UPDATE: This information is outdated. This quest is going to be using just the WHRP system.

Voting isn't over yet, I'm just taking some time to lay down the basic rules.

For the most part, this quest will use the WHFB tabletop rules for the sake of consistency and ease of workload, with most notable exceptions applying only to the PC. The main difference is that the Career system has been replaced with a more generic d20 Class/Level/XP system, using the slow experience point table from Pathfinder. Everyone else will still be using the system as is - they won't even know it's a thing unless you tell them. There is also the possibility to receive Quests, which when completed grant some kind of reward directly related to the PC's system (extra Ability or Skill points, removal of Wounds, raw XP, etc).

The magic system for the quest is, in large part, based on the one from LordCirce's Cantrip CYOA. It is completely disconnected from the native Winds of Magic and its association with the Chaos Gods, although corruption remains a real possibility. Upon each level up, the PC will gain at least 1 Magic Point that can be used to either level up existing spells or acquire new ones entirely, although "standard" advancement through training remains possible.

I think saying any more would ruin the surprise, so I'll leave it at that for now. I'll be sure to write up a new update tomorrow, but until then I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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The magic system for the quest is, in large part, based on the one from LordCirce's Cantrip CYOA. It is completely disconnected from the native Winds of Magic and its association with the Chaos Gods, although corruption remains a real possibility. Upon each level up, the PC will gain at least 1 Magic Point that can be used to either level up existing spells or acquire new ones entirely, although "standard" advancement through training remains possible.
this is both intersting and disappointing , on one hand an entirely new magic system that reminds me of D&D with all the cheese that implies on the other hand there was so much potential lost, assuming we as a gamer got Gamer's body and Gamer's mind we could have joined the collages of magic and jumped between collages (they let you switch between collages until you find one the clicks or you develop an arcane mark locking you to one wind) to learn all 8 winds never developing an arcane mark due to Gamer's body and Gamer's mind letting us master the 8 winds and be the first human to ever attain high magic
The magic system for the quest is, in large part, based on the one from LordCirce's Cantrip CYOA. It is completely disconnected from the native Winds of Magic and its association with the Chaos Gods, although corruption remains a real possibility. Upon each level up, the PC will gain at least 1 Magic Point that can be used to either level up existing spells or acquire new ones entirely, although "standard" advancement through training remains possible.

I think saying any more would ruin the surprise, so I'll leave it at that for now. I'll be sure to write up a new update tomorrow, but until then I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I don't really understand how you plan to merge the three systems together, but look forward to finding out.

The name of the CYOA is pretty misleading, btw. Some pretty potent stuff in there.

Indeed, I don't think immortality counts as a cantrip :D
this is both intersting and disappointing , on one hand an entirely new magic system that reminds me of D&D with all the cheese that implies on the other hand there was so much potential lost, assuming we as a gamer got Gamer's body and Gamer's mind we could have joined the collages of magic and jumped between collages (they let you switch between collages until you find one the clicks or you develop an arcane mark locking you to one wind) to learn all 8 winds never developing an arcane mark due to Gamer's body and Gamer's mind letting us master the 8 winds and be the first human to ever attain high magic

I've never read the original Gamer manhwa. I just assumed that when you called something a "Gamer" quest it was more or less a synonym for LitRPG. I guess I should have called it that in the title.

Also, aren't the Winds of Magic inherently tied to the very thing that's going to tear the world apart at the seams?

The name of the CYOA is pretty misleading, btw. Some pretty potent stuff in there.

IIRC it was originally supposed to be based on D&D cantrips, but as it was revised the power level just went out of proportion.

I don't really understand how you plan to merge the three systems together, but look forward to finding out.

I'm not too sure how well it'll work, either. I plan on loosely taping them together through a point-based advancement system that you can use to increase the PC's Abilities, upgrade or acquire new Skills, and so on. XP rewards will be pretty much arbitrary, but even then I'll try to be as fair as I can.

- - -

Anyway, here's the vote tally. The PC is still going to be a human named Jaskier Dandelion, but there's still a tie between the Bard and Mage classes. If the tie isn't broken before time runs out, then I'll go in and break it myself.

Also, I'm assuming the name is taken from a character from the Witcher? I have the first two games in my Steam library, but I've never gotten around to playing either of them.

Adhoc vote count started by Addemup on Aug 6, 2023 at 12:50 PM, finished with 32 posts and 25 votes.
Also, aren't the Winds of Magic inherently tied to the very thing that's going to tear the world apart at the seams?
only the same way water is inherently tied to fish , the chaos gods are not the be all and end all of the warp , their are other gods and other powers , the winds of magic/warp are just the waters they all swim in
Change of Plans
only the same way water is inherently tied to fish , the chaos gods are not the be all and end all of the warp , their are other gods and other powers , the winds of magic/warp are just the waters they all swim in

Well, shoot. If had known that, then I would've just kept going with the original system. Are all the other pantheons (Old World, Dwarfen, Elven, and so on) connected to the Warp, too, or it just left ambiguous? It's a shame I missed out on all these possibilities.

Wait a minute... as a matter of fact, it's not too late for me to change my mind, now is it?

From now on, the quest will use only the WHFB RP system. It would be a lot less hassle and confusion on both our parts.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Addemup on Aug 6, 2023 at 12:45 PM, finished with 37 posts and 26 votes.
Are all the other pantheons (Old World, Dwarfen, Elven, and so on) connected to the Warp, too, or it just left ambiguous?
For everything except I think the Dawi, yes .... for the most part. Minor note, "Warp" is a 40k term, in Fantasy it's the Realm of Chaos, or, Aethyr, or the Empyrean. It's not really important, everyone knows what you mean, and I usually use Warp as it's just easier, but even if you use Warp it's still important to know, because it helps you understand one of the main differences between 40K and Fantasy.

In Fantasy ..... Chaos isn't even close to as all powerful as they are in 40K. Still probably the strongest deities, but,, like, Slaanesh can't just tear through the Elven Pantheon single-handedly, the Elven Panthon has that fight, and I don't think Chaos likes the odds of all the Pantheons against them at all.

Like, for instance, there's multiple non-Chaos afterlives in Fantasy.

Warhammer is full of weird exceptions. For the most part, the Elven Gods and the human gods live in the warp, and can mostly only interact with the real world via giving some of their worshipers holy spells and blessings/dreams/etc. Mostly.

There are exceptions, the Ogre Pantheon is fully in the real world as far as Im aware though I assume the powers they bless their worshipers with still go through the Warp somehow? Bretonnia's Lady can just show up in Bretonnia (arguable if she's Elven, human, or both, certain reveals were made in End Times that don't necessarily make a lot of sense with a lot of lore readings, and everyone hates End times, etc, etc.) Like three different Gods went from human to God, with one of those three going from Deity to Human back to Deity.

No idea what's going on with the Halfling pantheon, never looked into them, don't know that story.


Like, straight up, I don't even think Chaos is the strongest faction in Warhammer Fantasy. Skaven properly united or Nagash at full power are both, in my opinion, stronger then Chaos and stand a better chance at the taking over the world in the short term thing and they both heavily rely on the Aethyr, Chaos is sort of only winning in the long term, in that the mechanisms preventing the world from falling into their realm are failing and being destroyed and no one really has the time/know how/power/will to fix it. Ulthuan sort of still knows how, but they really don't have those resources.
Well, shoot. If had known that, then I would've just kept going with the original system. Are all the other pantheons (Old World, Dwarfen, Elven, and so on) connected to the Warp, too, or it just left ambiguous? It's a shame I missed out on all these possibilities.

Wait a minute... as a matter of fact, it's not too late for me to change my mind, now is it?

From now on, the quest will use only the WHFB RP system. It would be a lot less hassle and confusion on both our parts.
Kinda the aethyr reflects belief not just emotion so with the exception of a select few individual deities such as sigmar who is trapped within the vortex by tzeentch and Arianka said to be trapped in a crystal coffin within the old world also by tzeentch
(I think it's a habit/hobby for him)
most gods are in the aethyr I don't know anything about the Mall of the ogres so can't comment on it
Hell the chaos gods aren't even the oldest or only foreign deities to barge into the old world have you heard about Solkan, Alluminas and Arianka the so called gods of law by any chance?

Also fun fact not all magic even [directly at least] draws straight from the aethyr earthbound magic
(at least to my understanding) relies on the magic that has seeped into and saturated the world from the aethyr rather than directly drawing from the aethyr itself
well dwarven rune magic
(Again at least my understanding) takes it's magic from either the aethyr or EarthBound (I'm not sure)
and binds it into the rune and uses the stored magic instead which is a hell of a lot safer
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[X] Race:
-[X] Human

[X] Class:
-[X] Engineer

Can engineer be a class? Do we have to fight or can we do some other cool stuff like build guns and factories?
End of quest
Hey, I guess I should have said this earlier but this quest is over. I had no idea what I was doing when I went into this, and besides there was already something else I was working on beforehand. I don't consider myself to be knowledgeable enough with the WHFB RPG system to run a quest with it, and besides also don't think I'd be very good with adapting to the twists and turns that come with running a quest in general.

I'm not too sure which forum I use to request a thread lock from the mods, so I suppose that this message will suffice for the time being.