Can we ask best father in law for advice? I mean, I imagine he's a 6-6-6-6 general, it would be silly not to use a resource like that when it is available.

Also, that went very well.
I want to do something involving flanking-and-surrounding but I don't have time to comment yet and don't have a clear picture of the battlefield and terrain either.
Ok, the city boys are making a push as expected, but they're probably gonna get wiped out without any support.

On the other hand getting that support there is a risk because they'll be flying right over enemy archers, not to mention through the flyers.

The Knights are fresh, which is fantastic, and our father-in-law bringing the pain is just icing on the cake.

We've got to clear that flak in order to hit the main force, but the flak knows that so they'll be fighting like cornered rats just to survive.

The only way I can see to go is forward, and that's gonna be a pain in our feline behinds and no mistake.
[X] Collapse the flanks : Utilize remaining unengaged forces to attack the enemy in the flanks, collapsing theirformation.
[X] Yes
-[x] Check : Place them in a position from which they can threathen to charge the enemy King, forcing him to concentrate his elite forces near his own position, preventing them from reinforcing the lines.
[X] Chatter the line. Make a concentrated push into the rear of the enemy formation, aiming to split one of the flanks from the main body.
Basically my idea here is to push them towards the walls, trap them there and crush them. Destroying borchards army and his hope of being emperor.

Edit: NVM I want to hear other peoples ideas first
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You know, I asked the Gm some time ago if there could be any places where he could be hiding reinforcements/ambushers.

I never got an answer.
I think there is a reason for that.
[X] Plan: Why Rush?
-[X] Stay the Course: The Aquileians seem content to throw themselves upon your lines, and you see no reason to deny them. Reinforce the frontline and instruct your troops to hold their positions.

-[X] Yes
--[X] Send them to reinforce the Wingbardy militia attacking the Aquileian rear guard.

-[X] In Reserve: Much like the Knights, keep them out of the fighting for the moment to serve as a rapid response force so they can plug any holes or breaches that may appear in the line.
[X] Plan: Why Rush?
-[X] Stay the Course: The Aquileians seem content to throw themselves upon your lines, and you see no reason to deny them. Reinforce the frontline and instruct your troops to hold their positions.

-[X] Yes
--[X] Send them to reinforce the Wingbardy militia attacking the Aquileian rear guard.
If you both hold your position and then send reinforcements to Wingbardy militia, there will be no reason or cause for the enemy to not focus on contesting the movement.
I think now would be the time to counter charge, Pin them between us and our allied forces while keeping an eye out for any reserve forces he has that are trying to flank us or whatever nefarious thing borchard has planned.
[X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
-[X] Lure Them: Slow organized retreat without breaking formation, try luring them from the walls even further.
--[X] If successful then use Knights Lion to help Wingbard.
Montefeathertro fighters
-[X] Yes
--[X] In Reserve: Keep Montefeathertro fighters out of the fighting for the moment to serve as a rapid response force so they can plug any holes or breaches that may appear in the line.
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[X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
-[X] Lure Them: Slow organized retreat without breaking formation, try luring them from the walls even further.
--[X] If successful then use Knights Lion to help Wingbard.
Montefeathertro fighters
-[X] Yes
--[X] In Reserve: Keep Montefeathertro fighters out of the fighting for the moment to serve as a rapid response force so they can plug any holes or breaches that may appear in the line.

Wouldn't this break morale of Wingdbardy Forces?

It would probably better to organize a push and have our Father-in-Law on the look out for Brochard.
[X] Plan: Push them back to Aquileia!

[X] Push them Back: You've bloodied them, but they're not beaten yet. Countercharge against the Aquileians, forcing them back towards Wingbard's walls.

[X] No, you don't want to play your trump card just yet.

[X] The Front Lines: They're needed most where the fighting is thickest.
Can we get a rough Estimate on the enemy forces we can see? if not rough numbers, perhaps in relation to our own troops. slightly more then what we have fielded, twice more, slightly less?
[X] Plan: Push them back to Aquileia!

Edit: Is pushing them to the walls a good idea? They can fly, and might overwhelm the defenders.
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[X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
-[X] Lure Them: Slow organized retreat without breaking formation, try luring them from the walls even further.
--[X] If successful then use Knights Lion to help Wingbard.
Montefeathertro fighters
-[X] Yes
--[X] In Reserve: Keep Montefeathertro fighters out of the fighting for the moment to serve as a rapid response force so they can plug any holes or breaches that may appear in the line.
There is no way they would believe we are retreating when we're obviously so much better off on the battlefield right now.