Curdled Milk and Sour Apples (A Witch Quest)

[X] Trail Twister

A deemon that can twist trails? Either making people get lost or warping the land so that trails to wherever Aurelia sets up just aren't there anymore, leaving the way impassable? Count me in.
You seem to be assuming this is a daemon we will get to control.

Seeing as spirits were specifically referenced as being bound things I imagine demons are not, at least not by anyone with common sense. For now I think we should assume that whatever the demon is this is going to be a thing specifically about how do we survive until an actual witch is contacted to deal with it, not something Aurelia can do anything about.
Omg, I misread it as "Tail" Twister. Like petty demons that tie knots on animal tails. TRail Twister is much more interesting.

[X] Trail Twister
The language stuff is also very interesting and valuable. Given how the third classification of spirit is supposed to be akin to sentences and how they were meant to be most common in the old empire I imagine said empire's language is a key ingredient in making them. At the very least we're fairly competent in the first language.

To clarify, when I italicize Language, it refers to a magical language where the nouns are truenames and the verbs are spells. Old Imperial is a writing system. The spoken version is mostly the same language currently used, though there's obviously been a lot of drift.

1. What's the difference between a witch and a warlock? None save gender, or is it like the idea of high and low magics? She references them enough times to give the impression she knows.

That one's just gender.

2. Similarly what does she know about the old empire? It feels like a Rome stand in, but I can't be certain.

Rome is probably closest, at least in the sense that any empire centered around a sea is going to have similarities. One of the big distinctions is that it didn't get conquered so much as gradually unravel as regional centers gained power relative to the metropole. I'll be giving out more information as it becomes relevant.

3. We're meeting a demon does that mean whether or not we survive depends on the demon we pick?

I'm not going to kill you, but you could gain or lose something depending on how the encounter goes.
In that case Gold Swallower and Trail Twister strike me as the bad ones to go for.

Gold Swallower because it has a material advantage, Trail Twister because it'll play on our stubborn nature.

Could be wrong on Trail Twister since stubborn may give us an advantage in terms of "keeps going in the right direction regardless."
[X] Pox Brewer

No Black Plague allowed. Plus the greatest social contact witches get into is when they heal people, so I think the experience will be beneficial.
[X] Gold Swallower
Either we get gold from it or get it to help us by giving it gold. Let's win!

[X] Trail Twister
If we can get this one on our side then we have the best defense: the battle that never comes!
[X] Gold Swallower

Because we are a mountain themed we should go with the metal themed demon for narrative purposes