So I've been doing some math and we really need to be careful with what we pick. A lot of the actions are expensive, with direct and indirect intervention both costing 6000. Just a reminder, we only have 14,265 gold in the treasury.

I'm going to quote the various categories and color the option according to my opinion/analysis.

: Redbeak's concerns regarding the conflict South of the border have only grown more numerous in recent months. He brings up the idea of an armed Intervention in Maretonia every chance he gets, something which frustrates his fellow councilors to no end, even if some of them are willing to concede that his arguments have merit. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Doubling the Guard: The recent population explosion has brought problems, but it has also brought opportunities, chief among them an end to the previous shortage of able-bodied Griffons and Dogs available for military service. Redbeak has long been considering an expansion of the army, and if given sufficient funding to do so he could double the size of your Empire's primary fighting force within two years. With the onset of the Maretonian Civil War, such an expansion may soon become a necessity. Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.

[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: In a bid to quickly swell the Empire's troop numbers in preparation for a future conflict with Maretonia, Redbeak has made a radical proposal: the recruitment of foreign volunteers. These foreign born soldiers would serve for several years in the military of Gryphus in exchange for citizenship, bringing their own unique skills and abilities to your military. Such an idea is not without merit, you must admit. You figure there's no harm in giving Redbeak the funds to give it a try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.

[ ] Cog Conversion: The creation of your new Carracks have left much of your existing naval assets obsolete. Rather than simply scrapping them or continuing to field outdated ships, a few clever shipwrights have drawn up a plan to convert the hulls of the Cogs into new cannon-armed Carracks. While it won't be a perfect conversion (the Carracks requiring more building material than a Cog) and the cannons will still have to be sourced from the foundries, it will likely be cheaper than building new vessels from scratch. Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: With the settlement and rapid expansion of the frontier territories, now dubbed Kestrella, some have begun to call for the establishment of a new Knightly Order to serve as the guardians of the new province, small and relatively underdeveloped as it is now. Though the war against Sombra has depleted the public's appetite for conflict, there is never any shortage of Griffons willing and eager to join an esteemed Knightly Order. Construct a suitable citadel and begin the search for any aspiring Knights. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.

[ ] Force Recon: The Expedition into Storm Country led to some unpleasant revelations. A slave taking society of raiders with access to Orichalcum? That's a recipe for disaster if you ever heard one. While Captain Dawnclaw's expedition provided invaluable intel, it raised as many questions as it answered. Where did the mined Orichalcum go? What is it being used for? What manner of leadership do the Yetis possess, if any? Ordinarily you would rely upon Ravenburg and Imperial Intelligence for these answers...but if the fate of the Equestrian Expedition taught you anything, it's that Storm Country is inhospitable and unforgiving. Sending a few lightly armed infiltrators will likely end with them being eaten by a Wyvern or a pack of wandering predators before even catching sight of a Yeti. Redbeak has proposed a more...aggressive intelligence gathering mission, one which Captain Dawnclaw has already volunteered to lead if authorized. Reconnaissance in force...a novel concept. Of course, the possibility of poking a hornets nest is something that cannot be discounted, but it may be worth the risk to get more information on this new threat that faces you. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Assaults on known Yeti Concentrations, Intelligence on Storm Country. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Direct Maretonian Intervention-Hammer: The situation in Maretonia has reached a breaking point. With the death of Captain-General Marecinas and the sacking of Roam, the alliance against House Storm has been thrown into chaos, and Pegicles seems poised to sweep over what resistance remains and crown himself King of what's left of the ravaged nation. You cannot allow this to happen. You have sought to avoid a direct entanglement in the conflict, for reasons as numerous as they are compelling...but this madness needs to end. Muster the Army, gather the necessary supplies, and march South to enforce order. Cost: 6000. Time: One Year. Reward: War Interlude. The Full Might of the Empire descends upon Maretonia.

[ ] Direct Maretonian Intervention-Sword: Of course, there are reasons not to go into the conflict with such a heavy talon. The deployment of the entire Imperial Army could be viewed as an invasion, the prelude to a land-grab, something that could bolster Pegicles' cause and turn him into a hero fighting to save Maretonia from the foreign hordes. Your forces would be operating beyond your borders with a long and vulnerable supply line. And it goes without saying that putting the bulk of your military in Maretonia would leave your Empire vulnerable in the event of an unexpected attack. A more measured response may be in order. The Grandmasters of the Imperial Knightly Orders have expressed their willingness to deploy in support of the Abolitionists and the Anti-Storm Alliance. Such a force of elite warriors could turn the tide of the conflict while still allowing you to depict your involvement as minimal. It may not be the overwhelming force that the Imperial Army can field, but it may be that a more flexible force is the better option. Cost: 4000. Time: One Year. Reward: The Knights of the Empire join the War Effort against Pegicles.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: The Expedition into Storm Country could have ended in disaster...but it didn't. Quite the opposite; it has already begun to be hailed as one of the greatest achievements of your military in recent memory. Such a triumph has done much to erase the stigma of similar missions, and some influential nobles and military figures have actually begun to petition for another such exploratory commission to be established. It might be a bit soon after the last one, but they say there's no time like the present. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

—[ ] Far South: Maretonia's coastal defenses have...languished as a result of the ongoing civil war. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.

—[ ] Far East: Both the Minotaurs and the Caribou have hinted at the existence of a land to the East, across the great ocean. But aside from these cryptic hints, you know little about this strange land. The journey will be long, but it is one you and your people must make if they are to have answers to the many questions that have been raised regarding this mysterious land.

ok, in order

1)We have absolutely no reason to explore more, so Cautious Curiosity is out

2)Knights of the Frontier is also obviously not a priority. Out.

3)Carracks could be of some use, but the main focus should likely be on land fighting. Probably out

4)We have enough problems with Maretonia to risk provoking the Yeti right now. Out.

5)I think we need to intervene. That means either sending the knights, or the whole army.

6)No matter what we should start doubling the army. If we're actually sending the whole army and not just the knights we should expedite the doubling as to have the new army ready.

Conclusion: In my opinion we should send the knights and start doubling the army. If the knights are not enough we can send the rest of the army the next turn.

IF we end up sending the army we should likely spend a personal action to complete the doubling in one turn.

: Gisa, fresh from her resolution of the Emerald Isles Crisis, is perhaps the most vocal opponent of an intervention in Maretonia, citing both the potential risks and the possibility of losing face and political capital on the world stage. She has spent much of the previous year conversing with the survivors of the Equestrian Expedition to Storm Country, and has been aggressively lobbying you for a mission to make contact with their home government and to return their people to them. (Three Actions Per Turn, One Action Locked)

-Libertalian Developmental Aid: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Libertalia fully abandons its previous reliance on Piracy, Increased Trade Income, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Year

[ ] Immigration Campaign: The addition of Magical Advisors to your court, and the memory of how much the integration of the Diamond Dogs improved your Kingdom, has led some to propose the idea of advertising abroad for immigrants, from Neighpon, Yakyakistan and Canterbury. You're not sure how many takers you'll get, but it can't hurt to try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: The seers and shamans of Yakyakistan have been a subject of interest to you ever since you learned that they had warned their people of the threat of Sombra long before encountering him themselves. In a way, they were partially responsible for your victory at the battle of Redstone, as well as your ensuing positive relationship with the Yak Clans. With the threat of Sombra now extinguished, you find yourself wondering what else these mystics may know...and if they might be willing to share this information with you. There's no harm in asking, right? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: First the Yak Shamans, now Queen Chevaline. Seriously, how many races can predict the future? Regardless, while the Seer of the Waters may not publish as many prophecies as the Yaks, her predictions tend to be less vague and more detailed. It appears that quality vs quantity is also a problem for prophets. Perhaps you could convince her to share any pertinent vision she may have regarding you or your nation? It might not be as easy as just asking though. Her prophecies are the Word of The Lady, and she might not be eager to share them with outsiders, not even allies. And, considering the actual source of said prophecies, they may not be trustworthy at all. Still, it may be worth a try to get some information that would otherwise be unattainable. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Emerald Isles Trade Delegation: The Emerald Dogs (as they have been popularly dubbed by the inhabitants of your Empire), have proven receptive to your diplomatic overtures, and the showcase of Griffon-made goods to the inhabitants of the islands was well received. All that remains is to sort out the details of a trade agreement with the Alphas and allow the wheels of commerce to start turning between your respective nations. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade Agreement with the Emerald Isles, New Source of Income. Chance of Success: 75%

[ ] YakYakistan Mutual Defense Pact: The world increasingly seems to be a more and more dangerous place. Between the developing situation in Maretonia, the revelations of Changelings in Canterbury, and the ever-present possibility of another outside context problem like Sombra suddenly emerging, threats to the Empire are as numerous as they are worrying. You are therefore not surprised when Gisa draws up a proposal for a mutual defense treaty with the Kingdom of YakYakistan. They are your neighbors, trade partners. You fought alongside each other against Sombra. And, though they themselves are loathe to admit it, you did help them abandon their previous nomadic lifestyles and allowed them to become a unified nation. It would only make sense to ally. Of course, the Yaks are as prideful as they are stubborn, and you suspect that the only thing that would annoy King Rutherford more than the thought of being reliant upon the Empire would be the thought of getting dragged into a war they would have otherwise not been a part of. Still, the arguments in favor are sound, and the thought of a line of Yaks charging down the Empire's foes has a distinct appeal to it. The recent discovery and agitation of the Yetis bordering YakYakistan has only added further urgency to this task. Time: One Year. Cost: 300. Reward: Defensive Pact with YakYakistan. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Confronting Canterbury: The revelation of Queen Phalanx, the Changelings, and the conspiracy behind Canterbury and the Church of the Lady has added a new dimension to your previous plans to privately confront the Royarch of Canterbury. Letting her know you know may provide additional information...or show your hand too early. While Rose has assured you that Queen Chevaline and Phalanx are two distinct individuals, neither of you are certain if the Monarch has any idea of the truth behind her nation's history. The risks of such a course of action are obvious, and Rose herself has cautioned you against it...but it may be worth a try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Result: ???

[ ] Canterlot Bound: The Equestrians have recovered from their treatment at the hands of the Yetis, and while they are eternally grateful for the aid and hospitality you and your people have shown, they have expressed their desire to return to their homeland. Returning the survivors of their "missing" expedition would doubtlessly allow you to make a good first impression. Send them home with an escort and a diplomatic team to establish proper first contact with the Equestrian Princesses. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Establish Contact with Equestria, Diplomatic Interlude.

[ ] Olenian Developmental Aid: Olenia has benefited a great deal from the introduction of Sugar Beets. For the first time, they have a valued trade good that is in high demand, giving their economy a much-needed boost and allowing them to abandon their destructive tradition of nautical raiding. But as far as they have come, they still have a ways to go in terms of development before they can hope to match even the poorest province of the Empire, or even the neighboring Emerald Isles. Gisa, along with several other nobles and business magnates, have approached you with a proposal: further invest in the Kingdom's development, similarly to how you invested in Libertalia to bolster it and ensure an end to the issue of piracy there. It will be a fair bit more difficult, and require a larger amount of funding from both you and private investors, but Gisa seems to think it's possible. The only real problem will be getting the Caribou to go along with it. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Olenian Economy/Infrastructure Upgraded, Increased Trade Income, Improved Relations with Olenia. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Indirect Maretonian Intervention: Gisa remains opposed to the idea of a direct intervention in Maretonia...but she's willing to acknowledge that you cannot simply stand by while Pegicles continues to ravage your Southern Neighbor. She has put forward another option as a compromise: hire mercenaries to support and supplement the Abolitionist and Royal Guard Forces. You've certainly got enough money for it. Sadly, most Griffon Mercenary Companies have been retired or disbanded since the formation of the Empire and the Winter War, so you'll have to rely upon foreign sell-swords. Though that still leaves you with plenty of options. Between the Minotaur Republics, YakYakistan, the Emerald Isles, Libertalia and Olenia, there's no shortage of places to hire fighters from. It's not an ideal solution, and the quality and quantity of troops will be sorely lacking in comparison to the Imperial Knights and professional soldiers you could have otherwise sent, but it's a far sight better than nothing, and it will allow you to maintain your hands-off approach to the civil war. You suppose you could hire mercenaries while also sending your own troops as well, if that's what you wanted. Cost: 6000. Time: One Year. Reward: Foreign Mercenaries Hired to Support the Abolitionists and the Anti-Pegicles Alliance.

[ ] The Iron Steppe: The existence of the Yetis of Storm Country has, predictably, stirred up the people of YakYakistan and sent King Rutherford scrambling to establish patrols and defenses along his kingdom's Western Border in anticipation of a raid or invasion by the newly discovered society of militant slavers. Perhaps you feel a little bit of guilt at poking the hornets nest that now threatens your neighbor and ally, or maybe you simply wish to ensure that your own territory remains untouched by slavers, but you feel that it would only be a good idea to offer the Yaks assistance in securing their borders. Your people have built a great reputation for their skill in the construction of fortresses and static defenses, and if combined with the indomitable strength of the Yaks you are certain that an impenetrable defensive line can be assembled, one strong enough to repulse even the most determined Yeti assault. Of course, the Yaks will have to agree to such a proposal. Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Chance of Success: 55%

starting from the red options:

1)I don't trust mercenaries (both their loyalty and their quality), and they also cost too much. I mean, 6000?!

2)Immigration Campaign is obviously not a priority.

3)prophecies.. I'm against them, but if I had to choose one I'd go with Chevaline. Yeah, maybe she doesn't actually have TRUE visions, but intel from the changeling might even be better, and she doesn't know that we know anyway, so we could take advantage of that and use the changelings to our advantage.

4)Emerald isle trade can wait, we have bigger fishes to fry.

5)In regards to the yak, fortification is in my opinion more important than the defense treaty. They're not likely to be attacked immediately, so we should prepare for the future.

6)We HAVE to contact Equestria. They're maybe the most important polity we could contact! I doubt anyone will disagree with me here.

7)Olenia can wait. We just helped them, and right now our focus should be on our continent.

Conclusions: Equestria is a must. After that I'd go with either the Yak defenses or, alternatively either the Yak defense treaty or Olenia.

Yak defenses is my clear preference though (AFTER Equestria)

: Frida's recent successes in modernizing the nation's infrastructure can be plainly seen from any window in the Palace after dark, as hundreds of Gaslamps burn brightly through the night, illuminating the Capital. Despite performing what many would consider the crowning achievement of their careers, your Steward shows no intention of taking it easy, putting forward yet more plans to improve the lives of your people and invest in the Empire's development, though at the moment much of her focus is currently upon the flood of refugees Pegicles' most recent offensive has produced. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Arcane College: Last year Frida, Merlin and the mixed team of Neighponese and Canterburian Magic Experts that inhabit your court established a curriculum of basic arcane education for the numerous schools scattered throughout your Empire...and just in time. The first generation of Hippogriffs are now coming into their abilities, and the subsidized texts and lesson plans distributed by the think tank have proven invaluable for parents and teachers throughout the Empire. But Merlin isn't done. He wants to set the stage for advanced magical education. He wants to build a Magic School to rival the one he established in Canterbury, an Arcane equivalent to the already world-renowned Crystal University. Naturally, such a thing will require time, land, funding, and a great deal of expertise. But if you want magic to become more than a curiosity in your Empire, such an expenditure will be necessary. Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked.

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: The woods of the Western Frontier (now dubbed Kestrella), while not quite as expansive and vast as the forests of the Imperial heartland, are still a potential resource and an ample supply of raw timber. Subsidize the establishment of logging camps and lumber mills in the newly settled territory. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

[ ] Crystal Forests: As the soil fertility and climate of the Crystal Protectorate begins to lend itself towards agriculture, some within the assembly have made an unusual proposal: the planting and cultivation of forests for the express purpose of providing the Protectorate with a domestic source of lumber. An unusual idea...but one worth exploring. Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.

[ ] Griffonstone Revitalization, Part 1: Griffonstone. The original Capital of the first Empire in the Pre-Discordian era. Despite its storied history, it has fallen a long way from the height of its grandeur centuries ago. The rise of Discord and the collapse of the ancient Empire spelled the end of the city's golden age, and ushered in a decline that has only recently been reversed. While the city has been experiencing an economic and population boom alongside the rest of your Empire, it still has a long ways to go before it can hope to even think of recapturing the glory of its past. But Gisa has ideas. Big, big ideas. Her magnum opus, she calls it. A new Griffonstone for a new era, a city to inspire and awe the world, a truly Imperial City. You took the first step with the construction of the Imperial War Memorial, but Gisa says that that is only a glimpse of what could be. Give her some funding and time, and see what she can do. Cost: 3000. Time: Two Years. Reward: First Stage of Griffonstone Revitalization.

ok, so

1)Magic university is a must. Too important to delay I think.

2)Griffinstone Revitalization... it's tempting, but it might be better to wait until after the war is over to start it (or at least not this turn). It's also pretty expensive, though I think we could easily afford it.

3)Crystal Forests would be a no for the simple reason that I don't want to put both actions on multi-turns projects. It's not like the Crystal empire actually NEEDS IT.

4) and so, great miracle, I think we MIGHT ACTUALLY TAKE ON OF LUMBER OF CLOTH MILLS!

Conclusion: Arcane College and one of Cloth Mills and Lumber. Probably cloth mills

: Though Archimedes has passed wizened and is now nearing ancient, he remains the greatest Scholar in the Empire, with Genevieve not far behind him. From what you hear, your son's friend Sebastian has made quite an impression upon the two with his sudden deluge of research notes and prototype inventions, some of which may even have Empire-wide applications. (Two Actions Per Turn, One Action Locked.)

-Maritime Steam Engines: Cost: 700. Time: Two Years. Reward: Progress towards Steam Ships. Will Finish This Year.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: The prospect of war with Maretonia (or what's left of it) has raised numerous concerns amongst the military. Your cannons, while effective at targeting enemies and destroying unreinforced architecture, may not be as effective against the enchanted walls and fortifications of Maretonia. Archimedes has proposed a potential solution: a weapon similar to a cannon, designed to lob projectiles over walls and other obstructions. While these weapons are unlikely to be as useful against mobile targets, they may prove a decisive advantage in siege warfare. Give Archimedes the go-ahead to try and build a few of these new weapons. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

[ ] Black-Steel Balls: With the sudden influx of Orichalcum from YakYakistan, you can now afford to produce additional weapons with antimagic properties. One of the weapons that your engineers have been particularly eager to attempt developing is one that will complement the powerful siege weapons that they've made in the past: Black-Steel cannonballs. Sadly, it is not as simple as swapping one metal for another. Black-Steel is notably denser and heavier than simple iron, and the procedures and calculations regarding the use of your cannons will have to be altered to accommodate these properties. Still, you're sure it's nothing Archimedes and his team can't handle. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs.

[ ] Better Breweries: Archimedes' Mushroom Moonshine is not just a popular beverage within the Empire, but a valued Trade good purchased by Yaks, Minotaurs and Qilin alike, netting your government a pretty penny in export duties. Genevieve has been going over the brewing process, and thinks she's come up with a few methods to improve it. Give her some funds and time to see if her theory is workable. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Trade Income due to Higher Quality Alcohol.

[ ] Airships-Commercial Refinement: The prototype Airship has proven itself a resounding success, and your engineers have learned a wealth of new information as they observe its performance. The test flights have generated quite a bit of attention as well, from both the common people and from the rich and influential. You've already had several nobles and business magnates inquire as to how or when they can get their talons on a sky ship of their own. As a former merchant, it's not hard for you to imagine the numerous commercial applications for the new technology. But Archimedes and Genevieve still think the design can be improved, turning the current testbed into a dedicated airborne cargo hauler. Have them prioritize that avenue of research. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.

[ ] Airships-Military Refinement: Of course, the transportation of goods and passengers isn't the only potential application for Archimedes latest innovation. No sooner did the airborne dirigible make its maiden flight than your military leadership took an interest in the possibility of flying warships. Unfortunately the current design is wholly unsuited for anything approaching combat. It's unarmed, slow, and not likely to survive a storm, nevermind a determined airborne assault. Have Archimedes and Genevieve work on drawing up a new set of blueprints for a military model. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Military Airships, New Options Unlocked.

[ ] Weaponized Steam Wheels?: Gawain's friend Sebastian has turned out a great deal of research and innovations lately. Some, like his ship-mounted swivel cannons, have already been proven and are now being adopted across the Empire. Others are of...questionable utility. And no, you're not talking about the chemical stimulant he nearly overdosed on. His...steam wheel...seems like more a curiosity than a useful creation...but Archimedes isn't so sure. Sebastian insists it could form the basis of a new weapons system, and his Idol seems to think the idea holds at least some promise. Well, only one way to find out. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: New Weapon System?

1)We're fighting Pegasi, so I don't expect Mortars to be that useful (they're likely to use more cloud-bases that actual fortresses).

2)Black Steel Balls would be nice if we sent the whole army though. After all there a chance they might be able to disrupt Pegicles' storms, though the winning move there is to stop him from starting one in the first place.

3)Airships. I'm in favour of the commercial option, as we could use them to trade with most countries (INCLUDING EQUESTRIA) immediately, while I don't think military airships would be that effective against pegasi. Also by the time they were ready for battle there's a decent chance of this war being over anyway.

They'll certainly be much more useful against the yeti though, or the Caribous if it comes down to it.

4)I'm admittedly curious about Sebastian's weapon, but I'm more interested in the airships right now. maybe next turn?

5)Breweries barely deserves attention right now. Maybe after we've completed at least both airship options. I'll admit it would be nice to get another high quality trade good, especially right when we're about to meet the equestrians, but we have better options right now.

Conclusion: Airships, commercial edition. Alternatively the military one, ESPECIALLY if we send the whole army. the airships would at the very least help our logistics, making sending food and supplies (and sending back the injured) easier.

: Ravenburg remains one of your busiest advisors, constantly keeping you informed of happenings and dangers inside and outside of the Empire. Between the rumblings in Canterbury, the developing Maretonian situation, maintaining security at home and keeping an eye on other developing situations abroad, your spymaster has his talons full. Thankfully he has Rose to serve as his assistant and advisor in matters of espionage...though the Changeling can at times be as much of a curse as she is a blessing. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Pegicles Storm has completely severed the trade route between House White Star and the Minotaur Republics. Naturally, this has also thrown Hoofbeard's plan for a dream heist completely out the window. Thankfully, your efforts to insert infiltrators into House White Star has paid dividends and opened up a new opportunity. Countess Copper Top had provided you with invaluable information regarding the status of House White Star's treasury...specifically, its gold reserves. To protect its wealth from enemies both within and without, House White Star does not keep all its funds in one place, and moves its stores of gold often. And, while she is not really supposed to have access to such information, Countess Copper Top does possess knowledge of several such shipments of gold and silver bullion. Knowledge which she has graciously shared with you. While Pegicles Storm has rendered some of this Intel obsolete, much if it still remains relevant, especially as the Countess continues to feed you Intel even as House White Star slowly crumbles.

Everything from the routes the carriages and barges shall take to the times of departure and the composition of the security detachments that shall escort the riches of House White Star has been provided to you. Several of these routes of transit are located on or near the coast, where the pirates of Libertalia could conceivably strike. It's not a treasure fleet, but its a viable alternative to the now sunk treasure fleet, if a more risky one. The fact that the abolitionists may be able to provide support to such a venture is just another reason to consider such an otherwise risky operation. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Weakening an Enemy of Pegicles', even an already weakened one like House White Star, seems a bit counterintuitive given recent events, but Ravenburg and Rose have both pointed out that making the old pirates drea, a reality is something you're likely never to get another chance at. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Gisa suspects that there's something up with the Minotaur Republics, and after hearing the detailed report on her journey to Labyrinthian, you're inclined to agree. Whether they simply didn't tell you everything or outright lied to your diplomats isn't clear, but you are almost certain that they're hiding something. See if Light Step is willing to act as a spy one last time and have him get to the bottom of this mystery. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Collegiate Reconsolidating: While the sack of Roam had many terrible consequences, one of the most keenly felt was the decimation of the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Having thrown their lot in with Marecinas at your urging, a great many Mages and arcane scholars perished in the battle for the city. The rest fled, scattering to the winds across Maretonia in a bid to escape Pegicles' wrath. Some made their way to Abolitionist territory to join Ambrosia and her fellow freedom fighters. Others slinked back to House White Star, finding refuge with Duke Haygle and his ever-shrinking Court. But most have gone off the grid entirely, vanishing into the throngs of "internally displaced persons" that now crowd the roadways of Maretonia. The arcane might of the former Colleges is now reduced and scattered across the region. If they're going to have any hope of posing a threat to Pegicles and his army, they're going to need to be reunified. Ravenburg's agents are standing ready to rustle up some sorcerers for the war effort. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Collegiate Mages rounded up out of hiding. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Plausible Deniability-Pegicles: Pegicles has gone too far. First the Storm, then the employment of scorched earth tactics, and now the sacking of Roam. His actions have directly resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians and untold devastation across Maretonia. Worse still is the fact that it appears to be working in his favor. At present, his own forces significantly outnumber the alliance of Abolitionists and Royal Guards that seek to oppose him, and he seems poised to sweep over all his remaining opposition and take control of what's left of Maretonia. You cannot allow that to happen. Rose, of all people, has stepped forward to propose a solution that is as radical as it is simple: kill Pegicles. Without him, House Storm will, if not collapse, then at least be rendered a shell of its former self, as his subordinates are either paralyzed with indecision or devolve into infighting. Some may even desert the cause entirely if they feel they can get away with it. Of course, this is easier said than done. Pegicles is paranoid, vigilant, ever-watchful for attempts on his life. He is never without a sizable bodyguard of elite, hoof-picked soldiers, and he rarely departs the airborne citadel of Mare-a-Thon. Several attempts to kill him have been made by his rivals and enemies, none of which have succeeded. Taking him out will require precision, planning, and more than a little bit of luck. It would also require you to place your trust in Rose, the only agent you have who is even capable of reaching the infamous warlord. Failure would likely mean her death, and the loss of your most valued intelligence asset. But if you succeed...the civil war might just come to an end. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Assassination of Pegicles. Chance of Success: 20%.

[ ] Plausible Deniability-Haygle: Of course, Pegicles isn't the only potential target. Duke Haygle, the head of House White Star, has been content to let the Abolitionists and Royal Guard bear the brunt of the House Storm onslaught, husbanding his remaining forces and waiting for an opportunity to wipe out his rivals for the throne he still hopes to claim. You doubt that he would ever willingly, openly ally himself with the Abolitionists, even to defeat his mortal enemy. Countess Copper Top, at this point the second most powerful noble in the White Star Faction and your most valued intelligence asset in Maretonia, would likely replace him in the event of his death. Removing him from the picture would allow her to take the reigns of House White Star and commit the mercenaries and mages in its employ to combating Pegicles alongside the Royal Guard and the Abolitionists, putting precious ponypower onto the frontlines of the conflict and adding strength to the Anti-Storm Alliance. Of course, assassinating him will not be easy. The Duke has already survived multiple attempts on his life by several of his fellow nobles, and Pegicles most recent offensive has only heightened his well-justified paranoia. Still, it will likely be easier to get to him than to get to Pegicles. You at least have some spies in House White Star that could assist Rose in her mission, or even do the deed themselves if need be. Still, it will be a risky mission. But the potential payoff might just be worth it. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Assassination of Duke Haygle. Chance of Success: 35%

[ ] Storm Chasers: The Yetis of Storm Country. A society of slavers with access to Orichalcum. To say you are concerned is an understatement. You need more solid intel on what's going on in that mountainous, monster-infested land. Redbeak has proposed a dramatic armed reconnaissance mission, but Ravenburg has always been your go-to Griffon for gathering intelligence. You need detailed information, preferably gathered without the knowledge of the locals, and only the Office of Imperial Intelligence can give you that. You have the fullest confidence in Ravenburg's agents to achieve their mission. They've never let you down before have they? Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Detailed Intelligence on Storm Country and the Yetis. Chance of Success: 40%

[ ] Etymological Studies: Thanks to Rose, Ravenburg, and more than a little good old fashioned dumb luck, you now have an intelligence asset planted within the Hive of Queen Phalanx herself. And just in time too; the timing of the newly declared Errantry war with the goal of purging Canterbury's forests seems just a bit too convenient. Rose's intel had led you to believe that the monster population was intentionally cultivated by the Changelings...what has changed? And what else is Phalanx up to that you don't yet know about? Activate your sleeper agent and see if you can get some answers. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel of Canterbury/Phalanx. Chance of Success: 60%.

1)Minotaurs: who cares right now? Not me, that's who!

2)Assassination: I'd avoid it. We don't want to risk Rose's life right now. Haygle is slightly more tempting as it has higher chances, but I don't think we'd want to risk it.

3)the heist: It's now or never. I'm in favour of now. More that for the money is to get Libertalia (through Hoofbeard) firmly on our side, and to definitely remove one faction from play. ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IF WE'RE GOING WITH A FULL ATTACK

4)Changelings: we want the info

5)Mages: they'd be a useful assets, probably worth it.

conclusions: either changelings + mages, or changelings + heist.
: The revelation of the true nature of the Church of the Lady of the Lake has brought new relevance to the issue of faith in your Empire. (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Holy Icons: Now that they have their artifacts and a grand temple, the Pantheists have begun producing religious icons by the boatload, that all who wish to bear the symbol of their faith may wear it around their necks or build a shrine in their own homes. Naturally, this requires a great deal of raw materials that are very much in demand, and the Pantheists are having a hard time getting their talons on enough metal to make all the icons that they want to. The representative upon the Council of Faiths has petitioned you for some manner of assistance. You suppose you could use your influence and a small part of the treasury to clear this production bottleneck and allow the Pantheists production project to progress. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Expanded Pantheist Influence.

[ ] Expanded Crystal Worship: The Crystal Disciples, though quite pleased with the growth of their faith in recent years, are still struggling to expand their influence beyond the Crystal City, something only compounded by the object of their worship being either unable or (as some assume) unwilling to leave the cities limits. The question of how to worship the central object of their religion without it being present is one that almost all of the disciples have been wrestling with, but a preacher by the name of Varado has come up with what he believes to be a solution after studying the Crystal Heart and the Runes upon it. A particular rune array, intended to be carved upon a miniaturized Crystal Heart that can be placed in shrines and houses of worship across the Empire. Supposedly, it would allow the "worship energy" from distant shrines to reach the Heart itself. In theory. Of course, the rune array is the work of a comparative novice, and the Disciples would appreciate some discretionary funding to produce a few of these miniature hearts for a sort of trial run, to see if the preacher's idea has merit. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Shrines outside the Crystal City. Expanded Crystal Disciples Influence.

[ ] Yak Shamans: The YakYakistani Faith has begun to surge in popularity recently, owing to the recent establishment of the first Runestone in the Empire by one of it's most renowned Shamans. A decent number of Griffons, Dogs and Ponies have joined their Yak neighbors in their religious rituals and worship...but this has come to pose its own problems. For there seems to be a critical shortage of actual shamans in the Empire, leaving the flocks of new converts without religious leaders to guide or instruct them in the tenets of their new faith. Overtures have been made to senior Shamans in YakYakistan, but many are reluctant to pull up roots and relocate to the Empire. A representative of the Council of Faiths has once again called upon you to intervene and use your influence to help resolve the situation. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Expanded Yak Shamanist Influence.

[ ] Seaside Shrines: While all natural phenomenon are associated with Kami, and all are important in their own way, the spirits of the winds and waters are regarded as particularly important by followers of Neighponese Spiritualism. Combine this with the fact that most of the practitioners of the Neighponese faith live on or near the coast, and it's fairly obvious what the first shrines they seek to build are going to be dedicated to. Unfortunately, the construction of the shrines is not a simple matter, for two reasons. The first is a matter of material; the followers of a religion originating in Neighpon naturally want materials from said nation to be used in their shrines, which means they'll have to go through the bureaucracy that is the Imperial Customs Office. The second and much larger issue is the fact that several of these shrines are intended to be built in or on the water itself, which may pose a navigational hazard for shallow-draft ships. Naturally, this is a bureaucratic nightmare of its own. The spiritualists would greatly appreciate it if you would grease the wheels of bureaucracy for them do that they can finally build their shrines. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.

[ ] The Imperial Creed: Now that the Imperial Cult and it's adherents have agreed on a singular doctrine, they are ready to begin truly spreading their faith across the Empire. But to do this, they will require a sacred text, a holy book to convey their message. Thankfully they already have one: the Lectitio Divinitatus, collaboratively written by several of the cult's founders. Unfortunately, they currently only have the one full copy, with a handful of excerpts transcribed by talon for congregations across the Empire. If they're going to make any headway in converting citizens to their faith, they're going to need to publish their scriptures. Unfortunately, they have been experiencing some difficulties in acquiring the services of bookmakers and printing presses, mostly because, due to their earlier doctrinal disputes, they were late to the holy book publishing party. It appears they'll need some help finding a publisher not already swamped with orders. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.

This is mostly a matter of preferences. I'd go with either Yaks or Crystal heart personally, but everyone has their own opinion on this.

conclusion: whatever

: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.

[ ] Imperial Priority: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Even for an Empire as prosperous as yours, money can be tight. Balancing the budget can be a difficult task at the best of times, but your prior experience as a Merchant has taught you many financial "magic tricks". Taking some time out of your busy schedule to squeeze a few extra coins out of the bureaucracy could be the difference between staying in the black and dipping into your reserve funds. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: While you possess a blade of forged Orichalcum for combat against magical threats, you still wear the blade forged when you were merely the King of Griffonia. Over the years, it has become as symbolic of you and your rule as your crown has. When Merlin cracked the code of the Runes upon the Crystal Heart, he sparked an idea in your mind: could such Runes be used to make your trusty blade more powerful? Only one way to find out. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.

[ ] A Gesture of Friendship: The Neighponese have been your closest allies since your battle against Sombra, their soldiers shedding their blood alongside yours in the streets of the Crystal City. You and your family have forged personal connections with your new friends from across the sea, from your son's friendship with the young Qilin Ki Seong, to Gwyndlyn's correspondence with the Emperor Ryuō himself. You feel it's important to show them that you value the relationship you have with your fellow Empire...and Hardbeak's Sword gives you an idea. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.

[ ] The Land of the Rising Sun: For years, Gwyndlyn has maintained correspondence with the Emperor of Neighpon, ever since the two first met during your people's first contact so many years ago. She has nurtured a great fascination with and appreciation for Neighponese art and culture, and speaks the language fluently. It therefore did not come as much of a surprise when she (somewhat bashfully) asked to journey to the island nation in person, to see the country that has for so long captured her attentions. Though your fatherly overprotective instincts are threatening to kick in, you can't begrudge her the opportunity. And Gisa has been repeatedly advising you to try and strengthen your diplomatic ties with your oldest and closest ally. You're sure Koryū would be delighted to host his longtime pen-pal. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gwyndlyn visits Neighpon. Potential for rewards and other developments.

[ ] Dynasty of Duelists: You admit, you'd had some misgivings about encouraging Gilda to pursue dueling of all things...but your youngest Daughter has taken to her new pastime like a duck to water, honing her reflexes and martial skill through many hours of sparring and drills, first against her Mother, then with the soldiers and knights of the Palace Guard. She's shown a natural talent for the blade, and while she lacks experience, you have no doubt that she could one day become as capable as any knight. Gilda has recently come forwards with proposal...well, more of an idea. In the course of her training, and search for suitable sparring partners of similar experience levels, she's made the acquaintance of several noble scions who also share a love of dueling and games of martial skill. These young Griffons, many of whom aspire to achieve knighthood or serve as officers in the military when they come of age, often organize informal tournaments and competitions to test their mettle and hone their abilities. Gilda, ever enthusiastic, has put forward the idea of officially recognizing these "combat clubs" by hosting a real tournament for aspiring young warriors, like the ones once hosted by kings in the days of old. You admit, the idea does appeal to a world as dangerous as this, it's never too early for the young to learn to defend themselves and others. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Grand Tournament Held. Potential fir further rewards and options.

[ ] Gleaming Generosity: The siege and resultant sacking of Roam forced tens of thousands of Refugees to flee the ruined city. Many have crossed over the border into the Empire, swelling the refugee camps as you and your people struggle to care and process yet another surge of desperate and displaced Ponies. Your daughter Pearl, perhaps owing to her own past as an orphan and the time she herself once spent in a refugee center, has taken a special interest in the care that the Maretonian Asylum seekers have been receiving, becoming their most visible and vocal supporter, using her influence and status to raise funds and combat the growing fears and concerns of those who question the wisdom of allowing so many Maretonians to settle in the Empire. She's even found a way to incorporate her hobbies of sculpture and art into her crusade, planning to host a charity auction for the benefit of those in need. Perhaps you should make an appearance? Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl Interlude, Maretonian Refugee Crisis Re-Addressed.

[ ] Getting to Know You More: Gawain has made some very interesting friends. Despite his new busy work schedule, he still goes out of his way to make time for them and maintain the connections he's made. You're happy to know your son has others which he can confide in and rely on, though you do wonder what sort of things they talk about when they meet. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain and Friends Interlude, potential for Further Rewards. (Does not cost an Action. May only be taken once per Turn.)

-Dueling Practice: In many ways, Ki Seong is a typical example of a Neighponese noble lady. She has spent much of her life being educated on the finer points of etiquette and can host an organize a tea ceremony fit for the Dragon Emperor himself. But Gawain knows better than to assume that she is a dainty flower of the Far East, for the young Qilin hides a core of steel and fire that would put any Griffon to shame. She is shockingly well versed in the realms of strategy, politics and diplomacy, and can wield a bow or blade as well as any professional soldier. It is this last quality that piques Gawain's interest. He does not often get the chance to spar with a talented opponent that will not hesitate to hold back against him because of his status. You're interested to see how he fares against the young Qilin.

-The Prince and the Lady: Ever since the Ball two years ago, Gawain and Isabelle have been virtually inseparable, spending every free moment together in between his duties and her newly invigorated social life. Ever since you'd shared a dance with the former outcast in front of the assembled nobility of the Empire, the normally shy young hen has found herself abruptly thrust into the center of numerous elite social circles, receiving invitations to all manner of clubs and parties where those who once shunned her now vie for her attention. Though Gawain doesn't often speak of what goes on during their few private moments together, you can take a guess...

1)Overtime and Imperial Priority are always valid options. Imperial Priority in particular is a must-have if we're going to send the army.

2)Creative Accounting and Rune-sword can safely be ignored

3)Gwindlyn's trip is a good option. I'd love to pair it with the sword-gift, but we really can't afford to because...

4)...because we REALLY need to readdress the Refugee crysis.

5)The tournament is NOT a priority, even if I'd enjoy it.

conclusions: Imperial Priority + Gleaming Generosity if we send the whole army. Gwindlyn + Generosity if not. I'm admittedly very tempted by gwindlyn + sword-gift, but I don't think it's wise to ignore Gleaming's idea.

Gawain doesn't really matter, but I'm favour of Ki Seong.

EDIT: I think I'll propose two plans: one for only sending the knights, and one for a full-out assault. I'm against assassination. Too risky, the chance of losing Rose is too high and we NEED her
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So far, we have been treating this war as a proxy war. That in itself isn't a problem, but the abolitionist faction on its own lacks both power and legitamacy. We could assassinate Pegicles, but the chances for that are too low. What if there was a way to get another faction under our pocket with more legitamacy and power?

Let's just change the leadership of House White Star with the help of a knife and install our agent as its new leader. House White Star is known for using mercs as their primary means of footing soldiers on the field. Any mercs we bank roll can just appear to be those hired by House White Star. We can also coordinate both the Abolitionists and the unicorns to better deal with House Storm.

If the alliance of the Abolitionists and House White Star were to fail, then the new head of House White Star can ask us for help to install her as Maretonia's rightful liege. This would give us a casus belli that doesn't make us look like oppotunistic land grabbers. Either our proxies finish the battle soon or we rightfully help install a rightful ruler onto Maretonia's throne.
On the other hand, who would trust him over us? To be fairly paid and not backstabbed or sent to die so he doesn't have to.

Do keep in mind that Pegicles did lose a lot of soldiers just so he can sack a city and not bother holding it. Mercenaries want to live so that they can get paid. Serving under a customer who would throw away their lives is unappealing to sell swords.

Not to mention that raiding Roam for its loot and not holding the city does not make Pegicles look like a rightful leader. It instead makes him look like a military tyrant taking advantage of the situation to better himself at the expense of Maretonia.
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I feel like people are placing to much opinion on the other nations seeing us as opportunistic land grabbers when I just can't see that being the case. Firstly nearly every other nation is allied or friendly to us in one way or another. Secondly the current leading faction in Maretonia is now seen as a warmongering civilian killing WMD using bastard who no one would mind seeing killed and thirdly Maretonia was hated by most to begin with so whose gonna care if we do march on their land to end this needless blood shed and save the civilians any more pain.
ok, I think I'll propose two plans.

The first decides "fuck it, we're going all in" and goes for a decisive war with overwhelming strenght. One way or another it will be over in one, two years tops.

We can spend up to

Treasury Reserves: 14,265

Net Income: 12,594

so, around 26,000.

[] Plan all our war
-[ ] Doubling the Guard: Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.
--[] Imperial Order.
-[] Direct Maretonian Intervention-Hammer: Cost: 6000. Time: One Year. Reward: War Interlude. The Full Might of the Empire descends upon Maretonia.
-[] Libertalian Developmental Aid: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Libertalia fully abandons its previous reliance on Piracy, Increased Trade Income, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
-[ ] Canterlot Bound: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Establish Contact with Equestria, Diplomatic Interlude.
-[ ] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Chance of Success: 55%
-[ ] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked.
-[ ] Cloth Mills: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.
-[ ] Black-Steel Balls: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs.
-[ ] Airships-Military Refinement: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Military Airships, New Options Unlocked.
-[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Weakening an Enemy of Pegicles', even an already weakened one like House White Star, seems a bit counterintuitive given recent events, but Ravenburg and Rose have both pointed out that making the old pirates drea, a reality is something you're likely never to get another chance at. Chance of Success: 65%
-[ ] Collegiate Reconsolidating: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Collegiate Mages rounded up out of hiding. Chance of Success: 65%
-[ ] Yak Shamans: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Expanded Yak Shamanist Influence.
-[ ] Gleaming Generosity: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl Interlude, Maretonian Refugee Crisis Re-Addressed.
-[ ] Getting to Know You More: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain and Friends Interlude, potential for Further Rewards. (Does not cost an Action. May only be taken once per Turn.)
--[]Dueling Practice

this plan is doing the following:

Martial: doubles the army IN ONE YEAR (overtime) and commits to a full assault

Diplomacy: Contacts Canterlot and starts building defenses on the Yak's front. We don't want any surprise while our soldiers are south.

Stewardship: we improve our magical education AND FINALLY take one of the two ever-present one year industrial improvements

Learning: Military focused: Black Steel balls against magic (to disrupt either cloud bases/formations or, hopefully, to disrupt hurricanes/tornados), and military airships in case the conflict lasts more than one year, to help logistics

Intrigue: We basically remove house white star from the competition, and satisfy Hoofbeard at the same time. Also we reform the Maretonian mage to get another strong asset in our favour. Changeling spying can probably wait a turn, what would learning about the reason of the monster purge even change for us right now? Unless they're invading us they're not an urgent problem, and I can't really imagine Phalanx trying THAT out of nowhere

Piety: I don't really care that much. I'm taking Shamans to hopefully help with our yak diplo, but I'm willing to change it.

...actually, I personally believe that Gawain's action and piety actions should be put outside the normal plans. They don't really synergize that much with anything else, and are the most subject to personal preferences instead of objective usefulness.

Personal: Imperial Order on the doubling the army. Refugee problem readdressed.

Gawain friend: Ki seong, but it's just my preference. I'm open to change both this and the piety action if I see most people want other ones.

I'll probably post a knight variant later. I'm against the assassinations, and I don't really trust mercenaries

EDIT: I just checked the cost. 22700. We CAN afford it, but it's admittedly a lot. Next turn should be a lot cheaper though, and we saved all this money for a reason. NOW it's the time to use it.

EDIT 2: Removed black steel balls. I had an extra learning action by mistake. I removed the balls instead of the airships because, in the end, they'd mostly be useful only against Pegicles hurricane (clouds would likely simply be too far to hit), and that's a maybe, while if the war somehow lasts more than one year having airships to move supplies will be invaluable.
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I'd say send Hardbeak and his men for this one. I don't want to risk looking like a warlord if we can help it, even though I doubt any of our allies would see it that way. Besides, it's Hardbeak. I think he's got this. I'd like to finally get Kestrella its Knights, but that's not a priority.
ok, I think I'll propose two plans.

The first decides "fuck it, we're going all in" and goes for a decisive war with overwhelming strenght. One way or another it will be over in one, two years tops.

We can spend up to

Treasury Reserves: 14,265

Net Income: 12,594

so, around 26,000.

[] Plan all our war
-[ ] Doubling the Guard: Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.
-[] Imperial Order.
-[] Direct Maretonian Intervention-Hammer: Cost: 6000. Time: One Year. Reward: War Interlude. The Full Might of the Empire descends upon Maretonia.
-[] Libertalian Developmental Aid: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Libertalia fully abandons its previous reliance on Piracy, Increased Trade Income, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Year
-[ ] Canterlot Bound: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Establish Contact with Equestria, Diplomatic Interlude.
-[ ] The Iron Steppe: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Chance of Success: 55%
-[ ] Arcane College: Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked.
-[ ] Cloth Mills: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.
-[ ] Black-Steel Balls: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs.
-[ ] Airships-Military Refinement: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Military Airships, New Options Unlocked.
-[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Weakening an Enemy of Pegicles', even an already weakened one like House White Star, seems a bit counterintuitive given recent events, but Ravenburg and Rose have both pointed out that making the old pirates drea, a reality is something you're likely never to get another chance at. Chance of Success: 65%
-[ ] Collegiate Reconsolidating: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Collegiate Mages rounded up out of hiding. Chance of Success: 65%
-[ ] Yak Shamans: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Expanded Yak Shamanist Influence.
-[ ] Gleaming Generosity: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl Interlude, Maretonian Refugee Crisis Re-Addressed.
-[ ] Getting to Know You More: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain and Friends Interlude, potential for Further Rewards. (Does not cost an Action. May only be taken once per Turn.)
--[]Dueling Practice

this plan is doing the following:

Martial: doubles the army IN ONE YEAR (overtime) and commits to a full assault

Diplomacy: Contacts Canterlot and starts building defenses on the Yak's front. We don't want any surprise while our soldiers are south.

Stewardship: we improve our magical education AND FINALLY take one of the two ever-present one year industrial improvements

Learning: Military focused: Black Steel balls against magic (to disrupt either cloud bases/formations or, hopefully, to disrupt hurricanes/tornados), and military airships in case the conflict lasts more than one year, to help logistics

Intrigue: We basically remove house white star from the competition, and satisfy Hoofbeard at the same time. Also we reform the Maretonian mage to get another strong asset in our favour. Changeling spying can probably wait a turn, what would learning about the reason of the monster purge even change for us right now? Unless they're invading us they're not an urgent problem, and I can't really imagine Phalanx trying THAT out of nowhere

Piety: I don't really care that much. I'm taking Shamans to hopefully help with our yak diplo, but I'm willing to change it.

...actually, I personally believe that Gawain's action and piety actions should be put outside the normal plans. They don't really synergize that much with anything else, and are the most subject to personal preferences instead of objective usefulness.

Personal: Imperial Order on the doubling the army. Refugee problem readdressed.

Gawain friend: Ki seong, but it's just my preference. I'm open to change both this and the piety action if I see most people want other ones.

I'll probably post a knight variant later. I'm against the assassinations, and I don't really trust mercenaries
this pretty much gets my vote because no offense but I'm frankly sick and tired of dealing with Maretonia it's time to end it. It's gone on long enough and we can decide what to do with it after the crazed murder is overthrown.
Offering up my own plan. The key points being directly intervening with the war and several other actions to negate the negative view on us.

Why direct intervention? Because in this plan we are playing the heist againts White Star and not assasinating Pegicles thus making me feel just sending in mercenaries to not be enough beside their price and untrustworthiness.

Why? Because this is most likely our last chance in consolidating Hoofbeard place in Libertalia and assasinating Pegicles would be Too Convenient for us.

Maretonia became like this in the first place because of the previous ruler assasination just after our 'massive property theft'. And then suddenly before Pegicles seem to won he was assasinated too? Even if his assasination attempt had been conducted daily by all sort of parties, it would still very easy to blame us to be responsible for both assasination if we send an army in as it's open secret already that we have hands in this war. So no. I think something like this needs an open clear ending. Having the abolitionists and the surviving Guard that is supported by our knights ending the war and executing Pegicles for his crime is our best choice to me.

Of course there was still the negative impact on us sort of invading Maretonia. That's why we only send in the Knights to Support The Anti-Storm alliance and having many actions that would improve our relations to other nation such as sending back the Equestrians, giving massive support to Oleneia living condition, help building a wall for the Yakks, firming our position in Libertalia with Hoofbeard, raising the Neighponeses religion in our country, and giving in our direct attention on the Maretonian refugee.

That's all. Here's the full plan and it would cost us 14.400 out of the 14.260 in our inventory and out of our total budget of 26.500. Note that Overtime action is for Canterlot Bound.

[ ] Plan: Direct and Relations
-[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: In a bid to quickly swell the Empire's troop numbers in preparation for a future conflict with Maretonia, Redbeak has made a radical proposal: the recruitment of foreign volunteers. These foreign born soldiers would serve for several years in the military of Gryphus in exchange for citizenship, bringing their own unique skills and abilities to your military. Such an idea is not without merit, you must admit. You figure there's no harm in giving Redbeak the funds to give it a try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.
-[ ] Direct Maretonian Intervention-Sword: Of course, there are reasons not to go into the conflict with such a heavy talon. The deployment of the entire Imperial Army could be viewed as an invasion, the prelude to a land-grab, something that could bolster Pegicles' cause and turn him into a hero fighting to save Maretonia from the foreign hordes. Your forces would be operating beyond your borders with a long and vulnerable supply line. And it goes without saying that putting the bulk of your military in Maretonia would leave your Empire vulnerable in the event of an unexpected attack. A more measured response may be in order. The Grandmasters of the Imperial Knightly Orders have expressed their willingness to deploy in support of the Abolitionists and the Anti-Storm Alliance. Such a force of elite warriors could turn the tide of the conflict while still allowing you to depict your involvement as minimal. It may not be the overwhelming force that the Imperial Army can field, but it may be that a more flexible force is the better option. Cost: 4000. Time: One Year. Reward: The Knights of the Empire join the War Effort against Pegicles.
-[ ] Canterlot Bound: The Equestrians have recovered from their treatment at the hands of the Yetis, and while they are eternally grateful for the aid and hospitality you and your people have shown, they have expressed their desire to return to their homeland. Returning the survivors of their "missing" expedition would doubtlessly allow you to make a good first impression. Send them home with an escort and a diplomatic team to establish proper first contact with the Equestrian Princesses. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Establish Contact with Equestria, Diplomatic Interlude.
-[ ] Olenian Developmental Aid: Olenia has benefited a great deal from the introduction of Sugar Beets. For the first time, they have a valued trade good that is in high demand, giving their economy a much-needed boost and allowing them to abandon their destructive tradition of nautical raiding. But as far as they have come, they still have a ways to go in terms of development before they can hope to match even the poorest province of the Empire, or even the neighboring Emerald Isles. Gisa, along with several other nobles and business magnates, have approached you with a proposal: further invest in the Kingdom's development, similarly to how you invested in Libertalia to bolster it and ensure an end to the issue of piracy there. It will be a fair bit more difficult, and require a larger amount of funding from both you and private investors, but Gisa seems to think it's possible. The only real problem will be getting the Caribou to go along with it. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Olenian Economy/Infrastructure Upgraded, Increased Trade Income, Improved Relations with Olenia. Chance of Success: 60%
-[ ] The Iron Steppe: The existence of the Yetis of Storm Country has, predictably, stirred up the people of YakYakistan and sent King Rutherford scrambling to establish patrols and defenses along his kingdom's Western Border in anticipation of a raid or invasion by the newly discovered society of militant slavers. Perhaps you feel a little bit of guilt at poking the hornets nest that now threatens your neighbor and ally, or maybe you simply wish to ensure that your own territory remains untouched by slavers, but you feel that it would only be a good idea to offer the Yaks assistance in securing their borders. Your people have built a great reputation for their skill in the construction of fortresses and static defenses, and if combined with the indomitable strength of the Yaks you are certain that an impenetrable defensive line can be assembled, one strong enough to repulse even the most determined Yeti assault. Of course, the Yaks will have to agree to such a proposal. Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Yak-Storm Border Fortified, Improved YakYakistani Relations. Chance of Success: 55%
-[ ] Arcane College: Last year Frida, Merlin and the mixed team of Neighponese and Canterburian Magic Experts that inhabit your court established a curriculum of basic arcane education for the numerous schools scattered throughout your Empire...and just in time. The first generation of Hippogriffs are now coming into their abilities, and the subsidized texts and lesson plans distributed by the think tank have proven invaluable for parents and teachers throughout the Empire. But Merlin isn't done. He wants to set the stage for advanced magical education. He wants to build a Magic School to rival the one he established in Canterbury, an Arcane equivalent to the already world-renowned Crystal University. Naturally, such a thing will require time, land, funding, and a great deal of expertise. But if you want magic to become more than a curiosity in your Empire, such an expenditure will be necessary. Cost: 2500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial College of Magic Constructed. New Options Unlocked.
-[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.
-[ ] Airships-Commercial Refinement: The prototype Airship has proven itself a resounding success, and your engineers have learned a wealth of new information as they observe its performance. The test flights have generated quite a bit of attention as well, from both the common people and from the rich and influential. You've already had several nobles and business magnates inquire as to how or when they can get their talons on a sky ship of their own. As a former merchant, it's not hard for you to imagine the numerous commercial applications for the new technology. But Archimedes and Genevieve still think the design can be improved, turning the current testbed into a dedicated airborne cargo hauler. Have them prioritize that avenue of research. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Designs for Commercial Airships. New Options Unlocked.
-[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Pegicles Storm has completely severed the trade route between House White Star and the Minotaur Republics. Naturally, this has also thrown Hoofbeard's plan for a dream heist completely out the window. Thankfully, your efforts to insert infiltrators into House White Star has paid dividends and opened up a new opportunity. Countess Copper Top had provided you with invaluable information regarding the status of House White Star's treasury...specifically, its gold reserves. To protect its wealth from enemies both within and without, House White Star does not keep all its funds in one place, and moves its stores of gold often. And, while she is not really supposed to have access to such information, Countess Copper Top does possess knowledge of several such shipments of gold and silver bullion. Knowledge which she has graciously shared with you. While Pegicles Storm has rendered some of this Intel obsolete, much if it still remains relevant, especially as the Countess continues to feed you Intel even as House White Star slowly crumbles. Everything from the routes the carriages and barges shall take to the times of departure and the composition of the security detachments that shall escort the riches of House White Star has been provided to you. Several of these routes of transit are located on or near the coast, where the pirates of Libertalia could conceivably strike. It's not a treasure fleet, but its a viable alternative to the now sunk treasure fleet, if a more risky one. The fact that the abolitionists may be able to provide support to such a venture is just another reason to consider such an otherwise risky operation. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Weakening an Enemy of Pegicles', even an already weakened one like House White Star, seems a bit counterintuitive given recent events, but Ravenburg and Rose have both pointed out that making the old pirates drea, a reality is something you're likely never to get another chance at. Chance of Success: 65%
-[ ] Collegiate Reconsolidating: While the sack of Roam had many terrible consequences, one of the most keenly felt was the decimation of the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Having thrown their lot in with Marecinas at your urging, a great many Mages and arcane scholars perished in the battle for the city. The rest fled, scattering to the winds across Maretonia in a bid to escape Pegicles' wrath. Some made their way to Abolitionist territory to join Ambrosia and her fellow freedom fighters. Others slinked back to House White Star, finding refuge with Duke Haygle and his ever-shrinking Court. But most have gone off the grid entirely, vanishing into the throngs of "internally displaced persons" that now crowd the roadways of Maretonia. The arcane might of the former Colleges is now reduced and scattered across the region. If they're going to have any hope of posing a threat to Pegicles and his army, they're going to need to be reunified. Ravenburg's agents are standing ready to rustle up some sorcerers for the war effort. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonian Collegiate Mages rounded up out of hiding. Chance of Success: 65%
-[ ] Seaside Shrines: While all natural phenomenon are associated with Kami, and all are important in their own way, the spirits of the winds and waters are regarded as particularly important by followers of Neighponese Spiritualism. Combine this with the fact that most of the practitioners of the Neighponese faith live on or near the coast, and it's fairly obvious what the first shrines they seek to build are going to be dedicated to. Unfortunately, the construction of the shrines is not a simple matter, for two reasons. The first is a matter of material; the followers of a religion originating in Neighpon naturally want materials from said nation to be used in their shrines, which means they'll have to go through the bureaucracy that is the Imperial Customs Office. The second and much larger issue is the fact that several of these shrines are intended to be built in or on the water itself, which may pose a navigational hazard for shallow-draft ships. Naturally, this is a bureaucratic nightmare of its own. The spiritualists would greatly appreciate it if you would grease the wheels of bureaucracy for them do that they can finally build their shrines. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
-[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.
-[ ] Gleaming Generosity: The siege and resultant sacking of Roam forced tens of thousands of Refugees to flee the ruined city. Many have crossed over the border into the Empire, swelling the refugee camps as you and your people struggle to care and process yet another surge of desperate and displaced Ponies. Your daughter Pearl, perhaps owing to her own past as an orphan and the time she herself once spent in a refugee center, has taken a special interest in the care that the Maretonian Asylum seekers have been receiving, becoming their most visible and vocal supporter, using her influence and status to raise funds and combat the growing fears and concerns of those who question the wisdom of allowing so many Maretonians to settle in the Empire. She's even found a way to incorporate her hobbies of sculpture and art into her crusade, planning to host a charity auction for the benefit of those in need. Perhaps you should make an appearance? Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl Interlude, Maretonian Refugee Crisis Re-Addressed.
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this pretty much gets my vote because no offense but I'm frankly sick and tired of dealing with Maretonia it's time to end it. It's gone on long enough and we can decide what to do with it after the crazed murder is overthrown.
me too honestly

We tried diplomacy. We tried supporting friendly factions.

Pegicles continued to escalate.

Very well, let us show him what it means to awaken the sleeping giant.

Just one warning: we're spending more than 22,000 (doubling the army is 3,000*2, the attack is 6,000...) this way. We can afford it, but next turn we should focus some more on improving the economy instead, with trading airships, alcohol, trading and such.
That's all. Here's the full plan and it would cost us 14.200 out of the 14.260 in our inventory. Note that Overtime action is for Canterlot Bound.
note that we can also spend from the income, so the total is close to 26,500.

also I think you should remove the space in the hoofbeard action, or the tally might not count the plan as a unique block/vote
At the very least, if we go in personally, let's do Sword, and not Hammer.
Leaving the homeland vulnerable is a very stupid move.
At the very least, if we go in personally, let's do Sword, and not Hammer.
Leaving the homeland vulnerable is a very stupid move.
What exactly are we leaving it vulnerable to? Sure the yetis are a thing but we have the yaks between us to give us time if nothing else besides it's no use to half ass a war might as well go full in and end it quickly and with little bloodshed.
What exactly are we leaving it vulnerable to? Sure the yetis are a thing but we have the yaks between us to give us time if nothing else besides it's no use to half ass a war might as well go full in and end it quickly and with little bloodshed.
Quite possibly a Changeling plot thing.
Or the Minotaurs, or maybe even the Caribou.
The point is, why risk it?
Quite possibly a Changeling plot thing.
Or the Minotaurs, or maybe even the Caribou.
The point is, why risk it?
Firstly I seriously doubt the Minotaurs are gonna do anything and secondly why risk it is exactly how we got to this situation. We have been half assing this whole time and it's gotten us deeper and deeper down this rabbit whole of a mess it's time to go full in and end this war once and for all.
Firstly I seriously doubt the Minotaurs are gonna do anything and secondly why risk it is exactly how we got to this situation. We have been half assing this whole time and it's gotten us deeper and deeper down this rabbit whole of a mess it's time to go full in and end this war once and for all.
You never put all your eggs in one basket if you can help it.
At the very least, if we go in personally, let's do Sword, and not Hammer.
Leaving the homeland vulnerable is a very stupid move.
the only vaguely reasonable threat are the changelings/Canterbury, and that would require Phalanx to give up any pretense and attack us directly. She has quite literally no reason to as of right now. Their threat is mostly an intrigue one, not a military one, at least at the moment.

The yeti are too far away and it's very unlikely they'll attack soon anyway, and I'm also building fortifications there anyway.

The Caribous are too far away as well. They'd rather attack the Emerald Dogs again, or even Neighpon. We're just too far to be worth it, especially after we just helped them

The minotaurs are mostly a collection of city-states. I can't see them attacking us, and if they did either we or, if we weren't ready, Neighpon, would destroy them.

The Yeti and Neighpon are allies. Canterbury too, for the moment. Libertalia doesn't have the strenght OR a reason to consider it.

Pegicles can't afford to send his own armies that far away.
Quite possibly a Changeling plot thing.
Or the Minotaurs, or maybe even the Caribou.
The point is, why risk it?
because the changelings wouldn't attack openly, and the minotaurs and the Caribou don't have a reason to. If they did our militia would likely be able to hold things long enough for us to recall our army back, and THEN we'd destroy the offender.

Attacking us would be a suicide move for anyone right now
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note that we can also spend from the income, so the total is close to 26,500.

also I think you should remove the space in the hoofbeard action, or the tally might not count the plan as a unique block/vote
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll change the lumberjacks with the clothmill as that is the only thing that I interested in that would go over the inventory budget.

Why I go to the Foreign Legion over the Double Army is because we are currently swarming with refugee that is without jobs. Recruiting them to me is cheaper and would give our army with more diversity and specialy. It would also let us not to worry too much about what to do with some of the refugee in the future.

As for Griffonstone, to me it's bad taste to be revitalizing it in the critical point of war.
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You forget we have the home militia which if I remember correctly has a bonus of fighting at regular troop level when defending the homeland so we're not left completely defenseless.
plus we could always ask for help from our allies or recall the army if it was truly needed, but again I can't really see any of the other polities attacking us right now.

There are only two possible attackers, and both are horribly unlikely

1)changelings though Canterbury. It would have to be an unprovoked attack that would attract the attention of all their neighbours on them. They'd never do it when we haven't done anything openly hostile.

MAYBE Phalanx might consider it if she knew we knew of her, but I doubt it. What stops us from revealing the changelings if she pushes us?

2)The Minotaurs. It would require their "secret" to be something very dark to give them a valid reason though. They're also a collection of city-states, so they're unlikely to be able too coordinate an attack without provocation.
I wonder if there is a way to help with post-war repatriation. Once much of the fighting is down, there will be need for rebuilding, and those that wish to return home have a money-making opportunity there. It is fine if they are staying here though.

I just meant that there are going to be those that wish to return or to capitalize on that after the war.
Yea i say to go in directly given the lack of coalition options.

We basically off White Star with a heist, rebuild college of magic in Maretonia and end it in one quick war as this war is becoming more of a resource drain than it needs to be at which point it's far more practical to end it quickly, change some border territories as compensation and leave friendly government in power in which we can later invest to nullify any negative consequences.

I also advise that if we go with this action we take Yak and Neighpon related actions to assure our neighbors, Equestria is nice but home front has priorities.