Legend of Hyboria: Storm of Might and Magic (No SV, travel the Path of Power and Sorcery in the Hyborian Age)

The City of Mystery and Serenity Part 2
The City of Mystery and Serenity Part 2

-[X]Chat in the Market: The Market is as always a Social Hub, lets go and talk. Cost: 0, DC:10 Reward: You talk with people and enjoy the company. Rolled: d100 => 62+19-20=61

Despite your misgivings about the Markets you did in fact gain some form of Good Company.

You mostly browsed and dealt with the dangers of bad haggling.

Reward: You don't get much done, but you enjoy your wandering all the same.

-[X]Areana Fighting 101: Ah the Local fighting Pits, you remember many a slave being killed for the training of your masters men, you hope this more civilized place can teach a lession or two, they teach anyone that can pay. Cost: 100, DC:50 Reward: You learn how to Fight Properly or at least in an Arena, Rolled: D100 => 91+18-20=89

In the Arena, you saw the talent on display and made something of it, seeing several fights and working to deal with the mess of the competition.

You didn't maim but hurt them and they were receptive of that and taught you the showmanship of it, while also teaching you how to properly do it for real.

Reward: Gain +1 Martial, New actions while in Combat available.

-[X]Account the Ledgers: You are a Supply master now...you must look into the ledgers and Sort the Boxes. Cost: 0 DC: 50/60, Reward: Do your Job get paid. Rolled: D100 => 96+16-20=92

If there was one thing that you could in some way respect from your employer is the amount of money she made from her trips.

It was…almost as if someone was practically giving her a fortune.

And some of that you'll take for yourself.

Reward: +100 Gold coins, and a bonus of 50 more via embezzlement.

-[X]Learn Stories of the Past: You can read, but you want to learn the stories of the past, and how sometimes they can effect the Future. Cost: 0 DC:40 Reward: Learn the stories of the past. Rolled: D100 => 4+23-20=7

There is no time to enjoy stories!

Failure, you learn nothing of the past.

-[X]Ibis's Tales: You want to know more about the Religion of Iblis, and the God they pray to, its...something you want to look for. Cost: 0, DC:???? Reward: Learn the Myths of Iblis. Rolled: D100 => 9+9=18-20=-2

"Alatu, I understand that you want to understand the fundamentals of your religion, there is time enough for that, NOW we have to deal with other things!" Elrin said.

"Like what!" You shouted.

"LIKE THE GOD DAMN PROBLEM WE'VE SOMEHOW stumbled into." He shouted as the ship was buffed around in the storm.

Critical Failure: Life is getting in the way of storytime…as it were.

-[X]Train with Elrin: You are going to Train with Elrin on the Higher Mysteries of this world and actually FEEL like a sorceror! Cost: 0 DC:??? Reward: Train with Elrin on something. Rolled: D100 => 92+14-20=86

"Feel the energy within flow like water, the water of life quenched by the great flame of the soul. FEEL!" He said as you meditated beneath the gaze of Ibis.

"How can one feel flowing water when the heart is aflame?" You said.

"Questions that are meaningless in the end, you are yourself energy, what is water and fire if not two forms of energy. It is how you can control fire and lightning in one hand and light in another. It is energy!" He said.

"Energy is energy…and like all things it can be used." He said. "It is a resource without end, and beginning."

"I understand that, I felt it in the fields, my life was over and the end." You said.

"Was but a beginning." He said.

Reward: Energy is Mana, and Mana is energy…neat. +1 Occult, Alatu feels more at home in his own skin.

-[X]The Storm Rider's Last Voyage: You have called out to do a brief fishing voyage for the Fishing ship Storm Rider, a simple Week of fishing for a small profit and salting the rest.

One week of fishing, good weather and training, nothing can ruin this.

The Weather turned quickly…

You and your big mouth.

(Continued in The Last Voyage of the Storm Rider)

Disaster Roll: D100 => 97

The Hurricane was new, as you have never felt the sheer terror of the damage that wind and water was doing.

"BRACE YOURSELF SON! IT IS HERE! THE SHADOW OF WRATH! NATURE IS HERE!" Elrin said feeling more at ease then you.

"And witch God seemingly wants to kill me now for existing!" You asked over the roar of the waves.

"Probably Dagon…or perhaps Jhuil, air or water at this rate!" He said.

"OH COME ON!" You said.

Reward: Its Hurricane Season… good luck.

AN: Four Months of Meditation leads to this, enjoy.
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The Last Voyage of the Storm Rider Part 1: The Storm
The Last Voyage of the Storm Rider Part 1: The Storm

The Storm Rider got its name from the ability it is claimed by its captain and crew, to outrun any storm that had long been a frequent sight in the fisheries sorted by Argos and Messentia own fisherman braved its wrath for food, riches and trade many times.

The Storm had a reputation for a crew and captain as daring as the mighty navy that battled the Iron Corsairs themselves.

Or it would live up to the splendor of its stories if it were not the home of yourself and Elrin for the next week or so, and you had found that it was…just a normal ship, not a grand palace or with a crew as stern as iron, just… a fortunate ship that managed to gain a reputation.

You sat looking at the ledgers of the ship, everything seemed to be in order and the captain never skimped on payments, which was nice for a change.

"Suprised at how normal things are?" Elrin said handing you a cup.

You took a drink from it. "This is my first normal job, the only ship that isn't bought by the woman who… defiled me. And the first one where I set my own hours, so, really this is the newest experience I've had since being free."

"The winds are blowing from the east meaning that we won't need you with the rest of the men on any oars, so…it will be a calm few days for us all." He said.

"Could do with my own room?" You said. "It's more cramped down there than a slave pit's ass."

"That's being on a ship for you…you'll get used to it." He said. "We all do."

He tapped your shoulder before going off to retie knots and climb the rigging.

"I have got to learn how to do that one day." You said as you smiled before a splash of salt water hit you in the face and you started trying to wipe the salty taste from your nostrils,


The Changing of the Weather came as a shock, it was late autumn, the worst of the storms wouldn't come for another month the mariners and star watchers had said.

They were once again fucking wrong…as all things were when betting against the gods.

Now I'm starting to realize that the Cimmerians might have the right idea on what a God is or rather isn't.

You nodded as the captain gave a speech.

"Men the Gods have seen once again to test the swiftness and versatility of our craft and crew, I have full confidence that we will once again outrun it and return to our city with pay and the foodstuffs to pay our lot." He started.

"And we will make those mudslingers of the Zelelle Cartel will rue the day of our return once again, we do not bend to her, and we do not bend to anyone in the GREAT COUNCIL'S Free Men, and Free Work built us and we bend to no man's whims!" He continued.

"When we made the challenge to keep her from our sails,we made it so by our own efforts, not the gods and not her…WE DID!" He finished as the crowd erupted into cheers and celebration.

The Captain must know Cimmeria well, if he's talking to the gods like that.

You smiled and continued to cheer, a confidence you could only dream of in this day and age.


"Come child, it is time for your first true lesson." He said as you climbed to the top of the ship and watched the stars above.

Learning/Occult: A Lesson with Elrin
DC: 100/125/150/200
Rolled: D100 => 99+15+5 (Erudite) +23+5(Erudite)+22 (Elrin Learning)+ 30 (Elrin Occult)=199
Crit!:D100 => 82
Total: 281! (Massive Critical Sucess)

Occult Stat Growth: D12 => 11
Learning Stat Growth: D12 => 7

In a Moment in Time, there would be men who would know the world instinctively…from the passing of energy from the Sun and the Stars to the Earth.

Energy would become a reaction of forces that would form the Gods who would take shape within this world to build and create.

And by creating there would be Dreams, and from Dreams come the Power of Imagination itself.

Imagination would create the ambition of men, the greed of empires and the desire for an illusion.

An Illusion of a Peaceful World, where men can grow old and die.

You will learn many things in this world…How to see through this illusion and desire, is a lesson without end.

You will know in time.

Reward: You have gained 11 Occult and 7 Learning.

SPELL Learned: Dream Sight: The Ability to Astral Project yourself into your own and other people's dreams while sleeping.(DC to Cast:45%-10(memory)=35) Mana Cost: 4


The Hurricane was new, as you have never felt the sheer terror of the damage that wind and water were doing.

"BRACE YOURSELF SON! IT IS HERE! THE SHADOW OF WRATH! NATURE IS HERE!" Elrin said feeling more at ease than you.

"And witch God seemingly wants to kill me now for existing!" You asked over the roar of the waves.

"Probably Dagon…or perhaps Jhuil, air or water at this rate!" He said.

"OH COME ON!" You said.

"Don't worry, I've seen worse." He said.

"Seriously! Do you want to tempt the Gods more in this storm?!" You said.

"I wouldn't presume to know what the gods think. Thank you very much. Just focus on getting out alive." Elrin said.

"Wonderful; my life just has to be interesting." You said.

" Look on the bright side, at least you won't die of boredom," Elrin said half frowning as you continued to panic.

"I'd rather NOT DIE!" You said.

"Well, life will not let you live without struggle." He said.

What to do now:

[]Go to the Captain: The Captain looked like he needed a Stronger set of arms at the wheel, this storm looked to be more then he could handle.

[]Help the Crew maintain control: The Crew was not looking enthused at the fact they were in a hurricane and were going to take it up with the captain… you like him, so they are gong to be meeting your Ax.

[]Climb the Rigging with Elrin: Umm follow what your mentor was doing, he seems to be doing well enough.

[]Pray to Mitra: "Mirta its me Alatu…if you could please be merciful…I don't want to die! I'm scared and want to try to be a good person!"

[]Pray to Ibis: "I wish I could read a book in the coven and make an offering, best I can do is pray like hell and offer a fish."

[]ROW!: That's it your going to help the rowers with dealing with these waves.

[]The Man from the Sea: "At last, it is a fine sacrifice to the OLD ONES…A Crew of sturdy men, a Journeyman, and a fool."

AN: You Rolled Guchi on those Adventure ROLLS!

What exactly is the Astral Realm?
The Astral Realm is simmiler to the Astral Plane from the Strange Tale Marvel Comics

See here.

It is a Higher Relm of Consciousness, ectoplasmic energy and Dreams (But it is not the land of Dreams)

Essentially its kinda the "Place where you go before you go somewhere else while Astral Projecting"

TLDR: Essentially its a higher plane of existence that isn't fully drenched in things like the Outer Dark, Hell or the Afterlife that Mages can visit while alive if they try hard enough.
[X]Climb the Rigging with Elrin: Umm follow what your mentor was doing, he seems to be doing well enough.

No way this can go wrong, so let's see what we can do! :V
[X]Climb the Rigging with Elrin: Umm follow what your mentor was doing, he seems to be doing well enough.
[X]Go to the Captain: The Captain looked like he needed a Stronger set of arms at the wheel, this storm looked to be more then he could handle.
[X]Climb the Rigging with Elrin: Umm follow what your mentor was doing, he seems to be doing well enough.
Pray to god should be absolutely last option.