. Your mind was enhanced, your strength is inhuman and your lifespan nearly unlimited so long as elixirs continue to flow into you. The old family lands were in Greece, with rich vineyards and urban centres contained within them. However, they were levelled by the rage of the Evil. Some of the old treasury remains, but it is limited and you have yet to claim it due to this Tradesman.
    [X] The eighth son of a sea-side copper mine owner in Anatolia, you never expected to really amount to much in your father's work. Instead, he sent you off to the Naturalist college where you learnt everything from gears and mechanics to art and biology. Of course, as you finished your studies as a fully grown man, your return home was soured by the fact that your entire family had been butchered by the rampant spread of sea-borne monsters that somehow gained the ability to invade the land. Now, after weeks of screaming at local liege lords and stewards, you've come to the capital to settle the matter of ownership

Current votes are as such!
[X] Born to nobility just a bit under two decades ago, your house has, as of recent times fallen apart. Like most children, of your generation, heavy mutagens were applied to force you into excellence. Your mind was enhanced, your strength is inhuman and your lifespan nearly unlimited so long as elixirs continue to flow into you. The old family lands were in Greece, with rich vineyards and urban centres contained within them. However, they were levelled by the rage of the Evil. Some of the old treasury remains, but it is limited and you have yet to claim it due to this Tradesman.
[X] The eighth son of a sea-side copper mine owner in Anatolia, you never expected to really amount to much in your father's work. Instead, he sent you off to the Naturalist college where you learnt everything from gears and mechanics to art and biology. Of course, as you finished your studies as a fully grown man, your return home was soured by the fact that your entire family had been butchered by the rampant spread of sea-borne monsters that somehow gained the ability to invade the land. Now, after weeks of screaming at local liege lords and stewards, you've come to the capital to settle the matter of ownership.
[X] Born to nobility just a bit under two decades ago, your house has, as of recent times fallen apart. Like most children, of your generation, heavy mutagens were applied to force you into excellence. Your mind was enhanced, your strength is inhuman and your lifespan nearly unlimited so long as elixirs continue to flow into you. The old family lands were in Greece, with rich vineyards and urban centres contained within them. However, they were levelled by the rage of the Evil. Some of the old treasury remains, but it is limited and you have yet to claim it due to this Tradesman.

I'll take that yummy transhuman excellence, thank you very much.
[X] Born to nobility just a bit under two decades ago, your house has, as of recent times fallen apart. Like most children, of your generation, heavy mutagens were applied to force you into excellence. Your mind was enhanced, your strength is inhuman and your lifespan nearly unlimited so long as elixirs continue to flow into you. The old family lands were in Greece, with rich vineyards and urban centres contained within them. However, they were levelled by the rage of the Evil. Some of the old treasury remains, but it is limited and you have yet to claim it due to this Tradesman.
[X] A son of a gunsmith and his merchant wife, the explosion of work in the times of war made your father obscenely wealthy and your mother similarly so. A normal man, you did not benefit from alchemical enhancement like so many of your peers, and in terms of sciences, you never had much of a head for them beyond economics. Now, with their passing, you were to meet with their guildmaster to assess properties and determine what their wills put forth. This new affair with this Head Tradesman of Constantinople is unexpected.
[X] A son of a gunsmith and his merchant wife, the explosion of work in the times of war made your father obscenely wealthy and your mother similarly so. A normal man, you did not benefit from alchemical enhancement like so many of your peers, and in terms of sciences, you never had much of a head for them beyond economics. Now, with their passing, you were to meet with their guildmaster to assess properties and determine what their wills put forth. This new affair with this Head Tradesman of Constantinople is unexpected.
[X] A son of a gunsmith and his merchant wife, the explosion of work in the times of war made your father obscenely wealthy and your mother similarly so. A normal man, you did not benefit from alchemical enhancement like so many of your peers, and in terms of sciences, you never had much of a head for them beyond economics. Now, with their passing, you were to meet with their guildmaster to assess properties and determine what their wills put forth. This new affair with this Head Tradesman of Constantinople is unexpected.
Adhoc vote count started by Dapperlad1 on Jul 16, 2022 at 3:08 PM, finished with 33 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] A son of a gunsmith and his merchant wife, the explosion of work in the times of war made your father obscenely wealthy and your mother similarly so. A normal man, you did not benefit from alchemical enhancement like so many of your peers, and in terms of sciences, you never had much of a head for them beyond economics. Now, with their passing, you were to meet with their guildmaster to assess properties and determine what their wills put forth. This new affair with this Head Tradesman of Constantinople is unexpected.
    [X] Born to nobility just a bit under two decades ago, your house has, as of recent times fallen apart. Like most children, of your generation, heavy mutagens were applied to force you into excellence. Your mind was enhanced, your strength is inhuman and your lifespan nearly unlimited so long as elixirs continue to flow into you. The old family lands were in Greece, with rich vineyards and urban centres contained within them. However, they were levelled by the rage of the Evil. Some of the old treasury remains, but it is limited and you have yet to claim it due to this Tradesman.
    [X] The eighth son of a sea-side copper mine owner in Anatolia, you never expected to really amount to much in your father's work. Instead, he sent you off to the Naturalist college where you learnt everything from gears and mechanics to art and biology. Of course, as you finished your studies as a fully grown man, your return home was soured by the fact that your entire family had been butchered by the rampant spread of sea-borne monsters that somehow gained the ability to invade the land. Now, after weeks of screaming at local liege lords and stewards, you've come to the capital to settle the matter of ownership

Alright, we've arrived at a semi-clear decision!
Turn 0.5
The door is smooth, well oiled and crafted by someone of expertise and great skill, exactly the reason you push it open with as much force as you can manage. The door doesn't notice it beyond some noise on the far impact with the wall it sits beside.

The nicely cooled interior of this place is a welcome relief from the coiling, damp baking temperature of Constantinople. Marble- true marble, not shaped concrete- provides the flooring of this place, done up in large tiling that is finely engraved by obvious masters of the art.

A man sits, aged and of finely developed belly, on a luxurious sofa that practically swallows him. To his sides stand heavily armed guards in modern armour, the spring and gear tension in their mace-wielding frames nearly audible. You find yourself itching to grab a hold of the firearm on your belt holster at their presence.

"Come, young man, come and sit." His voice was surprisingly bass-filled and powerful for someone of his shape and age, he gestures with a large hand ridden with calluses from years of hard work, "You and I have much to discuss."

The fact he seems so confident and self-assured sends spikes of anger through you, but such things are easily crushed by an exceptional effort of internal will. "Of course, Master Tradesman." You sit down, opposite of him in a comfortable chair with substantial padding. "I hear you are the source of my troubles?" An easy grin and jesting tone of voice puts the otherwise aggression-fueled sentence to an easy and acceptable weight.

In response, the Tradesman laughs, joy on his face clear at the energy you display. "A joy to see a young man's energy in this trade!" Shaking his head and raising from his lounge to a more proper sit. "But this is about your money, let's not dally." He brings out several paper sheaves, neatly bound together via a spring inset on one side.

Still, with a generally joyful expression, he proceeds to speak "And, indeed, the situation is somewhat complex." You stiffen somewhat at that, worry welling up in your gut at those words. "Please explain further, Master Tradesman."

Pulling the papers closer to him and leafing through them, he explains. "Well, your father's businesses were, indeed a critical wartime industry, and as the war against the eastern spirits has only recently ended, a quirk of law has, to my sincerest apologies, seen them taken as state interest and are now being run by his Imperial Majesties War Administration."

"...Ah." Is all you can muster, anger and no small amount of rage building in you. "May I see the documents?" You ask, hoping you will read something different in them than what he has said. Without a word, the older man hands them over to you for inspection.

No amount of scanning them changes the truth, your family's property has been confiscated. The banks still remain and, of course, your home, but nothing else. No factories, no workshops, nothing at all. Calmly, you hand back the documents. "Is that all you felt the need to inform me of, Master Tradesman?" Barely contained hostility thrumming in the deepest portions of your voice.

A look of pity that inflames that rage ever higher comes across his face, "No, sadly, I've no truly good news for you. Please, head to your banks and acquire the funds you need to live." Once again, his voice is surprisingly deep and, as of very recently, growing tremendously grating.

Wordlessly, you stand, make your way towards the door and get back into the waiting Ochimata.
The banks are a dull journey of extracting all your funds in a nicely protected vault-Ochimata, trundling on six legs hissing with tension, you take a ride on the side of it, forgoing simpler transport for this.

A thousand thoughts play through your mind, annoyance, blinding white rage and more that you cannot describe bursting in and out of awareness. The Ochimata makes it through a crowd of rioters, either moving around them or forcing them out of the way with their bulk.

Eventually, after a few hour's journeys outside the city, you make it to the family manor, though not quite as magnificent as some noble houses, it is still a work of exceptional beauty and opulence. Large pillars fountaining water into pools which serve as both decoration and places to lounge in.

It is only when you make it inside that the facade breaks and your fist shatters some priceless glass case protecting expensive chinaware, which also breaks. Catching yourself from the frenzy that awaits, you focus instead on the matters of economics, remaking your fortune.

You'll be damned if your family's prosperity ends with you.
The year is 1500, and your family's fortune is much diminished. You lack properties, you lack resources and you lack even a simple damned workforce courtesy of the rather byzantine bureaucracy of Rome.

Counting what money you have, it is a fortune beyond most, easily able to support you and your future children for generations, if they are willing to reduce themselves to mere good living rather than luxury, something you cannot allow.

Current Wealth-1800 Stavraton
Family Upkeep-100 Stavraton/Turn
No Other Upkeep As of Turn 0.5

Sending out word for a grand gathering of farmers, prospectors and a dozen other skilled varieties of individuals, you have a select few that, upon some investigation seemed worthwhile enough to pursue.
You could pursue just one or many more, but keep in mind that other things will require your attention and wealth.

[X] A large collection of Kurd shepherds have gathered, bringing their absolutely, uncomfortably colossal and unceasingly bleeting herd of sheep with them. They offer rights to their produce in exchange for the centralized sale of it and profit sharing of a small amount of it. (550 Stavraton contract fee, projected production of 10d8 units (Projected unit price=0.5-1.2 Stavraton) per turn.)

[X] From the depth of the Anatolian woods, a guild of woodcutters come out, long since having no contact with outside civilization. They offer a high-quality product harvested from the deep old growth, it displays exceptional strength and should be a valuable resource. (300 Stavraton contract fee, projected production of 65 units (Projected unit price=0.8-1.5 Stavraton) per turn.)

[X] A band of Thracian mercenaries fresh from an awful defeat in the Zagros mountains during the last days of the Djinn war. Hundreds of their number dead and massive amounts of equipment were lost. They are veterans, if ill-equipped and low on morale. Their leader promises a quick return to form and profit if they can simply be patronised by you. (600 Stavraton contract fee, has a weight of 50 units, Mercenary Contract mechanics unlocked.)

And, of course, a source of income is plenty good, but one cannot easily transport it by foot alone. There are many means in the world, but only a few are immediately available to you, and all are tremendously expensive.

[X] A fleet of walker Ochimata. It would provide you with immense route flexibility as well as reasonable weight capacity. It is, however, slower and more in danger from land-borne risks. (A purchasing price of 300 Stavraton. Can carry up to 50 units of cargo in a year with a range of 350 kilometres.)

[X] A license and Ochimata to operate on rails. With a great speed and incredible capacity for weight, it is a natural choice for the merchant with a vast output of materials or the desire to move it quickly across the land. It, however, must be loaded at rail stations for maximal efficiency. (A purchasing price of 500 Stavraton. Can carry up to 90 units of cargo in a year, but only along rail lines with a range of 400 kilometres.)

[X] A large vessel driven by clockwork screws. It can manage reasonable speed, and massive range, in the water and carry immense weight but needs to be loaded at a proper dockyard and is in danger from the beasts of the sea. (A purchasing price of 500 Stavraton. It can carry up to 80 units of cargo in a year with a range of 1000 kilometres.)
Should be the last pre-game action!

Please, vote in plan format!
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I really dig how the writing is dripping with conflict between the old and the new that's clashing, and it brings a tear of joy knowing that we're responsible for that suffering.

Great opening salvo, Dapper!
[x] plan all in on red
-[x] A large collection of Kurd shepherds (550)
-[x] From the depth of the Anatolian woods,(300)
-[x] A fleet of walker Ochimata X2 (600)

Total cost 1450 leaving us with 350 wealth and a 100 wealth a turn upkeep. Given it only took us let's say 2-4 hours to go from the city to our home starting off with a bunch of walkers to go back and forth transporting wood and wool is a smart play and gives us wiggle room to bring as much product to market even if some of them are attacked and damaged. Ships we don't need right now due to our closeness to a major city and a train station is near double the price for 10 less capacity and a need to probably build a connection spur out to our village. By going for wool and wood we also average around a 100 units of product a turn given a 65 wood and 40 units of wool at only 50% production.
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Keep in mind the primary issue is, of course, selling off your stock. You are based primarily in Constantinople, but may have to ship things perhaps to Erzurum or Baghdad for large profits! Not all products sell well in all places, for example. Timber and wool will likely be reasonably profitable in the Queen of Cities as it is both a clothmaking and shipbuilding capital, but in the future you may have greater issues with that.
Keep in mind the primary issue is, of course, selling off your stock. You are based primarily in Constantinople, but may have to ship things perhaps to Erzurum or Baghdad for large profits! Not all products sell well in all places, for example. Timber and wool will likely be reasonably profitable in the Queen of Cities as it is both a clothmaking and shipbuilding capital, but in the future you may have greater issues with that.
Oh that's what I'm kinda counting on, a city no matter the size is always in demand of clothing material and building material so these profits should be steady and given the quality of our sheep and wood more than enough to stabilize our finances and get us a steady stable income to work with. After that's done I'd say to build a rail line to our town to free up our walker fleets and give us the ability to build up railways to handle heavier and bigger loads for any future arms foundry and production which we can then ship to a ship we have in the city's harbor and use our walkers to bring in rarer resources from outlying settlements around us to feed our industry or to then ship to Constantinople to sell in city or in another with our ship or through a third party who pays us either a finder fee or percentage.
[X] A large collection of Kurd shepherds have gathered, bringing their absolutely, uncomfortably colossal and unceasingly bleeting herd of sheep with them. They offer rights to their produce in exchange for the centralized sale of it and profit sharing of a small amount of it. (550 Stavraton contract fee, projected production of 10d8 units (Projected unit price=0.5-1.2 Stavraton) per turn.)
Will average out at 44 units per turn, with an average value of about 37.4 Stavraton for the whole amount.
[X] From the depth of the Anatolian woods, a guild of woodcutters come out, long since having no contact with outside civilization. They offer a high-quality product harvested from the deep old growth, it displays exceptional strength and should be a valuable resource. (300 Stavraton contract fee, projected production of 65 units (Projected unit price=0.8-1.5 Stavraton) per turn.)
With an average price of 1.15 per unit, this will be about 74.75 Stavraton per turn. Twice that of the first option.
[X] A band of Thracian mercenaries fresh from an awful defeat in the Zagros mountains during the last days of the Djinn war. Hundreds of their number dead and massive amounts of equipment were lost. They are veterans, if ill-equipped and low on morale. Their leader promises a quick return to form and profit if they can simply be patronised by you. (600 Stavraton contract fee, has a weight of 50 units, Mercenary Contract mechanics unlocked.)
Super risky line of work. Better not dip your feet into this without the reserves to soak up some losses first.
[X] A fleet of walker Ochimata. It would provide you with immense route flexibility as well as reasonable weight capacity. It is, however, slower and more in danger from land-borne risks. (A purchasing price of 300 Stavraton. Can carry up to 50 units of cargo in a year with a range of 350 kilometres.)
We would need our own security for those. Pass.
[X] A license and Ochimata to operate on rails. With a great speed and incredible capacity for weight, it is a natural choice for the merchant with a vast output of materials or the desire to move it quickly across the land. It, however, must be loaded at rail stations for maximal efficiency. (A purchasing price of 500 Stavraton. Can carry up to 90 units of cargo in a year, but only along rail lines with a range of 400 kilometres.)
Lot's of cargo, and the flexibility is only bad compared to the walkers. A ship is likewise bound by harbors, but building new rail stations is much cheaper than building new harbors. On the other hand, tracks are expensive.
[X] A large vessel driven by clockwork screws. It can manage reasonable speed, and massive range, in the water and carry immense weight but needs to be loaded at a proper dockyard and is in danger from the beasts of the sea. (A purchasing price of 500 Stavraton. It can carry up to 80 units of cargo in a year with a range of 1000 kilometres.)
The range advantage over the train is mostly useful for rarer goods. Would pair well with the wood, but would need another method to haul it to the harbor.

[X] Plan Wood Merchant
-[X] From the depth of the Anatolian woods, a guild of woodcutters come out, long since having no contact with outside civilization. They offer a high-quality product harvested from the deep old growth, it displays exceptional strength and should be a valuable resource. (300 Stavraton contract fee, projected production of 65 units (Projected unit price=0.8-1.5 Stavraton) per turn.)
-[X] A license and Ochimata to operate on rails. With a great speed and incredible capacity for weight, it is a natural choice for the merchant with a vast output of materials or the desire to move it quickly across the land. It, however, must be loaded at rail stations for maximal efficiency. (A purchasing price of 500 Stavraton. Can carry up to 90 units of cargo in a year, but only along rail lines with a range of 400 kilometres.)
-[X] A large vessel driven by clockwork screws. It can manage reasonable speed, and massive range, in the water and carry immense weight but needs to be loaded at a proper dockyard and is in danger from the beasts of the sea. (A purchasing price of 500 Stavraton. It can carry up to 80 units of cargo in a year with a range of 1000 kilometres.)

Leaves us with 500 Stavraton in the bank for a rainy day.

Goal is to haul wood cheaply to the coast, then ship it off to shipwrights in far away ports for a high price.
Good thoughts on all and, indeed, I have come to the conclusion entirely on my own that a discord server may suit this game and others well! Please, feel free to join the discussion at your leisure both here and on this quicker platform.

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