How precise can we order our Forces since I have an idea for the battle.

We have our Mercenaries, The Valkyries and the Crimson Company, blitz there way toward the Wingbardy Forces, so the Black Pikes have the route clear. We have the Black Pikes guard the way to the walls while Wingbardy Forces may reorganize themselves as well as open communication with their king.

We give the Wood Stalkers over to Federico, and have our Father-in- law look around/ go for the flanks. We do this to find Brochard since he doesn't seem to be here leading in front, and scouting is the Wood Stalkers speciality.

Garrick makes a push forward while keeping the Knights Lions on standby to close any gaps, or they can wait until the Aquileia mercenaries falter; that way they bypass the meat shields, so they can bloody the fresh soldiers.

Does our father-in-law have any tactical suggestions?

And if you don't mind, what could a higher roll even have been for the battle interrupt? The entire Feathersian League?
Probably best to have one force either best Father-In-Laws or our personal knightly order lend aid to the no doubt weary Wingbardy troops and have the other to fill in for any unexpected ploys by the Aqueilians!

[X] Plan: Why Rush?
You asked how many troops the enemy had that you could see. I said 18,000.

At least that's how it was at the beginning of the battle. The Aquileians have taken over two thousand casualties by this point
Okay, that's worded a LOT better. We have visual confirmation of the numbers.

was infact what I asked for, just worded in a way I misinterpreted.
You asked how many troops the enemy had that you could see. I said 18,000.

At least that's how it was at the beginning of the battle. The Aquileians have taken over two thousand casualties by this point
So they currently only have between 15000-16000? Well, I just ran the numbers, and combining the forces of Wingbardy, ourselves, our mercenaries, and our father in law, we total up to 20600 troops available. That means that the Aquileians army, in its entirety is between 3/4 to 4/5 of our army, so we now both have them outnumbered and outgunned.
Probably best to have one force either best Father-In-Laws or our personal knightly order lend aid to the no doubt weary Wingbardy troops and have the other to fill in for any unexpected ploys by the Aqueilians!

[X] Plan: Why Rush?
And here comes the plan that allows the enemy to focus on killing any fly-by reinforcements, picked up even with my immediate counter-argument for it. >_<

Alright, here's my idea:

[X] Plan Envelop the flanks
-[X] What Now?
--[X] Push them Back: You've bloodied them, but they're not beaten yet. Countercharge against the Aquileians, forcing them back towards Wingbard's walls.
-[X]The Knights Lion are fresh and stand ready charge into battle at your order. Shall you commit them to the fight?
--[X] You don't want to play your trump card until you've located King Brochard or the situation changes. When located, the Knights will be tasked with joining the battle with getting to him as their primary goal beyond the general battle, or to intercept if he somehow manages to pull out a surprise flank from somewhere, to buy time for the rest of your army to reorient their lines.
-[X]The Legendary Noble Mercenary Federico Montefeathertro has arrived with a thousand fighters. Where shall you deploy them?
--[X] Send their forces to bolster and lengthen our flank(s) in hopes of forcing a breakthrough there.
[X] Plan: Push them back to Aquileia!

[X] Push them Back: You've bloodied them, but they're not beaten yet. Countercharge against the Aquileians, forcing them back towards Wingbard's walls.

[X] No, you don't want to play your trump card just yet.

[X] The Front Lines: They're needed most where the fighting is thickest.

Does our father-in-law have any tactical suggestions?

And if you don't mind, what could a higher roll even have been for the battle interrupt? The entire Feathersian League?

Not all of it, but more than just Federico and his troops.

And while Federico is an experienced commander, he's never led or participated in combat on this scale before. Battles between city states rarely involve more than a few hundred troops, so he fears any advice he might be able to give won't be adequate.
I hope we get some more omakes for it thought the 80 really saved us on a few rolls last time.
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Jan 10, 2019 at 7:44 PM, finished with 43 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Push them back to Aquileia!
    [X] Collapse the flanks : Utilize remaining unengaged forces to attack the enemy in the flanks, collapsing theirformation.
    [X] Yes
    -[x] Check : Place them in a position from which they can threathen to charge the enemy King, forcing him to concentrate his elite forces near his own position, preventing them from reinforcing the lines.
    [X] Chatter the line. Make a concentrated push into the rear of the enemy formation, aiming to split one of the flanks from the main body.
    [X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
    -[X] Lure Them: Slow organized retreat without breaking formation, try luring them from the walls even further.
    --[X] If successful then use Knights Lion to help Wingbard.
    -[X] Yes
    --[X] In Reserve: Keep Montefeathertro fighters out of the fighting for the moment to serve as a rapid response force so they can plug any holes or breaches that may appear in the line.
    [X] Plan: Why Rush?
    -[X] Stay the Course: The Aquileians seem content to throw themselves upon your lines, and you see no reason to deny them. Reinforce the frontline and instruct your troops to hold their positions.
    -[X] Yes
    --[X] Send them to reinforce the Wingbardy militia attacking the Aquileian rear guard.
    -[X] In Reserve: Much like the Knights, keep them out of the fighting for the moment to serve as a rapid response force so they can plug any holes or breaches that may appear in the line.
    [X] Plan Envelop the flanks
    -[X] What Now?
    --[X] Push them Back: You've bloodied them, but they're not beaten yet. Countercharge against the Aquileians, forcing them back towards Wingbard's walls.
    -[X]The Knights Lion are fresh and stand ready charge into battle at your order. Shall you commit them to the fight?
    --[X] You don't want to play your trump card until you've located King Brochard or the situation changes. When located, the Knights will be tasked with joining the battle with getting to him as their primary goal beyond the general battle, or to intercept if he somehow manages to pull out a surprise flank from somewhere, to buy time for the rest of your army to reorient their lines.
    -[X]The Legendary Noble Mercenary Federico Montefeathertro has arrived with a thousand fighters. Where shall you deploy them?
    --[X] Send their forces to bolster and lengthen our flank(s) in hopes of forcing a breakthrough there.
[ ] Plan: Push them back to Aquileia!

Edit: change of plan for me

[X] Plan Envelop the flanks
Last edited:
It might be good to get them, but I don't like the thought of relying on them to win. On the other claw, this battle is far too important for such sentiments.
See the thing is normally i wouldnt care to much but this battle literally decides our fate after this war i will be much less pushing for it but for this battle we have to go all out.
Can we not toss our ally into the meat grinder while staying out of it ourselves please?

[X] Plan Envelop the flanks
[X] Plan Envelop the flanks

Going with this best that we crush him here. We need to stop any possible retreat. Taking out his flanks will force him to surrender or have his men die. We need to either capture him or kill him. If he runs he is a future problem.
[X] Plan Envelop the flanks
-[X] What Now?
--[X] Push them Back: You've bloodied them, but they're not beaten yet. Countercharge against the Aquileians, forcing them back towards Wingbard's walls.
-[X]The Knights Lion are fresh and stand ready charge into battle at your order. Shall you commit them to the fight?
--[X] You don't want to play your trump card until you've located King Brochard or the situation changes. When located, the Knights will be tasked with joining the battle with getting to him as their primary goal beyond the general battle, or to intercept if he somehow manages to pull out a surprise flank from somewhere, to buy time for the rest of your army to reorient their lines.
-[X]The Legendary Noble Mercenary Federico Montefeathertro has arrived with a thousand fighters. Where shall you deploy them?
--[X] Send their forces to bolster and lengthen our flank(s) in hopes of forcing a breakthrough there.

Changed my vote to this
[X] Plan Envelop the flanks
-[X] What Now?
--[X] Push them Back: You've bloodied them, but they're not beaten yet. Countercharge against the Aquileians, forcing them back towards Wingbard's walls.
-[X]The Knights Lion are fresh and stand ready charge into battle at your order. Shall you commit them to the fight?
--[X] You don't want to play your trump card until you've located King Brochard or the situation changes. When located, the Knights will be tasked with joining the battle with getting to him as their primary goal beyond the general battle, or to intercept if he somehow manages to pull out a surprise flank from somewhere, to buy time for the rest of your army to reorient their lines.
-[X]The Legendary Noble Mercenary Federico Montefeathertro has arrived with a thousand fighters. Where shall you deploy them?
--[X] Send their forces to bolster and lengthen our flank(s) in hopes of forcing a breakthrough there.

Yeah okay I'll change to this.