Dragon's ambition

If you have any questions that may have been asked during the meeting with the Legate, you can ask them and I will try to answer. (According to the Legate's knowledge)

I don't really have any more questions except maybe what about artillery support. I assume the Arcani are helpful against fortifications but what about the fortifications of the city of Bajara, do the other legions have artillery or do ladders have to suffice.

I think 3 regiments should be enough and more would cut into our share of the glory. Also you should pick your battles and focus on a single write in change to push for. The more we ask for the harder it is going to be to convince anyone to agree with it.

It's just a statement of our request (if we request more troops), a write-in if a problematic troop composition is sent and the opinion about Kanalarkas which we should write in. What exactly do you think is too much?

And I wouldn't think about glory now, we haven't even started the campaign yet. Our main goal should not be to hold up the whole campaign because we have to waste time bypassing a guarded river crossing.
I don't really have any more questions except maybe what about artillery support. I assume the Arcani are helpful against fortifications but what about the fortifications of the city of Bajara, do the other legions have artillery or do ladders have to suffice.
Each legion has squad of engineers, so you will have the support of siege engines
Each legion has squad of engineers, so you will have the support of siege engines

Ah, okay, so our legion carries such machines in the army's baggage train. Surely that means that the legion as a whole would have difficulty moving without roads?

Because then I would be even more of the opinion that Kanalarkas must not fail. Bypassing the crossing would cost a lot of time if the enemy could successfully fortify the crossing. Or the death toll could be very high if we have to force the crossing.
Ah, okay, so our legion carries such machines in the army's baggage train. Surely that means that the legion as a whole would have difficulty moving without roads?

Because then I would be even more of the opinion that Kanalarkas must not fail. Bypassing the crossing would cost a lot of time if the enemy could successfully fortify the crossing. Or the death toll could be very high if we have to force the crossing.
If Legion want to have siege machines like scorpions, catapults and ballistas. At this point he needs to have a road. But soldiers can easily create ladders and battering rams on the spot.
It's just a statement of our request (if we request more troops), a write-in if a problematic troop composition is sent and the opinion about Kanalarkas which we should write in. What exactly do you think is too much?
I think in general do to her inexperience Mordred asking for too much is likely to be dismissed. Either just ask for more troops while leaving the justification up to the QM based on whether the roll is a success or not, or push for a specific regiments composition without asking for more regiments to be assigned.
I think in general do to her inexperience Mordred asking for too much is likely to be dismissed. Either just ask for more troops while leaving the justification up to the QM based on whether the roll is a success or not, or push for a specific regiments composition without asking for more regiments to be assigned.

If you look at the DC we have to exceed for each action, you'll see that it's pretty high, even with the action with the lowest DC (we still have the -10 penalty).
I just thought maybe we could lower the threshold a bit with an argument.
We are now in the discussion phase of the meeting, so there should be no problems if we provide arguments for our demands; that should actually be a plus point.
I have put the argument in brackets now; if the QM does not want to use it can be ignored.

I'm actually sure that the write in isn't necessary and it's just there as a safeguard.
It would be illogical to send heavy infantry on the mission, they would only slow us down.
But what we should avoid is being sent completely without or with both cavalry regiments.
We can use mounted scouts and the main army too and we only have two regiments so it made sense to split them up.
In my opinion, that makes too much sense to attract negative attention, but I also noted that she really only says it when she thinks it's appropriate.
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Vote closed
Only one person voted, so we can carry out the next action without any problems. I'll try to write it in the evening.
Scheduled vote count started by Talantir on Jun 11, 2024 at 12:11 PM, finished with 12 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X]Volunteer and join Captain Kanalarkas.
    [X]Plan Secure the river crossing
    -[X]Volunteer and join Captain Kanalarkas.
    -[X]Captain Kanalarkas need more soldiers, he should lead four regiments. DC = 30 Possible explanation: (When asked about the reason for the extra troops, emphasize that you think the biggest source of delays could be a contested river crossing. Emphasize that you have no doubt that Kanalarkas is capable of completing the mission with 3 regiments under normal circumstances in friendly or neutral territory. However, you strongly suspect that the mission is far more difficult since the crossing interrupts one of the three main roads in the area of operations and is likely part of the enemy's defense planning. If we arrive at the crossing quickly with enough light infantry, we can delay any enemy reinforcements long enough to allow the Legion to cross.)
    -[X]Write-in: In case a problematic troop combination is sent and you think it appropriate to argue against it: (Argue against sending heavy infantry or both cavalry regiments if the circumstances arise. Try to get a cavalry regiment sent in addition to your own skirmishers and Kanalarkas skirmishers if it is decided to send 3 regiments, if 4 regiments are sent try to get another skirmisher regiment.)
    -[X]Opinion of Kanalarkas: This is Kanalarkas and your first meeting as far as you can remember, and yet he is extremely hostile. You strongly suspect that there is no rational reason for this, so you resolve to observe the captain's behavior and prevent him from making mistakes due to emotional outbursts. The mission takes priority. You are polite and professional as etiquette demands and ignore all attempts at provocation. You also try to carry out all his orders to the best of your ability as long as you believe they are useful for the mission.
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Council before the campaign part 2
-[X]Captain Kanalarkas need more soldiers, he should lead four regiments. DC = 30
Roll + charisma + Strategy - Penalty
93 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 87 Pass

After thinking for a moment and carefully examining the map, you were the first to make a suggestion about the campaign.

"Legate, in my opinion Captain Kanalarkas should be supported by another regiment. He get…"

But your attempt at making a suggestion was interrupted by Kanalarkas' shout.

"Do you think I can't handle this task? My soldiers are well trained and…"

But the Legate's voice silenced him immediately.

"Captain, let Lady Mordred finish her idea, then you can raise any objections."

Mirgogal looked around at the other captains, as if seeking support. But they only looked at him with slight contempt, and at you with even friendly glances. Seeing no support, he remained silent, allowing you to complete your plan.

"As I said, Captain Mirgogal was given quite a difficult task to secure the crossing and not allow it to be destroyed or enemy reinforcements to break through. Failure to do the former may result in us arriving at Bajara without our siege machines, and the latter may result in taking too long to capture Ginestra Fortress. An additional regiment would increase the chance of success."

The Legate thought for a moment, finally looking at the other captains, some of whom were nodding their heads in support. He gave his order.

"You're right, Captain Mordred, this is too important a task to send too small a force. 4 regiments will set out to secure the crossing."

After a while, still standing, you gave another idea.

"I also believe that 3 light regiments and 1 horse regiment should be deployed to secure the crossing. They need to cross the river and heavy infantry will only interfere with that."

-[X]Write-in: In case a problematic troop combination is sent and you think it appropriate to argue against it.
Roll + charisma + Strategy - Penalty
67 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 61 Pass

Your words were quickly welcomed by everyone present and the Legate accepted your next idea.

"Thank you Captain, your idea will be accepted."

Turning to the two cavalry captains, he asked them a question.

"Draichaklion and Milber, which of you will go with me and which of you will go with Captain Mirgogal to the crossing?"

The captains looked at each other and after a moment of reflection, Draichaklion replied.

"I'll go with Captain Kanalarkas."

To which his brother replied immediately.

"And I'll go with you, I won't let you down"

The Legate looked at you and spoke.

"Do you have any other suggestions Captain Mordred?"

You looked around the room and answered with some hesitation.

"Maybe not a suggestion, but I would like to request my Regiment to go with Captain Mirgogal to secure the crossing."

-[X]Volunteer and join Captain Kanalarkas. DC = 10
Roll + charisma + diplomacy - Penalty
19 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 13 Pass

Your words caused quite a stir among those present, but the most outraged was Mirgogal himself, who loudly protested.

"I don't agree, I won't go on this mission with her, she's not fit to be a commander."

The Legate didn't silence him this time, he just looked at you and asked.

"Are you sure? This will be your first mission, your first test as a commander. Maybe you should move with the main forces after all?

You felt a surge of anger, but you controlled it and quickly responded.

"Me and my regiment can handle it, the Arcanites have trained me well and the soldiers are ready, we won't let you down, Legate."

The Legate had already started nodding his head, but before he said anything, Captain Mirgogal shouted again.

"And she should, like every Arcanite, stand back and support the soldiers with her magic, not lead, they are not fit for that."

After his words, he froze and paled, looking at Malalion Anduscar, the Arcanite Legion's sergeant. After this outburst of anger, Malalion stood up and replied in a calm voice.

"Well, I believe that Captain Kanalarkas Mirgogal wants a more difficult task than he has just been given, so I propose that in addition to securing the first crossing, he takes the town behind it and then tries to secure the next crossing, it will make the rest of the campaign easier. "It will also allow both Captain Kanalarkas and Captain Mordred to prove themselves during this task."

The Legate sat in his chair for a moment, then, without looking in any direction, gave an order.

"Captain Kanalarkas, you will execute this plan. Captain Ralorder Bendudrir, your regiment will go as fourth. Meeting over, march away."

One by one, everyone present saluted and left. Outside, Malalion gave you a friendly smile that showed traces of satisfaction. Then everyone went to their units.

Kanalarkas looked at you with an expression full of fury. And he said through his teeth.

"You'll pay me for this, girl."

You feel like you've just made an enemy of him.

Authors' Notes
The next chapter will be the beginning of the campaign.

I hope you like this
And as always, I am open to suggestions and correcting mistakes
The checks were successful, but it could have gone better. To everyone reading this, that was my plan and I hope everything turns out well. In my opinion, the extra task more than makes up for the reinforcements we received and the task has become much harder than I had hoped. I accept criticism if someone wants to offer it.

Can you please check the checks again:
93 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 87 Pass
67 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 61 Pass
19 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 13 Pass
I don't think it should be -8 but +8.
It shouldn't change the outcome, but we don't have to leave it like that if it wasn't meant that way.
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Can you please check the checks again:
93 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 87 Pass
67 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 61 Pass
19 + 12 - 8 - 10 = 13 Pass
I don't think it should be -8 but +8.
It shouldn't change the outcome, but we don't have to leave it like that if it wasn't meant that way.
You have a 6 in diplomacy, which gives you 8 penalty points. If you had 10, the bonus would be 0. If you had 16, the bonus would be 8
You have a 6 in diplomacy, which gives you 8 penalty points. If you had 10, the bonus would be 0. If you had 16, the bonus would be 8

Oh, I didn't realize that. These skills really need to be trained if we have a penalty when it comes to such important checks. In any case, it's something we can't fix quickly. I really hope we don't overdo it when we're still at such a low level.
But now the dice have been cast and we are on a mission with a commander who hates us.
Let's see how we get out of this.
Arancia's campaign, Summer 996 AC, part 1
Summer 996 AC
Arancia's campaign

During spring, the plants bloomed early, the days were unusually warm and the rains fell sporadically. According to the Arcanites, the coming summer will be dry and warm, with little rainfall, just as the army hoped when planning this campaign.

Together with Captain Kanalarkas, you held many war councils to better prepare your forces and conducted joint exercises of your regiments.

Roll + Strategy + Charisma
96 - 8 + 12 = 100 - Art. Crit.
100 + 41 = 141

Captain Kanalarkas avoided contact with you most of the time, and during your few meetings you could feel his reluctance. However, his behavior remained completely professional, he did not try to silence you and listened to your suggestions and ideas. His behavior did not affect the relationship between the soldiers of your regiments, which quickly established a bond of brotherhood in arms.

Now summer has come and the long-awaited moment has arrived, it's time to go to war.

Here the Legate himself, sitting on his horse, stood before the entire Legion and gave a speech. The Legate was clad in beautiful gilded armor with his coat of arms engraved on it, the entire armor emanating a slight red glow from the magic placed on it. On his head was a helmet made of red dragon scales, one of the proofs of his position. A long red cloak was attached to the armor with dragon-shaped brooches.

Before the Legate were all the Legion's regiments, fully armed and ready. 12 thousand men standing in the rays of the setting sun make a wonderful impression on everyone who looked at this army, all the soldiers listened to the Legate's speech

93 + ? = 113 - art. crit.
113 + 87 = 200

"Soldiers, I am pleased with you, many of you have just joined the Imperial Army, today your training ends, you stop being recruits and become full-fledged soldiers of the Empire, today you can proudly say that you are part of the Dragon Legions."

The Legate's voice, amplified by the magic of the Aracnites surrounding him, spread to all the Legion soldiers, who listened with growing pride.

"Now comes the moment of your first test, your testing in battle and your immersion in the sea of glory."

His voice grew stronger with each word.

"Soldiers, the time has come to subdue those who resist the Dragons. Bring glory to your Legion. Take land for the Empire and piles of loot for yourselves."

As his last words faded away, huge cheers began to sound from the Legion.

Through this campaign, the Legion will have +20 morale bonus.

As the army continued to cheer and the Arcanites had finished their spells, the Legate turned to Captain Kanalarkas.

"Captain, I have a lot of trust in you, I hope you won't disappoint this time, and remember what I told you."

"I'll remember, Legate"

"So go ahead, you have a tough task ahead of you."

According to the plan, part of the Legion commanded by Captain Mirgogal will further divide into three parts and simultaneously capture the nearest forts west of the river. Then, leaving a small garrison in the forts, it will move down the river, where your group will be reunited at the junction of the two rivers.

Your regiment, as the least experienced skirmisher regiment, is to occupy the fort closest to the river. That's why you left the Legion on the same day, heading towards your goal.

Roll + Espionage
68 + 4 = 72

The march went smoothly enough, and after a few days of travel you could see your destination. The fort consists of a tall stone tower surrounded by a small stone wall. Fortifications standing on the highest hill in the area, which dominate the entire area. According to the information you have, the garrison of such forts should consist of 50 to 100 men.

How do you want to conquer this fort:
[]Send two Surnies in the middle of the night and try to catch them by surprise.
[]Surround the fort so that no one can leave it and try to take it by storm.
[]Together with the Arcanites, cast a spell and destroy part of the fortifications, then take the fort by storm.

Who will lead the attack:
[]You will personally lead the soldiers into battle.
[]Your second-in-command, Orlando, will lead the troops.
[]One of the remaining lieutenants will lead the attack.

With you there is one squadron of cavalry (250 horsemen), whatever task you assign them.
[]Patrol the area
[]Attack the fortifications with your men

Authors' Notes
So it has begun, time for war
It took me a lot of time to write this, mainly because I had to go through it a dozen times and didn't have time due to work.
With thoughts about whether or not to throw it away somewhere far away and start over.
But somehow I wrote something.
I hope you like this

And as always, I am open to suggestions and correcting mistakes
Nice to see such good rolls.

Because of the plan, I suggest using magic, after all we have practiced it and it should make the task easier. Damage to the fortifications shouldn't be a big problem, this fort won't be on the front line for long as we advance and it's more important to minimize our losses. Orlando's stats are better for this attack and I think we won't waste any time. We'll cast the spell ourselves and Orlando will lead the men into the breach immediately when the spell lands. Cavalry should not attack fortifications unless we are desperate, that is not their purpose. Should reinforcements arrive again during the attack we will be glad to have them on patrol.

[X] Plan The way we trained
-[X] Together with the Arcanites, cast a spell and destroy part of the fortifications, then take the fort by storm.
-[X] Your second-in-command, Orlando, will lead the troops.
-[X] Patrol the area